*author note*

Hi Guys, My name is Ciara. I'm 17 and I've always been a huge fan-fiction fan and read hundreds. I'm into a lot of different fandoms and will probably write a lot of different ones but I'm starting a story inspired by 'Once Upon A Time' It's my first story and I don't know how many chapters there will be but I hope you enjoy :)

Thanks for reading :) Ciara x

Regina's Choice

Protagonist: Regina Mills/ The Evil Queen

Antagonist: Robin Hood

Setting: After Regina went left the bar she seen Robin in, and after she fought with Tinkerbell. But Regina has a full grasp on magic and has been ruling the kingdom bitterly and terrorising the kingdom, behind the grieving king's back. Snow White is away with Charming, living somewhere in the woods in exile.

Chapter One

Regina sat on the edge of her bed playing with her hands. She'd stopped crying about half an hour ago, but she still sat in the same postition that she collapsed into an hour previous. Daniel's death had happened so long ago, but the pain she felt had never faded, even though her memories did.

Tinkerbell left too, like everyone who tried to help Regina. Although, it wasn't Tinkerbell's fault, Regina had said some pretty awful things, like she always did. But her anger was all she had, if her anger went away, what would she be? Who would she be? All she had worked for to rid herself of Snow White and Prince Charming, would just.. fade away? Be forgotton about? Even if she did let it go, Snow and Charming wouldn't, and the people of the enchanted forest that she had terrorised definitely wouldn't forget what she had done.

So it was a good thing that she hadn't gone into the bar, good for everyone. It would save a lot of heartache for that man in the bar if he realised who she was. How would she even start a conversation with him, a normal conversation. She never talks to anyone. That's why it was nice when she had Tinkerbell to talk to and open up to, although look how that ended. The only talking she does is when she barks orders to her guards, or threatens the peassants for fun. It was all a mask, she is still a young girl inside, hurting over the loss of her first love, she needed a friend. Someone to talk to, who wouldn't leave.

She had to admit, the idea of her 'One True Love' had seemed pretty amazing at the start. No more anger or bitterness, she hated being alone. Her father isn't much company, although she did love him dearly, and the king more or less ignores her at this point. But she couldn't just abandon everything she has worked for.

Tinkerbell had said that without her anger and resentment, and thirst for revenge, she would be happy, and content to live out her life with the one she loved. It's a nice thought, but regardless, if Regina did have genuine feelings for this lion tattoo man, how could he ever love her, knowing all she did.

Suddenly, she felt the sudden urge to go to see if the man was still at the tavern. Not to talk to him, just to observe him, and see what he's like. 'There's no harm in just looking' she told herself. She wanted to see what he's like. 'Would he be like Daniel?' She shook that idea from her head, that's the kind of thinking that made her run away from the tavern in the first place.

Before she could think too much about it, she waved her hand and changed herself from her nightgown, to her usual, very intimidating black, skin tight gown adorned with lots of diamonds. She looked in the mirror, pleased to see her red puffy eyes were replaced by striking, fierce, black kohl lined eyes. She nodded in approval. But then changed her mind, 'I should wear something less noticeable, not as 'Evil Queen'. Then she frowned, she had used the peasants nickname in reference to herself.

She thought hard about what to wear. Then she smiled and waved her hand once more. She was wearing a white blouse, with a brown corset type thing, and tan coloured trousers, and black boots. 'Not unlike something Snow herself would wear', she thought with a smirk. Her dramatic make up was gone, instead, she had warm, brown coloured eye make up on, and pale pink lips, and her raven coloured hair was in a long, loose braid over her right shoulder.

She looked like a nice normal village girl, she looked approachable, kind and respectable. She then looked at the large clock to the right of her mirror. It said it was 11:20pm. It was around 10pm when the stolen fairy dust led her to the tavern on the edge of the town. Maybe he would be gone, or maybe he'd still be there. But she was going regardless. Before she lost her courage. She waved her hand once more and before she knew it, she was outside the tavern that had scared her not that long ago.

She took a deep breath, and pushed the door open with both hands.