Glynda left after the few Christmas movies they watched ended and she walked back to Beacon academy to her room and slept. Saitama's old apartment in his world was a little smaller, but this one has a bit more space. So he gave Genos the small spare room and he set him up with a small pallet if he needed it. As they went to bed, Genos was slowly adjusting to his new life here.
The next morning came and Glynda went back to Saitama's place as they walked over to the Atlesian labs in Vale. Inside was all sorts of technology, weapons, and guards. Glynda was known there since she previously worked there in her time. They continued more through the facility, seeing the tall walking tanks that Saitama punched before when a whitefang member took over it.
"Here we are. This is where Penny resides." Glynda said as they pointed to the sign near the door saying "Penny's room". They entered the room and the three see the Female red headed android known as Penny.
"Ah, Miss Goodwitch. It's so nice to see you again. Who are these two?" Penny asked.
"This is Saitama. Otherwise known as 'One punch man'" Glynda said.
"Sup." Saitama said plainly as he waved.
"Hello! And who are you?" Penny asked, as she walked over to Genos.
"I am Genos. A cyborg." Genos said.
"I am Penny. An android." Penny said, extending her hand for Genos to shake it with his. He extends his hand and shakes her hand. She checks his arms and sees the holes in his hands.
"Propulsion?" Penny asked.
"You seem familiar with the concept." Genos presumed. She smiled and nodded.
"I went through a lot of different modifications in my time. Propulsion was my third. I'm in my sixth modification." Penny said.
"I am in my third modification as well." Genos said.
"Really? So we are kinda the same. Would you like to talk more on modifications? I would like to go outside." Penny said.
"Sure." Genos said, nodding as the two went out of the room. Saitama and Glynda followed them.
"They seem to be getting along fast." Glynda said.
"Yeah." Saitama said.
The Atlesian guards block the entrance. As they knew that Penny has had a habit of leaving the lab.
"We are with them. We will keep Penny supervised or you can come and supervise her yourselves." Glynda said. The guards look at each other.
"I came at the time she finished her time at the labs so please do not come up with that excuse." Glynda said, raising a brow at them. The guards look at each other again as they feel a chilling aura about Glynda and her stare.
"Y-Yes ma'am!" The guards said as they move to the side as They left and they followed them at a distance.
"So, are you specialized in combat, Mr. Genos?" Penny asked, as she was very interested in a being almost like her.
"I am. I trained with master and have studied ways of combat." Genos said.
"You really need to stop calling me that!" Saitama said, but Genos continued.
"But I am grateful of master's teachings. I have learned a lot from him." Genos finished.
"Well, how about we have a spar match? I think it would be fun." Penny said with a smile.
"I do not see why not." Genos said.
"Yay! There is a area nearby here with no lifeforms." Penny said as she skipped with glee.
"Master, she is very, spry." Genos said.
"I guess so." Saitama said plainly.
"Maybe this will be a chance to have Genos make a friend. Since he just arrived yesterday." Glynda said.
"Perhaps so, Ms. Goodwitch." Genos said as he went ahead to follow Penny and the guards along with. At that moment, Saitama bridal carried Ms. Goodwitch.
"Eh?" Glynda asked as she blushed and Saitama crouched down.
"Hang on." Saitama said as he then used his strength to make a giant leap into the air to get to the destination with Ms. Goodwitch screaming a bit.
Everyone got over to the area with Saitama and standing there with a twig stuck in her hair. She quickly removed it.
"That was a bit unexpected but i appreciate the quick trip." Glynda said.
"Was it a nice view?" Saitama asked plainly.
"Eh?" Glynda asked, as she turned to him.
"I just thought the view from above would be something you like." Saitama said as his gaze moved away a bit. Glynda was surprised, but smiled that it happened.
"It was rather nice. Thank you, Saitama." Glynda said.
"No problem." Saitama said.
Penny and Genos got into position where Genos got into his fighting stance and penny used her abilities to pull out her multitudes of swords.
"Lets have fun, Mr. Genos." Penny said with a smile as her swords spun around her.
"Watch, master. This has been the extent of my training since you have been gone." Genos said as his propulsors purred as it then roared in fire and charged at Penny. She dodged his charge as she tried slashing at Genos. He dodged them as one of them cut a piece of his hair.
'She's accurate. Maybe going close quarters wouldn't be the best options. Perhaps range would be the better tactic. Plus... I could show the new move to master.' Genos thought. His hands came together as he then separated his hands as orbs of fire were in both of his hands and he started firing volleys at her.
"Machine gun blast!" Genos shouted as the blasts came at her. She held a surprised, but a happy smile as she started to block and dodge the blasts.
"Oh~ Genos has a new move!" Saitama said in a bored like surprise.
"It is rather... interesting." Glynda said. Penny blocked one of the blasts as it came to Glynda. As she her eyes widened, Saitama whacked it to the ground as it singed the dirt.
"Thank you, Saitama. Wasn't prepared for that." Glynda said.
"It's cool." Saitama said.
The two watched them spar as Genos went in for a behind attack as it landed.
"So when do you want to see your parents? You mentioned it yesterday at the store." Saitama asked plainly, as he saw Genos use his machinegun punch to try to land a blow.
"W-Well I called them that day and they said that they are excited to meet you. I told them about you." Glynda said as she blushed a bit.
"That's good. When do we see them?" Saitama asked as he saw Penny slam Genos into the ground.
"We can catch a train tomorrow if you want to." Glynda said.
"Sure." Saitama said plainly. Genos then go close as he readied a beam as penny has a blade to his neck.
"You are very skilled, Ms. Penny." Genos said with some cuts around his clothes.
"As are you, Mr. Genos. I had a lot of fun today. We should do this again." Penny said with a giggle.
"I agree." Genos said.
"Well then you two will have plenty of time tomorrow since Saitama and I will be visiting my parents." Glynda said.
"Yeah, you mind holding down the fort for me, Genos?" Saitama asked.
"Yes, Master!" Genos said as he bowed.
"I already have my bag packed up for the trip. You should bring some extra clothes, Saitama." Glynda said.
"Ok." Saitama said plainly.
The three return Penny back to the lab and then they return to Saitama's home. Glynda kissed Saitama as she left for the day to get ready for tomorrow, as did Saitama. He put in a couple of regular clothes and then he washed and dried his hero suit as he put it in the bag. He then made some ramen with an egg on it as he bowed and ate.
"Master, Ms. Penny is rather skilled wouldn't you say?" Genos asked.
"Yeah. She was good." Saitama said as he ate.
"Perhaps while you go with Ms. Goodwitch, I will go visit Penny again. The talk we had was rather nice." Genos said.
"Ok." Saitama said.
"Great. I shall go and recharge, master." Genos said as he went to his room.
"See ya." Saitama said. Genos was indeed very interested in Penny. Having another being such as him felt very welcoming to him. He felt determined to see her again and even made a schedule for tomorrow to see her.
AN: I am so sorry for the wait everybody. I'm getting ready to move soon but I wanted to send this chapter out to you all since I have gotten better reception for the new season 2. Thank you all for that. And im gonna be better on Genos and Penny's relationship. Make it more to where they are in character and not rushed. Hopefully. lol. Anyways, thank you all for reading. Please follow my story so that you can get updates on it. Also, favorite it too if ya like it and as always. I shall see you all... in the next chapter. Stay awesome everyone! Buh-Bye!