Author's note edited: Hello! This is my first ever fanfic. The very first I have ever written. I'm sorry if it's not the best. Please feel free to point out any errors, formatting or otherwise. I'll try to get them fixed asap, but no promises.
I've had so much feedback saying I should continue this, I've decided to go ahead and add more. This chapter has changed since I first uploaded it to make it easier to continue. So even if you've already read it, you may wish to again.
This is the also first series I've shipped in, so this is all new to me. Love these two :)
Anyway, please enjoy.
I'll put the rights to this story on next year's wishlist, but until then I don't own Miraculous Ladybug. Unfortunately.
It had been three years since the day Adrien Agreste disappeared. Two months since they found his discarded backpack in the dump. Two days since they declared him dead. 10 minutes since the service began. A bleak eternity opened up before Marinette as she thought of life without him.
She felt her mother's comforting hand rub soothing circles on her back as she watched Mr. Agreste through tear blurred vision. He was much worse for wear, the stress from the previous years visible in his eyes if not on his face. It had been nearly a month since she had seen him last. The day he canceled the search parties he had worn that same expression.
Mr. Agreste got up and talked, but Marinette couldn't pay attention. She felt herself sway slightly as people began throwing flowers on the coffin. It's not really him, she tried thinking, but it didn't help. Nothing would help until he was found, dead or alive.
The service eventually ended. She couldn't help but think about her crush and how she never got to confess as they drove down the street towards the bakery. Wasted moments flashed through her mind, the things she wanted to say weighed down her heart. So many chances to get to know him, to show him love, to let him know she was there for him- all up in smoke the day he didn't show up for class.
When they got back to the bakery, Marinette changed and went for a walk. Her parents didn't stop her, just quietly let her know they were there. Like I should have done for him.
Tikki nudged her from inside her purse, letting her know she was there as well. She had been an amazing friend these past three years, keeping full and letting her charge go out looking whenever she needed to. She stopped Marinette's depression from getting too bad and let the girl talk when she needed a shoulder to cry on.
However one-sided her crush had been, no one could deny now that she had felt true love for the boy, even if she still had doubts.
Something black darted past her, forcing her to pay attention. A black butterfly flew down the street, heading to infect someone. Even though she didn't feel like it, Marinette followed. She was in the middle of a crisis, but Paris needed her. And Paris came first.
It flew down the street, dodging several pedestrians that she accidentally collided with. She ran after it blindly, only wanting to get rid of it before someone she knew was infected or hurt.
She couldn't handle someone else getting hurt today.
It flew into a secluded park by the Seine. A lone person sat on a bench, clutching something to their chest and sobbing.
Without thinking Marinette ran over to them and put a hand on their shoulder.
Chloe turned around and blinked at her as a pink butterfly appeared around her face.
"Chloe, don't listen to it. I know you're hurting, but what will going berserk solve? Nothing. You will just feel worse in the end. Think of Adrian; he wouldn't want you hurting others, would he?"
Marinette sat down beside her. Even though she didn't like the girl, she obviously needed support. Tears began falling down Chloe's face, splashing onto the thing clutched in her hands.
"I-I just want him back," she sobbed. "He was one of my two friends, and Sabrina isn't here right now."
Marinette gently took the thing out of her hands. It was a small framed picture of Adrian, smiling up at the camera. She felt the dark magic transfer over to her, but kept the voice at the back of her mind away with a stern NO.
"I'm so sorry, Chloe. I know what you're going through. I-I liked him, too." Marinette bit her lip, unshed tears finally splashing down her face. "A lot."
They held each other as they cried, the magic still coursing through Marinette. Whispers tried to cut in as they talked, but she just forced them back. Chloe sat with her until dark, keeping her company and helping distract her from the voice at the back of her mind. Despite their differences, Chloe turned out to be very comforting when Marinette needed it.
"I have to go. I'm sorry, Marinette." Chloe finally said, getting up.
She paused at the park's entrance. "And, thanks. I needed that."
Marinette nodded back, looking down at the picture. "No problem. I'll go find Ladybug. She'll be able to handle this."
