This chapter is a little short and mostly filler while I try to sort out the shitsotrm that is my brain. I do hope you all enjoy it and I ill try to get the next chapter up soon.


The voice calls sweetly to her as she drifts in nothingness. Her body is numb; her form feeling like she's floating but all around her is blackness. Where is the voice coming from? Who does it belong to? There are many questions that pass through her subconscious but she is content to drift along. Deep down she knows this isn't real, that the last thing she saw before nothing was the attack coming. She briefly wonders where her sister and Cana are but the calmness that takes over where panic should reign soothes her.

Riley… The voice speaks again, having no specific tone or sound to it yet she hears it like it was spoken right in her ear. Confusion takes hold and her eyes dart around, looking for the source only to be met with more haze.

Riley wake up… There it is again and this time Riley groans and moves her head, taking note of the lightness to her body. There is no pain, no fear, nothing at all as she drifts and she just wants to go back to sleep. A few more minutes… She mumbles but the voice doesn't listen.

Riley! It's urgent this time and the devastation mage finally hears the layers of worry mixed in it. It is Erza who calls to her, Erza whose face forms out of the haze of nothing; Erza who looks down at her worried. The red mage is floating above her and Riley knows this has to be a dream. They should all be dead but here is her sister, calling and reaching out to her from somewhere she knows not of.

Riley can you hear me? Her voice echoes and Riley raises a brow in confusion. Of course she can hear, she's not deaf. Riley watches as Erza's form solidifies and a hand beckons for her and without a second thought, the devastation mage takes hold like her life depends on it. There is a flash of light that blinds her before everything clicks into place and her eyes snap open.

Sound is the first thing that comes back to her, voices around speaking worried or confused. The rush of air through trees and chirping of animals in the distance. Next to come to her is vision and it's her sister she sees first, kneeling beside her with eyes filled with concern. Riley can see the tears threatening to overflow and she blinks once to clear her mind and reach out. Erza takes the hand with desperation and holds it to her chest and Riley can feel the erratic beat of her heart.

"Oh, thank God." The words are filled with relief as Erza leans down to wrap her arms around Riley, "I thought I lost you."

"Erza…" Riley begins, her voice cracking slightly and she coughs, "What's going on?" The words are no sooner leaving her lips that her memories come rushing back and she sucks in a shocked breath and sits suddenly. "Fuck!" is the only thing she can think to say. Her head spins for a moment and she feels like she's going to be sick before the sensation passes and she lifts a shaky hand to her head. What happened? They should all be dead but here she is, very much alive.

"Are you alright?" Erza places a hand on her back.

"Yeah…I just need a minute." Riley responds automatically and her eyes dart around. She sees people everywhere, some crying in relief, others looking around confused as she is and her head spins again.

"Take it easy…you need to rest." The softness in Erza's voice has Riley looking to her sister and she lets out a sigh before locking her arms around her.

"Thank God…" Erza is solid against her, warm compared to her chilled body and Riley isn't sure if this is real or a dream. They embrace for a moment longer before the red woman pulls away and wipes away a tear.

"Glad to see you back with us." She laughs but they both hear the underlying worry.

"What the hell happened?" Riley looks to Jet and Droy who tackle Levy like their lives depend on it. Jet looks the same but Riley can see a clear difference in Droy. Confusion wraps around her like a blanket before everything is cleared up in the form of a small woman forming seemingly out of thin air.

"I protected you and this island when Acnologia attacked. You've all been asleep for a long time. I watched the love you feel for one another and that allowed me to invoke Fairy Sphere." Her voice was small like her stature, her blonde hair unmoving even for the winds that blew by. She floated rather than stood, her air of comfort reaching Riley through the confusion.

"How long have we been asleep?" Her question was asked for everyone there and Max, who had been quiet until now swallowed hard, doing his best to hide the tears that threatened to escape him.

"Seven years." The answer hits her like a truck and she stiffens in Erza's arms. No way…There is no way we've been asleep that long… She looks to the blonde and notices that he too, is different from the last time she saw him. Around her she sees Natsu and Gajeel, sluggish but shocked. Mira and her siblings were to her left, embracing one another like it has been years since they've seen each other and the realization that someone is missing hits Riley like the 'seven years' remark only moments before. She's on her feet in seconds, her eyes darting everywhere searching but to no avail.

