
Part 44


-Anything in bold italic is being spoken in Italian.

-It's implied that Jing-Mei and Mrs. Peterson are using an Italian/English dictionary to communicate with Rusty. However, they're scrambling through the book so they're really not talking as fast as it appears.

-Anything written in ** is in Dave's flashback.

Capt Amos enters the ER and approaches the admit desk. Jing-Mei is coming out of the lounge with Kerry, Carter and Abby. He signals for her to come over.

Jing-Mei: Capt. Amos, what brings you here?

Capt. Amos: Your phone call. What's this about some kidney doctor?

Jing-Mei: Dave's new nephrologist, Dr. Fallone...he knew about Dave's missing kidney.

Capt. Amos: That's public knowledge.

Jing-Mei: Yes, but not the details about how it was removed. You know, the sternal saw blade.

Capt. Amos: You think that he's the one that stole Dr. Dave's kidney.

Jing-Mei: I think he was the one that removed the kidney. Whether he actually took it himself and sold it, I don't know.

Kerry: Wait, are you serious Jing-Mei? If that was true...

Jing-Mei: What do you mean, IF....Do you think this is something I would make up?

Kerry: Of course not. I'm just saying that he's a top specialist in his field, do you think that he would have done such a shitty job in taking the kidney out?

Carter: Maybe if he were in a hurry, he would.

Jing-Mei: Or if Dave was squirming aro...

Kerry: What's the matter, Jing-Mei?

Jing-Mei: It just occurred to me that Dave told me that he remembers hearing Dr. Fallone's voice in the hangar..

Abby: So?

Jing-Mei: Dave knew his kidney was stolen, that would mean that Dave had to be conscious at the time they stole it.

Kerry: That's stretching things a bit, don't you think Jing-Mei? Just because Dave knew that Dr. Fallone was in the room with him, doesn't mean he was awake when his kidney was stolen.

Jing-Mei: How else would you explain that Dave knew that his kidney was ripped off...or out. I never mentioned it to him and I know nobody else would have told him.

Carter: He could have heard Dr. Fallone and his captors talking about it beforehand.

Jing-Mei: Yeah, maybe. But Dave also knew exactly how he was tied when they "operated".

Capt. Amos: There's only one way to find out. I want to talk to Dr. Dave, alright.

Jing-Mei: Sure, but I can't promise he'll say anything. Maybe once he's discharged then he'll be more talkative.

Capt. Amos: Discharged?

Jing-Mei: Yeah, his doctors are letting Dave come home soon.

Carter: Did they say when they're releasing him, Deb?

Jing-Mei: No, not yet. Dr. Romano wants his doctors to give him one final full physical before he'll draw up the discharge papers.

Abby: Excited?

Jing-Mei: Are you kidding? I'm ecstatic. The shock still hasn't worn off yet. After a year and a half, Dave is going home and just in time for Antonio's first birthday in two weeks.

Kerry: What about his weakened kidney?

Jing-Mei: Well, his kidney is getting stronger. He's able to be off the dialysis machine for long periods of time now. He'll probably have to come back for treatments, therapy and check ups.

Kerry: How's Dave taken the news?

Jing-Mei: He's happy. It's hard to tell what goes through Dave's mind these days, but he seems excited about going home to be with Rascal, as far as being with me and the boys... only time will tell. It will be nice to use the wheelchair ramps for their right purpose and not as an obstacle for Rusty and his skateboard.

Abby: Speaking of which, how do the boys feel about their daddy coming home?

Jing-Mei: I haven't told them yet. I wanted to find out a specific date before I said anything.

Capt. Amos: Well Dr. Chen, shall we go pay your husband a visit now?

Jing-Mei: Let's go.

Jing-Mei and Capt. Amos head up to Dave's room. They enter to see him drawing on a piece of paper while sitting in a wheelchair. They approach him.

Capt. Amos: Hello Dr. Dave. You're looking better. What are you doing there?

Dave: Dddr. Eeerik.

Capt. Amos: I thought we were back to...

Jing-Mei: Dave still insists on being called Erik. Dr. Legaspi says to keep calling him Dave though and maybe he'll start to get the idea. She says it's going to take some time for him to get use to this name change so in the meantime, we just humor him.

Dave continues to draw, not paying any attention to his visitors. Jing-Mei takes the paper and crayon away from him. He starts to reach for them but his reflexes aren't quite up to snuff and she successfully removes the items.

Jing-Mei: Dave found a new hobby to do during his pastime. He likes to draw. (pause) Dave, the captain wants to talk to you. If you try to answer the captain's questions, I'll give you these back. (holding up his crayon and paper)

Dave nods, Jing-Mei gives him back his drawing materials and the captain pulls up a chair.

Capt. Amos: I hear you are starting to remember the day you were attacked. Can you tell me about it?

Dave shrugs.

Capt. Amos: I'll take that as a yes.(pause) So, Dr. Chen here tells me that you have a connection with one of your new doctors.

Dave nods without looking up.

Capt. Amos: Want to tell me about it?

Dave: Tttook kkkidney mme.

Capt. Amos: You saw him do it?

