I'm starting this one out to see how it goes, I just got a new computer you see so I thought why not a new story to go with it? (No more writing chapters on my phone!) This story centers around my OC Haruko, who let me tell you is definitely going to bring some major trouble to Ouran! But hey that's highschool right?

I'll put up a little character description here so you can get a previous idea about her.

Haruko Hax~

Appearance: Light blonde hair that's always pulled back into some ponytail or bun, sometimes French braid if she's feeling fancy~ She has blue eyes and refuses to wear that gaudy yellow uniform these people say holds class or something. She wears instead her own clothes which are different everyday, and she also wears a gold locket that's long enough so she can hide it under her shirt.

Background: She's transferring to Ouran Academy on her parents wishes, so that she can get some high class degree and get rich at a high class job. She thinks her parents also wish for her to find some high class boyfriend so she can skip the last part of it. It doesn't matter to her though, 'cause she couldn't care less about what her parents want her to do! She doesn't remember much of anything about her life when she was a kid~ but that's not really important to her. Her home life is sucky and she's always shutting herself in her room to escape her family. She had to leave her friends behind, but she doesn't care about that either- not since they betrayed her.

Personality: She's strong willed and is determined to make it through until she can move far away and create her own life. She's a chronic loner and finds herself always ending up in the same place- lonely. Though odd at first glance she shows immense kindness underneath, and is a loyal friend to the end. Even though its always been her that's been stabbed in the back or left in the dust, she feels inside that it's herself that is flawed.

Well, maybe the host club can influence her in more ways than one. I guess we'll just have to see how this story unfolds! Just a heads up, there will be some changes to multiple characters' past. This one goes more off the dubbed anime then the subbed or the manga, but they're so similar its not like it matters that much. Anyway, shall we get started!? I hope you enjoy this!

P.s. Not sure how much I have to put this but I obviously don't own any familiar characters. (( no actually I tots wrote OHSHC and I'm just writing this fanfiction cause I'm testing it out for a new season ;) SARCASM ))

Haruko's POV

"Here we go." I'm standing just outside to door to my classroom, hesitant to go in. I've already gotten strange looks from the inhabitants of this mystic land, probably 'cause I'm not wearing their beloved uniform. What, if I wanted to look like a banana with no fashion sense I'd visit my aunt! It's not like I'd fit in here anyway. I sigh and open the door and step in, I came early today, so luckily the teacher was here early too.

"Ah, Haruko you're early today." My teacher says and I shrug.

"Sensei, where do I sit? I was planning on checking out the library after I dropped my stuff off." I say and she absentmindedly gestures to a seating chart on the wall. I walk over to it and see my name listed in the back, next to someone named Haruhi Fujioka. I sigh and hang my bag on the back of the seat and hurry out of the classroom, looking around and trying to remember the route I took when I toured the place.

I head down the halls but make no progress in actually getting to the library, I must've taken a wrong turn...or twelve. I look around nervously, trying not to look like an outsider. I don't have my bag...and I cant remember which classroom it was. I don't even know where I am! I anxiously try to talk to a few people to ask but get brushed off each time.

"Excuse me, but we don't allow people to wander the school without a visitor's pass." Some one says from behind me and I turn around to see a guy who's taller than me, with black hair and glasses. He looks friendly at the start, but I detect a warning from behind the polite smile. I shift nervously and open my mouth to give some hot headed retort about how I am very much a student here when someone else says something from behind the boy.

"Oh Kyoya, how can you be so impolite as to accuse such a fair young maiden of trespassing? I'm sure she has a pass, don't you miss?" The boy asks and he steps out from behind Kyoya and I gasp when I see him.

He has beautiful blonde hair and mesmerizing purplish blue eyes. When he sees me he widens his eyes and we both just stare, taking each other in. Who is he? Why do I feel like I should know this person? For a few seconds it feels like rose petals are dancing around us and that jolts me out of my staring. What the hell? Roses?! I look around and try to find where they came from- but they disappear as soon as they came.

I shake myself out of the shock and regrow my backbone.

"Actually I don't have a visitor's pass 'cause-" I'm interrupted by two hands clasping down on my shoulders. I jump out of my skin and tense up.

"Woooooow so you are a trespasser?" Two voices ask at once and I open my mouth to say something, but I'm interrupted once again.

"Hikaru, Kaoru don't be so rude!" a girl's voice says and I turn around, wrenching my shoulders out of their hands, and come to see three boys. Wait..no two boys, that one is definitely a girl...I think. Aside from her I also see two twins, odd- they look exactly alike! More so than normal twins.

"Coming from you?" One of the them says and she/he rolls his/her eyes.

