During his few hours in captivity Wally had determined one thing about this Artemis, and that is that she is extremely similar to his version of Jade. He'd dealt with his girlfriend's older sister one on one a few times in the past, and was partially wondering what this universe's version of her was like, but he decided it may be best not to ask.
"Come on, you're not even the slightest bit curious as to what alternate you is like?" He asked but she shook her head.
"Nope," she said disinterestedly.
For another few minutes they were quiet, and although Tigress liked it that way Wally didn't and was trying to think of something to say. Then he thought of something, a burning question that he just needed the answer to.
"So, uh, seeing anybody?" He asked, trying to make it sound casual. He was assuming that he has a counterpart in this dimension and if he does he needs to know if they are together.
"Nope," she replied again. That crushed Wally's hope.
"Ok uh…" he trailed off but he didn't have time to think of anything else before, ironically, an arrow came shooting through the room and cut the chain of his handcuff.
He didn't know who freed him, and he didn't care, he just ran.
Flash, Arsenal, and Wally all stood at the back of the warehouse, Arsenal fired his arrow, and then a streak of yellow and red zoomed by them. Just as planned Barry went after the kid, to catch him and bring him back to S.T.A.R. Labs whilst the two of them dealt with Crusher and the Tiger girl. The girl, just as expected, whipped around and saw her two targets just as Crusher burst through the door.
"What happened?!" He demanded when he saw not only his hostage gone but also his daughter with her arrow aimed at the heart of a mysterious archer in black who in turn aimed at her heart.
"I'll tell you later, but grab one of these guys, we don't need that other one." She ordered, Crusher growled, clearly not liking being kept in the dark or ordered around by his own daughter.
Still, he knew that there would be time later to punish her for the kid having got away. So for now he swallowed his pride and threw a knife at his enemies. The archer grew distracted upon seeing the sharp object flying towards his partner who dodged it with practiced ease. But Crusher still smirked, because he knows what it means when someone his that worried about their partner.
"Aim for that one! He's inexperienced!" He ordered and with a smirk Tigress obeyed and began targeting her arrows at Wally.
In return Arsenal began firing arrows at Tigress as quickly as he could but nothing he did seemed to even slow her.
"Get out of here!" Arsenal ordered Wally.
"No way!" Wally shouted back
"If they capture either of us we're back where we started!" Arsenal yelled back
"Exactly why I'm not leaving you!" Wally shouted
"Just go!" Arsenal barked, and judging by the finality in his voice Wally knew better than to argue again, so he ran.
"I got him," Tigress growled as she chased the runaway enemy.
He made it up to the first floor of the building, but before he could get out side she stopped him with an arrow that sent a rope around his ankles. With a smirk she crossed over to him slowly, she had recognized him by now and was going to enjoy this. He had face planted into the floor thanks to her rope and so she gave a harsh kick to his side as she used her foot to flip him onto his back.
"Well, well, well, Wally West." She said, "What are you doing all the way out here in Central City?" She questioned with not so fake interest.
"I'm sorry, do I know you?" He asked, playing dumb of course.
"Oh, what's the matter?" She purred from where she stood over him, "don't recognize me in a tank top?" She teased.
"I liked your hair better when it was down," Wally commented, noticing how her hair was tied back into a neat braid.
"Why, easier to cut?" She taunted.
"Artemis I'm sorry," he practically pleaded, she snorted with laughter.
"Please, it was middle school. It doesn't matter anymore," she told him.
"Yes it does. Artemis I had no idea what you were going through, and I just made everything worse. Let me make it up to you, I can help you get away from him. I remember that sweet girl who would never hurt a fly, this isn't you Artemis." He pleaded with her and again she laughed as she notched another arrow, aiming it at his heart.
"Don't you get it Wally?" she questioned, "That shy little girl was the act, not this. THIS is me." With that she drew back her bow to take the shot but an arrow from behind her cut into her ankle and knocked her down, sending the arrow flying into the ceiling.
A moment later Roy was cutting the ropes off Wally's ankles and yanking him to his feet, and when he wouldn't move he dragged him out of the building.
Two hours later, after Roy and Wally had been back for a good amount of time, Barry emerged with the yellow clad speedster.