"Will you be okay? The akuma would have taken over if you hadn't shown up. I didn't know they were so... tempting."
Marinette nodded again, tucking it into a pocket. "Yeah. I'm stronger than I look." She got up and walked Chloe to her car.
"Thanks again." The blonde said, driving away.
Marinette stood there for a long time, just staring at the spot the car had been. She had to get out of there, accidentally break the picture so she could get away and transform before the butterfly flew away. But she was tired and sad and just didn't want to.
Just accept me, a deep voice said. I'll take away all your pain. I won't let anyone else hurt you.
Marinette shook her head and began walking, taking out the picture and looking at it. "I know turning into an akuma won't bring him back. I know it would just make things worse. I'm tempted, but I'm no fool."
"Well, I'm certainly a fool for you, Purrincess."
Squeaking, she jumped and turned around. Chat leaned against a building, smirking at her. His eyes widened and his smile disappeared as he caught sight of the outline around her face.
"Don't do it, Marinette," his voice turned serious as he stood straight.
She forced a laugh and tossed the picture over to him. "As I said, I'm tempted but I'm no fool. I don't know what you can do with it without Ladybug, but here. Take the temptation away."
Chat looked at a loss for words as he caught the picture, but it didn't last long. "What happened to my Princess that evil would tempt her?"
"I buried my heart today." She said, turning and walking away. She still felt the evil coursing through her. Their suits must protect them, since the magic didn't transfer like it did when she took it from Chloe. It made sense. Magic suits to protect against dark magic items.
"Wait, what?" Chat asked, walking alongside her. "Are you okay?
"I'm fine. It was actually after Chloe, but I took that from her. She didn't accept his deal, by the way. I guess that's why it transferred over to me." She couldn't help but shiver as she thought of her childhood bully terrorizing the city. "She would make a terrifying akuma, though."
Chat gently grabbed her hand and pulled her to a stop. "Are you sure, Marinette? I can stay and talk if you need me to. I have a backlog of puns just waiting to cheer mew up."
He smiled at his own pun. "I'm okay, Chat. I just – I need to get home. Go find Ladybug and get this annoying voice out of my head, okay?"
He let go of her hand and she took off at a dead sprint, winding through the streets. The voice continued whispering, but the further she got the quieter it became. She waited until she could no longer feel the dark magic at the back of her mind before stopping to breathe.
"It's okay now, Tikki. I can't feel Hawk Moth anymore. I need to transform and go purify that akuma."
Tikki popped out of her purse, looking up at her. "Okay. But after this, straight home. No more adventuring until you grieve."
Marinette nodded. "Agreed. Spots on."
She felt the rush that came with changing forms, but it dissipated in the wake of her sadness. She shook her head and called Chat with her yo yo.
"Hey Chat. Marinette flagged me down and told me what happened."
"Then I guess I'll meet you at the Eiffel Tower, My Lady."
They hung up and Ladybug hesitated a moment. Getting close to the picture could make Hawk Moth's magic come back. Shaking her head she began running towards their meeting spot.
It wouldn't matter. Hawk Moth wouldn't know it was her, just that Marinette had the misfortune of blindly running back into range.
She got there before Chat and sat, letting the view distract her for a while before he showed up. Lights twinkled below, illuminating the heavy clouds that had fallen with nightfall. It was peaceful, although she could only wonder why it hadn't rained at Adrien's funeral. It wasn't fair. The clouds looked ready to burst now and her world wasn't falling apart.
"Looking as purrfect as ever, My Lady." Her breath hitched slightly at his voice. Even after all this time, he still affected her like this. It felt like betrayal, how she had let him slowly worm his way into her heart. It belonged to Adrien.
Then why does he still affect you like this? Are you giving up on your crush?
She rolled her eyes and turned towards him, secretly grateful he had shown up and distracted her. Even if he made butterflies dance in her stomach and questions she wasn't able to answer run through her mind. He was safe. "I can't stay long. I have things to do in my other life."
