The Underground was quiet that day. There hadn't been a reset in a few weeks, which made Sans a little skeptical, but he couldn't complain too much. I mean, any day that I don't have to see that demon is a good day, right?

Passing through the bars that his brother built way too wide, Sans made his way to his station by the door to the ruins, as he does everyday. He thought about what a dork his brother was, and chuckled to himself. "Maybe today won't be so bad." he thought.

He arrived at his station and just started to get settled, when suddenly, a small confused child walked through the door and down the pathway.

"And there's Frisk, right on cue." He muttered. Gritting his teeth, he quickly teleported behind one of the trees.

Sans didn't particularly like the idea of going through a couple days dealing with Frisk, so it was easier if he just killed the kid then and there. He knew that it would go against his promise to her, but they hadn't talked in a long time... One day, he just stopped showing up. He almost felt bad about it, but he didn't feel too much these days. And with the resets getting more and more frequent, he figured that there wasn't much point in trying to save the kid anymore… Besides, this wouldn't be the first time he'd killed Frisk.

Sans walked out from behind the trees and followed Frisk at a respectable distance. Crunch. There was the branch, right on cue. He disappeared as Frisk turned around and inspected the area. After a few seconds, they turned back around and continued walking. With every step, Frisk got closer and closer to the bars, but before they could reach the end, Sans was already behind them.

"Don't you know how to greet a new pal? Turn around and shake my hand." Sans was breathing down Frisk's neck at this point, and he could almost feel how strongly the child was shaking. He knew that seeing the kid so terrified should have phased him, but still, Sans felt nothing. As soon as the child turned around Sans did a bone attack from underneath them, killing them instantly.

The bones faded away slowly, leaving Sans to look at Frisk's lifeless body… Again. He should have been disgusted with himself, but with the amount of times he'd done this before, he felt nothing.

He started to walk away, but before he could even take a step, he was suddenly thrown into a battle. Sans whipped around to find an old goat lady shaking, but determined. She had nothing but a small piece of pie in her hands. He recognized it as Frisk's pie that they carried around, and after seeing it, he realized that Frisk didn't have it with them this time.

"H-How could you..?" the old lady stammered, struggling to get her words out.

Sans recognized her voice, but before he could even respond, she attacked at full force. He dodged her easily. He looked at her and saw nothing but grief and revenge in her eyes. He so badly wished that he felt sorry for what he did. He tried to explain the situation, but he knew that to her, his words would mean nothing. Sans' voice was monotone and unapologetic.

"Lady, I'm sorry, but you have to understand tha-" Sans was cut off with another attack. He dodged again but could see that she was angry. He suddenly realized that since the game reset itself, she had no recollection of talking with him.

"YOU SOULLESS CHILD KILLER! YOU'RE PATHETIC, JUST LIKE THE OTHERS! I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE NEVER LET THEM GO INTO THE UNDERGROUND ALONE!" The goat lady continued to yell, scream, and throw attacks, but he just stood there blankly, dodging each one like it was nothing. Sans felt this was an inconvenience to him. He wished he felt something more, but all this was doing was making him angry.

Losing his temper, Sans finally lashed back at her with all his might. She slammed against the tree. Everything was silent for a moment as Sans stared at her. For a few seconds his face was expressionless, until he fully processed what just happened…

Sans got his wish.

With an immediate rush of emotion, he hurried over to her as fast as he could to try and help, but she quickly turned away. Sans frantically looked for a way to cover up the blood that he caused her to shed, but she shoved him off with what little strength she had left. The lady coughed up more blood. She was too weak to fight back anymore…

Sans, you idiot. What have you done?...

Sans sat there in silence for a while, just staring at her. He knew that there was nothing he could do to bring her back, but he still felt compelled to look for something, anything. Maybe she had a spell on her.

Looking through her pockets, he found a book. 72 uses for snails.

He opened it up to the first page, where it read PROPERTY OF TORIEL.

Sans paused. He thought about her name for a while. He thought that maybe if he pushed it out of his mind, she wouldn't really be there. That if he didn't say it, it wouldn't be real.

Sans watched, motionless as she turned to dust. For a long time nothing but her soul lingered in the air before that too, cracked and disappeared. He was silent for a long time.

When Sans finally did speak, he spoke softly. His voice was shaking. "Tori, I'm-" He stopped. Watching her turn to dust was just too much, even for him. Sans knew Toriel. In some timelines, he even had a life with her. She was his family. He wished that he felt worse about what he did, but all he could do was wonder what was happening to him.

She called him patheticsoulless even. Sometimes he felt that way, but he never thought that he would go this far. He wanted to cry. He wanted to scream and lash out, but instead he just turned and sat in silence.

After a moment, he stood, completely emotionless, pushing his everything aside as usual. He figured that this would all reset soon anyway, and that it would be fine… But he couldn't help but feel like he was falling apart.

((Authors note: Hello, I really hope that you enjoyed this first chapter. If so, the second one will be out soon. This is my first time writing any fan fiction, so i'd like to credit my amazing editor Diz for putting up with me, and also for being amazing))