"Well I didn't catch him until Texas but he's here," Barry announced
"Dude, you ran all the way to Texas and didn't bring me back a cowboy hat?" Cisco questioned but Barry ignored him.
"He isn't Reverse Flash," he announced
"Based on what? His word?" Caitlin questioned as both Barry and his new friend removed their masks, revealing that this much younger speedster had bright red hair and freckles.
"Tell 'em" Barry encouraged and so his friend took a deep breath.
"My name is Wally West," he began, immediately prompting everyone to stare at their own Wally. "In my world I'm Kid Flash, Flash's sidekick." He continued, though he still hates the word sidekick. "I was at the North Pole with Flash and another speedster trying to stop this… well basically it was a vortex of doom, by running around it to suck away it's energy. That energy however had to go somewhere and apparently somewhere means me. I thought I was dead but then I woke up in a parking lot with two guys yelling at me to get up." He explained.
"Sorry," Roy muttered an apology and Kid Flash smiled.
"Wait, so does this mean I'm going to get super powers?" Wally asked
"No," Harry was quick to say, "Although it doesn't mean you won't either. Every person, in every universe, has different experiences. Our lives are not tethered to our counterpart's and because of that there are very few constants." He explained
"Right because according to Kid Flash over here, back in his universe Iris is his aunt not his sister." Barry said, he had already asked Kid Flash not to mention to the others what he said about Barry being his uncle.
"Ok can we get back to the vortex of doom which the energy from brought you here?" Caitlin asked, "Are you ok?" She continued and Wally nodded.
"Caitlin they can run tests on him back in his dimension, let's just try to get him home." Barry said, knowing exactly what his friend was thinking.
"Well the portal downstairs is stable, let's just send him through." Cisco said but Barry sighed.
"Yeah ok so here's the thing, he's not from Earth 2." The scarlet speedster confessed and everyone just stared at him. "I asked him about Jay," he began to explain before Kid Flash cut him off.
"In my universe not only is he not missing but you said he's in his twenties on this second earth? Yeah he's like 97 in my world." He explained and when he did Caitlin's eyes bugged out of her head and Cisco took his lollypop out of his mouth.
"Holy…" Cisco began but never finished.
"Yeah," Barry said.
"Ok so what? There are more breaches that open into an Earth 3 or something?" Cisco asked
"I don't think so," Harry said, "I think that all the built up energy from this vortex of doom somehow collided with the energy from one of our breaches and used that as a doorway to transport itself and consequently Kid Flash here." He said
"So can we get him home?" Cisco asked and Harry gave it some thought.
"Theoretically if we took something that he had on him when he was transported here we might be able to pull residual energy off of it and supercharge it so that it's powerful enough to transport him, then all we would have to do is feed it into the breach in the basement and somehow find his earth." He said and Barry turned to Kid Flash.
"Do you have anything that came with you?" He asked
"Only my suit," Kid Flash answered and all of team Flash exchanged looks with one another.
"I'll get him a sweatshirt and some pants," Cisco announced
"I'll head down to the basement," Harry declared.
"This is getting too weird for me," Roy decided, knowing that they wouldn't be needing him and so he left to go apologize to his boss for running off earlier.
As everyone worked on trying to make this insane plan a reality, or at least everyone who knew how to work these machines, Wally of this earth and Kid Flash sat off to the side. Of course Kid Flash did in fact understand how to work the lab equipment, but between Harry and Caitlin Cisco had already been scolded more than enough times for getting in the way of the two control freaks, and he didn't want to enter that mess. So instead the two doppelgangers, if you could really call them that, spent the night and very early hours of the morning telling each other all about there lives.
"So who's the other speedster you mentioned earlier?" Barry asked, walking by the two.
"My cousin Bart, but I doubt you'll run into him any time soon. He came from the future to stop a big disaster; actually it was the vortex of doom, or the aliens running it anyway. You'll know him if you see him, the kid never shuts up." Wally recounted with a smile, he had to admit it felt good to be able to tell stories without worrying about the wrong person hearing.
"Whoa, aliens?" Barry questioned nervously.
