Bill stood... well, floated in front of the twins, and though he didn't have a mouth you could hear the smile in his voice. Mable said and did nothing, but Dipper folded his arms and scowled.

"Ooooh hostile aren't we Pine Tree?" Bill said laughing, "And even though were business partners."

"Out of necessity, nothing more Bill." Dipper said through gritted teeth. He tried not to, but the chipperness in Bill's backwards audio sounding voice always managed to aggravate him to no end.

Noticing that Dipper was probably about to punch the flying dorito, Mabel interjected. "Quit badgering eachother!" she said sharply. Both Bill and Dipper stopped and stared at her, for some reason Mabel was the only one who could tell Bill to shut up and he'd do it. "Look Bill, we finally got back to Gravity Falls, so stop trying to get my brother to hit you, and help us save the world by helping you."

Bill shot a sideways glance at Mabel and sighed, "Yeah, yeah, alright Shooting Star, but before we get down to it." Bill closed his eyes and began to glow yellow. Dipper and Mabel averted their eyes and squinted as the light became to harsh to look at properly. "All done." Bill said, though now his voice sounded less like a screwed up audio file and more... human.

The twins opened their eyes, Dipper raised his eyebrows and Mabels mouth opened in shock. Before them stood a boy, around their age with a deep tan and yellow and black hair draped over one vibrantly blue eye. He was as tall as dipper, and slightly leaner, giving him a catlike appearance. He wore a dark sunflower yellow muscle shirt and black shorts the same color tone as his hair. Around his neck was a necklace with a pyramid medallion and he wore a massive grin showing off his white teeth.

"So what do you think?" Bill asked raising his arms.

"Uh... Umm..." was all Mabel could manage which caused Bill to grin wider. "Well Shooting Star seems to like it, what about you Dipper any thoughts?"

"Why?" Dipper asked still keeping his eyebrows raised and arms crossed.

"So that my demonic energy can be hidden in this meatsack." Bill said simply. "But you still haven't answered my question." He added pouting.

"You look human. Now back to the matter at hand, what do we need to find to keep that demon overlord from killing you and the rest of our universe." Dipper said begining to get angry again.

"Well as you know, very few things in the multiverse can actually scare me, and I also enjoy making trouble wherever I go." Bill said and Dipper rolled his eyes, Mabel still seemed kind of out of it so he snapped his fingers under her nose. "But I ended up causing trouble with one of the few beings that can actually kill me. The demon Crator. I am a Dream demon, someone who can create illusions and alter perception at will. He is a Chaos demon, in terms of raw power he can't be beat. To him destroying a universe is the same as breathing, but he doesn't want to do that to me." Dipper and Mabel saw that Bill was visably trembling. "He doesn't want to kill me, he wants to destroy my entire existance, erase me from the memory of creation. I am genuinly sorry that I dragged you into this, take it for a grain of salt, but I need your help. There are some, not many, but some universes where Demons, even ones as powerful as Crator become mortal. However, the only way to kill them are with certain artifacts, fortunatly there is one here in Gravity Falls, and I know that if anyone can find it, it's the mystery twins." Bill finished looking pleadingly at Dipper and Mabel.

Mabel despite herself, always wanted to see the best in people, even one as twisted as Bill. She walked over and hugged Bill. Dipper tensed up as did Bill, though Bill relaxed quicker than Dipper. "We got this nacho head." Mabel said, making Bill chuckle. "If anyone can beat an all powerful demon, you know it's my brother and I." Bill looked at Mabel than at Dipper. "Yeah I do."

"Just remember our deal Bill." Dipper said icily.

"Yeah, when this is over, never hurt, antagonise or make deals with any of your family and friends ever again." Bill said simply.

"That's right, so where do we start looking?" Dipper asked.


Meanwhile at the Northwest Mansion, Pacifica was dealing with her own demons from the past.

She had returned home in the highest of spirits. She kept thinking about the glade, the smell fo the flowers and the gentle music that they were playing. Dippers hand in hers, her head on his shoulder, the smell of his skin. She flushed at where her thoughts were going and shook her head. 'Bad Pacifica.' She thought.

The limo had pulled up to the mansion, and she ran inside, she wanted to tell her father all about the day that she had. She skipped through the halls and burst through her fathers office door. "Daddy, I just had the most wonderful day, it was..." She petered off. Her father sat behind his desk with a stony face, and in the chair in front of him sat a tall woman with dyed blond hair covering whatever gray their was in it, more plastic in her face than skin, and a smile that seemed permanantly fixed their from all the facelifts.

Priscilla turned around with that forced plastic smile. "Oh don't stop Pacifica, please tell your father and I about the day you had." she said, her voice dripping with false sweetness.

Pacifica said nothing and turned to Preston shaking slightly. "What's she doing here?" she asked.

"Is that anyway to talk about your mother Pacifica?" Priscilla asked icily.

"You're not my mother!" Pacifica shouted. "You're nothing more than a viper in womens clothing."

Priscilla stood abruptly and walked over to Pacifica and raised her hand. Pacifica flinched, Priscilla smiled and Preston ran over and grabbed Priscilla's arm. "I think it's time you leave." He said firmly.

Priscilla smiled coldy and yanked her arm out of Preston's grip. She placed her hand on Pacifica's shoulder who shrugged it off imidiatly. "We'll be seeing mor of eachother soon." Priscialla said sweetly. "Goodbye Preston." and with that she walked off, out the door and out of the mansion.

"What was she doing here?" Pacifica asked turning to her father.

Preston sighed. "She came to give me a 'warning'." he said making air quotes.

"What kind of warning?" Pacifica asked.

"That she'd be coming for everything, the estate, the company and..." He looked at Pacifica worry in his eyes. "And you."