Dear Readers,

I am just telling you now this is a Smut fic, you'll find almost nothing but porn past this point. Don't like? Stop reading, you've been warned.

That being said there is a storyline, but it takes a back seat to the lemons. That is all we have for news, now for this first chapter we have one big present to all the White Rose shippers!

(Weiss-X-Ruby, includes: Futa, Happy Sex, Cumshot)

"Meteorologists predict at least eight feet of snow to stick to Vale streets within the coming week. Residents are advised to stock on supplies now because as the temperature plummets we're unsure exactly when it will be safe to step outside again."

Weiss Schnee sighs as she shuts down the video on the computer in front of her, and leans forward on her elbows. That news broadcast had been sent out two days ago so classes were canceled in advance. Most of the students have gone home to make sure their families are well prepared for the oncoming winter storm. Collecting her bag she heads out of the library, brushing out the skirt of her school uniform as she muses to herself."A winter storm of this magnitude at sea level... No wonder people are in such a panic. If Atlas wasn't used to this kind of weather I'd be a bit more worried too."

Though she does worry about her family back in Atlas, despite their history. If things are this bad here then who knows how bad things could be back there. She's pulled out of her thoughts though when almost literally she bumps into Blake.

"Oh, hey Weiss," Blake says, apparently she had been equally lost in thought.

"Good afternoon," Weiss replies with a tilt of her head. "Is... Everything alright?" And is it her imagination, or does that question make her blush a little?

Blake rubs the back of her neck, "Well... I'm missing a book from my collection... Yang says she didn't touch it so..."

Weiss nods slowly, "I see... Well I didn't take it. If I see Ruby I'll ask her."

"Thanks," Blake says with a small smile, and then both girls continue on their way.

"Run! Make a break for it!" Yang charges down the hallway, she trips and slides a few inches on her face.

Ruby slowly walks after Yang. "...all I asked was if you wanted to do some reading..."

"You will not drag me back into the text books! I will not allow it!"

Weiss watches the scene with a sweat drop going down the side of her head. "…Um..."

Yang gets up and hides behind Weiss, the fact that she was hiding behind a much smaller girl was a good sign she wasn't thinking properly.

Weiss pinches the bridge of her nose as she walks towards Ruby, "Excuse me Ruby, but I just ran into Blake. It seems she's missing a certain book from her collection…?" She puts her hands on her hips with a raised eyebrow.

"U-um... I wouldn't know where that would be!" Ruby answers cheerfully.

Yang points accusingly at Ruby. "Evil..."

Weiss turns on Yang with an annoyed look. "Look, why don't you go bother someone else? See if you can bug Ren to snapping faster than Nora or something!"

Yang laughs and puts her hands on her sides. "If I did that, who would bother you, princess?"

Ruby raises her hand slowly.

Yang points at Ruby's raised hand. "Thank you for volunteering, sis!"

"I didn't mean-!"

"Yang beat it or else you'll wake up tomorrow morning frozen to your bunk," Weiss suddenly snarls in irritation, the look she gives Yang would turn the taller blond to fine red mist if looks could kill.

"You could try, but you'd fail!" Yang leaves them alone anyway.

Ruby opens her mouth to say something, but nothing comes out.

Weiss sighs, and leans back against the wall as she rubs her face into her hands. She's been in a bad mood all day since... She steers her mind away from that train of thought as she turns to Ruby, "I'm sorry... What were you trying to say?"

"Well...I was going to have Yang explain a book to me, not really study. But..." Ruby laughs nervously. "Guess I'm on my own now!"

Weiss frowns in confusion. Ruby wants advice on something she read, and she goes to Yang... Yang of all people, rather than Blake, or Weiss, both of which are obviously more studious than Yang will ever be. Weiss can't help feeling equally offended, and curious about this.

"What is it you wanted to know? Maybe I can help," she offers, trying to regain her civility.