Dave: Wwwhy pppeople kkkeep aasking mme tthat? (getting extremely frustrated) Nnno ssee---hheard!!!

Capt. Amos: Did you hear his voice before or after you were put out?

Dave: Ppput ooout wwhere?

Capt. Amos: Knocked out for the "operation".

Dave(with a pained expression on his face): Nnnot sssleep. Iiii wwake uuup wwwhole tttime.

Capt. Amos and Jing-Mei look at each other.

Jing-Mei(angry and sucking air through her teeth): So, he was conscious during the procedure. Those son of a bitches--didn't even have the decency to knock him out while they did their dirty deed.

Capt. Amos: No doubt these bastards are cruel as shit. (pause) Dr. Dave---did he say anything that might help us with our investigation?

Dave stops drawing and starts to think. A thought comes through his mind but he says nothing and goes back to drawing. Both Capt. Amos and Jing-Mei notice his hesitation.

Jing-Mei: Are you remembering something, Dave?

Dave: Nnno mmore tttalking. Nnno mmmore.

Capt. Amos: We are just trying to find the person responsible for putting you in that wheelchair, but we need your help to do it.

Dave ignores him and puts more pressure on his crayon causing it to rip the paper and upsetting Dave so much that he throws the crayon across the room.

Jing-Mei: Alright, that's enough for now. I'm sorry Capt. Amos but Dr. Legaspi agreed to meet with Dave when he comes in for his dialysis treatments. If you would like to sit in on one of those sessions, you are welcome to.

Capt. Amos: Yeah, I think I will. Call me and let me know when his first session is.

Jing-Mei: I will.

Capt. Amos: By the way, where is this Dr. Fallone at now?

Jing-Mei: That's the weird part. Dr. Romano says that he just up and left here. Quit his job without any notice or saying a word. I think he's on to us.

Capt. Amos: What makes you so sure?

Jing-Mei: Dave drew a picture of his attackers while they were "operating on him" and the next day the picture was torn to shreds. Dave says he didn't do it.

Capt. Amos: I'll see if I can locate him with an APB. Got to go now.

Jing-Mei: Thanks and bye.

Capt. Amos leaves the room and Jing-Mei gets Dave a new piece of paper to draw on and another a crayon. She sits and watches him draw. She runs her hand through his hair and lets images of Dave's torture run through her head. She jumps from a chill running down her back at the images.

Later that day during her break, Jing-Mei comes out of a meeting with Dr. Romano and several of Dave's doctors. She re-enters the ER with a large smile across her face as she approaches the admit desk.

Kerry: What are you so happy about?

Jing-Mei: I was just briefed on Dave's care when he's discharged---TOMORROW!!!

Luka: So Dr. Dave is finally going home.

Kerry: That's a little quick, isn't it?

Jing-Mei: Actually, we were waiting for his doctors to agree on the proper discharge date. They think he'll be ready to go tomorrow. I can't tell you how happy I am. At last, we can finally be a real family---a whole family.

Luka: We are happy for you.

Jing-Mei looks at her watch.

Jing-Mei: Excuse me, I have a call to make.

The next day, Jing-Mei heads into Dave's room expecting to see him packed and ready to go. What she finds when she enters is two nurses, Drs. Romano and Legaspi with Dave and Dr. Romano yelling at Dave, who's got his hands clamped over his ears.

Jing-Mei: What's going on here?

Dr. Romano: Your old man here is refusing to leave.

Jing-Mei: What?! I don't believe that.

Dr. Romano: It's true. The nurses came in to get him dressed and ready to go when he started swinging at them with his good arm. Look Dr. Chen, I have had just about all I'm going to take out of him. Now, either you get him out of my hospital yourself or I'll call Security and have him FORCIBLY REMOVED!!

Dave flinches at the sound of Dr. Romano's increased volume.

Jing-Mei(in a low but intimidating voice): Stop it Dr. Romano! Lower your voice! You're hurting his ears and also scaring him. I'll talk to him and we will be out of here as soon as he is ready to go and not before.

Frustrated Dr. Romano leaves with the two nurses behind him. Jing-Mei approaches Dave and gently removes his hands from over his ears. She tries to soothe her shaken husband.

Jing-Mei: Dave, what is wrong? You're going home. That's terrific! I thought that's what you wanted.

Dr. Legaspi: I think that's what you wanted, Dr. Chen?

Jing-Mei: What do you mean? You think I'm pushing Dave into leaving before he's ready.

Dr. Legaspi: No, I don't. Well, not exactly. I think he's just scared. He's been in this hospital and the rehab center for over a year and now he's being moved to unfamiliar territory. The people he's gotten use to seeing won't be there everyday. New surroundings are always overwhelming, especially for someone who's been shut in for so long. Maybe it is too soon for him to go?

Jing-Mei: What are you saying?

Dr. Legaspi: Maybe instead of going home, you should consider placing Dave in a convalescent home.

Jing-Mei's jaw drops in total shock.

Jing-Mei: You're joking right? Going home is a step forward. It says that Dave is getting better. To put him in a place like that is a step backward and sends the message to him that he's not now or ever going to get better and we've given up on him. I will never give up on him. NEVER!! Besides, the boys are so excited that their daddy is coming home.

