(Chapter 3 is here for you all so I hope you enjoy and I would like to thank you all once again for the reviews and for following)
Chapter 3:
Barry groaned in pain, his ears were still ringing from the piercing scream of Silver Banshee's attack in his apartment now here he was, tied in a dark warehouse to a chair.
"Ah your finally awake" Silver Banshee said as she stepped from the shadow, Barry looked her over and shivered "You do know Halloween is not for a while yet right?" he said being a wise guy and she smirked before punishing him with a piercing scream, Barry yelled in pain as his ears bled from the sound vibrating his ear drums.
"He said you'd try to be a smart ass" she replied and he looked to her curiously "Who said that?" he asked and soon a gust of wind blew in and Reverse Flash stood before him.
"Eobard!" Barry snarled at his nemesis.
"Barry, long time" he smirked and Barry was feeling the desire to phase through the rope to kick his ass like the last time but he couldn't, not without exposing his identity to Silver Banshee and if she knew he was the flash who was dating Supergirl whilst he as himself was dating Kara then she would add 2 and 2 together and come up with Supergirl and Kara being the same person so basically… he was screwed, Big Time!
Kara was flying around the city, she was in panic mode as the thought of Barry being hurt by her enemies was too much to bare, maybe they should have never started their relationship but then again I don't think neither of them saw Silver Banshee attacking… Kara was wracking her brains on who the hell Silver Banshee was because whoever she was… she was pissed!
Suddenly a loud scream caught her super hearing and Barry's screams of pain "Barry" she whispered and ramped up her speed straight towards Barry's location.
Banshee was taking pleasure out of making Barry suffer, especially seeing as how Kara would be upset, her hatred for Kara grew and grew every minute.
There was a loud sonic boom, Barry smiled and began to laugh. Silver Banshee and Reverse Flash looked confused as ever before and Barry looked to them "Here she comes" he said and Super smashed through the ceiling and landed hard making the floor beneath her crack from the force, she was looking very upset… understatement!
Untying Barry's hands from behind his back she wiped the blood from his ears before glaring at Banshee, she now knew who Banshee was and why she chose to attack Barry and as for the Reverse Flash, Kara knew about him from Barry when he explained the events.
Banshee stepped forward "Time to play" she said and she reared back about to scream when there was a gust of wind and Banshee was on her back in pain, Barry made a quick change into his Flash suit when she was occupied.
"Ah The Flash and Supergirl, the latest Power Couple" Banshee groaned and Supergirl smirked "Time this fight ended" she said and she launched herself into Banshee sending them both through the wall, Flash and Reverse Flash began their own battle, trading punches and deadly blows.
"This war ends here!" Barry shouted as he landed heavy punches only to grunt in pain as Eobard landed his own punches, both speedsters fighting hard.
Supergirl and Banshee was at each other too, Supergirl trying to get close but Banshee screaming at her to keep her back, Barry saw Supergirl get knocked down so Kicking Eobard in the jaw; Barry began to circle around before launching a lightning bolt into Banshee who yelped in pain and stopped her attack to deal with Barry only to get thrown across the room.
Barry was getting bloodied and beaten, he had beaten Eobard before but after losing to Zoom and the ringing in his ears from Banshee then basically he was getting his ass handed to him.
Banshee got back up only for Supergirl to knock her back down just as hard before blasting Reverse Flash with her breath sending him crashing into the wall, Eobard escaped and Banshee was arrested by NCPD.
Barry was so busted up by Reverse Flash that he could barely run, Supergirl slowly picked him up and she watched the pain he was in before she gave a kiss on his bruised cheek before flying away, Barry passed out on the flight back and when they got to his apartment Kara placed him on his bed before changing into her normal clothes before getting on the bed with him before falling asleep with her arms around his body.
Knowing that whatever was going to come next then they would face it… together.
(Hope you enjoyed chapter 3, chapter 4 will be posted once finished… again thank you all for reading)