"Are you sure it won't be weird?"

"Yes, Amethyst." Garnet assured.

"And you're positive you won't be jealous or anything if we kiss in front of you or something?"

"We talked about this!" Pearl said with a laugh.

The three gems were in the kitchen, with Amethyst sitting on the counter while Garnet helped Pearl wash dishes. Amethyst twiddle her thumbs nervously, still quite nervous that any public interaction between her and her new girlfriend, Peridot, would upset her other partners.

"I know!" Amethyst sighed, leaning back to lay on the counter. "I'm just so nervous! I mean, I love you guys so much. I like Peridot, and I really hope I can start loving her too, but I don't wanna lose you guys in the process."

"You won't." Garnet said, placing dry plates and bowls in the cabinets overhead. "You know just as much as we do that we love you. We love being around you, and watching you smile." When Garnet finished putting the dishes away, she turned and leaned over Amethyst, kissing her forehead. "You're our love, through and through. Don't you ever think anything will change that."

Amethyst smiled. She could always count on Garnet to know what to say.

"Unless you get into a relationship without telling us, of course." Garnet added.

Amethyst rolled her eyes. "Wow, thanks G!" She said sarcastically. Pearls chuckled and wrapped her arms around Garnet's waist from behind, peering at Amethyst over Garnet's shoulder.

"Amethyst, it's like Garnet said. We love you. As long as you let us know these things beforehand, there is absolutely nothing that could possibly ruin us and our relationship."

"You guys are so good to me, honestly." Amethyst said with a sigh. She stood on the counter, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend's and kissing each in turn. "God, I am so gonna pay you back for being so great."

"Being you is good enough." Pearl said, and Garnet nodded in agreement.

"Just keep being happy, keep being you. We'll call it even."

"I love you guys." Amethyst said, smiling widely. Garnet and Pearl replied, almost in unison.

"We love you too."

Peridot paced back and forth in the barn. Lapis sat on the couch, looking back and forth as her girlfriend paced.

"Peridot, honey, you need to chill." Lapis suggested. "Ever since you and Amethyst actually got together, you've been even more of a nervous wreck."

"I'm not nervous!" Peridot exclaimed, grabbing at her hair. "I just don't wanna screw anything up, I don't want to make Amethyst hate me, break up with me, I don't want her girlfriend's to get mad at me, they couldn't possibly get mad at me could they? I mean I'm just dating one of their lovers and teammates for over five thousand years and there's absolutely no possibility that if I do screw up they won't bubble me or worse! There's a very high probability that anything or everything I possibly say or do will offend them and make them hate me and demand that I stop seeing Amethyst or possibly even- "

"Peridot!" Lapis yelled, catching the green gem's attention. Lapis was tapping the temple of her head with a finger, her other hand stretched out for Peridot to take. "C'mere."

Peridot followed Lapis' order. She took the hand Lapis offered and was pulled into her lap. Slowly, almost seductively, Lapis ran her fingers over Peridot's face. She caressed the green gems cheek, ran a finger over her lips, and gently grabbed hold of her chin. Lapis pulled Peridot's lips toward her own.

Peridot sighed and let herself melt in the kiss. Their first kiss was a lot more quick, and not quite as nice, but here… they had all the time in the world to enjoy each other. Peridot wrapped her arms around Lapis' neck, straddling the blue gem.

Lapis broke the kiss, almost too soon for Peridot's taste. Lapis giggled at Peridot's glazed over expression. "Feel better?"

"Uh huh." Peridot answered absentmindedly, sighing as she buried her head in Lapis' chest.. "Much better. Thanks."

Lapis stroked Peridot's back. "Good. I'd be mad if you didn't like kissing me."

"Oh stars, no." Peridot looked up with her eyes, and Lapis couldn't possibly think her girlfriend could get any more cute. "I love kissing you."

"That's a relief." Lapis said with an over dramatic sigh. "And here I was thinking that you put your mouth on my mouth for no reason."

"I'm just glad you ended up actually liking me…" Peridot said, again hiding her eyes.

"Why would you think I wouldn't?"

"I hate to keep bringing it up, but…" Peridot paused and climbed off of Lapis, sitting beside her on the couch while she hugged herself. "…after all I did to you, it's hard to see how you could even think of being friendly with me, let alone being my romantic partner."

Lapis sighed, crossing her arms. "I just kissed you to make you feel better, stop giving me reasons to be all lovey dovey."