"Cana…" She whispers the name and stumbles before regaining her strength and balance. She doesn't feel the card user anywhere and the first slivers of fear pierce her.

"Cana!" She yells louder this time, panic drifting into her tones before she sees Guildarts leaning over someone. There, lying in his arms is Cana and Riley feels her breath leave in a rush. She's at his side in seconds, her eyes looking over the brunette for any signs of injury. There are none and so she reaches out to feel for a pulse, sighing audibly when it beats strong against her fingers. As if she were waiting, Cana opens her eyes the moment Riley touches her and violet meets grey and Riley feels her throat clench.

"Thank God…" She engulfs Cana in a hug so tight it brings a whimper from the card user but Riley doesn't care. She needs to feel her, needs to hear her voice to know for sure she's really there.

"Riley…" the voice though weak, drifts to her ears and Riley squeezes tighter, letting the tears that welled in her eyes spill over. Hands reach up to embrace her then and Riley lets out a sigh pulling Cana up and sitting back to place a hand on her cheek.

"Welcome back." She smiles down at the woman in her arms and leans in to kiss her. It's slow, longing and she wants to stay there but she pulls back because she knows there are eyes on her. "How do you feel?"

"Like shit…what the hell happened?"

Riley explains what she knows and Cana seems to take it better than she did up until the seven years comes into play.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Her outburst has Riley's ears ringing and she understands the shock and confusion that settles on Cana's face.

It's a while before they all board a ship to head home and along the way they are filled in with the events they have all missed. Riley's head is spinning at the information overwhelming her and she clutches her head, a migraine forming behind her eyes. Every word that enters her brain is like needles piercing and she winces, not knowing how to fully grasp the concept that is forced on her.

"Seven years?" Her question hangs in the air like a heavy weight and Max sighs again and nods.

"We searched for you for two years before everyone else quit. They presumed you all dead when the news of Tenrou Island being obliterated reached us. We sailed around for weeks trying to find you but no matter how long or how far we went, you guys were nowhere to be found." His voice is weak, sad and all around her Riley can feel the guilt weighing them all down. When the guild needed them most, they were gone. To the few who went to Tenrou, it feels like no more than a moment has passed since Acnologia attacked. She can still feel the tremors rack her body. She can still hear the hopeless sobs from her friends in her ears; feel the terror within her own body like a fever invading.

"I still can't believe it…" Erza breaks the silence first before Natsu speaks.

"I can, Droy you got fat!" He is laughing when the chubby man claims its muscle, and just like that, as if nothing happened, everyone is back to normal. They laugh and come together like a family as if the passage of time is nothing more than a story they were told. It's not until they dock back in Magnolia where they can see the changes for themselves, that it sinks in. They all go stiff as they look around and see what their city has fallen to. It's smaller, broken in some places and Riley feels her heart clench.

"While you were gone most guilds went on living their lives, it was only Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale that stuck around to help." Jet sounds as defeated as Max did and Makarov nods.

"I can only imagine how hard it must have been for you kids. I'm sorry we were not there to help you all." His words resonate within them all like a blanket and Max is in tears again. He then proceeds to explain how a new guild has formed and taken over Magnolia: Twilight Ogre, a ragtag band of thugs who spend most of their time taking advantage of everyone and everything.

When they get back to the guild hall most are left speechless at the state of it. Guild Shack is more appropriate in regards to the building itself. The sign is nearly falling off and the yard is nothing but a garden with plants sprouting. Riley looks to her left and can see clothes hanging on a line and her fists clench at her sides. Inside they can hear a commotion and Natsu is the first to move, kicking in the door and letting his foot fly. The man standing before Macao, inches from bashing his brains in, is sent flying with ease and the grunt he makes when he hits the wall brings a smirk to the devastation mage's face.

"Sorry we're late everyone." Makarov flashes a smile and those left in the guild hall turn to stare with shocked faces.

"We're home!" Natsu beams and Romeo is the first to speak, tears welling in his eyes.

"Guys…you're back," He paused and smiles, "Welcome home…"

The thugs are driven off not long after that and the entire guild erupts into chaos as people reunite and embrace. It's a place of laughter and smiles once again as everyone rushes to catch up on the time missed.

