Chapter 1
It's cold.
Mother said they would be back soon.
The sun has been up and high, making it bright, when Mother dropped us off. Then it grew dark with the clouds coming together, Ototo became hungry then; I gave him one of the three bottles. When it start to get darker, it got windy that made it cold. I move myself and little brother to big and blue boxes, they smell funny too. When we sat next to the smelly boxes it wasn't windy, but cold. I tell Ototo to stay while I wait for Mother.
"Stay out of sight, don't let anyone see you. Hear me? Not a sound, don't be seen, boy."
Father had to go and talk to the police, Mother said that she had to go with him as a good wife. But that was when the sun was up; there's no sun now, just dark and scary clouds. Ototo is crying, saying that his butt hurts and that he want Mother; he is a little smelly. I look in his backpack that Mother left for candy, I find one and tell him that if he stop crying I give him one. He stop and I give in small candy; he asks for Mother.
"Mother is coming."
The big smelly boxes keep us from the wind but it's starting to rain. I gave my sweater to Ototo when he cold; I pull it so his head no get wet; he laugh and pull it back. I tell him to hide from the rain so he cover his head with my sweater.
Footsteps. I hear footsteps coming to us from the long and scary hallway between two big big big walls.
"Leave them, Mikoto, they're no longer of our concern."
The footsteps start to go away; I look next to big blue box and see Mother's back.
I move from the smelly box, walk to Mother hoping that we go home. I hold Mother's hand-
"Don't touch her!"
Father holds my hand, it hurts when he's holding them. Mother turns and looks at me, I don't see her eyes.
It hurts now. My cheek hurts and my back too; Mother's hand is in the air and Father pushed me. It feels like it burning. I start to cry, wanting my Mother.
They turn and walk away, leaving us in the large and smelly hallway.
It's raining hard; I can't feel my hands or feet and my face hurts when I sneeze. My eye doesn't want to open and there's a nasty taste in my mouth. Ototo is a little dry from the rain, he's shaking saying he's cold; I started hugging him to keep him warm but I was cold too. I gave him his last bottle before it started raining hard.
I don't feel anything now. I have to look down to see if Ototo still in my arms on my lap. He's making little sounds with his teeth, he's shaking too, and he asking for Mother. I hug him close, going back and forth like I see Aniki do when Ototo has to take his naps.
When the rain falls, it hurts and it's cold; my sweater is all wet but I don't have a blanket to give to Ototo. His teeth don't make sounds anymore, but he still makes sounds. Little sounds, little ones because his lips are sky blue. I can see little clouds coming from his lips in the rain, mine are bigger than his.
It hurts to move, hard pokes everywhere if I do.
It's dark.
I'm scared.
There's a scary sound. Ototo isn't making sounds. It not him. It louder now. My little clouds coming out fast.
Who crying?
"It's coming from over here!"
There's a light that hurts my eyes when it touches me and Ototo. I hear loud footsteps. A big boom scare me but not wake Ototo; the crying is louder.
"Hey, hey, it's ok." Something warm and soft is on me. "No more crying, okay?" A soft voice stops the rain from hitting me and Ototo. "Kakashi, get the car! Quick!"
More light but there's no boom that scare me. The crying stops too. Only sniffles. A hand goes to Ototo's hand, Maybe he wake up Ototo now.
My eyes burn and I can't rub them, my arms hurt too.
I tired.
"Stay awake, kid," I hear the noise voice talking again, it make me more sleepy. "Thanks Kami... there's a pulse!" I no see who is being nice, but he making me really sleepy with his talk. "Stay with me," something is touching my head, its warm, "can you tell me your name?"
"Itachiā¦" I want to sleep. Like Ototo.
"Alright, Itachi, you're safe now, it's okay now."
"Come help me, there's two!"
I hear someone coming but my eyes won't open, they too tired. I take nap with Sasuke now. Only Ototo take nap when I wait for Mother and Father.
I take nap now.
"We need to hurry-"