"And we're here!" said the Doctor with a final push of a lever. The comforting whirr of the TARDIS picked up, and they faded into existence.

"Where...and when are we this time Doctor?" asked Rose, with an obvious smirk on her face.

"Emm..." the Doctor ran over to the screen, then said, "New York, 2015."

"Where in New York exactly?" she asked.

"Hell's Kitchen..err doesn't sound too friendly, but I've heard that they made AMAZING burgers." said the Doctor.

"Okay then, Doctor." said Rose with a smile.

The Doctor walked over to the doors, and threw them open. He took a step outside, and sniffed the air. "Mmm, yeh, sometime before December, and..." he stuck his tongue out, "it's gonna rain later!" The Doctor turned around to Rose. Who was still smiling. "How can you possibly do that?" she asked.

The Timelord just smiled, and instead said, "I would grab a coat if I were you."

He turned back around as Rose grabbed her coat. "It looks like we landed in an ally of some kind, well no problem, the street's right over there." he said.

"Okay then, let's go!" said Rose excitedly as she leaped out of the TARDIS and onto damp American pavement. The console made a winding and creaking noise.

"Okay, just give me a second." said the Doctor as he ran back into the TARDIS. He flipped a few switches, and winded various objects when he heard Rose scream from outside the TARDIS.

"Rose!" he yelled as he bounded out of the TARDIS. She was no where to be seen.

"Rose?" he asked. No reply. He knew he made a mistake by leaving her out there alone, in New York nonetheless. Even if it was just for a few minutes, this was all his fault.

The Doctor started running. Around the corners and to the street. He looked around. It was relatively empty. The occasional person here and there, but then he saw it. Rose was getting into a car with a man in a purple suit.

"Rose!" he yelled. She stopped, looked back, but the man told her something and she ignored the Doctor and continued into the car.

Rose got into the car with the man. She didn't know why, but he told her to, and then she really wanted to. The Doctor, didn't he tell her to? But then who yelled her name earlier?

"So what's your name?" asked the man sitting down next to her.

"Rose Tyler." she replied, a bit confused since she thought the Doctor already knew her name, but she set that thought aside.

"That's a great name." said the man who sounded all too familiar.

"Yes, it's a great name." repeated Rose.

"Now tell me, who was that who yelled your name earlier?" asked the man.


"No, I mean right before we got into the car."

"W-wasn't that you Doctor?"


"You're so funny." said Rose with a smile.

"No, I mean, why did you call me Doctor?" asked the man.

"Well because that's your name." she replied.

The man decided to ignore this, for surely this woman may have been confused. Suddenly, she spoke up, and interrupted his thoughts by saying,

"I thought you had shaved this morning."

"You just met me. Remember?"

"Uhh...Yes, I think so...but-"

"No buts, my name is Kilgrave, you will enjoy my company."

Rose was confused for a brief moment, but then said, "I will enjoy your company."

"That is good." said Kilgrave.

"Yes, that is good." repeated Rose.

God I have forgotten how annoying this gets. Thought Kilgrave.

The car had already left, and the Doctor knew he wouldn't have a chance of catching the car for it had already gained speed and was long gone. The Doctor looked up, and saw a security camera. This gave him an idea. He ran back to his TARDIS as fast he could, and tapped the screen on the console, and pressed a few more buttons, but couldn't zero in on the man that Rose got in the car with, but he did get the licence plate number. He pressed a couple more buttons and tapped the screen a few more times, but he didn't have the right tech on his ship to trace the plate. He didn't have a data base. It was then that he realized that he would have to go and get help. He had to go to the police station. He pulled up the location of it on the TARDIS. He didn't want to risk them seeing him, so he decided to just walk there. It was only a few blocks away after all.

The Doctor quickly ran back out of the TARDIS and started a slow jog towards the location of the police station. He walked through the doors and up to the desk of the police station.

"Can I help you?" asked the man at the desk.

"My friend just got into a car with a stranger for no reason! I got the plate number, could you trace it?"

"Let's back up a bit, bud, before we spend money on a plate trace, was there any sign of a struggle?"

"Well...not really but-"

"Did she call out to you? Or in anyway?"

"No entirely, but she had never met him before, I'm sure of it, if I could just-"

"Is she a prostitute by any chance?"