"Yeah, one of his best friends is a Martian and another is half Kryptonian!" Wally said with a smile but Barry just walked away, suddenly nervous for what his future may hold. "So, um, can you tell me more about your Artemis?" He asked, Kid Flash had hardly said anything that didn't concern his girlfriend but Wally still wanted to know more, he wanted to hear more about the Artemis who fought on the side of good.
"Why don't you tell me about yours?" Kid Flash suggested, "Clearly you know who she is," he said and so Wally sighed, but told him the story that he had told Iris. Kid Flash listened intently, knowing the story of the sweatshirts all too well. "She was hiding bruises," he finally said, Wally looked up but the fact didn't really surprise him after tonight. "She told me that the beatings lasted until she was ten, but it sounds like they lasted a little longer here." He continued.
"I hate myself," Wally said, feeling so beyond terrible for having been so awful to Artemis as a kid.
"Hey don't say that," Kid Flash said, "Look, I don't know if the same people are meant to be in every dimension. But I do know that you want to help her, so next time you get the chance, try." He advised and that was when a very excited "Got it!" from Caitlin broke through the room.
Kid Flash and Wally hurried to join the others gathering in front of the breach, a proud smile on Caitlin's face and even one hinting on Harry's.
"Now you don't have much time because the energy isn't going to last long," Harry began to explain.
"And you can't take the suit with you so get a new one once you're back." Barry advised and Kid Flash nodded.
"Seriously the link to your world is going to close in less than five seconds, get out of here." Cisco advised,
"Ok, thanks, bye." Kid Flash said and just like that he was gone.
Artemis could not remember the last time she cried like this. Wally was gone; he had died. She sobbed all night long and was still going at four a.m. when the bedroom door creaked open and she assumed it was the dog. She had already tried getting the dog to come to bed hours ago, but he was dead set on lying in front of the door and waiting for his master. At one point Artemis had lied down with him, needing his comfort. But she had long since gone to bed and spent the night sobbing into her pillow, which she assumed the dog was conceding to only now.
However it wasn't Brucely's fur that she felt against her skin, instead it was the cool hands that she would swear on her life belonged to Wally. But of course that wasn't possible and so her next guess was maybe Dick had come to see how she was, that is until the owner of the hands placed a gentle kiss on her temple and whispered softly in her ear.
"Hey babe," she rolled over immediately, and found Wally sitting on the edge of the bed clad in gray sweatpants and a navy blue sweatshirt that said S.T.A.R. Labs in thick white letters. "What's the matter? Don't you know it takes a lot more than some vortex of doom to kill me?" He asked her with a smile and without a word she all but threw herself into his arms, knocking him over in the process.
"Where, where, where have you, beh-" she struggled to ask her question through her sobs but Wally shushed her by wrapping one arm around her waist while the other smoothed her hair.
"I'll explain everything after the sun comes up," he said to her, planting a kiss on her forehead and reveling in the feeling of her body atop his. "Let's just get some sleep for now."
Meanwhile, back in the dimension that Kid Flash had visited, Tigress was lying awake in her creaky old bed in the pathetic apartment her and her father spent their nights hiding out in. It was true what she told Wally, that quiet little girl was all an act, but it was an act Artemis had always found herself wishing she could play for just five more minutes. That guy had told her that in his universe she was a hero, and that she could be one here if she wanted to.
Fat chance, she thought to herself, and a part of her truly believed it. So obviously she didn't know why she was actually getting up and putting her civilian gear on, packing her Tigress uniform in a bag along with whatever food she had and slinging it over her shoulder. She winced as the bag hit against an injury she had received tonight at the hands of her father for letting the speedster get away; Shadows were not going to be happy that Crusher Crock couldn't deliver on his assignment to capture The Flash.
But she didn't care anymore.
As she snuck out the window with barely a glance back Tigress decided two things. One being that she needed to get out of the city for a while, the second being that if she were truly going to leave her father then she would need a new name. She thought on the topic as she walked down the dark and empty streets of the city, and eventually decided to take the birth name of the sister she had lost long ago.
As of now her name would be Jade Nguyen, and she would disappear, like the Cheshire cat.