Alright, now finally, here's Chapter 2. Yeah, don't worry guys, I didn't die or anything, just tried to really take time with this chapter. I got really into it, to the point where I put stuff that shouldn't have even been in this one. So, I had to calm down and take stuff out and put other things in. But, it worked out in the end. So here's the second chapter!

Also, just to be clear, Momonosuke and Kin'emon are not with this the Straw Hats in this chapter. I would hate to write Momonsuke in this story, so I ended up just taking them out entirely. For those of you who like these two characters, I apologize. I just can't stand that kid, and without him, then it wouldn't make sense to just have Kin'emon.

Oh, and thanks to those of you who really liked the first chapter! It definitely helps to hear positive responses.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece, but I wish I did.

Due to her injuries, Chopper's insistence for resting, and the fact that she was an enemy to the Straw Hats, Monet was forced to be confined in the sick bay. Most of the Straw Hats had left the room, giving Monet enough time to grasp the current situation and regain her composure. Apparently, Caesar had also been captured, but Baby 5 and Buffalo were left defeated back on Punk Hazard.

She wasn't sure if those two saw her with the Straw Hats before they set sail, since she wasn't even conscious. Hopefully, they would think that she had died. For her own sake, she would be better off dead than having Joker, or rather, Doflamingo, catch wind of her failure and still live.

The worst part is that she betrayed him by disobeying.

But Monet didn't care about that anymore. He had already threatened her with death if she failed to protect Caesar, and his apology for the position he put her in was undoubtedly a ruse, proven by the fact that he ordered her to throw her life away right after. Didn't he know, or even care about who would be affected by her death? How Sugar would feel?

Doflamingo probably wouldn't have even told Sugar about her sister's death.

I don't really care what happens to me, Monet told herself. But who would be there for Sugar if I died? Why can't I trust everyone else in the Family to take care of her?

Suddenly, her train of thought was interrupted by none other than Luffy, who had been in the room the whole time and had been talking, nonstop.

"Hey, Money," Luffy pouted. Monet really hadn't been paying any attention to him the entire time, and he realized that she just now noticed that he was talking to her. "Did you even hear what I said?"

Monet's eyebrow twitched at that. "My name is not Money. It's Monet."

"Well duh, Money," he said unmindfully. "Like I was saying, you and Nami would get along real well because of your name!" He laughed to himself.

Usually she would have been amused, but Monet somehow managed to poise and control herself to not strangle him. She knew that the Straw Hat Pirate captain wasn't the most intelligent, but she didn't know that he had an idiot-side to him. Or is he just making fun of me? she wondered.

The green-haired woman looked around for someone who could possibly help her and get Luffy out of her skin. On the side of the bed, there was Chopper, the only other person in the room, who returned to hiding behind his stool (the wrong way) as soon as Monet looked at him. He noticed that she was staring at him confusedly, probably because Luffy was being stupid.

"Um, d-don't worry about him," the little reindeer stuttered. "I think he'll get your name right eventually." Chopper slightly stepped towards Monet to get a quick look at her wound before going to Luffy's side. He was clearly afraid and skeptical of her being on the ship. "How are you feeling?"

Despite her confusion and hostility towards her enemies, she couldn't bring herself to tell the little doctor to get lost after he apparently saved her. So she smiled with her fake smile.

"I'm feeling much better," she said quietly, ashamed that she couldn't help herself. "I shall thank you for helping me."

Chopper blushed at that. "T-that doesn't make me feel happy at all, you big jerk!" He danced and clapped his hands together in joy.

Monet chuckled at the reindeer's antics. "You certainly look happy to me."

"Yeah whatever," Luffy jumped back into the chat. "Hey Money, where'd you get those wings?! I've gotta find a bird and get Law to give me its wings!" The Straw Hat gasped as he realized something. "Wait, did Law give you those wings?"

"Yes he d—" she tried to speak.

But Luffy interrupted, as his eyes strangely sparkled and his mouth was wide open. "You've gotta let me borrow them, Money!"