"I'm serious!" Peridot exclaimed, balling her fists. "I mean, I don't regret it! You're so beautiful, and nice to me despite everything I did to you. But it's just… it's almost entirely illogical."

"Was it illogical when you renounced your diamond?" Lapis asked. She didn't give Peridot a chance to answer. "Was it illogical for the gems to trust you after everything you've done? Was it illogical when Amethyst agreed to being your girlfriend? If the answer is "yes" and you enjoy all of the decisions that you've made, stop talking."

Peridot opened her mouth to respond, but couldn't find any words that fit in this situation. So she sighed and nodded, leaning her head on Lapis' shoulder.

"Good." Lapis wrapped her arm around Peridot's shoulder. "So watcha wanna do? I figured you'd wanna spend a little time with Amethyst."

"Will you come with me?" Peridot asked. "I'm still a little nervous."

"Sure." Lapis said. "I don't have anything else to do."

Peridot chuckled and kissed Lapis' cheek. "Thanks, Lapis."

"Uh uh." Lapis shook her head, holding Peridot firmly in place when she tried to stand from the couch. The green gem blushed as Lapis gripped her chin. Lapis pulled Peridot's face toward hers, her voice barely a whisper. "Give me a real kiss."

"O…okay." Lapis was so alluring. Peridot closed her eyes and met Lapis' lips with hers. It was hard to believe that someone who was trapped inside of a mirror for a good few millennia was so seductive.

In the temple, Pearl swept around the house. After Garnet helped finish the dishes from earlier, she left with Steven on a mission of their own. Amethyst lay on the couch, snoring away with her hands behind her head. While Pearl cleaned up, she thought about how strange of a situation she was really in.

Pearl was in a romantic relationship with two gems: Garnet and Amethyst. The former of the two was with Amethyst and Pearl, and Amethyst… well, you get the idea. Yet Amethyst also had Peridot as a partner, and Peridot was with Lapis. Pearl felt that, even among other polyamorous relationships, hers was certainly among the more strange.

Honestly, if things were to keep going as they were, would all of the gems be romantically involved with each other? Pearl certainly found Lapis and Peridot attractive. Perhaps, with time, they would all be together. Only time would tell.

Speak of the devil, or think of the devil in this case, Peridot walked through the door, followed by Lapis. Pearl paused her sweeping to greet the two.

"Hello Peridot, Lapis. How are you, today?"

"We're good." Lapis said, running a hand through her hair. "Peri wanted to see how Amethyst was doing."

"Looks like she's asleep." Peridot stated. She sat at the foot of Steven's staircase to his room. "I personally don't see the benefit of doing that."

"It passes the time." Lapis said with a shrug. "You kinda just shut off for a sec. Open your eyes and hours pass. Like time traveling."

"OH!" Peridot stood up excitedly. "That reminds me, we need to start that time traveling show! With the blue box and the man that sounds like Garnet!"

"Oh yeah, that looks cool!" Lapis agreed, hands on her hips. "There's tons of seasons too, from fifty years ago or something."

"That's going to take a long time to finish." Peridot said, eyes wide with excitement.

"Maybe Amethyst could join you?" Pearl suggested.

Peridot gasped and grabbed Lapis' hand. "Oh can she?! With the three of us there's no doubt there would be so much to discuss! Over fifty years of television, over fifty years worth of nothing but debate!"

Amethyst let out a groan from the couch, causing Pearl, Lapis, and Peridot to look in her direction. She sat up on the couch, rubbing her eyes.

"You are such a nerd." Amethyst whined, stretching her arms above her head.

"Well good morning." Lapis greeted. Amethyst waved in a lazy hello.

"Oh, Amethyst!" Peridot felt her face heat up. She still wasn't quite used to talking to Amethyst knowing they were now a couple. "Did I wake you?"

"Eh, I was kinda already waking up." Amethyst hopped from the couch and gripped Pearl's hand in hers, pulling her down for a quick kiss. "Hey Sweet P."

"Hey yourself." Pearl greeted. She went back to sweeping, leaving Amethyst to spend time with Peridot.

Amethyst stepped toward the blushing Peridot and kissed her cheek. "Hey P-Dot."

"H-hey Amethyst!" Peridot almost squealed out. "It's good to see you!"

"Oh my god." Amethyst said, holding back a laugh. She looked at Lapis. "Is she always so cute and shy?" Lapis shrugged.

