Consuming Aberration
This is a work of Fan fiction. All of the original characters, organizations, techniques, summon animals and events portrayed in this fictional literature are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictionally. Though the majority of the events and most characters take place in and are a part of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, and of Star Wars by George Lucas.
Normal speech: I hate paperwork. I bet Morgoth died just to escape this.
Flashback Begins: ***
Flashback Ends:
Scroll/Book/Author notes/Event/ Titles: The One Ring
Demon/Summon or Fusion speech: Finally, Sauron has returned. In your face!
Human Thinking: 'Oh, Shit.'
Demon/Summon or Fusion Thinking: 'Oh, Shit is right! You are royally screwed bitch!'
Jutsu/Techniques/Spells: Wraith Burn
Song start-} {
Song ends-} {
Chapter 1: Sleep no longer
Finn, a nondescript ex-Jedi Padawan who left the Jedi order just after the battle of Genosha where his master died. He was a mere Padawan so departure didn't raise any eyebrows within the order and despite what they may say about attachments, his Jedi master was about the closest thing he had to a parent.
Compounded by the fact he watched his parents die just as his master saved him, he latched onto him. So he left in grief and a 15 year old absolutely alone in the galaxy…no he wasn't parroting what teenagers usually claimed…he truly felt alone.
He never saw it before but now that he left he saw just how much those taken in by the Order were bereft of any support system, how the order practically was the members life support system.
He learned very early on never to reveal his Jedi origin and travelled through the galaxy dodging Bounty Hunters and separatist's attention. Which wasn't that hard when you're a no name Jedi Padawan but he still felt loss and even saw countless people effected the same way.
Many of them have decried the Jedi and Republic altogether and most of the time he found himself agreeing with them.
It was then he decided to do something about it and what he considered a stroke of genius he had the coordinates of a planet which his master had once told him was the birthplace of the Sith.
'Who knew what secrets I could uncover? Maybe even the identity of this secret Sith Lord that is clouding the Force.'
And so he landed on the red planet of Korriban, Sith Home world.
Heavy winds had obscured the horizon kicking up red soil, it wasn't a sandstorm but it didn't matter much either way. He made his way to a nearby tomb attempting to have the force guide him.
When he did so he felt something brush over the back of his neck like a feather, seductive whispers played at the tip of his ears. Wide-eyed and startled he stepped back and looked around wildly, his red lightsaber alit.
The feeling receded and he walked further in though with more caution than he did at first. He holstered his saber with a grimace, he knew red sabers were the symbol of falling to the dark side but he had no choice but to synth a crystal after his previous saber broke in a fight.
He let the Force guide him but was wary of it. Though he didn't know that the Force was guiding him indeed, the Dark Side that is. The planet was saturated with it and it was guiding its unwitting prey to one of the many tombs of Sith Lords of long past.
Though dead, their spirits persist and seek either new hosts or new ways to influence the living through such unwitting prey. Finn could feel the force try to guide him down chamber only to pause as he saw the shadows stretch and darkness expand round the edges of it so in his fear he stepped away from it and ran down the opposite hallway only for the floor to collapse underneath him and deposit him in some sort of underground treasure chamber.
He saw precious stones and age old artifacts but nothing of great note, he stepped away and began to search for a way out which he found, a depression on the wall and with a little pressure the door slid open and he would've left the tomb and the planet altogether if it weren't for a simple tinkling sound and an overwhelming feeling of something behind him.
Lightsaber in hand and alight, he whirled around to face whatever had snuck up on him only to feel something nudge against his boot and as he looked down he heaved a sigh of relief as it was nothing but a simple gold ring that must have gotten dislodged from its place when he opened the door.
He picked it up and almost instantly regretted doing so but never got a chance to say so when he felt an overwhelming desire to wear the ring so much so that every other coherent thought was being stamped out even the Force recoiled away as if burnt.
When he put it on, he felt searing heat ripple through his body as symbols began to etch into the ring he spoke his voice distorted and hollow speaking a language he hadn't heard before "Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul."
The shadows seemed to distort and darken as he spoke those words almost enclosing around him and soon drowning him as a pulse of energy erupted around him he felt his flesh tear asunder and reform and so the mere Padawan ceased to exist and in his place was something far more fearsome than anything the Sith or Jedi ever faced.