"What?! No! What kind of policeman are you-"

"That is quite enough now, sir." said a voice from behind him. The Doctor turned around and was standing face to face to head detective. "As far as I can tell, your little 'kidnapping' story sounds like one of those loony ones involving that Kilgrave bloke. I know of a person who deals with this crap, here's her card." The Detective handed the Doctor a business card.

"Good luck with that, hope you find your girlfriend." and with the, the detective walked away.

Girlfriend? What? Her and I? Never. The Doctor stormed out of the police station.

"That accent of yours, it's British."


"Where are you from?"


"Oh that's nice."

Kilgrave looked out the window. The car was coming to a stop.

"Where are we?" asked Rose.

"That, my sweet, is going to be a surprise." said Kilgrave.

The Doctor knocked on the door. "Alias Investigations," it read, on ruffled glass. The Doctor heard a groan from inside, then some shuffling, and then the door opened.

"'ello, I was told you could help me with finding a friend? A man that I didn't see...took...her and I was told you could help me with this."

Jessica was momentarily shocked when she saw Kilgrave at her door. He was blabbing his mouth about something she didn't care about. She immediately jumped into action by pulling the man in and bringing her knee up to his gut. He doubled over immediately.

The Doctor found himself on the ground, clenching his stomach. This woman had unbelievable strength, for he was sure that a couple of his ribs were broken. Jessica pulled him up and shoved him against the wall. Her arm pinned his chest to the wall, and her hand was in a clenched fist, ready to take him out.

"What are you doing here?" spat Jessica.

The Doctor was still wheezing, but managed to say, "I needed your help with finding a friend. I was referred here from the police station."

"Ha ha. Very funny. What, got tired of raping helpless girls did you?"

The Doctor was both shocked and disgusted from this remark.

"Rape? I would never. That's disgusting."

"So what do you call what you did to me?"

"What I did to you?" The Doctor was now hopelessly confused. "I never did anything to you, hell, I haven't even met you before in my entire life! And that is a really long time mind you."

"Okay then, Kilgrave, trying another tactic are we? Coming here to my apartment newly shaven with a new haircut doesn't mean we can start fresh. What, did you get a make-over or something?"

"Listen, miss...-uh-...Jessica was it? I think you are mistaking me for someone else. Please, just let me go, and I can forget this ever happened, okay? I just wanted help finding Rose, but I-I think I'll be fine on my own." The Doctor said as he attempted to get out of Jessica's hold, but was instead thrown to the ground.

"I would never forget your face."

"I wouldn't either, I mean, I got quite lucky with this face, though it doesn't have the best skin but look at these teeth!" he bared them for her.

"They are amazing, gotta say, I was quite shocked when I got them, quite different from my previous incarnations..." The Doctor was rambling on as usual and was slowly backing away from her, but Jessica was quite confused at this point. She was starting to think that Kilgrave had gone crazy, but on another hand, he was already crazy, more of a sociopath actually, but as far as she remembered, it was all based on her. Maybe he had somehow mixed this "Rose" girl with her in his messed up mind. The man she thought was Kilgrave still was rambling on, it was now an entirely different subject, something related to bananas, but she covered his mouth, and said "about this Rose that you are trying to find. What did you say happened to her?"


Jessica then realized that she was still covering his mouth. She brought her hand back.

"Ahh, much better, not very nice, that was, although, it also wasn't nice when you gave me that beating a minute or two ago."

"Just shut up and tell me so that I can see how delusional you really are."

"Delusional? No. Mad? Maybe. But what I saw was that my friend-Rose-I heard a scream from inside the TARDIS, so I ran to check on her, and she was gone! So then I ran to look for her and see what had happened, when I found her getting into a car with this man! I didn't see his face or anything, but he was wearing a purple suit."

"Oh that's dark. Even for you. Pretending to lose your memory and come to me for help on a story you made up, featuring YOU, and you even made yourself look helpless so that I would feel bad for you. Is that it? Because that is what it seems like to me."

"So I'm taking that as a no then." said the Doctor. He quickly scrambled to his feet, and wincing in pain, he tried to run, but once again, Jessica grabbed him by the collar, and sent him flying slammed through the wall, head first.

The wall now had a hole in it, with the Doctor laid out at its foot.