A month later, Arthur is in the airport. The doors open, and Alfred gives him a hug. A woman in revealing clothing is pulling a suitcase, and Alfred walks up to her, sticking out his hand. "Hello, Daisy!"
Arthur leans over. "This one's Greta."
Alfred laughs and nods. "Hello, Greta."
Bertram and Lukas are just returning from visiting his family in Norway. To greet them at the gate are Bertram's friends Elizabeta, Roderich, and Gilbert. Elizabeta runs up to them, dragging Roderich behind her. She hugs Lukas while Bertram and Roderich shake hands. "Well, here he is. This is Lukas. This is Elizabeta, Roderich..." Gilbert walks up at a much slower pace and gives Bertram a fist bump. "Oh, Gilbert, hi, didn't see you there."
Gilbert shrugs, smirking. "Yeah, just thought I'd tag along."
Lukas laughs. "Bertram's friends are so good-looking. He never tells me this. I think maybe now I have made the wrong choice, picked wrong Danish man."
Bertram laughs nervously. "He can't speak English properly. He doesn't know what he's saying."
Ivan had taken a sabbatical of sorts. Yao needed some space after all the drama from Christmas, but now Ivan is back home, and his family is picking him up at the airport. As he walks up, Lin Yi runs up to him and hugs him. "Dad! Dad!"
Ivan picks her up, grunting somewhat. "Oh, God."
"Did you get us any presents?"
"Matter of fact, I did."
Im Yong smiles from beside Yao. "Thanks, Dad."
Ivan looks at Yao. "How are you?"
Yao smiles and shrugs. "I'm fine. I'm fine. Good to have you back. Come on. Home."
When Peter heard that Tina was coming back to the UK, he dragged his friend Sebastian along with him. Sebastian was, coincidentally, Carol's (from the school concert)son, so they were happy to join.
Tina walked through the terminal, and smiled when she spotted Peter. Peter waved and nudges Sebastian. "There she is."
Peter runs up to her, smiling. "Hi."
Bertram sighs. "'w, h' sh'uld h've k'ssed h'r."
Carol laughs, shrugging. "No, that's cool."
Ralph waits for Francis, who is supposed to be coming back from America today. As he waits in the thick crowd, he gets spotted by a familiar face. He feels a tap on his shoulder and turns to see Antonio and Lovino. "Hey. What are you two doing here?"
Antonio waggles his eyebrows. "I might get a shag at last."
Lovino scowls. "Bastard."
Antonio laughs. "Got to go."
Lovino waves half-heartedly as he's dragged off by the Spaniard. "Bye."
Not a moment later, Francis walks through the terminal with a young man with wavy hair in tow. "Honhonhon! Now, this is Matthew."
Matthew smiles meekly and holds out a hand. "Hi. Really pleased to meet you."
Ralph smiles and takes the offered hand. "Hello, Matthew."
Matthew shifts his stance. "I hope you don't mind, I sort of brought my brother to stay… This is Vincent. He's real friendly."
Just then, another boy walks in. He looks much like Matthew, except with shorter, more tamed hair, and dressed much more refined. Ralph's first thought is "Oh no, he's hot!" "Hello, you must be Ralph. I heard you were gorgeous."
Ludwig returns from a political trip overseas to a crowd of cameras and press. Feliciano runs through the crowd, even pushing a reporter out of the way, and hugs Ludwig, wrapping his arms and legs around him. "God, you weigh a lot." Ludwig teases, smiling.
Feliciano lightly smack's Ludwig's back, laughing. "Oh, shut your face." He lets go, and they walk out of the airport smiling, arm in arm.
Whether you're brothers, sisters, aunts or uncles, wives or husbands, or best friends, I've found that no matter the distance and no matter what they've done, once you can hold them in your arms again, it's as if they never left. Love grows fonder with the distance, as they say. And I think that really just proves that love is all around.
Vincent : Ontario (in Canada)