Chapter 1


In the 300 years I've been around since becoming a guardian, I never thought I'd find a higher purpose than caring for the children of the world or bringing them fun and happiness. I never knew there was something, anything better for me out there. At least until I met her. She brought a light to my life I had never known before, a joy that shamed what children felt Christmas morning. A love deeper than any ocean I'd ever seen. I remember the day I met her like it was yesterday, and it was the happiest day of my life. My name is Jack Frost, and this is the story of how I met my Ice Queen.


It had been almost 5 years since the accident with my sister. I could remember it as if it was last night, one minute we were laughing and having fun in the ballroom, building snowmen and jumping around. The next thing I knew she was moving too fast for me to catch her

E:"Slow down Anna!"

I felt my foot slip and a soft thud a few seconds after. I had hit her and now she had a white streak in her hair, my parents burst in and saw what I had done. It was all my fault, I hurt her and I had to stay locked away now, so I couldn't hurt those I loved. Everyday Anna came to my room and asked if I wanted to build a snowman or do play outside. And every day I refused. Her visits were less frequent now, sometimes I would hear her walk past my room and stop at the door before walking away once more, and those were the days I felt more alone than ever. Those were the times I stopped believing things would ever change, but something in the back of my mind told me to hang on a little longer. Something soon would come to save me. I always thought someone was watching me, like I had a Guardian looking out for me, whispering in my ear at night while I slept, telling me things would be better soon.

Years kept going by, it was now the day of my 17th birthday, and as always I sat in my room. Knowing nothing special would happen, nothing would change at all. As the sun began to set I heard a knock on the door. It was Anna.

A:" Happy Birthday Elsa…I know you don't want to come outside, well you never do, it would be great if you did, I'd make you a cake, and we could go ice skating… but I'm just going to leave this here for you…"

As I heard her feet walk away, I tried to peep through the key hole in the doorknob to make sure she wasn't there. I pressed my ear to the door and slowly turned the knob. I peeped my head out and looked around, no one was in the hall so I stepped out and saw a small package on the floor. It was a small square package wrapped in blue paper with a silver ribbon. I hurried back into my room and locked the door. I then went and sat on the bench of my vanity desk and took some scissors to open the gift. It was a white box with a note on it. As I opened it and read it a small tear escaped my eyes.


Happy birthday! You're so lucky to be 17, I wish I was 17 then I could be closer to 18 and be an adult! Wait but then I'd have to date boys eww…Unless he was dreamy…wait where was I? Oh yea I just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday and tell you how much I love you. I hope you enjoy your special Day.

Love, Anna

I wanted to run out of my room and hug her, tell her why I could never be near her and to tell her how much I loved her. I realized by now I had run towards the door again and the door knob had a small amount of frost covering it, I quickly pulled back once again reminded of why I could never interact with my sister again. I went back to my vanity and realized I hadn't opened the box with the actual gift inside of it. I gasped lightly at the beautiful locket in the box. It was a silver chain with a matching heart shaped locket, it had an intricate vine design and some small diamonds here and there. It was utterly beautiful, I opened it and inside was a picture of our family on one side, and the other side was empty. I started crying, I had lost so much in one moment of fun. As much as I wanted, I couldn't change the past. I just needed to keep those close to me safe now, it's all I could do. I walked towards my window seat and stared at the moon while holding the locket in my hand. It was a beautiful winter night, the snow in the gardens sparkled like a thousand diamonds in the moonlight. I began to drift off into sleep as I enjoyed the scenery outside. And that was the first night I dreamed of him… My Guardian.