Living Life as A Game: In Terraria, we go!

Chapter #1: Aren't Mondays just the best.

Waking up groggy as hell is not the best way to wake up in the morning the day after High School Graduation, and no I did not party or drink the night before, like most of the graduating class. What I was doing last night was binge reading The Gamer web-comic up to the latest chapter and binge gaming on various systems.

How I woke up? At first is nice and smooth to lessen to the song of birds through my open window easing me into the waking world, but that ended when a murder of crows made their presence known by crowing with all their effort, killing mood and giving me a headache. After that, this blue box-panel thing popped up a foot away from my face with a simple, yet highly annoying ding.

[Hello New Gamer!]

[You have been chosen to be your world's gamer, by lottery choice to boot!]

[Continue?] [Yes/No]

"This can't be real. Right?" I asked aloud while sitting up from my bed.

I did three things next to confirm if this was real or not:

-1: I pinched myself. Nothing happened, the box is still there.

-2: I slapped myself across my face. Asides from self-inflicted pain, nothing happened, the box is still there.

-3: I got up from my bed and walked over to my desk on the other side of the room and slammed my forehead into the surface of the desk. Probably got some brain damage from that, but the box is still in front of my face, same distance as well.

"So, it is real, lovey." I said, rubbing my forehead with one hand while the other tapped the arrow caucusing another box to appear.

[Are you done from making a fool of yourself now? Good!]

[Now on to business, since you have a very good idea of how the Gamer system works there is no need for a tutorial, but you still must do it anyway, it's standard procedure, sucks to be you. :/]

[Now open up your stats sheet.]

"Statues." I simply state my eyebrow twitching slightly, letting the system's sass slide.

Name: Brandon Lilly

Level: 4 Exp.: {0/2000}

Class: The Gamer

Race: Human

Age: 18

HP: {80/80} MP: {100/100}

Attribute Stats

STR: 5 (0/25) VIT: 8 (0/25) DEX: 7 (0/25)

INT: 10 (0/25) WIS: 8 (0/25) LUK: 8 (0/25)

Attribute Stats Points


Elemental Affinities


Money: $153.76

[Main menu]

"…" I can't think of anything to say about that. It makes sense that my stats would be that crappy sense that my life is really, really peaceful compared to many others. So, it's not all that surprising.

"Next part, please." I spoke my thoughts, giving the verbal command.

[Aww, aren't you just a cute gentleman. Thankyou!]

[Now that we know your stats as sub-par as they are, let's move on to the main menu.]

[Now proceed to the main menu.]

I could feel my eyebrow twitching at being insulted and complemented within a few seconds. Taking a berth, I opened up the main menu.

Main Menu

[Stats Sheet] [+]

[Inventory] [+]

[Missions] [+]

[Perks List] [+]

[World List] [+]

[Options] [+]

[This is your Main menu. You already know the [Stats Sheet], the [Inventory] has sub-calories for organization, which the tabs are: {Weapons}, {Crafting Reagents}, {Usable items}, and {Building Materials}.]

[The next tab, [Missions], only has two tabs: {Active Missions} and {Completed Missions}, simple, right?]

[Then there is the [Perks List], perks are only attainable through certain actions, achieving certain quests, and given one, which is random, by the [{Game Master}] every 10th level, which is me. This one has three calories: {Positive Perks}, {Negative Perks}, and {Dual Perks}. The positive and negative tabs are self-explanatory, but the dual perks are special since they give you a big advantage and a crippling weakness, isn't that fun?]

[Now to the [World List] tab, this one has no sub-tabs, but it shows you a list of worlds you can travel to, and the types of world it is. But you cannot just go to any world, there are requirements that you need to get to before you can go to that world.]

Example: (Name of world) (Access level needed: X) (World Type: Abandoned by Gods/a God or Created by Gods/a God or Evolution to self-aware or Created through Evolution) (Favorited: {X}).

[Lastly the [Options] tab, in here you make adjustments to your experience like: have a H.U.D., background music playing or not, and more.]

"That long an informative" I thought as I reread the chunk of information, making sure that I didn't miss anything.

"Ok, now that I got that memorized. To the Missions," I said, bring up the Missions menu.


Active Missions:

-The tutorial

-Complete the tutorial-

=Completion award: Exp. 100

=Completion failure: None, you cannot fail no matter how much you try.

Completed Missions:


"Well, that's simple. Now to the options." I said then went through the Main menu to the Options tab.


+H.U.D.+ [On/Off]

+B.M.G.+ [On/Off]

+Auto Loot+ [On/Off]

+Mini Map+ [On/Off]

+18-pulse content+ [On]

+Party DLC+ [On/Off]

"Turn on all options but Party DLC." I commanded, making my vison bluer for a second before it cleared up. The H.U.D. is nice and simple but a bit on the naturistic side, the B.M.G. is not too loud nor is it too quiet, it's just enough so I will not be bored to death with silence. The only thing that bothers me is that the 18-pulse content can't be turned off, probably because I am past the age of 18. That and the game master is a massive pervert.

[For thinking out the reasons for the 18-pulse content, your WIS went up by 1!]

[{Game Master}]: Yes, yes, I am a massive pervert. How did you think Zeus is such a horn dog?

"Well that confirms it." I said with a slight eyebrow twitch.


Mission Complete

The tutorial

-Complete the tutorial-

=Completion award: Exp. 100 [GET!]

=Completion failure: None, you cannot fail no matter how much you try

"I WILL find a way to turn off that damnable sound." I ranted before another blue box popped up.

[The Personification of Earth, Gaia the Primordial of Earth and Mother of the Titans has summoned you.]

[You will be transported to her location.]

"Well, dam. Aren't Mondays just great." I seethe just before my vision faded to black. The one thing that I regret is that I'm not property dress to meet one of the eight major Greek Primordials. Hopefully she is not angry about anything.