Sparring Partners

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters and all that jazz.

NOTE: Welcome to the final chapter! Hope you like it. More detailed notes and thanks at the end. Enjoy.


"Do you know what you're saying?" Étoile said softly, staring at the hand the prince held so tenderly in his. A light blush had spread to her cheeks.

Arslan nodded, relieved that the knight had not pulled her hand away. But she could not meet his eyes. They were both too lost in the moment.

And having opened the subject, Arslan found that he struggled to pursue it. It had taken enough nerve for him to even take her hand in the first place. To speak of all that this meant, for both of them, was a greater challenge. And yet, there was no better opportunity. Considering how fast circumstances could change in times of war, Arslan knew that every moment was precious. So he struggled to compose himself, to make the most of this.

Étoile's heart was beating wildly, aware that they both stood on the cusp of something truly momentous. Neither of them was lacking in courage but this was still one of the most difficult hurdles they had ever faced. For her all valiance on the battlefield, Étoile did not wish to take the initiative for this endeavor. She left that to the prince, and she waited with bated breath for what he would say next.

Arslan took a deep breath before he spoke. "We must not waste time dancing around this issue," he began carefully, "I cannot disguise myself and my feelings as well as you can. And I have no intention of doing so. I have sworn to always tell you the truth since for too long, our knowledge of each other has been shrouded in mystery. From this moment on, there must only be what is real."

The prince paused, aware that he had begun rambling and trying to find the right words to express himself. Étoile still could not face him but stared resolutely at their hands. But he knew that she was listening attentively to his every word.

He had been fairly adept at making speeches before but this was undoubtedly the most important one he would have to make. And he could not find the words. Was it like this for all people in his position, he wondered? He decided that he would at least express himself sincerely, if not very eloquently.

"Étoile," he whispered earnestly, pouring his heart into every word, "You know me well enough by now, I hope. You know that I care deeply about all my friends. And I must tell you now, that I love none as well as you."

There, Arslan thought with apprehension, the words had been said. And all that remained was to see her reaction and to cling to hope. Arslan stared at Étoile, waiting for her to say something, anything.

The knight still refused to look at him but her eyes had widened at his confession and she blushed furiously. But she found that she was filled with a sudden lightness, that her heart was full of unspeakable joy. She had never felt this way before and she was overwhelmed. So she said nothing, she could not bring herself to say anything, and the poor prince was left in suspense for several moments.

When Arslan saw that Étoile was not going to speak, he decided to risk asking her what he longed to know.

"I have told you how I feel," he began anxiously, "and I know I have no right to impose myself on you or to expect anything. But please, do you think there is a chance, any chance, that you might feel the same way?"

He was pleading with her now and Étoile knew that she could not leave him hanging. That would be too cruel. Slowly, she raised her eyes to his. And though she still could not bring herself to speak, she managed to give him a barely imperceptible nod. But that was enough.

Relief and happiness spread across the prince's face and he held both Étoile's hands in his. He could not quite believe what was happening, how something so wonderful could have come to pass. He felt immensely grateful for his good fortune.

Slowly, they both leaned towards each other, attempting to close the distance between them, and finally daring to do what they had always wanted.

But something stopped Arslan abruptly. All of it seemed too good to be true, and there was a shadow of doubt that remained in his mind.

Seeing him pause, Étoile looked disappointed, but she saw the doubt in his eyes.

"Are you sure?" he asked incredulously, his questioning gaze meeting hers.

Étoile rolled her eyes at this.

"You're hesitating again," she teased him.

Arslan understood at once and he raised both hands to bring Étoile's face closer so that he could press his lips to hers. She leaned into the kiss eagerly and for the next few moments, they were lost in each other, overcome by their emotions.

As the kiss deepened, they shifted their positions, Arslan bringing his arms around Étoile's waist to pull her closer to him while she put her arms around his neck for the same effect. Since this was the first time either of them had kissed anyone, it started out as a clumsy affair, despite their eagerness and sincerity. They bumped noses awkwardly and sometimes their teeth got in the way, causing them both to blush and laugh at their obvious ineptitude. For all their skills in combat, they both struggled with showing affection in the conventional way.

But now that they had started, they were most reluctant to let each other go. And they were fast learners so soon they managed to find the most effective way of expressing their feelings for one another.

Reveling in this newfound freedom and happiness, the two remained entwined in each other's arms for a while before reluctantly pulling apart to catch their breaths. They took a quiet moment to take it in, how their world had shifted in the course of one meaningful conversation. They leaned their foreheads against each other and stayed in each other's arms, overwhelmed by it all.

"Étoile," Arslan whispered, gazing lovingly at the knight in his arms. There was nothing more to be said. He had already revealed everything to her.

Étoile returned his gaze and smiled warmly at him for the first time. The prince was taken aback by this, and he knew that he would always cherish the memory of her smile. Étoile took both of Arslan's hands in hers and held them gently.

"When you build this new world of yours," she told him earnestly, "I'll be proud to stand by your side."










And that's a wrap!

So thus ends my first Arslan Senki multi-chapter story. This turned out longer than I initially planned but I'm happy with the way things ended up. Hope the ending did not disappoint.

I had debated with myself on whether I wanted to have them kiss or not but I figured that we're unlikely to see it happen in the anime and this is really what fanfiction was meant for. And hopefully, it didn't happen too fast. After all, we had seven chapters of build up for this.

I always struggle with writing kiss scenes, trying to find the balance between the emotions and the physical part. I tried my best here and I hope it reads okay. Also apologies if it gets a little cheesy.

I am most grateful for all of your support and feedback on this story. And for your patience as well since I know it took me ages to update the first few chapters. But I caught up in the end.

Thank you to everyone who added this to their alerts (the wait is over!): Arenz, BelieveInTheImagination, Blackthorn Ashe, Blinded in a blowhole, Blood ErroR, BornOnTheBreakOfDawn, Clarionette, Eclipse1, Fanfiction Bard, GraePearl, Jordynaw, JustBlossom, Kiara-g, Kleg223, MayuoftheMoon, Miko 56, Misato Lockser, MoreRunningAway, NVCiel, PatMaster, Remonalin, Sakura245, Shiary, SoTiredBlah, Vesalius-Koori, WolfieRed23, anjelicque, franck259146, isidahomenataman, samman9, slowpen, sora93232, and ZimboLogic.

Thank you to everyone who added this to their favorites (it's an honor): Aizawa Li Syaoran Vessalius, Arenz, Blackthorn Ashe, Dlkg, Fanfiction Bard, HollowRain1, Jordynaw, Kiara-g, Kleg223, Lieutenant L'Emir, Miko 56, Misato Lockser, NVCiel, Rampageblast, Remonalin, SmileyXs Ice-cream Sprinkles, TeddyHugs, Valk, anjelicque, franck259146, isidahomenataman, slowpen, and sora93232.

And a huge thank you to everyone who left a review (I have appreciated all of your feedback and your comments have helped inspire me to write the story): Kleg223, Guest, anjelicque, Dlkg, Shiary, WolfieRed23, JustBlossom, Jordynaw, Blinded in a blowhole, GraePearl, Sakura245, Kiara-g, TeddyHugs, Loveitsomuch, and NVCiel.

Since season 2 is about to start, I won't be writing any fan fics for this show for a while, at least until the season is over. And even then, I'm not sure I will have ideas for any stories. So this is my last Arslan Senki fanfic for now. But in the future, who knows?

Thank you again and until the next story!