"U-um-!" Ruby sputters as she tries to think of an answer. "It's...a sister thing?" She answers, hoping for the incredibly small chance that Weiss would not push any further. She wasn't betting on her luck in any form at this point.

Weiss furrows her eyebrows, and then her eyes go wide with a sudden realization. "Um...Ruby... Has anyone ever given you... The Talk...?"

Ruby tilts her head in confusion. "The what? I was just going to ask Yang about this book because I have no idea what's happening in it." She holds up Blake's missing book of hardcore smut. Her eyes narrow when she realizes she spilled her beans. "Crap."

Weiss walks past her, and then grabs Ruby by the hood as she starts dragging her back towards their bedroom. If someone is going to teach this girl about the birds, and the bees of life it is not going to be someone as immature as Yang. And so being the ever-responsible team member of Team RWBY she elects to take the responsibility upon herself.

"Weiss? Am I in trouble?" Ruby asks innocently.

Weiss says nothing as she takes Ruby to the bedroom, and locks the door behind them. The curtains are draw, the window closed, and she sets Ruby on the floor between the two amateurishly built bunk beds as she takes a seat on her own bed. Weiss then takes a moment to brush a lock of hair out of her face, tucking it behind an ear as she asks, "Now... What are your questions?" She gives Ruby a patiently expectant look as she folds her hands in her lap.

Ruby just sits awkwardly where she was left. "Um..." She slides Blake's book to Weiss. "Chapter two..."

Weiss picks it up, and reads it carefully...

"Between putting the bigger thing in the smaller thing and all the vocalization, there is not a thing there that makes any sense to me." Ruby adds.

It makes all too much sense to Weiss, and she's grateful to whoever invented sports tape so that her body reacts without giving away her... secret...

"Um... O-okay Ruby... First what you need to realize is that this story is fiction, entertainment for... A particularly mature audience," Weiss says as her cheeks turn pink.

"But I'm mature!" Ruby huffs in annoyance. "I don't need help to grow up! I drink milk!"

That brings an unbidden mental image to Weiss' imagination involving something else Ruby could be drinking... Consisting less of calcium, and more of protein. She quickly coughs into a fist, and wonders just what is wrong with her. A slight throb on her hips tells her just what, and she's starting to think this was a bad idea... But in for a penny, in for a dollar as the saying goes.

"To properly explain this," Weiss continues. "One much first learn the answer to a question every kid asks their parents at some point... Where do babies come from?"

"...Yang told me a man named 'Chuck Norris' vomits them out and places them under the kitchen sink." Ruby tilts her head curiously. "Was she lying?"

Weiss facepalms, "…She was probably joking, or dodging the question. No, that's not how babies are born... You know what it means for a woman to be pregnant right?"

"Yang tells me it's the sign that Chuck is preparing to vomit up a mother's new baby, but by this point, I'm pretty sure none of that information is salvageable." Ruby taps her chin as she thinks.

"No Ruby, Chuck Norris has nothing to do with it," Weiss groans. "You see... When a man, and a woman do something called "Sex" then it puts the seed for a baby inside a woman's womb. Then over the course of nine months the baby grows in her lower belly, and she gives birth... Hold on a second."

She walks over to a shelf of textbooks, and pulls out a biology one. A quick scan of the index shows her the pages she wants, and she flips to them. Nodding she sits on the bed, and pats the mattress next to her. "Alright, c'mere Ruby."

Ruby speeds over to Weiss's side. "Oh thank god... I knew Yang was just being stupid in some way..."

The pages show a detailed colored diagram of the anatomy of the reproductive system. Weiss takes a few minutes to point to the relevant organs, and explain how they function in the process.

"So in short a baby isn't born until a man puts helis sperm inside a woman through sex," Weiss says with a nod. "Even then there's a chance it won't happen, fertilization is a bit random that way."

"So this is-?" Ruby holds up Blake's book and stares at it for a few moments. "Eep!" She drops the book with a shiver.

