Disclaimer: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, all characters, places, and related terms are the sole property of J. R. R. Tolkien's estate, and Warner Brothers, New Line Cinema, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, and WingNut Films.
Author's Note: Written for the Arda Advent Challenge on Tumblr.
Arda Advent Calendar
Tauriel gazes about the large kitchen – fires burning, oven heating, pots, pans, and utensils everywhere, seemingly dozens of ingredients – unable to hide her awe and apprehension, when a tug on her sleeve gains her attention.
Tilda looks up at her with bright eyes, practically bursting with excitement. "Are you ready?"
The tall creature swallowed. "I…I don't know," she answered. "I've never baked before."
"Never baked cookies, pudding, pie, gingerbread…ever?" the girl gasped, horrified.
Blushing as red as her hair, the elf shook her head. Tilda stared at her for a moment. Then the girl's troubled expression lightened.
"We'll teach you! Won't we, Sigrid?" she said turning to her sister.
The older girl glanced up from the apples she had begun to peel. First she looked at Tilda before turning to Tauriel, eyebrows raised in silent question.
The former captain of the guard ducked her head. "Often I was not home for Yule. And…my position…I never learned," she admitted.
Something flickered in Sigrid's eyes and she straightened to her full height. "It is never too late to learn, make new traditions." She gave a small smile when the elf's head jerked up in surprise. "Come," she encouraged.
Squeeing with joy, Tilda led Tauriel to Sigrid who held out an apron to the redhead.
"Here. You'll want this," she advised.
The three were attempting to bake cookies for the fourth time hours later when Bard came to the kitchen.
"Papa!" Sigrid saw him first, and then Tilda rushed into the bowman's arms. The man grinned and laughed at the girls' warm greeting.
Standing still by the table, Tauriel (sweaty and covered in flour by now) watched the three, the corners of her mouth curving upward. Then Bard lifted his head, his dark gaze catching her light one; and the warmth and tenderness in his eyes did not fade. She felt her stomach flip-flop.
"I keep ruining the cookies!" she confessed.
He and the girls burst out laughing.