"At least I'm not purposefully rude, it's only because you guys don't understand common sense!" She/he exclaims.

"You mean commoner's sense?" The other twin says and I roll my eyes. What a joke.

They turn back to me and I frown.

"Nope! Before you say it again I am not a trespasser! I'm a student here, I just left my bag in the classroom." I say quickly before anybody else of this strange group can say anything. "Ah and before you say that I'm not wearing a uniform, I haven't got one."

"So you're just lost?" Blondie says with a hint of sympathy and I shrug, and then nod.

"It's a big school, so it's understandable that it would happen. I'll assume you're new here?" Kyoya says and I nod again.

"What's your class?" They boy/girl says and I shrug, my face burning with embarrassment.

"I- I forgot it...I left my bag in it with the information." I say and the twins laugh. I roll my eyes and feel blondie's hand on my shoulder, different from the twins- it's comforting.

"Do you know the name of the teacher? Or which hallway it was in?" He asks kindly and I quirk a small smile at his nice attitude.

"Uhm..oh hey that's right, I was sitting next to a kid named Haruhi Fujioka!" I say and the twins grab one of my wrists each and pull me away from blondie.

"That's great! You're in our class!" They say and I raise an eyebrow. The she/he person smiles a bit and waves.

"I'm Haruhi Fujioka, nice to meet you." She says. Oh...wow, is this considered lucky? I'm not sure with these two twins...

"My name's Haruko Hax." I say pulling myself out of the twins grasp and turn back to blondie. Saying it to him as much as to Haruhi. He smiles and kneels before me, taking my hand. The blood drains from my face as he starts speaking.

"My identity is as your prince, dear one, call me as you wish. I will be known to you as whatever you desire." He says and stands up and puts an arm around me and sweeps me off my feet.

"The name of he who should not be touching girls without permission, or shall we be sued, is Tamaki Suou." Kyoya says and I push him away, my face red as a tomato.

"Geeze won't you guys leave her alone? Come on." Haruhi says and gestures for me to follow her. I comply quickly and hear the guys talking, but we're already too far away to make out what they're saying. I glance at Haruhi and she/he looks apologetically at me. "They're always like that, sorry."

"Why are you apologizing." I say quietly, unsure of what to say at this point. "You're being really nice." I murmur and she/he smiles. I glance around for a second before asking, "Are you a girl? I know you're wearing a guy's uniform and all but I just got this feeling..." I say and trail off. She/he stops walking and looks at me surprised. Shit. I probably overstepped it again. There no chance of being friends now.

"Ah, screw it!" She/he says loudly and several people look over. I widen my eyes and tilt my head. Lowering her/his voice, Haruhi says "Yeah, I'm a girl, but you have to keep it a secret." She says and I nod. She sighs and looks around. "I'll explain it later, but we should go ahead and get to class." She says and I nod again.

Wow...she actually trusted me to keep a huge secret like that. It's hard to believe...

We make it to class and the twins tease Haruhi when they come in, but Sensei starts class before I can say anything. It passes by quickly and soon we're breaking for lunch. I grab my lunch from home and look around...oh I'll bet everyone's going to the lunch room.

"Oh, Haruko-san! I always eat lunch in the classroom." Haruhi says and I look at her in surprise. "Do you wanna eat with me?" She asks and the twins look over, interested. I slowly smile and then nod. She smiles and moves her desk closer to mine, and I do the same.

"Ya know you could just come to the cafeteria with us Haruhi~" One twin says and she shrugs. I look between the two of them back and forth.

"I'd rather not." She says bluntly and that twin looks annoyed but leaves the class anyway. The other twin moves to leave to but I hold up a hand.

"Ah wait a sec...um...what's your name?" I ask him and he looks at me surprised, like he didn't know I was there.

"Kaoru, and my brother's name is Hikaru. Don't mind him, he wasn't trying to be rude to you just then, its just how he is. You shouldn't worry about it." He says and runs out when Hikaru calls him. I stare after him and frown. Okay so maybe he did know I was there... I sit down and open my lunch of three rice balls, orange juice, and some leftover dumplings that I really, really hope none of my family had their eye on.

Either way, he seemed a lot nicer than Hikaru. He also had kind of a different tone to his voice, not very but a little. Their hair is parted a different way but, they also kind of hold themselves differently. I bring a rice ball up to my mouth to take a bite but stop just before I do.

~I seem to remember...something. Yeah I'm with two people...kids... we're all eating rice balls. Wait I was a kid too, yeah-yeah I can see it more clearly now. We're on a balcony off of some fancy house and...they're twins...with ginger hair! The sun shines brightly forcing me to squint, and I can hear the laughter of the twins.~

I gasp and snap out of the flashback, dropping my rice ball out of shock. Haruhi looks over mid bite and I shake my head and pick it up.

