
Usual apologies

Disclaimer: see previous chapters

Last time…

"Remus?" Sirius tensed as he pulled Severus behind him but that didn't stop the werewolf from staring as he pulled out his wand.

"We were only together for a few months, but he was always there you know and he's not afraid of me even though he knows what I really am... You're right about his eyes too they really do go on forever, but for me it was always his mouth. I could never, I always had this constant need to kiss him, I could never figure out what he tasted like it was strange and addictive and..." Remus said in an odd sort of daze when his eyes suddenly flashed and they snapped up to lock onto his best friend with an apologetic smile. "I'm really sorry Sirius, but I have to have him. No hard feelings, yeah?"

"No hard feelings?!" Sirius' eyes went wide when Remus looked up out of the window and a sickening crack rang through the air. Severus let out a gasp and Sirius froze as he watched his friend tear himself apart as he changed.

"Bloody hell! He wouldn't…" Sirius gasped when he suddenly felt Severus grab a hold of his arm and start pulling hard, "He did it with Phillip."


"He did it with Diggory now move!" Severus said as he tugged hard and started running in the opposite direction, forcing Sirius to pull his gaze away from his best friend and start running as well. A loud screeching howl rang loudly against the stone walls and Sirius' blood ran cold as he picked up the pace.


Inhuman. Sirius resisted the urge to freeze in fear as they just kept moving, skidding against the stone floors as they ran as fast as they could, despite knowing that there was absolutely no way for any human to out run a werewolf.

Sirius turned at the next corner, fully intending on running for the door only for Severus to pull him back almost causing him to stumble as he went.


"No, this way! We need to get to the dungeon."

An ear bursting howl echoed against the castle's walls.

Sirius didn't argue he just followed running as fast as his feet would carry him. They could hear the werewolf coming behind them. Sirius's heart was pounding in his ears. He's never been afraid of Remus, even after they found out that their friend was a werewolf. He's always just been Remus, his best friend but now.

Down the stairs, Sirius made the mistake of looking back over his shoulder and saw Moony coming up fast behind them. Bright amber eyes flashed with rage as the beast growled and snarled viciously as the wolf bounced off the wall to make the next turn.

"Merlin's beard…" He almost froze and might have if Severus didn't immediately turn the next corner and he realized that they were heading to the potion's classroom. They made it into the classroom and slammed the door shut.

"Colloportus." Severus said locking the door before he hurried across the class room.

"Severus?" Sirius said as he tried to catch his breath, "Severus, I'm not sure how much you know about werewolves, but locking charms won't help if the door is destroyed."

"I'm buying more time." The Slytherin said as he ran to the potions store room and aimed his wand for the lock, "Alohomora."

The door popped open and Severus immediately disappeared inside. At that very moment a loud slam hit the door, followed by loud barks and a snarl. Sirius jumped turning around to face the door.

If he changes to his Animagus form they might have a chance, he could lure Moony away, distract him. Another loud slam followed by a howl. Sirius got ready to transform when Severus was suddenly standing beside him at one of the tables near the front of the class with a mortar and pestle and four different potions ingredient jars in his hands.

"What're you doing?"

"Wolfsbane, bloodroot, sunflower seeds," Another loud slam against the door and another growl, the door cracked under the blow. Severus paid it no attention, "Doxy shells, unicorn blood." And then he started grinding the mixture together.

Another massive slam, Sirius started to transform only for Severus to stop him short.

"Give me your wand."

Sirius didn't hesitate like those times before and immediately handed it over to the Slytherin. Severus slowly dipped the tip of the wand into the mixture before handing it back making sure to wrap Sirius' hand around it.


"Quae ad tenebras." Severus said clearly, "When the door opens that the spell you use. Quae ad tenebras."


"Don't. You only have one shot at it."


Another loud slam the door cracked even more. There were scratches against the door as the creature tried to claw its way inside. Sirius swallowed hard wand aimed at the door, Severus leaned up to whisper against the Gryffindor's ear.

"Sirius, I'm sorry-"

"For what?"

Another slam and this time the door broke open, Moony broke in with it snarling viciously as he tore through the door and lunged at the two teens.