"Fiction," Weiss says as she recovers the book to check it for damage. "You see people want to read about this stuff because sex is actually quite pleasurable. Perhaps the most intense pleasure you're ever likely to feel." As she talks she puts away the text book, and slips Blake's book under the Faunus' pillow where she's likely to find it.

"...then why would Yang give me a half-assed piece of garbage instead of explaining properly?" Ruby asks, not knowing the obvious fact that Yang simply wanted her to keep looking innocent.

"Probaly the big sister in her trying to protect your innocence," Weiss says. "You see... A lot of jerks, like Cardin maybe, would take advantage of a girl for sex. Like I said, it's the most pleasurable thing you're likely to experience, and so some people don't care how they get their pleasure out of it even if it feels terrible to other people... This is commonly called Rape by the way."

"...can you do it to me?" Ruby asks, too innocent to know just what she was asking.

Weiss trips, and falls flat on her face. Her own fault for wearing heels. She looks up at Ruby in shock, "Wh-WHAT?!"

"Well you said it was pleasurable, and I'm still curious so..." Ruby still looks as innocent and adorable as ever, the very idea of what she was asking apparently not in her own head.

Oh no, if Ruby goes around looking for sex because of this Yang is going to throttle the both of them!

And it's not that Weiss doesn't want to... she really, really does... But if he tries, and gets carried away not only will her secret be exposed, but Yang will not only throttle, but crucify Weiss as well. What should she do?!

"Ruby... Sex is something very private, and personal. Most people don't even do it until after they're married." A lie, Weiss is willing to bet most the students here are having premarital sex with classes canceled, but she has to salvage this. "And... Well... The first time hurts I hear... Quite a bit... And I'm not sure I'm the best person to be your first… A girl's first time is her most precious gift, and should only be given to someone they sincerely love..."

"B-but... What have something for you, Weiss?" Ruby blushes and looks down at her lap nervously.

Weiss is frozen in place at those words. "…What...?"

"I-I... Well I..." Ruby speeds over to Weiss and gives her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Hehe~?"

Weiss stumbles back with a heavy blush, and leans on the wall with a look of surprise. Carefully she touches the spot where Ruby had kissed her, thinking about actually considering this now... Ruby is inexperienced enough she might just accept how Weiss is despite her... condition... so... It could be worth a shot.

With a gulp she says, "Ruby... Please sit down... there... There's something I need to tell you..."

Ruby sits back down on Weiss's bed. " I in trouble?"

"You will be if you ever tell a soul about this," Weiss says seriously.

"Lips are sealed!" Ruby responds immediately.

Weiss sighs, "…I...I'm not like most girls. I'm what's called a hermaphrodite... Meaning I was born with both sets of sex organs." She tries to gauge the expression on Ruby's face, but keeps glancing away out of embarrassment.

"So you have both the big thing and the little thing?" Ruby asks, still referring to the same phrasing she used before.

Weiss facepalms, "…Basically yes...It's a little more complicated... I do have "jewels" as men like to call them, but they're internal right by my ovaries... And you're okay with this...?"

Ruby shrugs. "Am I supposed to not be ok with it?"

Weiss rubs her neck, "Well… It... It's not that common... And it does come with some issues..."

"...I don't see why it would." Ruby eyes Weiss curiously. " wanna show me?" She was just as oblivious as she was with every previous question.

Weiss folds her hands over her crotch with a blush, "Just... I will, okay? Just hear me out..."

"What is there left to hear?" Ruby lays down on Weiss's bed lazily.

"Well for one thing I can't get pregnant," Weiss says bitterly. "I have the hormones of a man, and a woman pumping in me so my ovaries are pretty much dead... Man parts work fine though so if I wanted I could probably be a... father..."

"And how is that important? To me you're just Weiss! The prettiest girl on Remnant!" Ruby doesn't move from her place on Weiss's bed.