"Wow, I was totally out of it for a second there!" I say laughing nervously trying to convince myself that the flashback was nonsense.

That I didn't totally have an idea who the twins might have been.

That I'm not dying to know if I'm right.

"Anyway, what was about earlier? Why are you hiding as a guy?" I ask casually changing the subject. She laughs nervously and then grows a slightly bitter, slightly humorous look in her eyes.

"Well, you see on the first I stumbled in on the host club and accidently broke a vase that happened to cost 8 million yen. I got in here by scholarship, so there's no way I could ever come up with that money. After being an errand boy for a bit, Tamaki said if I take in 1000 customers then they'll forget about my debt. It's better than being an errand boy I suppose, but their antics can get tiring. That's why I kinda lost it for a second and told you the truth. Normally I'd hide it." She explains and then realizes I don't yet know what the host club is.

She explains all about it and how the girls here go there to get romantic experiences. I laugh about it and wonder how much time they must have on their hands. She tells me about the dance and how they helped this couple make up.

"Lame, if you didn't get to try any fancy tuna.." I say and sigh.

"Haven't you ever had it?" She asks and I shake my head.

"Nope, I'm an honor student just like you. Actually it's funny 'cause just weeks ago you beat me out of the scholarship, but somebody transferred out so the principal let me come." I explain and pack up my lunch, finished except for my oj.

"Wow, I knew there was something about you that I liked. you have a sense of reality about you, it's quite refreshing actually. " She says laughing and a few people come in. They see us and start whispering but Haruhi doesn't look like she cares. the twins come back in and we move the desks back.

"Haaruhiiii" They say at the same time and I stare at them intently. Are they the same as the flashback? Hikaru looks over at me and I quickly look away. How do I even ask about this? Do I ask?

"What?" He asks and I panic.

"Uhh...um...t-that was rude!" I say and hold a finger out to him. He looks surprised and I panic again. Shit...I blew it...welp, no going back now! "Kaoru said to forget it, but don't you consider how people feel when you ask the person they're talking with to go with you instead?" I say loudly and he looks awkward.

"Ah...you mean that? I don't see why it's a big deal." He says and I frown. Kaoru elbows him and he sniffs.

"The big deal is that I was eating lunch with Haruhi and you told her to go eat with you instead!" I say annoyed and he shrugs. Kaoru elbows him again but he just turns his back on me.


Class starts and they go back to their seats and I go from annoyed to worried as class goes on. Damn, I should've just taken it. How will I ask about the flashback now? I freeze in the middle of taking notes and hitch a breath.

~"Why do you have to go! Don't you like us?" Two voices asks at the same time. "Why are you leaving!?"

It's a different setting this time, instead of the balcony we're in a field full of green. The blue sky seems somber as the sun sinks toward concealment.

"I don't have a choice!" A different, more familiar voice says "It's mommy and daddy, they're being meanies again." I recognize this as my own.

What's going on, who are these kids?~

I look up abruptly when the afterschool bell rings. I look down at my notes and realized I had continued with them right to the end. Everyone stands up and I gather my things. Haruhi waves me goodbye and I wave back. That was...really nice actually. If only I didn't have these visions to deal with then maybe I could enjoy it more. She's so...honest I guess? She just seems different from any friends I've had before.

All of them were fake. All of them were liars!

I walk down the hallway and try to plan out my afternoon when a distinct chirping catches my ear. I look around and see a small songbird sitting on a windowsill, but the window is closed.

"Hey there, are you lost?" I ask softly and the bird flies away. I sigh and watch it go. I should follow it, I mean I don't want it to get trapped where it can't get out. I run after it and follow it through some hallways and up some stairs. "Geeze little guy slow down!" I say gasping for breath. Finally, I see it fly into a closing door. I catch up just as the door shuts and catch my breath.

I put my hand on the handle and slowly open the door, and when I do rose petals show up again and I see a room filled with girls. Amongst the girls are several guys, six excluding Haruhi. I see them all look over at me and I blush.

"Haruko!" Haruhi exclaims and I smile nervously. Are you kidding me. How many rooms in this school and I find this one. I glance around the room, trying to find that damn bird.

"You came!" Tamaki's dramatic voice makes me jolt and he takes my hand. I move back slightly but he just fills the gap. Geeze this guy, he's so...nice? Full of himself? Intriguing? "I'm so joyful at your interest in the Host Club." I look to Haruhi for help but she just shrugs. Thanks.