He tossed the picture to her, watching as she broke the frame over her leg. "Come on out, vile akuma." she coaxed, watching as the black butterfly escape. A quick capture later she stood, balancing on the edge of the beam.
"Miraculous Cleansing Light!"
Lots of little ladybugs came out and fixed the picture frame before disappearing. "Time to get this back to Marinette."
"Wait – do you know why she had it? Why would she feel hurt over him? He's been missing for years."
Ladybug felt the tears behind her eyes, but kept her voice steady. "They just buried him this morning." She looked down at the smiling photo in her hand. "She loved him. Maybe it was just a crush, maybe it was something more. I don't know. But she never stopped looking, even when they found his discarded backpack. Even when his father told her to give it up."
The clouds finally burst as she took a deep breath to steady herself once again. "His father didn't give up until they identified the blood on the backpack. But Marinette... She would never give up. I've helped her look and... whatever other people think or say, I have no doubts about her feelings for him."
A cold wind blew between them as she waited for an answer, but none came. When she looked up, he had vanished, which was most unusual for him. He didn't even say goodbye. It stung a little.
With a shrug Ladybug jumped, landed, and ducked out of sight. She untransformed and walked back to the bakery.
People laughed and talked in the streets, but Marinette didn't join in. She felt numb as the cold and rain finally got to her, settling in her heart like a stone.
Her parents had gone to bed by the times she made it back, but they left a note saying they made her something to eat. She found the pre-made sandwich and prepared some hot chocolate. She popped the mug in the microwave. Rummaging around in the cupboard, she found some snacks for her kwami and added them to her plate.
When the microwave dinged she gathered everything and headed upstairs, locking the door behind her. Tikki took her snacks and settled down in her hiding place to let Marinette work.
Marinette turned on a lamp and sat down at her computer desk. She pulled out several notebooks, intending on going through them as if she didn't have them memorized. Maybe she was missing something? Something that would lead her to Adrien?
A quiet tapping interrupted her. "Just come on in, it's open."
She turned to the door, looking. "Never mind, it's not. I'll open i-"
"I think you furgot to lock this."
She jumped and turned for the second time that night. Chat peeked around her balcony door, looking a little sheepish.
"Oh. Hi. I thought you were one of my parents." She motioned to the door. "What are you doing here, Chat?"
"I came to make sure you were okay. I see Ladybug got to you first, though."
"She found me while I was walking back home," she said, turning back to her work. She stuck a pin in the giant map of Paris where once Adrien's pictures hung and wrote a note in her notebook.
He came in, shutting the door behind him against the cool autumn air. "I also have some information on your missing friend."
She turned so fast her neck popped. "You know where he is?" A small feeling, almost like hope, fluttered in her heart.
He smiled sheepishly, sitting on the bed. "Yeah. He didn't mean to worry anybody. Adrien just – well he – I'm not sure I can explain tit right now. It – its complicated."
Marinette felt all the tension leave her body. She leaned forward over the desk, resting her head on her arm. Thoughts flashed through her head, all of them begging to be asked. Instead, she took a deep breath.
"Marinette? Are you okay?"
She looked up, smiling with tears falling down her face. "Thank God, Chat. I was so worried something happened to him. I couldn't forgive myself if something had." She pressed her hand to her mouth, trying to compose herself. "When was the last time you saw him?"
"Just earlier." He said, unease flickering through his eyes. "I talked to him for a moment right after meeting you. He didn't tell me they were burying him, though. I'm not sure he knew. I can-"
She held up a hand, tears still spilling down her face. "No. Don't tell me where he is. I don't care, as long as he's happy. As long as he's safe. I'm sure I'll just bring up painful memories of his past."
Pulling out a drawer, she pushed all the notebooks and police reports into it. They fell in a scattered heap, but she didn't care. He was safe.
He was safe.
Hands grabbed hers as Chat pulled her towards him.
"No, he wouldn't think that. He would be more worried about putting you in danger." He wiped the tears off her face, making sure not to scratch her with his claws.
All sorts of scenarios danced in her head. Mafia kidnapping. Sex slave business. Even a business rival kidnapping him, but Chat just shook his head. "He had to leave, but it was his own choice."