A bright hot light shot from Sirius' wand and wrapped around the werewolf's body. Moony howled in agony and dropped to the floor. Sirius' eyes went wide as the creature continued to screech in agony even after it hit the floor, writhing and squirming in pain.



The werewolf let out one more ear bursting howl and to Sirius' complete and total utter shock it started to transform. Fur receded, claws retracted, the werewolf's form got smaller and smaller until a wizard was left naked on the floor. The bright light of the spell faded.


"Remus? How… Severus' this is-"

Severus immediately moved around the Animagus and quickly kneeled beside the teen on the floor.

"Remus?" Severus turned the werewolf over onto his back and pressed his ear against his chest before he pulled back putting his hands together to press down on Remus's chest before tilting his head back and breathing into his mouth. Sirius' eyes went wide when he realized what was happening. He rushed to kneel beside his friend's side while Severus continued to use CPR.

"Severus what's happening?"

"One, two, three, four." Severus counted as he continued the contractions on Remus' chest and breathed his lungs full of air one more time.

Sirius started to panic, "Severus?!"

The Slytherin continued, "One, Two, three-"

Remus suddenly coughed and wheezed, Sirius let out a heavy sigh of relief when his friend started breathing. Severus let his head fall forward, breathing hard as he shut his eyes.

"Thank Merlin."

Sirius looked over to the Slytherin, "Severus what was that?"

"We need to get him to the infirmary."


They went to the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey didn't seem surprised to see them , only mildly annoyed.

"Again Severus?"

The Slytherin looked away and the older woman sighed as she levitated Remus onto one of the beds and immediately started treating him.

They got settled, sat on opposite sides with Remus' bed between them once the mediwitch got Remus settled for the night. It was two hours later when Sirius felt ready to ask about the spell again.

Severus sighed, "It's a spell I found when Remus and I were still…" the Slytherin sighed again, "I was researching ways to control the werewolf curse. And then I found this spell that could almost act like a counter spell to the curse. And it worked, the only problem is that it stops the heart in order to reverse the effects of the werewolf curse so essentially-"

"I killed him?" Sirius gasped and Severus shook his head, "No, no no. It just stopped his heart for a few seconds. He's fine now, the spell basically forced his transformation to reverse, though, he'll probably have an enormous headache in the morning."

"How many times have you done this?" Sirius asked and Severus looked away.

"Twice, Remus, he was so eager to find a cure." Severus said staring at the werewolf, "The first time he didn't pass out, he came to a few seconds later. He was human, he thought it was working so he asked me to do it again on the next full moon and I did." Severus took in a deep breath, "The second time he didn't come to and it scared me half to death. I couldn't do it again. We broke up a week later-"

"Because of the spell?"

"Because of everything. The spell just made it all worse." Severus leaned back in his chair, "It's the same reason it didn't work with Evan and Frank and… everyone else. I'm… I'm a mess. It's like everything I touch just falls apart."

There was a lot Sirius wanted to say to that, nothing he thought would get through to the Slytherin. He looked away.

"Tell me about Prince."

Severus took in a deep breath, "He was… we met here at Hogwarts. He offered me help, I accepted."

"Help with what?"

"I can't tell you that." The Slytherin sighed again, "He was handsome, smart, he'd be so kind to me… I told him I didn't want anyone knowing about our relationship, he agreed. Everything was fine at first but then I started getting more familiar with my housemates than he liked. He didn't approve of any of my friends, he didn't approve of me spending time around blokes in other houses, he didn't approve of me doing anything that he deemed inappropriate which was actually quite a lot. After a while I'd had enough and I broke up with him."

"And he didn't take it well?"

Severus gave a snort, "He went to my grandparents, he expected them to jump at his proposal. He thought they'd be thrilled at the prospect of marrying off their half-blood shame of an heir into a decent pureblood family. Unfortunately, my grandfather's a bit more fickle than that. He refused and now here we are. Prince is actually the reason I started tutoring Frank, he's also the reason Remus started helping me with the experiments. Of course, he was less than happy when he found out about my relationship with them."