Weiss walks over to the bed with a frown as she puts her hands on Ruby's shoulders, "Do you have any idea what getting pregnant could do to your chances of becoming a Huntress? You wouldn't be able to train, or go on missions. You might have to drop out of Beacon entirely!"

"...well, we can just be...careful with it?" Ruby suggests, still not quite understanding the situation.

Weiss pinches the bridge of her nose, "…You're not going to let this go, are you?"

"Nope!" Ruby chirps.

Weiss sighs as she steps back, "Alright... Just warning you though... It doesn't take a lot to turn me on with the hormones of both genders... and... It's very hard to control myself."

Not to mention she hasn't even touched herself in over a month. Nonetheless she reaches under her skirt, and pulls down her panties, stepping out of them. They look a bit fancy with all the lace of light blue with white for the base coloring. And rather than the behind-covering layer of your typical underwear is the fabric strip of a thong.

Finally she reaches under her skirt again, unwinding the sports tape from around her hips to release her member. Now freed it makes a noticeable tent in the front of her skirt. Gulping she grips the front of her skirt. "…Last chance... Are you sure about this?"

Ruby nods. "I've seen a lot in my life, Weiss! You won't be able to surprise me let alone make me back down!"

Weiss carefully steps over to the bed them, and shamefully lifts the front of her skirt. Underneath her cock stand proud at a full seven inches, and almost two inches thick. It bobs slightly with every hard beat of her heart.

Ruby sputters as she tries to come up with words. She slowly extends her finger towards Weiss's extension.

Weiss very much wants to pull away but she forces herself to hold still as she watches her.

Ruby pokes Weiss's tip curiously. "...what was supposed to be bad about this?"

Weiss jerks a bit with a slight whimper, "C-careful that's sensitive!"

Ruby removes her hood and tosses it up onto her own bunk. "So does it react when I do this?" She starts to remove her top.

Weiss watches her, her member starting to get a bit stiffer as she watches.

Ruby wasn't even wearing a bra under her top. She drops her top next to her, her small yet perky breasts now fully exposed.

Weiss rubs her thighs together at the sight as she can feel a bit of moisture gathering. "…Ruby... I want you to strip the rest of the way own please... And lay down for me..."

Ruby slides down her skirt and her stockings, leaving her wearing only a pair of childish beowolf design panties. "O-ok..." She lays down and starts to slowly pull down her panties.

Weiss undoes her school uniform, letting the jacket drop to the floor. As she unbuttons her shirt she reveals a bra that matches her panties with the light blue lace on white. Then once she's topless she undoes her skirt, crawling onto the bed wearing only her socks, and a smile. Then brushing a lock of hair out of Ruby's face she leans in, kissing her softly on the lips.

Ruby squeaks in surprise from the kiss, already being awkward. Weiss stays right where she is, eyes closed as she moves her lips against Ruby's slowly. Ruby starts to return the kiss, albeit a lot more clumsily.

"Relax," Weiss mumbles as her lips travel to Ruby's neck, kissing her jugular softly.

"N-not really the easiest thing..." Ruby shivers as she tries to identify every feeling that was going through her at the moment.

Weiss gently gropes one of Ruby's breasts, blowing a puff of air against her neck while her cock presses into her hip.

"Eep!" Ruby squirms awkwardly, trying to figure out what she herself was supposed to be doing. "U-um...what should I be doing?" She finally asks.

"What feels right," Weiss whispers, trailing kisses down to her chest. "Or just do nothing, and let me lead..."

"O-ok! As leader of team RWBY, I put you in charge of this!" Ruby sputters childishly.

Weiss giggles softly as she pats her on the cheek, and places a kiss just below her belly button.

Ruby shakes with anticipation as Weiss gets lower and closer to her womanhood.

Weiss gets there at last, and after putting one last kiss on Ruby's pelvis she sticks out her tongue, giving the younger Huntress in training a slow lick from the bottom to the top of her pussy, swirling the tip of her tongue around Ruby's clit.