"Hey Mira," Riley has a smirk on her face as the white mage turns to face her with a brow raised, "Sing for us." In seconds the entire guild is yelling and cheering for her and Mira smiles and nods as she walks to the center of the guild hall. Mira has her guitar in hand and Riley moves to stand next to her, her violin grasped firmly before she raises it to her chin as Mira begins to sing. The words that leave her mouth have Riley sighing and she raises her bow to match the melody and once the first note sounds within the building the entire guild goes quiet. Mira stumbles in her words only for a moment before she smiles and continues, her eyes going to the devastation mage as they play together.

Riley feels the music soul deep and the smile that adorns her face has a calm washing over everyone. To some it's like only a week has past, but to the remainder of the broken souls around her it's as if it's been years since they've heard either Mira sing or her play. They would be correct of course, having been in stasis for seven years but Riley plays like it's still second nature and she feels the atmosphere shift. Having heard Mira sing this song so often, Riley knows exactly how the melody goes and her violin is a nice addition to the acoustics in the room.

When the song ends Mira turns to her and wraps her in a hug before the party starts again and voices are raising and fists are flying before she even places her instrument back in its case. It's not until Gajeel takes center stage with another one of his 'songs' that Cana grabs Riley by the hand to drag her off and away from the noise.

"Cana?" Her question hangs in the air and she raises a brow at the woman towing her, noticing how quiet it gets once the door to the main room closes. If anyone saw them leave, they didn't give chase and once they were a safe distance away from the party Cana stops and turns on her heel and Riley sees the lust burning in her eyes.

"I love hearing you play…" Her tone drops and immediately a wave of heat washes over the black mage.

Riley needs only a moment to take in her surroundings. They are confined in a storage closet somewhere outside the main room of the guild hall and Riley only barely hears the joyous shouts from her friends before Cana's words drift into her ears, drowning everything out.

"Are you ready?" It was a short question and the smirk on Cana's face as her eyes drifted down has heat pooling in Riley's stomach and she gulps.

"Cana there are people right out- "she never finishes her sentence that she's not sure she wanted to, when lips meet hers. The card user is gentle only a moment before passion takes over and Riley is pinned to the door while their tongues fight for dominance. Riley loses as always but she doesn't mind.

The devastation mage lets herself feel everything, Cana's feather light touches across her bare stomach; the lips that trail heated kisses down her throat. It's intoxicating and the heat begins to wash over Riley in slow, torturous waves.

"Cana…" She lets the name slip out in the form of a breathy moan and a chuckle meets her ears even as she feels the button of her pants come undone. Riley takes in a gasp when Cana doesn't waste any time burying fingers in her; her own hands coming up to fist in the fabric of Cana's shirt.

"Fuck Cana- "Another gasp escapes her when Cana's fingers scissor and curl within her and she sees stars for a second before lips are at her ear.

"Keep it down or someone will hear you." The amusement reaches Riley's ears and she knows Cana is enjoying this. A hand finds her breast under her shirt and Riley bites her lip against the scorching fire within her.

Riley leans her head back against the door and spreads her legs to give Cana better access and the pleasure that rips through her is almost enough to bring her to her knees. The fingers set and arduous pace and Riley finds herself on the precipice of ecstasy all too soon before they both freeze.

"Are you sure you saw them come this way?" Lucy's voice reaches Riley in muffled acoustics through the closed door and panic surges out and before she can think Riley finds a hand over her mouth to keep her quiet as the voices grow closer.

"I thought I did. Riley was going to put her violin away and Cana was supposed to be getting me another drink but I don't see them." That was Levy and Riley tightens her grip on Cana's shirt when they stop right outside the door.

"All that's back here is the basement and a few storage closets Levy. I doubt either of them came this way." Lucy sounds confident in her words and Riley can hear the underlying tone. Let's go back.

The devastation mage can hear them breathing just on the other side of the barrier and her heart skips a beat and she nearly squeaks when she feels Cana's fingers curl within her again, allowing a wave of heat to momentarily eclipse the panic. Riley looks down to see an evil glint in the amethyst eyes staring back at her and the unspoken words float into her mind. This is your challenge. Try not to make noise.