Sirius gave a snort, "Did they have to go through the challenge too or-"

"No, he didn't see them as a threat. He never sees anyone as a threat he thinks he's untouchable. Phillip was the first one to ever have to go through this insanity and that's only because he proposed." Severus looked up at Sirius with a tilt of his head, "You have no idea how surprised I was when he warned me to stay away from you."

"He what?"

"A month ago, he told me to stay away from you. I'm not sure if I've ever seen him quite so upset." Severus gave a snort, "Can't imagine why on earth he'd consider you to be a threat though, you're not that attractive."

Sirius only smirked, "So you do find me somewhat attractive?"

"Somewhat." Severus said, and Sirius laughed when a tired and raspy voice suddenly spoke,

"So, I'm not your favorite mutt anymore?"

The two teens looked up in shock and blinked at one on the bed.

"Remus, you're alright." Sirius said immediately getting up off his seat to stand by the bed, "You scared the living shit out of me."

Remus gave a weak chuckle, "I'm fine, not the first time my heart's been stopped."

Severus tensed in his seat when the werewolf looked over to him, "You protected Severus that's all that matters."

The Slytherin sighed, "I don't need protection."

Remus chuckled again, "Stubborn as a hippogriff, this is just something you'll need to get used to mate."

Sirius smiled, "I'm well aware, thank you."

"I'm not angry with you, you know." Remus said still staring at the Slytherin. "I was out of line and you know Moony can get… difficult on the full moon."

Severus gave a small smile, "Oh please that overgrown flea bag is practically a puppy."

"For you, sure." Remus rolled his eyes. Severus gave a small smile as he got up and brushed down the front of his robes.

"Well, it's getting late. I should probably go." The Slytherin moved towards the bed and leaned down to press a kiss against Remus' cheek. "Take care of the mutt for me."

Remus gave a snort. Severus walked around the bed and paused at Sirius' side.

"Rain check?"

Sirius gave a shrug, raking a hand through his hair, "I don't we have much of a choice in the matter. But you're making this up to me later."

Severus rolled his eyes, Sirius smiled as he leaned in to give the raven a kiss only to come into contact with nothing but air when the Slytherin turned and left the infirmary.

"Good night, Black." Sirius gave a mournful pout, Remus laughed though it turned into a pained cough and Sirius couldn't stop himself from glaring at his best friend.

"I'm glad you find this funny."

"I'm sorry." Remus said letting out a pained groan as he shifted on the bed, Sirius frowned.

"You should be that wasn't"

"I meant about ruining date night."

Sirius sighed as he slumped back into his seat, "It's… alright, it's not like you were doing it on purpose."

Remus didn't say anything to that, only looked away awkwardly clearing his throat and Sirius frowned again.

"You didn't do it on purpose right?"

"I didn't mean for Moony to attack you."

"But you meant to ruin my date?" Remus shrank back against the bed a bit, Sirius gaped.

"Remus?! What in Merlin's name-"

"I was curious alright! Severus and I, we never really dated and… he still looks really good."

"So, you ruined my date?!"

"Like I said before I wasn't planning on fighting you but, but then-" Remus sighed, looking out towards the highest windows in the hospital wing, "Moony's always been attached to Severus, I just forgot myself for a moment."

"Great so now, Moony's conspiring against me as well." Sirius said throwing his arms up in exasperation, Remus only smiled.

"If it makes you feel better, Severus likes you."

Sirius sighed, "It took months to get him to admit that he doesn't hate me."

"No, I mean, he really likes you, I can tell."

"You think so?"


Sirius smiled, "Now I just have to find a way to make him admit it."

Remus gave a snort, "Good luck with that."

The Animagus' head gave a tilt, "Can I ask you something, about Prince."

The werewolf tensed ever so slightly but still answered, "I can't tell you who it is Sirius."

"I know that, I just… Severus said Prince is the one that told him about Moony, how did he find out?"

Remus sighed, "I told him."


"I trusted him, besides there was no point in hiding it, he was watching he's always watching." Sirius frowned and made to open his mouth to ask when the doors to the hospital wing suddenly opened.

"Moony?" James came running into the infirmary, his face wrought with worry. "Are you alright?"

Remus let out a heavy sigh as he looked away, "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure James."

