Ok here is the ending/last chapter/sort of an epilogue...I think.

The Doctor stepped out of the TARDIS, coming upon the street where he and Rose had landed originally. Nothing seemed to have changed, but from what he could smell, it's been a good two or three months since he and Rose had come upon the dock scene. He walked along the ally, towards the direction of Jessica's apartment. He no longer had to worry about being mistaken for Kilgrave, because from what he could tell, his doppelganger's neck had snapped. All he could hope was that he would not meet the same fate.

He didn't want to go that soon.

When he arrived at Jessica's door he hesitated for a moment, contemplating why he was doing this. At this point, he owed her an explanation of...well him.

He knocked.

Nothing happened.

He knocked again.

This time, he heard a series of various curses and some footsteps.

The door opened.

Jessica stood there, staring at the Doctor, and he stared back.

He braced for some violent act on her part but nothing came.

Instead, what he heard was, "You're not him."

"That is correct" he replied.

"...So you're..."

"The Doctor."

More silence.

"I think I owe you an explanation as to who...and what I am...and an apology as well."

She gestured him inside, but didn't seem too happy about it.

The Doctor sat on a couch, and she sat in a chair facing him. He had to look up to compensate for the difference of height-which probably hadn't been made accidentally.

"Might as well get into it. I am a Timelord from the planet Gallifrey"

Jessica spat out her coffee. "What?!"

"And I'm 900 years old."

She just stared at him.

"Took it well then?" he presumed.

"So you're a lunatic that looks exactly like the bane of my existence. What a surprise."

"Well what were you expecting?" asked the Doctor.

"I was under the illusion that you were his twin brother or something."

"Well, I guess that would make more sense."

"So that means that you're actually an alien? Why do you look like him then? Or is it because you chose his form to strike fear into your enemies?"

"What?! Yes, I am an alien, and I just happen to look exactly like that Kilgrave bloke."

She winced when he said his name.

"And I am sorry, I am so so sorry that he put you through all that pain and suffering, and I can say, for once in my life, that maybe he had that death coming for him."

Jessica said nothing.

"I should go." said the Doctor. He stood and walked back to the doors of her apartment. He passed Malcolm on the way out, who stared at him as if he's seen a ghost. Malcolm then looked to Jessica. "Is he? He's not..."

"No." confirmed Jessica.

"Then who-"

"That's a long story that I'm never gonna tell you."

Malcolm sighed, for he knew that she wasn't lying. "Any jobs?"

"Lots, but I think I'm gonna take the day off."

"Good thinking. The world can survive without you for one day...hopefully" said Malcolm.


They both looked back at the door. The Doctor, of course, was long gone at this point.

The Doctor sat in the med bay, chest bare. He just finished wrapping his ribs tightly with a roll of gauze when Rose walked in.

"Blimey, Doctor, what happened to you?"

"Well, you know how Jessica had super-strength and such?"

"She did this to you?"


"Do you need help?" asked Rose.

The doctor winced, but then said, "no." For he had just finished. He put his shirt and coat back on and beamed at Rose. "Ready to go home?"

The wheezing commenced, and the Doctor threw down a few levers, smiled, then looked over to Rose.

"We're here" he said

"...wait, am I actually home this time?" she asked.

The Doctor double-checked the TARDIS screen, then looked back to Rose. "Powell Estate, London, England."

"Then let's go." said Rose with a smile.

"Wait, me too?" asked the Doctor.

"You're crazy if you think I'm facing my mum alone!" complained Rose.

"Oh alright. Allon-sy!"

A/N: and there is my make-shift ending for this story that I have been working on now for like...I dunno like 9-10months? Yes yes I know, this ending absolutely sucked, but to be honest, I was out of ideas, and I didn't want everyone waiting forever. I want to thank every single human(and non-human) who favorited and/or followed and/or reviewed this story. It truly meant a lot to me, so that you so so much. :) Maybe when season 2(of Jessica Jones) comes out, I'll be inspired to rewrite this crap ending, but until then, I bid you a farewell.

I do, however, have more one-shots planned and more stories in the making. Confusion among the Stars is the current story I am working on so check it out if you want to. I'll have updates and such in my bio, so until then,

-The Lamp