"W-Weiss!" Ruby tenses the second Weiss's tongue makes contact. She continues to slightly squirm due to pleasure.

"Shhhh," Weiss coaxes as she uses her thumbs to spread Ruby's snatch open, and licks her deeper this time before rubbing her tongue on her clit.

Ruby puts her hands on her mouth to quiet herself down. She didn't want Weiss to stop if she didn't listen after all. Of course, her attempts became more and more futile the more Weiss played with her.

Weiss smiles as she pulls back, and turns around. Positioning her crotch over Ruby's face she says, "Lick it." Then she spreads Ruby's pussy open again, slipping her tongue inside to stir her up.

Ruby testingly takes her first lick at Weiss's cock so see what reaction she got out of it.

Weiss jumps with a moan, and a drop of crystal clear precum pokes from the tip.

Ruby kisses Weiss's tip instead of licking again. "Nom~" In one quick movement, Ruby carefully puts the tip in her mouth.

Weiss tenses up, and moans a second alter as she shuts her eyes in bliss. Spreading her legs she sinks more of her length into Ruby's mouth. "Mmm'yeah... Suck it... Suck me good..."

Ruby sucks as she is told, still licking around Weiss's length inside her mouth.

Weiss shivers with a smile. Then she wets two of her fingers in her mouth before slipping them inside Ruby ever so slowly.

Ruby seemed to start clenching around Weiss's fingers immediately, letting out a moan that was muffled by Weiss's extension that was still in her mouth.

Weiss licks her lips, and then laps at Ruby's clit as she starts to bob her hips, making her member slide back and forth in Ruby's mouth. "Ah, yes Ruby... Oh that feels so good..."

Ruby speeds up her tongue speed in response, starting to get different tastes as they keep going.

Weiss turns over onto her side, one hand on Ruby's hip to turn her with her so she can keep tasting her sweet lady folds. Her free hand then goes to the back of Ruby's head in an attempt to make her take more of her cock into her mouth. Pretty soon the head of Weiss' dick is touching the back of Ruby's mouth, teasing the entrance to her throat.

Ruby whimpers slightly when Weiss inserts herself deeper. She continues to do what she can with her tongue, but she clearly didn't know what else to do at this point.

Weiss lifts her head away, "You feel wet enough... Ready for the main event?" She pulls her fingers free, and rubs Ruby on the behind as she pulls her hips back so Ruby can speak again.

Ruby nods shyly. "J-just do whatever you want."

Weiss kisses her pussy again, and gets back to all fours with a smile. Turning herself she lowers her hips, teasing Ruby's entrance with the tip of her cock as she gives her a passionate kiss, slipping her tongue into Ruby's mouth.

Having already been using her tongue on Weiss's cock, Ruby was ready to play with Weiss's tongue the second it entered her mouth. She lowers her hand down to her opening and spreads it for Weiss.

Weiss uses a hand to line herself up, and slowly pushes the head of it inside, moaning quietly in bliss.

"A-ah!" Ruby squirms in pleasure. Saying she was tight was an understatement. Her lack of knowledge for this entire action made it quite clear she hadn't even masturbated once in her life.

Weiss holds her close as she forces herself to take it slowly. Closing her eyes she hopes Ruby is one of those girls born without a hymen, but another part of her is waiting eagerly for that brief period where Ruby would cling to her in pain as Weiss pushes through the brittle barrier...

As if on cue, Ruby lets out a short scream of pain, hugging Weiss for stability.

Weiss freezes in place, not wanting to hurt her further. She strokes Ruby's hair soothingly with one hand while messing with the clit with the other to numb the pain as quickly as possible. It's almost impossible to control herself buried as she is a quarter of the way into Ruby... But for Ruby she can endure.

Ruby keeps her eyes shut as she recovers. She slowly opens her eyes and gives Weiss a smile. "I'm ok," she mouths as she hugs Weiss tighter.