The hazel eyed wizard let out a sigh of frustration as he raked a hand through his hair and turned to look at Sirius, "I told you to forfeit, you didn't listen, now look what happened."

"Yeah well in my defense I didn't know that Moony and Sev used to… be a thing." Sirius mumbled out with a grimace at the last word before he looked up at his friends with a frown, "Matter of a fact, why didn't I know about this?"

James rolled his eyes, Remus shrugged, "We didn't last all that long and… Prince has rules to this sort of thing."

"Of course he does." Then the Animagus looked up at James in suspicion, "You didn't… I mean, you and Sev weren't-"

James scoffed, "No, you don't have to worry about fighting me to get your precious snake's hand in marriage."

"Marriage?" Sirius blinked in surprise and Remus frowned.

"Yes marriage. Padfoot you are serious about Severus, aren't you?"

"Of course, I am, I just-I never thought…" the Animagus paused, "I guess, I've been so focused on getting him to just like me, I never really thought… but it would be nice wouldn't it-"

"Urgh." James said walking around the cot to sit in the seat that Severus had previously occupied, "Please spare me the details of your Snivellus fantasies."

Sirius glared at him, "You know, I was really hoping to have your support in all this James."

The hazel eyed wizard rolled his eyes, "I just don't understand why it has to be Snape. There are plenty other birds in school just begging for your attention-"

"Severus isn't like everyone else, he's the one I want. I get that you don't like him and you probably never will but just…" Sirius took in a deep breath, "Just be civil, for my sake."

James looked at his friend for one long moment before he spoke, "Fine. I'll be civil. But just so you know, I'm only doing this because you asked me too. If you insist on carrying on with Snape, I'll do my best to stomach your relationship."

This time it was Sirius' turn to roll his eyes, "Thanks I suppose-"

"For the record, I warned you mate." With that James got up from his seat and left the room, shutting the door behind him with a soft clack and Sirius stared after him in disbelief.

"What's his problem?"

Remus only shook his head, "You know James, he's had it in for Severus since first year, he didn't change for me and I doubt he'll change for you."

Sirius sighed as he leaned back in his seat, "I was hoping-"

"Just…" the werewolf sighed, "James isn't a concern for you right now Siri, I know who you have to go up against next. If I were you I'd start preparing."

"Well who am I up against?"

"I can't tell you that. And even if I did, I doubt you'd believe me." Remus shut his eyes, "Let's just say… Severus has interesting taste."

"That's not much to go on Remmy."

"Trust me, it's enough."

Sirius sighed in frustration, "Well, if you were me how would you prepare?"

Remus opened his eyes to look up at the ceiling in thought, "If I were you I'd read up on dark creatures, ask Severus to show me his potions notes, brush up on my Animagus transfiguration and study old magic, ancient spells… focus on bloodline magic. If you manage to make it to the last champion family magix will be crucial."

"If I make it to the last champion?"

"It's not that I don't think you'll make it Padfoot its just." Remus sighed, "Severus has very very interesting taste."

Sirius sat up elbows braced on his knees as he spoke, "Who's the last champion?"

"Who do you think?"

Sirius paused "Prince?"

Remus swallowed hard, "Did Severus tell you what would happen if you lost the challenge?"

"No, why what happens?"

"If you lose the challenge, well, I can't tell you what would happen to you but as for Severus… the deal was, each suitor has to defeat his seven ex boyfriends for his hand. Diggory already did the challenge and lost, he-"

"He disappeared." Sirius said and a shiver ran down his spine, while Remus continued, "He disappeared. If you lose, it'll be the second strike and Severus will be bonded to Prince, whether he likes it or not."

"But he changed the rules."

"That change only lasts until graduation. There is a lot at stake here Sirius so for your sake, I really hope you know what you're doing."


It was a lot to take in, Sirius just didn't. He wasn't sure how to.

It was just easier to go back to the dorm room and sleep. Wake up the next morning to have breakfast and then sit with Severus in the classes they shared. Meet up with the Slytherin between classes, talk about school and quidditch and anything but the challenge. If Severus noticed that he was avoiding the subject, he didn't bring it up. He'd let the Animagus kiss him sometimes, sit close with their sides pressed together in the library or out in the courtyard or by the lake.

