Alright y'all thank you for reading and supporting the story! This is where it sadly ends, I do have other stories coming out soon hopefully please check them out. Thanks and enjoy!

Ch 51


The day of the wedding was finally here, and I couldn't stop pacing my room. Tooth had brought her little helpers and they were all trying to keep up with me, trying to fix my hair my makeup whatever, it is they were doing.

Tooth had gone back to her castle to retrieve my dress and I was just so nervous. Sure, I had planned on spending eternity with Jack, whether we married or not. This was more of a formality really. A way for us to show everyone how serious our commitment was, even as Guardians.

T:"Elsa will you please stop pacing? We're trying to pin your veil on." I heard a voice say behind me. I turned and saw Tooth holding a hanger, probably the dress she'd made for me. I never knew she was so handy with a thread and needle and some beautiful fabrics.

E:"I-I'm sorry Tooth I guess I'm just kind of nervous…. I mean I love Jack but I never thought I'd get married, or find the man of my dreams you know?" I stared at the long mirror I was standing in front of.

T:"It's alright Elsa, but please just stay still, you're supposed to be at the altar in an hour!"

I kept trying to get my head straight, to keep the anxiety away but it felt impossible. I decided to keep my eyes and focus on how I looked, and admired the work Tooth had done. Her little friends had managed to curl my hair perfectly and braided a few sections to for a crown around my head, they pinned small silver snoflakes and rhinestones though the braid and where the braids met, the pinned a long thin veil, made of spider silk with small diamonds scattered all over it. The veil reached the floor and that's when I noticed I had my dress one.

I must have seriously been out of it for me to not have noticed them undressing and redressing me. However, Tooth was seriously amazing, the dress was very form fitting, with a lace covered bodice and lace long sleeves, very Victorian style, the skirt was satin with the bottom flaring out into a long train behind me. Although the dress itself was plain, it was elegant, something a queen would have worn at one time perhaps.

E:"Tooth it's… it's beautiful.." I said with tears beginning to fall down my cheeks.

T:"No! No crying Elsa! Your makeup took hours and we cannot ruin this!" She took a tissue and dapped at my face carefully, making sure the makeup didn't stain.

After what felt like hours of "pin this" and "readjust that" we were finally ready, she handed me my bouquet and the rest passed in a blur. Next thing I knew we were waiting behind the doors that lead to the Garden in my castle.

T:"Ah! Are you ready Elsa?! Jack looks so handsome! And you look so beautiful! Ah it's ready to start!"

I heard the wedding march begin, played on the piano. This was it. I was about to spend the rest of my life with the man of my dreams.


I was nervously waiting at the altar, I felt weird and slightly uncomfortable in the suit the guys had me wear. We didn't have many guests, just some of the guardians we were close to really.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, but I was also ecstatic to say the least. I was getting ready to marry the most amazing woman I'd ever met. My Ice Queen.

I was so wrapped up in my head I was snapped back to reality by the sound of a all too familiar wedding march. I looked up waiting for her, to see her in all her glorious beauty. Yet nothing I imagined could ever compared to how she looked that day.

She was an angel, dressed in a beautiful white gown, her veil glowed like a halo around her beautiful face and her eyes… the reason I'd fallen in love with her were her eyes. So much sadness and pain yet full of compassion and love.

Here was the girl who stole my heart and as she approached me I couldn't help but start tearing up. Santa had begun speaking about how we were all gathered here today to join our marriage blah blah blah, truth was I couldn't keep my eyes off her. Off my Elsa.

S:"Uh Jack did you hear me?"

I shook my head, what had he said?"

J:"Uh what…?"

S:"Do you take Elsa to be your wife, to have and to hold, nothing to tear you apart, for eternity?"

J:"I-I do.."

S:"And Elsa, do you take Jack to be your husband…." Said Santa as he repeated the question to her.

E:"I do… with all my heart." She said as she smiled.

S:"Then by the power given to me by the Man in the Moon, I pronounce you husband and wife! Jack you may kiss your bride!"

And I did I kissed her, just a soft kiss really, and then I picked her up and spun her around as we laughed. Here she was my wife.

I put her down and looked into her eyes as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

E:"We're finally together Jack… I promise to love you every day of the rest of my existence…"
J:"And I promise to love you more than my own life my Snow Queen…"

I leaned in for a kiss. As our lips met I couldn't help but think this was it. She loved me and I loved her more than anything, and she was mine and I was hers forever.

The End