"Luffy," Chopper interjected. "You can't just ask that!"

Monet swayed her legs under her blanket. "Well, I don't know if I can lend my wings to you, but I could let you borrow my talons, if you'd like." She spoke nonchalantly, as if this was common conversation.

"She agreed!?" Chopper face faulted.

"Really?!" Luffy asked excitedly, but his excitement quickly diminished, which made Monet cock her head to the side. "Wait a sec, how're you supposed to give me your bird feet if you don't even have them? That's not fair, Money!" He crossed his arms.

"What do you mean?" she asked, not understanding why Luffy would say such a thing. What does he mean that I don't have my talons? she thought to herself.

"I cut them off."

They all looked at Law as he entered the room. Monet took the blanket off of her legs to confirm that it was true. She noticed that Law still looked at her with his disturbing, unpleasant glare, but she returned a gaze of her own with equal intensity. Trafalgar Law...

Monet and Law continued to gaze at one another for what seemed like a whole minute. Luffy and Chopper felt like they were in one of those awkward situations, and Chopper sighed in relief when Monet finally broke the silence.

"May I ask why you removed my talons?"

"You probably didn't notice," Law started bitterly. "But big-ass toe-nails like the ones you had can really mess someone up. So I kindly gave you your old legs back."

"Oh, you don't trust me?" she asked him innocently, pointing her toes at the Heart Pirate captain playfully.

"Of course I don't," he replied matter-of-factly. "I had suggested, and still advise..." Law paused and looked at Luffy with an annoyed look, and then back to Monet. "...that we chain you up with Sea Stone." The Straw Hat captain didn't seem to take the hint that Law was referring to him about his advice, which bugged Law even more.


"Hey Luffy," Chopper called. "Come here for a second!"

"What is it, little buddy?" The rubber man walked away from the celebration of Caesar's defeat to check out what his friend was looking at.

"I think...we may have a problem," the reindeer stated, referring to the green-haired harpy laying unconscious in the snow. Chopper winced at the sword wound across her abdomen. "It's Caesar's assistant. She definitely needs medical attention."

Chopper thought about all of the things that Monet had done to him, his friends, and the horrible treatment she and Caesar put the giant children under with the façade of paternal and maternal care.

However, he was a doctor. He knew what he had to do and had no other choice.

Luffy hadn't said a word. Chopper was the doctor, so the decision to help Monet or not was his call. He already knew what the little doctor was going to do anyway.

"Luffy," Chopper said, shifting into his Monster Point. "Can you help me carry her back to the Sunny?"

The captain smiled, proud of his companion. "Sure thing, Chopper!"

The two carried Monet across the party carefully, ignoring the stares and comments from Caesar's former subordinates and the G-5 Marines. When they reached the Thousand Sunny, however, and heard the grunts of disapproval, along with the "Cutie-chan," they had to explain themselves.

"Hey Luffy, Chopper," Nami shouted with displeasure. "What do you think you're doing with that snow woman!?"

"She's hurt, Nami! Her injuries need to be treated!" Chopper claimed.

Zoro noticed that it was Monet that Luffy and Chopper were carrying, but he didn't bother to participate in the decision on what to do with the one he technically defeated. He simply walked back to the middle of the deck and fell asleep.

"Do you guys remember what she had done?" Nami reminded. "Chopper, do you remember what she did to those children along with Caesar? How could you help someone who experiments on children by drugging them?" She had to hold back her tears as memories from earlier came back.

"Yeah," Usopp agreed with her. "And that snow lady was also the one who scared the shit outta me when we first landed here..."

"I wouldn't mind if we helped Cutie-cha—" Nami smashed Sanji onto the floor of the deck before he could finish speaking. "You kn-kn-know, on s-second thought..." The smoke from his cigarette turned into hearts.

Chopper cringed at what Nami had said and looked over at the children. Usopp's argument didn't really matter, but Monet really had done some terrible things. Chopper felt bad for what happened to Mocha and the other children, but was glad to see them laughing and enjoying themselves in the celebration.