They never really had time for a proper date, but Sirius appreciated it all the same. It worked well enough since he hadn't had to face another opponent for a few days. For a while it all almost felt normal. Except for the odd whisper and side glance here and there, pretending like he wouldn't have to deal with one of Severus' crazy exes was easy enough. Until one week later, because he couldn't ignore the problem forever.

They were in the hallway, just in front of Flitwick's class for a double period of charms.

Severus was there although Slytherin didn't share the class with Gryffindor it didn't really matter either way. He was on his way to the dungeon anyway since he had a free period so he decided to walk with Sirius, something that would have had the animagus grinning from ear to ear if Severus' attention wasn't so thoroughly focused on Remus.

Severus was still feeling extremely guilty about what happened since he's the one that told Sirius to use the spell even though he knew the pain that the werewolf would go through because of it and the risks involved in using the spells. So, as a means to make up for it the raven haired Slytherin has been particularly nice to Remus and although Sirius really liked the idea of his boyfriend and best mate getting along so well, he was finding the amount of attention Severus showered on the werewolf just a little bit annoying.

And of course, with the Slytherin being as infuriatingly intelligent and observant as he is, Severus immediately noticed. Thankfully Severus seemed more amused by the whole situation more than anything else.

Severus leaned against the wall a little more and arched up an eyebrow at the Gryffindor before him, "You realize that you're acting like a child, right?"

Sirius folded his arms over his chest with a huff, "No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"No, I'm no-"

Large black wings were all Sirius saw as a loud screech rang through the air before he was suddenly grabbed and thrown against the wall on the opposite side of the hallway. The animagus gasped at the pain, since he'd managed to bump his head against the wall at the impact none too gently and his vision blurred as he slid down to the floor.


The animagus gave a groan of pain as he lifted a hand to his head and forced his eyes open squinting through the blur while the hallway filled with excited whispers and chatter from the students all around them. It took a moment but once his vision finally cleared Sirius could do nothing more than stare in surprise. Remus rushed to his side putting a hand in his shoulder as he asked, "Are you O.K Sirius?"


Yes, Lily Evans.

The girl had her hands wrapped around Severus' left arm holding on tight as she stared up adoringly at the raven haired Slytherin while Severus did all he could to try and pull out of her grasp.

"Oh Sev! Isn't this wonderful? Now that Prince has changed the rules, you and I can finally be together after all this time apart." The girl said leaning her head against Severus' shoulder seemingly completely oblivious of the teens efforts to get out of her grip, "It'll be just the way it used to be."

"No it won't." Severus growled as he gave the girl a glare before finally managing to pull out of her grip causing the redhead to frown and Severus took a deep breath as he spoke, "Lily I love you dearly, but there can't ever be anything romantic between us."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm gay, Lillian." Severus said clearly but Lily's frown only got deeper as she shook her head and stepped forward, "No, you're just confused. Here, I'll prove it."

The next moment Severus went completely tense when the auburn haired girl suddenly moved to grab his shoulders and seal their lips in a kiss, Sirius gaped while his eyes went wide.

"What the hell?!"

The hall fell into silence and one of the students nearby gasped, Severus seemed to snap out of his shock at the sound of Sirius' voice and he immediately broke the kiss and shoved Lily away causing the girl to stumble a bit as he hissed.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Severus hissed as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and Lily spoke again taking another step forward, "Reminding you of how things used to be."

"It doesn't matter how things used to be because they can never be that way again, Lily. You need to accept that." Severus said as he turned away and rushed over to Sirius' side, taking the Gryffindor's arm to help him up and Remus took a step back. "Are you alright?"

Sirius just kept staring between Severus and Lily in shock while the girl's hands clenched into fists and her eyes filled with rage, "Severus. What's going on?"


"No way." Sirius started as his eyes started to dart between the two and he all but shrieked in shock when it suddenly clicked, "You and her?!"

Severus rolled his eyes, "It was just a phase."

"Just a phase?" Lily growled out but the two ignored her.

Sirius turned to face the Slytherin, "You had a straight phase?"

Severus gave an exasperated sigh, "Lily thought I was confused about being gay, so she offered to help me figure it out. I didn't think it would count, it didn't mean anything."