Weiss pushes in a bit faster this time, arching her back as she pants. When she is about halfway in she pulls back until her head is the only part left inside, and then she thrusts. With every slow thrust she buries herself a half inch deeper into Ruby. Weiss's eyes are starting to glaze over from the pleasure...

Ruby lets out an adorable sound of surprise with every thrust. She keeps tightening her grip on Weiss to maintain some form of control, something she was failing.

"Ruby you feel so tight inside," Weiss says as she pumps her hips a little faster, and gasps when she completely hilts herself in Ruby.

"I-is that good?" Ruby asks innocently, barely getting her words out between Weiss's pumps.

Weiss nods, and bows her head with a moan as she gropes one of Ruby's breasts. "Yeah... Oh yeah... So good..."

Ruby nods back. "O-ok... I feel funny... Good kind of funny..."

Weiss pants harder as her thrusting gets rougher, and more powerful as she feels the need to fuck the raven haired girl under her absolutely silly.

Ruby starts whispering Weiss's name with every thrust. She was close to finally releasing her pleasure full force.

Weiss starts pumping so deeply that her hips barely separate from Ruby's, their hips making slapping noises as Weiss moans Ruby's name loudly, and holds her by the hips.

Ruby moves her arms so they are over Weiss's shoulders and tightly closes her eyes. She keeps repeating Weiss's name, progressively getting louder and louder.

Weiss feels her precum spill put, and she gasps, "Oh fuck! I'm gonna cum! Gonna…!"

"Wh-what does that mean?" Ruby asks, not even knowing that much.

Weiss is too given over by pleasure to answer. It takes almost inhuman willpower for her to pull out, and not a moment too soon because the moment she does she blows her load.

Weiss pulling out was the last movement Ruby needed to feel.

Ruby spasms as she releases as well, finally cumming for the very first time in her life. "Kya-ah!" she screams as she cums, probably being heard by half of Beacon. "Hehe~" She looks almost unconscious, her eyes half-closed and a goofy grin on her face.

Thick ropey shots of sperm fire from Weiss' cock, drizzling Ruby with a warmth that quickly fades on contact. Her spunk quickly covers Ruby's belly, chest, and even some of her face after seven spurts. Weiss can only pant as she looks down at her lover who is glazed in her climax like a pastry with icing.

Weiss stares down at her with a smile, and heaving chest. Ruby looks so sweet... so vulnerable this way... so alluring... Maybe it's the afterglow of the sex, but Weiss thinks she might be starting to return her feelings of affection.

Weiss softly kisses her on the lips before standing. She smiles down at ruby as her now semi-erect cock seems to have at the very least lost the edge of a month of buildup. Then she steps into the bathroom off to the right side of the room, and the sounds of a bath being started echo into the bedroom.

"...I don't think I can feel my anything," Ruby mutters to herself as she tries to sit up, still letting the events of what just happened repeat in her head.

Soon Weiss walks back into the room, and lifts Ruby off the bed Bridal Style. Softly she nuzzles her forehead with a cheek as she carries her to the bathroom, and sets her in a bubble bath of warm water.

Ruby giggles tiredly. "That...was a thing..."

Weiss just gives a crooked smile before flicking Ruby lightly in the forehead. "Leave the bad lines to your sister." Then she too climbs into the tub beside Ruby, and rests her head on her shoulder with a soft sigh.

"So..." Ruby clears her throat. "I think I understand now, but...what does this make us?"

Weiss raises an eyebrow with her eye closed. "…Lovers...if you wish."

Ruby leans her head against Weiss's. "I would wish! It's like a fairytail! I just got swept off my feet by a knight in...shining...combat skirt?"

Weiss laughs as she hugs Ruby. "Oh... What am I going to do with you?"

"...cuddle me?" Ruby suggests after some thought.

And so she does, cradling Ruby to her chest like she's the only thing that matters in all of Remnant.