"Pretty much. She's kinda gotten used to me, living together for the past couple of months."

"I'm right here…" Peridot muttered. Lapis wrapped an arm around Peridot's shoulder while Amethyst held her waist.

"Aw come on, Peri!" Amethyst said. "We're just teasing you, girl."

Lapis nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you're just cute to mess with is all."

Peridot sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. She wanted to say something, anything in retort to Lapis and Amethyst's teasing, but she couldn't. She wasn't used to… this just yet. Instead, she addressed Amethyst with what she came to do in the first place.

"Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out. You haven't seen Camp Pining Hearts, have you?"

"That sappy romance show?" Peridot nodded. "Nah, I don't think it's my thing. I like comedies, like Lil' Butler."

"How many shows are there?" Lapis asked, and she almost felt disturbed by Amethyst's grin.

"Oh man, you guys have no idea. You know how there's like, a gazillion people on the planet, right?"

"Seven and a half billion." Peridot corrected. "Maybe more, but continue."

"Well there's only like, five hundred scripted shows compared to that." Amethyst said, sitting on the couch again, hands behind her head.

"Ugh, you tease." Lapis said, crossing her arms. "Making me think of all those people and those shows."

"Creativity can only get so far, Laz." Amethyst yawned and closed her eyes. "You wouldn't expect every show that's ever thought of to be successful."

Lapis shrugged. "Whatever. I'm happy with the shows I have."

"What about that one you guys woke me up geeking out about?"

"Oh yeah!" Peridot exclaimed, excited to get back on topic. "I think it's called Doctor… Doctor something! It's very popular!"

"Oh yeah, it's all over the place." Lapis said, nodding. "Apparently, the show is all about space and a guy who turns into a new person every time he dies."

"Sounds like my kinda show." Amethyst replies sarcastically. "A new face, new life, a while now way to mess things up."

"Nah, you're way better than that guy." Peridot said, climbing onto the couch beside Amethyst. She wrapped her arms around Amethyst's waist, kissing her cheek. "Much, much better."

"Mm, you're sweet." Amethyst wrapped an arm around Peridot's shoulder, kissing the green gem.

"Don't get too comfortable now." Pearl warned without looking at the other three gems as she continued her sweeping. "Steven could be back at any moment."

"Aw come on, Sweet P." Amethyst whined. "He's old enough to see some cuddlin'. It's not like we're having a sloppy make out or something."

Lapis joined Peridot and Amethyst on the couch, on Peridot's other side. "I don't think I'm big on that kinda kissing anyway."

"Pfft, so you say." Peridot said under her breath, and Amethyst chuckled. Amethyst could just guess at what Peridot and Lapis were up to at the barn.

"We kissed, and nothing more." Lapis said with authority.

Amethyst flicked Lapis' shoulder. "Come on, Lapis, we're just having some fun."

"Uh huh." Lapis ignored Amethyst, but couldn't help but crack a small smile. The purple gem was difficult to be upset with. Maybe, eventually, Lapis would come to be romantically attracted to others aside from Peridot. Hell, it seemed to be working for everyone else. Pearl was certainly attractive, and Garnet had an air of seductive authority around her. Perhaps the Crystal Gems would all come together. All Lapis could think of with this thought was the wedding cake when Greg's brother Andy showed up.

"Anyway." Amethyst detached herself from Peridot and hopped from the couch, stretching. "You guys wanna head to the barn, check out that show you guys mentioned?"

"We have to acquire it first." Peridot stated. She stood from the couch while Amethyst grabbed a quick kiss from Pearl. Lapis, Peridot, and Amethyst left the house, walking toward the barn. "We could always watch it on my tablet, but the T.V has a much bigger screen."

"Come on, Peri." Amethyst nudged Peridot with her elbow. "You don't wanna be sandwiched between me and Lapis? All close?"

"All… personal?" Lapis bent down to purr in Peridot's ear. Peridot continued walking forward, seemingly ignoring Lapis and Amethyst's teasing. Then she spoke.

"My tablet has a big enough screen."

Amethyst and Lapis shared a look and laughed. This was going to be a fun night.

Author's Note: It's about time I came back to this story, don't you think. Tumblr user Drawbauchery has turned me into a huge Lapemedot fan and I can't resist focusing on that particular ship in this story. But there's going to be several more interactions between the other gems to come. Thanks for reading, and please leave a review!