"It didn't mean anything?" Lily's voice dropped an octave and dark energy started to swirl around her and still they seemed oblivious.

"I was just a little curious."

"Well then Sev," This time both Sirius and Severus looked up and the Slytherin's eyes went wide as he tensed while Sirius just gaped in shock as he watched large feathered black wings grow from the girls back while her skin went pale, her face deformed into a beak and those once bright emerald eyes turned gold, "What the-"

"I'm a little furious!"

Everything happened in slow motion almost immediately dropping into silence, Sirius watched as Lily-the thing-suddenly shot up off the floor and went headed right towards him, the animagus braced for impact lifting his arms up to shield his face when-


Sirius looked up to find Severus suddenly standing in front of him with his wand aimed at the girl when she was suddenly tossed back with a furious amount of force and was sent skidding backwards over the stone floors. Severus stepped forward with a deathly glare as he hissed.

"Try that again and I will end you."

Sirius just blinked at the Slytherin's words, "Severus?"

"Back off Snape, if I can't have you then Prince will." The girl said as she got up off the floor and pulled out her wand before letting out a screech like shout, "The league has spoken!"

Severus' glare got darker as he stepped forward still aiming his wand at the girl, "Well then, Prince best get his slimy, arrogant arse in gear and do something because I'm about to turn yours into road kill."


Lily let out a screech as she fired a hex at the raven while Severus blocked it before firing his own, only for the girl to take off and hover in the air as her wings flapped loudly causing the air around them to rush by in heavy gusts.

Sirius backed up against the wall with Remus standing on his left when he suddenly found James standing beside him as well. The hazel eyed boy seemed beyond amused as he watched the fight happen while everyone else did all they could to just stay out of their way.

"Remus, what's going on?"

"Lily's part Veela." The werewolf said flinching back when one of Lily's curses got a bit close, "School found out a few years ago during the thing with Diggory. Apparently she thinks Severus is her mate."

"So this is actually happening right now?" Sirius asked staring in awe as the two continued in what Sirius was sure was one of the most spectacular duels he's ever seen. They all ducked away from the wall when another curse went shooting straight for them when James suddenly spoke, "Impressive isn't it, although only Merlin knows why she'd think Snape was her mate. Veela gene must be making her delusional."

Sirius couldn't even find it in himself to glare at his best friend as they watched the fight continue even when James cupped a hand around his mouth and shouted, "Kick her in the balls!"

Lily dodged the bright red hex and swiftly flew around the Slytherin planning to fire a hex at him from behind but Severus was ready as he spun around and immediately gave a shout, "Expeliarmus!"

The wand was immediately knocked out of Lily's hand and she froze as she glared at the Slytherin as they both panted heavily, while Severus kept his aimed at her as he watched her every move.

"Give it up Severus. This is a league game." The girl hissed as her eyes kept darting towards her wand and Severus' eyes narrowed down at her.


"Meaning your precious dog has to defeat me himself with his own magic!" Lily said as she pointed right at Sirius and the animagus' eyes went wide, almost as if on cue both James and Remus stepped away from their friend and Sirius silently cursed as he made eye contact with Severus who stood across the hall.

"Uh… I don't think I can fight a girl… They're soft." Severus' eyes filled with disbelief and he let his arm sag just a bit, giving Lily the opportunity to soar passed Severus towards her wand. The raven immediately ran across the hall to stand in front of Sirius just as Lily screamed her next curse, aimed directly at Sirius, but Severus blocked it with a shield as his eyes darted back at the Gryffindor behind him as he hissed, "What do you mean, you can't fight a girl?! I've seen you duel Bellatrix dozens of times."

"That's different." Sirius started as he flinched back just as Severus blocked another curse, "Bellatrix is a psychotic harpy."

"And somehow right at this moment Lily's better than her?!"

"LEAGUE GAME!" Lily shrieked with a glare.

"I just don't think-"

"Well then stop thinking because you don't have a choice." Severus said letting the shield down and stepping in behind Sirius.


"Oh shit!"

A/N: Yeah

I'll add the chapter with Remus' relationship with Severus a bit later

Please review