His flesh melted like water leaving only a skeleton behind till that puddle of flesh and blood surged back as it reformed around the skeleton reshaping not only it but the basic structure of who the Padawan was rewriting it to something completely different yet keeping the traits it found in the boy desirable for the body it was creating now.
The ring glowed fiercely a pulse of power reverberating outward from it shaking the entire area and causing the heavy winds outside to subside almost entirely and that very pulse flew inward to coalescing into the new body.
Glowing like molten metal the body sizzled and steamed, the being hacking and coughing stumbled to its feet.
His black eyes shone fiery orange as they viewed the ring on his hand and with a smile "Sauron Lives!"
He stumbled through the darkness, till he reached the now silent surface of the planet, he looked perplexed at the sight before him "Where in Arda (world) am I?"
He looked up and he couldn't recognize the stars of the night sky, living as long as he has he knew that it was impossible for nothing to change but certain things especially pertaining the stars remained the same regardless of the passage of time, they all changed…that was an impossibility in of itself. The land he stood on seemed strange unfamiliar and the soil red colored.
He tried to call his servants to him, his physical body literally jerked forward in response. He wasn't strong enough not yet, he felt the power of his ring soothe the pain…he raised his hand called upon a familiar power one that he had great pleasure ripping out of Celebrimbor and his human host, ghostly white energy emitted from his hand flickering around it like a candle flame.
"Good so I can defend myself." Sauron took in his surroundings he kneeled and felt the earth beneath opening himself to it a trick he had learnt from his Master, its purpose is to surmise if there is anything nearby that could harm him.
What he got in return surprised him, it almost recoiled to his touch as if it were alive. Then he felt the urging of something in the air and surrounding him simply exuding a bit of his malevolent aura dispelled it but he got far more that what he intended.
The land he stood upon had been touched by death, he could feel the number of spirits angered and hateful of their half-life and cursing their deaths. He might not be strong enough to raise the nine but he was strong enough to pull the vengeful spirits into the physical realm.
His frame glowed white as he called forth the powers of the Wraith and the bright light that shone forth and with a step forward he stepped into the Spirit Realm. He saw them numerous spirits flitting about many of them had degraded into primal forms that know nothing but the cold of death and hatred. Those spirits shied away from the light he emitted while the ones who bore a smidgen of sentience and coherence stepped towards him and it was those he questioned.
"Where is this place?"
"Planet Korriban, sector 5 otherwise known as the Valley of Lords. Dead Sith lords are entombed here." Sauron turned to the spirit of a strange being, he was taken aback he had not thought he would meet a spirit that was so 'alive' so to speak, he could feel some sort of power that sustains her spirit but not enough for her to have a foothold in the physical realm apart minor influences.
Dressed in black, tough looking light armor that Sauron could see upon a light footed warrior. The intriguing female before him, he admitted was very attractive to him. She had red skin with black almost ritualistic tattoo's that enhanced her beauty.
Superficially she looked humanoid only thing that stuck out was the two tentacle like appendages attached to her head. "And who might you be?"
"I'm Darth Rayn, a Sith knight. And who might you be?" She spoke her tones seductive, she assumed whoever he was, he was powerful in the force to be capable of doing such things but because of his youth she thought he could be manipulated.
Something Sauron noticed as well "Someone beyond you, wench."
And so he was wreathed in flames and he burned the nearby spirits away leaving only the Rayn standing as the flames encircled her but did not touch her, she had use yet.
Sauron pulled away the flames just as quickly and had stepped forward gripping the quivering woman's chin and forcing her to look at him "Tell me should I grant you life would you serve me."
"W-Why?" She was truly confused, this being was a beacon of power and yet she hadn't felt anything similar to the force emanate from him just power yet this being was going to revive her.
"I'm unaware of where I am or in fact when I am and a guide would be pleasing." She shivered when he spoke those words but not out of fear but pleasure, and she simply nodded.
Before he did anything he asked "Tell me are there any large beasts on this world?"
"Tuk'ata are the largest beasts you'll find on the planet." Rayn grew curious "Why do you ask?"
"I can't give you flesh from empty air now can I?" A flicker of his power enveloped her pulling her spirit into a wisp like form, ethereal and white floating above his palm, Sauron turned and stepped out of the spirit world and with a simple sniff, a throwback from his days as a Wolf, he caught the scent of something strange.
