Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. Only the original characters and plot are the property of this author. This author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media or franchise that is depicted within this story. No copyright infringement is intended, as there will be no profit made from this story by its author. The only places that this author has personally posted this story are on Archive of Our Own, and on Fanfiction*net; anywhere else that this story appears, is a duplicate created by parties unknown and without the express permission of the author of this story.
xXx Crimson Moon xXx
xXx Ch. 01: Family Don't End With Blood, Boy xXx
A young boy with messy black hair stared up at the ceiling of his bedroom with a look of confusion etched upon his face. The bedroom itself was barely livable, and that was a condition that had nothing to do with the boy that now occupied the room.
After staring at the ceiling for another ten minutes, the boy pulled himself off the bed and walked over to the window that opened up onto the front lawn. It took him about two seconds to locate someone hiding beneath a knockoff of the Divine Relic that was hidden beneath a floorboard in this very room. As soon as he saw who his bodyguard was, he snickered and activated his Mystic Eyes, which caused his irides to glow in all the colors of the rainbow. Seconds later, the man standing on the opposite side of the street disappeared in a poof of smoke.
"You weren't vigilant enough, Moody," Harry Potter admitted as he switched his Mystic Eyes off, and revealed to anyone who might care, that his once brilliantly green irides were now blood red.
"Hedwig, I want you to find Luna and stay with her," Harry Potter remarked as he opened the cage and held out an arm for his most faithful companion these past several years.
"PREK!" the snow white owl exclaimed in an irritated sounding tone.
"Of course you'll see me again, Hed!" Harry exclaimed while giving the Owl a shocked look. "I just need to go spank some morons into submission."
"Prek! Prek! Prek!"
"If I do not stop them, Gē will die," Harry murmured in a forlorn manner.
Hedwig tilted her head to the side, and then hopped up onto his arm so that he could carry her to the window. She did this because the term Gē is a term that any magical animal would recognize as the name of the planet itself, and wizarding owls are at least marginally magical.
After seeing his owl off to safety, Harry collected his wand and cloak, as they were both essential to what he would be doing in about half an hour. He then drew one of his fingers along the length of the wand,before flicking the finger at a random object in the room. He then went over to the window that he had left open, and proceeded to ignore the laws of gravity by flying out of the window at a speed of 200 KPH.
Once Harry achieved an altitude of approximately 670 meters, he accelerated until he was just below the sound barrier. This allowed him to reach his destination in under five minutes.
"Bored!" a feminine voice exclaimed in a petulant manner. "I'm so damn bored."
"Patience is a virtue, your highness. It will be just a, ah here they are now." a much older looking gentleman commented in a snide tone of voice. "Gentlemen, thank you for coming. Now, let us begin…"
The girl was an incredibly voluptuous woman with the fashion sense to prove that fact to the world. She was a brunette whose hair reached past her shapely rear end. Much like Harry, this girl had blood red eyes. This was Altrouge Brunestud, the Eclipse Princess of Black Blood.
The gentleman who had spoken to her, had shock white hair that reached his shoulders. Furthermore, he had the same fashion sense as Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington. This was Trhvmn Ortenrose, the self-styled King of the Dead Apostles.
One of the two newcomers seemed to be a negative image of Ortenrose in that he had black hair, and sufficient popular culture immersion to dress in punk goth clothing. The most striking thing about this man though, were his large raven-like wings. This was none other than Gransurg Blackmore, and his sole reason for coming to this farcical ritual was that it might present him with an opportunity to eradicate Altrouge once and for all.
The last of these four individuals was deceptive in how youthful he appeared. He was easily the most dangerous of the entire group, as he had the ability to turn each of his limbs into an independent Divine Beast, each one of which had the strength of a Dead Apostle Ancestor. This was Merem Solomon, and his reason for coming wasn't all that different from Harry's reason. The main difference being the way in which they planned to accomplish that goal.
"FOU!" exclaimed an adorable fluff ball as it collided with Altrouge's chest and knocked her to the ground.
"Fou-kun?" the girl inquired as she looked down at her chest, which gave her the perfect vantage point to see an absolutely furious young man with eyes that blazed in all the colors of a rainbow.
"All three of you are morons of the highest order and deserve to die!" the young man with Crimson Moon's eyes declared.
Without even turning around, Blackmore began invoking his Reality Marble. He only got to the second word before the unfamiliar voice said, "Moon Fall."
"MASTER!" Blackmore exclaimed in shocked horror, even as his mind was utterly destroyed by the most powerful mental attack that has ever existed. Moon Fall is an illusion that forces an opponent to experience mental trauma equal to what one would feel if they were standing at ground zero when something causes the moon to collide with the Earth.
"Another imposter!" Merem exclaimed as he turned and conjured the Daemon of the Right Arm.
Drawing his wand, Harry pointed it at the Megadeus look-a-like and exclaimed "REDUCTO MAXIMA!"
Merem watched in horror as a bolt of blue energy flew from the interloper's wand and disintegrated one of his arms. This was swiftly followed by immense pain when the arm it was linked to ruptured. It was at this point that Ortenrose decided to negotiate, or to attempt to do so at any rate, "I had Voldemort's assurances that none of your people…"
As soon as Ortenrose said that, Harry pointed his wand at the man and exclaimed "EXPULSO!"
Ortenrose simply stood there and let the spell hit him, believing himself impervious to such magecraft. He might even be right, if he were being attacked by anyone other than the Boy of the Moon. The resultant explosion was powerful enough that it caused the already shell-shocked Merem to collide with a nearby wall, and took the wind from Altrouge's lungs.
"I, who has long slumbered
Am the Blood Moon who protects the World from exploitation
I laugh at the 'Jewel' and grieve for the 'Asphodel'
I have become Crimson Moon Brunestud
And I shall bathe the landscape in deep crimson light!"
As soon as he spoke that last word, the light shining down on the three ("FOU!") of them from the moon became a deep crimson color, which was something only someone with the entirety of Crimson Moon's powers could have accomplished, as it was a component of what was arguably the most powerful Reality Marble in all recorded history.
xXx Chapter Concluded xXx
Author's Note: Crimson Moon Brunestud is essentially the Sefar of Tsukihime worlds, and that is also what I imagine the original Crimson Moon might have looked like (or near enough at any rate), and is why Harry was initially confused, and why Merem called him an imposter.
For those who are curious, I did indeed model Harry's Reality Marble chant on Issei Hyoudou's Juggernaut Drive chant. The Marble's actual name is spoken in the chant, and was inspired by my recognition of who Zelretch is an expy for, so those of you who know what I am talking about should be able to spot it.
Sadly, I won't be able to continue this idea, as I realized that having the main character be more powerful than Arcueid simply doesn't prevent enough opportunities for him to be challenged, and that is no fun from an authoring standpoint.