Caesar was a monster, but for some reason, there was a different story with Monet to Chopper. He didn't know what it was at that moment, but he just had to help the harpy.

"But she—" the reindeer tried to defend, but was cut off by Nami.

"Chopper," she said, with empathy now. "I know that you're a doctor, and doctors should always want to help an injured or sick person, physically and/or mentally." She walked closer to the reindeer and her captain. "But there are people in this world that really are bad people, and—"

"We're taking her with us, captain's orders!" Luffy shut everything down.

Chopper looked at his captain and smiled. "Luffy..."

"LUFFY!" most of the Straw Hats shouted, while some chuckled, yohohoho-ed or SUPER-ed.

"Oh, the humanity!" Usopp complained. "We're doomed! Aaagh!"

"Luffy, do you know what you're saying?!" the orange-haired navigator cried. "And I was just about to give an inspirational speech!"

"Oh really?" Luffy asked, without a care in the world. He and Chopper let Brook and Franky take Monet to the sick bay. "I was just thinking about how Monkey would take me flying! Oh wait, I didn't know we had the same name!" He laughed a silly laugh as Nami slapped him hard.

"Her name is Monet, not Monkey, you dumbass!" Nami's rage had already hit its peak. "She'll be your and Chopper's responsibility!" She already had Sanji's lovey-dovey behind to take care of now that they were taking Monet with them...

Using the opportunity to speak, Law stood up from where he was sitting next to Smoker, having heard everything. "It'd probably be best if we brought Monet with us anyway," he told the Straw Hats. "Maybe we could keep her and Caesar captive."

The surgeon nodded towards Smoker, who grunted and reluctantly tossed a pair of handcuffs to Usopp. "Don't tell me what to do, pirate," the smoke man said.

Law ignored Smoker and continued with his new idea. "Straw Hat-ya, make sure to cuff her with that Sea Stone, just like Caesar. We don't want her getting away either."

"No," Luffy refused. He took the Sea Stone cuffs from Usopp and quickly, but carelessly, tossed them behind him. "We don't need these." Luffy thought they would end up sinking into the sea, but instead they collided with Caesar's already injured face, knocking him out again.

Everyone looked at Luffy without saying a word, but Law was the only one who disagreed with his decision and chose to speak.

"Straw Hat-ya, what's the meaning of this?" Law demanded. "What if she tries to escape? Or fight back?"

"Don't worry," Luffy assured his ally with a wide grin. "She won't try anything. That's why we don't need the handcuffs."

The death surgeon tried to make another argument, but Zoro had finally spoken up.

"There's no point in trying to go against his decision," the swordsman advised, opening up one eye. "Once he's decided on something, nobody can change his mind. One of the perks of forming an alliance with Luffy..."

Zoro stood up and walked over to look at Law. He smirked and said, " that you can't tell him what to do without him spicing things up."

Law halfway-face-faulted as Luffy bursted into a fit of laughter. He rested his forehead against his hand, understanding where he stood in an argument with Luffy. "Fine, fine, no Sea Stone. But don't you regret anything."

"Of course not," Luffy confirmed. "Don't worry, she's not a bad person!"

"Hmm... I've a sense of deja vu..." Robin mused.

Law then used his Devil Fruit power to create a gigantic Room. "But first, as a precautionary measure," he persisted. "Shambles!"

Suddenly, as Brook and Franky were carrying Monet, her talons were switched with human legs, presumably being her original legs and feet.

"What the..." Franky took a closer look at her new legs, wondering if they were even real.

"Oh my, that truly was a sight," the skeleton joked. "Although I don't have eyes! Yohohoho!"

"Hey Traffy," the Straw Hat captain said suspiciously. "What'd you just do?"

"Relax, Straw Hat-ya," Law calmly supplied. "I only switched her bird talons with her original legs and feet, to make sure that she doesn't try to stab us or something." And before Luffy could say anything as a retort, the surgeon said, "I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind me doing it anyway. I was the one who switched her legs in the first place."