She can't hear Cana's thoughts of course but she can read the look she's getting. She can see the smirk plastered on Cana's face and she can feel the fingers increasing the pace. She almost loses it then, opening her mouth in a silent scream when the fingers hit the sweet spot within her. The hand over her mouth presses harder against her to muffle the moan that tries to escape and Riley is thankful for it. If not for the block then she would be screaming in pleasure and giving away their position to the two mages outside the door who still haven't moved for some reason Riley can't understand.

She hears them talking but doesn't pay attention to the topic, instead focusing on the pleasure growing from within her; grasping at anything to tip her over the edge she walked. She bucks her hips against Cana's fingers and pulls the woman closer as she clings to her and Riley can feel her vision begin to tunnel. She feels Cana lean closer to bite the pulse point at her throat and Riley loses herself in pleasure, her body trembling against the door as her nails dig into the soft skin of Cana's shoulders.

Her mouth is agape, a silent scream emerging from it as her orgasm rocks her and Riley does the only thing she can think of to stay quiet. She pulls one of Cana's fingers into her mouth and bites down as tremors take over and she convulses against the waves of ecstasy crashing through her. She feels Cana press against her to try and control some of the shaking but Riley also feels the hot breath on her neck. Cana is turned on by Riley's lips around her digit but before the black mage can further her thoughts the fingers slip out of her and she feels the release of fluids down her legs.

As if on cue, Lucy and Levy chose that moment to return to the party, muttering something Riley doesn't bother to even attempt to make out because Cana kisses her then and all thoughts melt away.

"You're so hot when you come." Just the words have Riley getting hot again and it's the black mage who switches them and kisses Cana back.

"My turn." Is all she says with a smirk on her face. It's a while before they decide to retire to their home instead of returning to the party.

Riley is leaning against the wall of the guild hall while she listens to all the women panic about being seven years late on rent. Cana sits at the bar with a relaxed look on her face with Erza and Mira because they don't have to worry about it because Riley bought their house outright but the Devastation mage can't help but feel bad for them.

"If any of you need a place to stay while you work to catch up on rent my house is open to you. There should be enough room for you. It will be cramped but it's better than nothing yeah?" She looks to each woman individually and offers a smile.

"We can't do that to you Riley..." Levy talks as if for everyone but the black mage ignores her, walking up confidently and crossing her arms.

"I don't owe anything on my house Levy. It's been paid for since the day I bought it. Erza, Mira, and Cana don't need to worry about rent because they moved in before all this shit happened. Take the offer and stop being so stubborn." Her words were a command and everyone knew it so Levy simply nodded and bowed respectfully.

"Thank you so much Riley..." The tremors in Levi's voice have the black mage sighing and before she can stop herself, Riley places a hand on the head before her.

"This is what friends do Levy. Don't ever thank me for being a friend to you..." Riley smiles softly to her before the mages around her swarm and she is engulfed in a massive group hug. The proximity of everyone has her stiffening with discomfort but Riley lets them have their moment because she can feel the stress each one is under and even though she doesn't understand it, she knows they need this.

"Our Riley is growing up." Cana laughs from the stool she is currently perched in and Riley thinks the card user is extremely lucky that the rest of the guild is in the way or else Cana would not be laughing. She voices her thoughts and Cana only laughs harder.

"I think her offer is honorable." Riley can hear Erza even though she can't see the red mage, "It's very kind of her to make such an offer to so many people."

"I feel bad for all the guys though," Mira chuckles from somewhere to Riley's left and she can just see the white of hair past Evergreen before the black mage can take no more; shoving people away from her person even as Mira continues, "They're going to be in a pickle since Riley only gave that offer to the women of the guild."

Riley understands the words unspoken from Mira, You just want all the pretty Ladies to yourself..., and shoots her a glare, "It's not like that Mira. This offer is to anyone in the guild who needs it. I simply directed it at the girls because they were the only ones freaking out." Her offer extended to anyone and everyone who felt they needed it. Her home was open to them all. In the end it was only Wendy, Levy, and Lucy who took her up on her offer but regardless the devastation mage was happy to help her friends.