She leaned forward, resting her head on his shoulder. "Chat, I –"
A beep cut her off and she leaned back, rubbing the back of her neck. "It can wait."
Chat looked at her, watching as she blushed slightly. He had a strange expression on his face. "What if we didn't wait?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean you've more than proved yourself today. You resisted the akuma, and saved someone else from it at the same time. You're strong and brave and caring. I think I can trust you with my secret."
Marinette jumped back like she was stung. Her elbow hit the desk painfully, bringing tears back into her eyes. "No Chat! I haven't been akumatized, but that doesn't mean I wont be. What if I am, and I know your identity? What if I'm controlled? What if-"
Chat cut her off, placing a finger on her lips. "It'll be okay. I promise. I've been watching you for a while now, Mari. I know I can trust you."
Another beep panicked Marinette even more. "No. I can't. I don't want to hurt you, even under someone else's spell."
He smiled, pushing back a small section of hair from her eyes. "Please. You are one of the few people I trust. Fully, completely, trust."
His grin grew wider. "And it seems my kwami agrees. He's cheering right now."
A bright green light enveloped him, but Marinette closed her eyes and turned away. I can't do this right now. I can't do this right now.
A warm hand gently turned her head back towards him. They were slightly rough, with callouses on the palm. It surprised her; she'd always thought of him as a rich boy for some reason.
"Please Marinette. It'll be okay." He sounded close. Too close. Her heart beat in her ears, blocking out everything other than his voice. "I promise."
It would be so easy. All she had to do was open her eyes. She could then tell him she was Ladybug, and they would go off and help Adrien reconnect with his friends and family and everything would be okay. For once, everything would be right in the world.
"I-I can't right now, Chat." Even with her eyes shut, she could still feel his disappointment. It rolled off of him in waves, causing her to grab his hand on her cheek.
"That doesn't mean I'm not able to later. But you just told me one of my friends is in trouble and I can't help. You told me the person I buried today is alive and well. You told me you trust me so much, you'd be willing to give me the biggest secret of all to keep safe. It's all so much. I can hardly wrap my head around it."
He huffed gently, seemingly appeased. "I guess it was all a little much, huh?"
"I'll say. You overwhelmed the poor girl."
Chat groaned, turning. "Just eat your cheese, Plagg."
There was a gulping noise. "I guess I'll see you sometime later then, Princess. Claws out."
Another bright light lit up the back of her eyelids. She felt a pressure on her forehead, her eyes popping open automatically as she sputtered.
Chat grinned at her. "Bye." He said, disappearing up the ladder and into the night.
"Stupid cat," she muttered, climbing up and shutting the door. "How dare he kiss me and just dart out like that."
Her heart stuttered at the thought, her fingers brushing over where he had kissed her. She ignored the butterflies and flopped on the bed.
Tikki came over and sat on her pillow. "That was... wow. Are you okay?"
"No." She looked up at her kwami. "I'm not. I thought I was about ready to try to get to know Chat better, but I'm so scared. What if he doesn't like me? What if plain old Marinette isn't enough? What if this changes things? There are so many questions I can't answer right now."
She buried her face back in the blankets. "And now Adrien is back. I don't know what to do, Tikki."
"Well, the first thing you should do is get some sleep. You've hardly gotten any the last week or so and you're going to need your strength tomorrow."
Marinette snorted, but got up and went to the bathroom. "I doubt I'll be able to get any sleep with the thoughts running through my head right now."
After making sure her doors were locked, she slipped under the covers, yawning. "I don't even know if I should tell him I'm Ladybug. He may be upset when he learns if I don't, but his puns will be insufferable if I do."
Tikki shushed her, happy when she finally dozed off. She flew over to the window and looked out, lost in thought.
Final note: I've tried to flesh this out a little more and make it feel more like a complete chapter. Please tell me your thoughts and if it went a way you were expecting.
And to the person who pointed out my misspelling, thank you so much! That's what I get for being complacent and letting autocorrect check it instead of looking it up.