He saw in the distance a number of hound like creatures and all it took was to grab their attention which he did and they attacked, "Like a mix of Caragor and Warg. But like every other animal."
He exuded his malevolent aura causing them to pause in their movement and that was all that he needed as he used the power of the Wraith to move close to the creature his palm blazing with power he slammed the wisp, the spirit of Rayn into the beast.
The semi sentient beasts backed away in fear, their force sensitivity making them go haywire as the blaze of dark power washed over them they did what any animal would do in that instance, run.
The one that had Rayn's spirit didn't move at all, frozen in place. Sauron blazed with power and latched his ring clad hand on the creature. The ring speeding up the process soon the creature's flesh bubbled and moved in grotesque ways as the bones snapped and crunched in their movements. The sand soon began to get caked with blood as the creature ripped open and its flesh reformed to a more attractive nude figure which Sauron appreciated.
He gestured the naked female to follow and when they came before the simple ship, Sauron stepped forward and punched in a code to open the door. Rayn raised her eyebrow at that and questioned him "You say you don't know yet you seem to your way around this ship."
"Hmm, yes well, the process of returning you to flesh is the same as I went through…but in essence I gain the host's knowledge of things, rudimentary in hindsight but it doesn't grant me insight of their workings while I may know that this is a Starship I don't know how to fly it or any such complex actions." He handed her some clothing, nothing her size but a cloak helped.
Rayn wasn't really hesitant about her nudity, in fact she went out of her way to enhance her figure for this being before her. She smirked when she saw that her actions and sensuality got the right reaction from him.
Sauron looked downwards and growled faltering to Black Speech "What is this?" He growled harshly at the ring, he got an answer in the form of images and impressions rather than dialogue but between the connection he shared with the sentient item no dialogue was truly required.
"The body of a child! Giving a child the title of Teenager doesn't make him any less of a child especially in comparison to me! No matter it is easily rectifiable I can simply change…what do you mean I can't shapeshift! WHAT?! I have to actually grow all the while my body will have to endure this physical reactions…it matters little whether or not it will be enjoyable in the long run! Enough, just enough… so long as my other powers are unaffected I suppose I will have to grow up as it were." Sauron nodded satisfied that his powers weren't diminished in his 'lessened' capacity.
"Rayn, was it?" Sauron tossed her a lightsaber that was on his person, he raised an eyebrow at her stunned expression "Is something the matter? Ah, is it because I have just handed you a weapon?"
Rayn could hear the hidden question there 'Will you kill me now.' She also knew the answer to that "No I will not hurt you my lord. The last time I held a lightsaber in my hands to was when I fought to protect this planet and my master, the same who abandoned me to my fate as they escaped…no my lord, you granted me this second chance, this saber, this arm and even this body is yours to do with as you wish."
Sauron smiled his eyes glowing a strange orange "Hmm, if I said that dominating this galaxy is what I aim?"
"Then my blade will strike down your enemies." Sauron smiled his fiery eyes subsiding "Then I Sauron accept your service Lady Rayn, not just of your blade but your knowledge and guidance in this strange world."
"I confess, Lord Sauron. I don't know how many years have passed, many things may have changed, and I doubt my knowledge could be of any use to you."
Sauron nodded and gestured her to follow "That may be so but you are able to pilot that craft correct?" She nodded in the affirmative "And you are capable of accessing things I would take months to understand without proper tutoring, 'galactic web' wasn't it? But before we leave this place I'll need to gather more strength."
"You will bring back more of my people to life?"
"Perhaps…I could tell what your intent was when I brought you back so I knew you would be loyal but the other spirits…many are wasteful to resurrect and even more are far too egoistic for me to bring back without them challenging me at every turn and it would be wasteful for me to kill them after going through the trouble of resurrecting them, no?" Sauron smiled darkly "But absorbing their spirit and destroying their very essence to bolster my own power is far more productive."
Rayn shivered whether in fear or pleasure was debatable but she controlled herself and focused on the task at hand "Then milord, I suggest you look to the large tombs that hold the spirits of the Sith Lords, they may be far more useful to you to consume. I'll head out and gather some items we could sell and also certain artifacts that could be of use to you."
"Do so swiftly." With that Sauron walked off his malevolent aura expanding and causing the nearby packs and creatures of the hostile planet to give the Dark Lord a wide berth.