Riley notices the rest of the day speed by as she helps each mage into a smaller room in the house and let them get used to it. It isn't until night has fallen that she feels she needs to say anything. Clearing her throat, she looks to everyone around her and crosses her arms.

"I understand your time here is limited and I hope you all know you can stay as long as you want but with that being said," Riley pauses to think of how to word what she wants to say. "I will not change how I do things around here. I have a routine that I do every day and since you all opted for the small room downstairs you will be affected by this." Riley stares her down but they simply smile and nod.

"Don't worry about me Riley I owe you big time for all the help while I try to come up with the cash to pay my rent. I'll be fine." Riley nods but can't help not believe the celestial wizard but the only thing she can do is agree and smile.

"I would feel more comfortable staying with you than fighting one of the other women for a hotel room." Levy laughs nervously.

"Carla and I are small so we should be able to stay out of your way. Don't worry about us Riley." Wendy offers a bright smile and Carla simply nods but doesn't speak.

"Then I hope you all enjoy your stay here. I am happy to help in any way I can." Riley flashes a bright smile and Levy and Wendy return one to her while Lucy casts a thumbs up and everyone goes back about their business.

Riley is awake before anyone else as usual, silently untangling herself from Cana to stretch and dress. She casts one last glance at her lover and smiles before beginning her routine. Erza is the easiest to wake up, a simple shake and the red mage is on her feet and getting ready. Mira is a bit more troublesome but not nearly as bad as the card user, which is why Riley leaves Cana for after her run.

The devastation mage is the first to finish her three-mile run and trotting down the hall to the basement is when she wakes Cana with a kiss. The brunette grumbles as usual but one look from the black mage and Cana is eyeing her with lust and fully awake.

"Get some water and meet me in the basement in an hour." Riley speaks matter of fact and is gone before Cana can even respond.

It's a while before Riley hears a commotion upstairs but pays it no mind, instead focusing on her training. She spins and lashes out with a foot and the sound, when it connects, echoes throughout the room. Leaving no time in between hits, she throws a one-two punch and follows up with a knee to the dummy. She can feel her muscles protest each movement but she ignores them, focusing on her reaction time and speed above all. Behind her she can feel eyes glued to her back but thinks nothing of them, instead flipping sideways to spin on the heels of her hands and land a powerful kick to the dummy's head. The sound resonates within her and the impact sends a slight jab of pain to her scar and she winces but is on her feet in seconds, her stance widening as the door to the basement opens.

"You done practicing Riley?" Mira's voice drifts to her ears as footsteps echo.

"Just finishing up. You two are slow." Riley smirks at the glare Erza casts her.

"Its three miles! You did it in fifteen minutes! That shouldn't even be possible!" Her anger singes the air but Riley laughs.

"So get faster." she proceeds to dodge the fist aimed at her face and dance away.

"You've been doing this for years Riley, we just started training with you cut us some slack." Mira sighs when the black mage shakes her head.

"No mercy. If you can't handle it then leave. If you want to get stronger then come at me." Her eyes harden and she shifts her weight to dodge her sister's kick.

Riley barely has any time to counter before Mira jumps in and goes for a roundhouse. She spins, grabbing hold of the leg as she does, and launches Mira into the wall. The white mage hits with a thud but gets up without hesitation.


"Thanks. I've been watching you when you spar and learning your moves as much as I can." Mira charges but Riley sees this coming and smirks, leaning back to flip and send a kick to the white mage. Mira dodges gracefully and counters by dropping and sweeping out with her foot, catching Riley's arm as she's half way through her flip. The black mage winces at the pain that shoots through her limb and falls, rolling to avoid Erza's fist. She catches the red mage's arm and continues her momentum, bracing her foot against Erza's stomach to launch her up and over. A gasp escapes the red mage but Riley is moving again, rolling to sit on top of her sister.

"You need to think before you attack Erza."

"How are your reflexes that sharp?" The question is strained because Riley has a hand around Erza's throat but she gets its none the less.

"Years of training." Is all she says before letting go and turning to grab the kick Mira had aimed for her. The grip tightens and Riley hears a pained grunt from the white mage but doesn't let up.

"Two on one isn't fair Mira." Her words are hard.