"A-actually senpai, I was just looking for this...aha!" I exclaim happily when I see the songbird sitting on the windowsill of the closest window. I run up to it, breaking out of Tamaki's hold. When I get to it, it flies off around the room and I reach after it. "I was gonna open the window for you..." I say sadly and watch as it flies around and finally lands on top of some tall guys head. Very tall, very buff guy.

"Mori senpai, we don't want any diseases to come from that thing so would you please take it outside?" Kyoya says heartlessly and I sigh. This Mori-senpai takes the bird into his palm and males eye contact with my disappointed expression. Expressionless, he walks over to me and gently reaches for my hand and guides it to the one with the bird in it. The bird hops into my palm and I gasp, smiling.

"wow!" I say in a whisper voice, "You're really good with animals huh?" I say and smile at the bird chirping happily in my hand.

"You looked like you wanted to release it yourself" He says, smiling a bit. I nod and carefully walk to the window, where Mori-senpai opens it. I hold out my hand and the bird flies off of it. It's a nice moment for several seconds, but then girls start squealing about how adorable it was. I shrug and lean out the window when Mori get guzzled by his fangirls. I look around and spot two guys in black suits looking around from outside.

One of them turns to me and I gulp, okay weird. He starts talking to the other guy and points to me and I pull away from the window fast. As I do, I bump into Haruhi.

"Woah, what's wrong?" she asks and I shrug. Should I tell her? Hey these two guys outside totally freaked me out even though I have nothing to do with them!

"It's probably those weird men huh?" Hikaru and Kaoru say and I nod. I make awkward eye contact with Hikaru but don't look away. I'm not standing down. He seems to realize the contest and soon we're both glaring at each other. Finally he blinks and looks away and I pump a fist in the air.

"Haha sucker!" I say and he sneers.

"What's a dumb staring contest? So boring." He says indignantly and I shrug. What am I still doing here anyway.

"Fine, gimme another game then!" I challenge and he looks to Kaoru. Several minutes later I'm staring at two twins with their hair covered up by a hat.

"Alright! Let's play the which one is Hikaru game!" They same at the same time and I put a hand on my chin. Hmph, this is simple.

"Kaoru is on the right." I say and they frown.

"It's the which one is Hikaru game." Hikaru says and I shrug.

"Yeah but Kaoru's nicer so I'd rather find him." I say and check my watch. Kaoru laughs at Hikaru but I ignore it. I should go now. Just as I turn to tell Haruhi I'm leaving some girl walks into the host club, and behind her are a bunch of men in orange and white uniforms.

"Alright Host Club! We are filming today so let's get to it!" She says and spots me. Hikaru puts and elbow on my shoulder and Kaoru puts and arm through mine.

"Oi lady Manager!" Kaoru calls out.

"You should give Haruko a part!" Hikaru says and I frown.

"No way! I have to get home and do chores, if I don't my parents will kill me!" I say nervously, but part of me does kinda wanna stay. I mean these people will probably only play with me for a little bit, so why not enjoy that little bit? Oh right, mother and father who will kill me and brother who will sell my body parts after they're done.

"Don't tease her so much you two!" Tamaki says but Kyoya walks up to the lady manager. "Although I'm sure you could spare a little time my flower" he says and I glance around at everyone. Somebody?

"I have an idea Renge." He says and whispers something in her ear. Renge laughs and turns to me. Anybody?

"It's perfect! I love it! Haruko!" She says and I stiffen, realizing that even if I want to, there's no way I'm going to escape this. Shit. "You are the ambiguous love interest that is claimed by all of the different hosts, all of them hoping you'll help them discover their real selves by falling in love with them!" She says and a collective 'heeeh' is gained from Haruhi, the twins, and I.

"It's perfect!" Tamaki says and the twins start laughing. I share a look with Haruhi who just shrugs.

Right, so all in one day I got lost, met a crossdressing girl, befriended that crossdressing girl, got insulted, had some flashbacks, chased a bird, got creeped out by some weird men, and finally I'm being dragged into some type of scene shooting.

"and the days not even over yet..." I mumble to myself.

Hey Hey! How'd you like? I basically shoved a whole lot of plot into this one chapter, but things will probably even out. Anywho I'm thinking that aside from the occasional episode I'll be making up host club themes and plots that aren't in the show or manga. I just don't want to get to that point where the only thing different from the original is that my oc is present and occasionally has a romance scene, heck maybe even a line or two. Ya know what I mean? It's easy to slip into it but I'd rather not go down that path. If I ever do feel free to slap me! Anyway I hope you enjoyed and have a good evening! or day...Thanks for reading!