Dr. Legaspi: I didn't mean on a permanent basis---just temporary. Just until he's a little bit more recuperated.

Jing-Mei: I want to take him home and I can take care of him better there. I want to give him a sense of family. He's got to start bonding with his sons. (pause) In a convalescent home, Dave will be just another number--just another patient amongst dozens of others. He'll get lost in the shuffle. At home, he can have one on one care. I can monitor his health, administer his meds and work with him myself while the boys keep him occupied.

Jing-Mei walks over to Dave's bed and sits down so that she is at eye-level with him.

Jing-Mei: Dave, think about this---if you come home then you will have our full, undivided attention. You won't have to worry about nurses coming in poking and probing at you all the time. You will be amongst family, where you belong. The boys and I can spend as much time with you as possible.

Dave looks at her, not impressed by her speech.

Jing-Mei: You'll be able to spend all day with Rascal.

A smile starts to form on his face, but disappears.

Dave: Nnno, ssstay hhhere.

Jing-Mei: This is serious. He never turned down spending the entire day playing with the pooch before.

Dr. Legaspi: He's terrified to leave here. He feels safe here.

Jing-Mei: Dave, you will be safe at home too. Capt. Amos has sent us up with all those guards to protect us. You can come back and visit when you come for your treatments and checkups.

Dave still refuses to leave.

Dr. Legaspi: And your physical therapy.

Jing-Mei: I don't think he'll need to come here for physical therapy anymore.

Dr. Legaspi: Why?

There's a knock at the door.

Jing-Mei: That's the reason now.

Jing-Mei goes to the door and opens it and lets in a young, well built man. Dave watches as he enters and a smile appears on his face.

Dave: Llllarry.

Larry: Hello Erik.

Jing-Mei: Um Larry, remember I told you his real name is Dave...Dr. Dave Malucci.

Larry: Right, sorry. Hello Dr. Dave.

Jing-Mei: Dr. Legaspi, this is Larry. He was Dave's physical therapist over at the rehab center. Larry, Dr. Legaspi is Dave's shrink.

They shake hands. Larry walks over to Dave and shakes his hand.

Larry: Well, you look great. Sorry, I wasn't around when you left the rehab center. I asked about you when I came back but no one would tell me anything. I hear you're going home. Out of sight.

Jing-Mei: Well, maybe not as out of sight as you might think. Dave doesn't want to go home.

Larry: Why the hell not?

Jing-Mei: He's scared. He's been a patient for so long that he's a little nervous about being in a new environment and a little apprehensive about being away from the place where he feels safe.

Larry: There's nothing to worry about. No one will hurt you. I'll see to that since I'll be there---most of the time.

Jing-Mei: That's right Dave. I've hired Larry to be your personal physical therapist. He's going to be with you so much you'll think you grew a second skin. We are going to set up the backroom like a gym---parallel bars, weights and all. Nothing but the best for you.

Dave: Yyyou mmove iiin wwith mmme.

Larry: Not quite but it'll feel like I did.

Dave: Wwwhen wwwe llleave.

Larry and both the female doctors smile along with Dave.

An hour later, Dave's discharge papers were signed. He was in his wheelchair and packed what little personal possessions he had, which included his stuffed dog and some paper and crayons. Jing-Mei wheels Dave out of the room and through the ER where several of his former colleagues are waiting at the admit desk to say goodbye. Dave is bombarded by hugs and well wishes.

Carter: So, what happens now with Dave, Deb?

Jing-Mei: Well, Dave has to come back to the hospital for his dialysis treatment every other day. While he's on the machine, Dr. Legaspi will be having a session with him and his doctors will monitor his condition.

Kerry(smiling): Malucci, you've spent more time in this hospital as a patient then you did as a doctor. You know I never thought I say this, everyone but---GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THIS HOSPITAL, MALUCCI!!!

Kerry bends down and gives Malucci a hug and peck on the cheek.

Haleh: All the best to both of you.

Elizabeth: Yes, you certainly deserve it.

Mark: Take your time getting better, but hurry up. I hate to admit it but we really miss you around here, Dave.

Dave politely smiled at them still not remembering them.

While riding home, Jing-Mei tries to engage in conversation with Dave but Dave's mind isn't exactly in the car with him right now. It's back with his last conversation with Capt. Amos in his hospital room. One thought keeps repeating itself in Dave's mind.

Thinking back to his time spent in the hangar, tied to a chair he remembers a voice saying to someone in the room with him.

**Dr. Fallone: So, this is Vincenzio's son. Looks like him but it's hard to tell with the blindfold and gag on him.**

Jing-Mei pulls into the drive-way. Mrs. Peterson and the boys are waiting in the doorway to greet them. Jing-Mei jumps out of the car and heads to the back to take Dave's wheelchair out of the trunk. Meanwhile, Dave starts to sweat and a terrified yet hurtful, and confused look appears on his face.

Dave: Pppa`pa?

To be continued. Please read and review.

What will become of Dave and his family now that he's home---find out in the final part of my trilogy called " Showdown" coming to fanfiction soon.