"Sometimes battles aren't fair. You taught me that." Mira smirks and moves, almost too fast for Riley to counter. Almost.

The black mage has just enough time to put her arm up to brace against Mira's as she attempts to get a head lock. Below her she feels Erza move and tightens the muscles in her core, knowing a punch is most likely coming. No sooner does she think this that a fist buries into her stomach and she grunts but focuses on not getting choked as Mira tightens her grip.

Riley grunts when a knee slams into her back and a curse escapes her when she hears Mira chuckle from behind her. Acting on instinct, the black mage brings up a knee and shoves herself off Erza, using the momentum to slam Mira into the ground and leans in to skink her teeth into the arm wrapped around her neck. Mira hisses and let's go but Riley is already moving, spinning to land a punch before rolling to avoid a kick.

"No biting." Mira hisses but Riley simply smirks and shrugs.

"You were open so I took the opportunity." She then proceeds to dodge Erza's fist, spinning to land one of her own. The red mage makes a pained sound and Riley follows up with a takedown. Erza hits the mat hard and Riley hears her breath leave in a whoosh of air.

"Okay I'm done." Erza gasps between words and Riley turns to face Mira who simply raises her hands and take a step back.

"That's enough for me this morning. I can feel the bruises forming already." Riley sees a smile adorn her face and smiles herself.

"Pansies." Is all she responds before movement catches her eye, "How long are you three gonna stare from the crack in the door?"

They all hear the squeak and seconds later Levy, Lucy, and Wendy topple through the doorway.

"How long have you three been awake?" Mira helps them up.

"Since Riley came down..." Lucy looks away guilty, "We didn't mean to stare but watching you train was enthralling."

Riley isn't sure to be proud or embarrassed but she nods, "If you guys want to train with me in the mornings you are free to join."

"No thanks, I choose life." Levy and Lucy respond as one.

In a matter of minutes, Riley is alone once again and she is finishing up her routine when the door opens again.

"Good morning sexy." Cana winks from the top step, "Master wants to see you when you get done. You, Erza, and Mira are needed for a little mission."

"Thanks Cana." Riley responds automatically, "I'll be up as soon as I shower."

"You want some company?" The card user winks and saunters up to place a finger under the black mage's chin.

"If you join me, I'll never get to the guild." Riley smiles and kisses Cana but gently pushes her to the door, "Let me shower in peace so we can get out of here.

The guild hall of Twilight Ogre was indeed large and Riley couldn't help but feel a familiarity about it. It wasn't until they came into the main hall that it dawned on her and her hands balled into fists at her sides.

This was Fairy Tail's old guild hall. Looking around, Riley sees that the others have come to this conclusion as well and her magic spikes.

Makarov speaks first, and the two guild leaders discuss finances for a bit before Makarov responds with a snide comment and Riley smirks. She can see him, Mira, and Erza at the front of the room while she covers the rear, standing against the door with her arms crossed. She watches as they all begin to glow and she can feel the magic engulf her entire body. Family or not, the magic power they all exude is threatening and Riley loves the fear that courses through the members of Twilight Ogre.

When a few try to turn and make a break for the door Riley flashes a toothy grin and her magic surges. It's only a matter of minutes before nearly everyone is beaten into a stupor and the four Fairy Tail mages leave with smiles on their faces.

"That felt good." Riley clasps her hands behind her head and smiles when Mira and Erza nod in agreement.

Just like that, everything feels the same. Like seven years never passed, like a huge battle didn't take place; like Doranbolt didn't betray her yet again. Riley pauses mid-step for a split second before continuing, her eyes traveling to the ground as she walks. Part of her still has feelings for him, but the other is still so angry at him she would most likely kill him if she saw him right now.

"You alright?" Erza draws her from her thoughts and Riley's eyes snap up.

"Yeah I'm alright just got a lot on my mind right now."

"Try not to think too much," Mira smiles, "Let's head back to the guild. We have seven years of catching up to do."

"Yeah." Riley responds automatically but smiles regardless. They did indeed have seven years of catching up to do.

Again, I apologize if this reads like it was rushed but I just couldn't get a rhythm with this chapter. the next one will be better so bear with me on this. As always, leave a review if you want and I hope you are liking this story so far.