With the power of the Wraith augmenting his own fierce prowess not even spirits were a match to him despite how formidable they may have seemed.
So Sauron was faced with a quandary, he held in his hand the spirit of a woman named XoXaan. Just by restraining her he could tell she was not as powerful as the rest yet she had tomb among them, why? Perhaps power wasn't her forte but skill.
"Tell me XoXaan, what would I gain by bringing you back? What skill do you have to offer me?" Sauron stated to the wispy spirit floating above his palm, he raised an eyebrow "Healing? I suppose it will suffice."
A few moments later, he walked back towards the ship and met Rayn at the entrance "Lord…every time you consumed a spirit I sensed it and your power grow…yet you seem a void in the force…"
Sauron scoffed, he knew of the concept of the force from the previous host of this body yet found it ludicrous. "Perhaps you could explain more of this 'Force' of yours along with our newest companion."
He gestured behind him to the naked white skinned woman, flowing black hair and gray eyes that stared back imperiously at Sauron even as she tried to choke him with the force. And action that nearly had Rayn activate her lightsaber but Sauron waved it off "Her attempts are amusing."
"I'm XoXaan! I was one of the first Sith Lords and not some teenaged boy's toy. My power will not be made a mockery of like this!" Sauron simply turned to her and in an instant he was clad in his intimidating black armor gaining a foot in size in the process and flames wreathed his sides as he portrayed his finest trait 'The eye wreathed in flame' and he put his hand out like a claw and XoXaan soon found herself unable to breathe.
As quickly as it happened it stopped, XoXaan rubbed her throat and found herself fearing the being before her. Wreathed in flame as he was she felt the searing power he possessed but he was still nothing but a void in the force, not a single presence within it. She assumed he was hiding it but showcasing as much power as he had just now and the way he resurrected her she had no doubt that he had no force power but something else…what it was she had no idea but she now knew she has no chance of facing him and living.
"I may look like a child but I am far older believe me and…do not ever question my power again I have no interest in killing someone I went to the trouble to resurrect." He gripped her chin and his eyes flared orange as if flames were pouring out of them "Make no mistake XoXaan, I resurrected you because I found you to be of use to me…now how long that use will be is up to you."
"Now as much as I enjoy the view, I must ask you to get dressed. We need to leave…" Just then Sauron turned to the sky soon went into his terrifying form wreathed in flame, dark energy roiled off his armor like smoke and he spoke furiously in black speech "You think you can hide from my sight! I SEE YOU!"
Rayn and XoXaan stumbled as the force rippled and screeched, they felt many presences in the force thrown back by the sheer power that Sauron unleashed and it wasn't just them the entire planet, the planet Korriban that was steeped in the dark side of the force quaked under the sheer power cracking the earth underneath.
It was also the heat, for a moment it seemed like they had stepped into a mouth of a volcano while the two women realized the heat they felt was nothing in comparison to what those who were attempting to view him felt.
The force was reeling at how Sauron was scorching their presence, it wasn't long before the connection was broken and Sauron's armor receded. Sauron looked almost uninterested but it was difficult to get a good read on him but Rayn knew the ones attempting to view them through the force were probably writhing in agony as they were metaphorically burned alive.
XoXaan took a step back from Sauron and stared at the blackened ground underneath him 'He unleashed so much power that he glassed the earth beneath him!'
Sauron gestured to the two fearful women "Shall we?"
With that the two followed Sauron into the ship and promptly took off and the force gave a faint shudder as a Dark Lord of immense power treaded across space for the first time.
You know i had a thought while i was playing 'Shadow of Mordor' and i wondered when we all write and read stories of how the main character was transported to some distant place to save it and what not. The villain is only taken to where the main character as a plot point never the villain alone...
I decided to go about and see if any stories included only and only the villain being transported to some distant land and found none, well at least i did...
So i had the idea for this fic... Sauron in the open galaxy of Star Wars and in the middle of the Clone Wars, no heroes to stop him and a galaxy to conquer but with a twist, he has to do so as a teenager...
yeah that'll go swimmingly. So here we have it the a Dark Lord unlike any other the Force has ever seen challenging everyone, will he conquer the galaxy or will he be distracted by the women surrounding him... who knows.
Here's a little darkness to your Christmas,
Merry Christmas!