"Which reminds me, Monet," Law continued. "You told me that you only wanted the wings in the first place, and just asked for the talons simply because 'they matched' with the wings. Is that correct?"

The former harpy nodded in response. "If it's just a trust issue, then I'm fine with it." There was something that she was more concerned about than replaced appendages.

Why wouldn't Straw Hat want to keep me restrained? He surely knew that she is their enemy. They even fought one another. Is he toying with me? she wondered. To see if she would step out of line and then handcuff her later on?

What made it worse is that Luffy suddenly fell asleep.

Once again, her train of thought was broken. But this time, it was Chopper who broke it by touching her right wing. When Monet pulled away, Chopper hid behind Luffy backwards and apologized to her.

"Please, do not touch my wings," she told him, more coldly than she had intended. "It would be nice if you only tended to my wounds, thank you."

"I'm sorry," the little reindeer shyly apologized. "It's just...that the feathers were so soft, and I...never mind." His hooves tightened their grip on Luffy's cardigan.

Despite being the person who almost killed him earlier, Monet did feel a little bad for being mean to the reindeer, and he still seemed afraid of her. So she put on her fake smile again. "I mean, it's okay. Go on."

Chopper looked up at her and made a small smile. The little doctor kind of reminded her of Sugar. "Well, I was thinking, since you know, Law had switched your legs back, that you weren't a harpy anymore. I guess now you're—"

"An angel!" Luffy finished as he instantly snapped awake. "That's it! Money, the Snow Angel of the Straw Hat Pirates!"

Monet chuckled at the sound of her new title, although she still wasn't happy with the mispronunciation of her name. "Well, the 'Snow Angel' has a nice ring to it, but I never said I was joining—"

"It's perfect, Chopper!" Luffy and Chopper started celebrating by jumping around the room. They both started chanting "Snow Angel" repeatedly, before Monet had had enough and rained on their parade.

"I have no intention of joining your crew," she bluntly asserted. "I have my own obligations to my own crew and my own captain." She scowled at Luffy, who only returned a blank stare. The tension in the room only rose.

"Oh yeah, I forgot that you still work for that bird man," Luffy said, referring to Doflamingo.

"Well, we thought you had left his crew or something," Chopper added. "Since you know, you looked like you were left behind..."

"So you helped me out of pity?" Monet snapped at them. "And besides, I would never betray the Young Master, for anything." She knew she was lying to herself. It hadn't been long since she disobeyed Doflamingo. Being on the Straw Hats' ship without being restrained was betrayal of itself.

"Pity?" Luffy repeated with disatisfaction. "No, we only helped you because it was the right thing to do."

Monet paused. She really didn't know what to say to that. There was nothing wrong with helping someone in trouble. It was only the natural thing to do. Had Doflamingo's ideology clouded her mind?

"But, aren't I your enemy?" Monet asked, almost desperately.

The Straw Hat captain shook his head and smiled reassuringly. "I don't care about that. Don't live in the past so much!"

The green-haired angel was totally speechless. She still couldn't understand why Luffy was being so nice to her. He must hate Caesar for the crimes he had committed, but Monet was as guilty as the scientist. What does he see in her that she can't find in herself?

Maybe, he can see right through me, she thought. Maybe the Straw Hat can see that she doesn't know what her loyalty is to Doflamingo. That she had an ulterior motive for serving him. Protecting Sugar.

But now, she wasn't sure if that protection was there anymore.

"Anyway," Luffy continued. "Since you're already in a crew, we'll just help you get back to them." A mischievous grin spread across his face. "But in return, you gotta let me borrow your angel wings!"

Monet tried to respond to him, but Chopper spoke before she could. "Well, would you mind if you took me flying after you heal up? That would be so much fun!"

The newly modified angel was at a loss. She wasn't one who made promises and didn't fulfill them, especially when working for Doflamingo. Chopper's request seemed doable, but she would forget about it. Luffy's was definitely out of the question.

"Well, I—" she began.

The rubber man turned towards the surgeon at the door. "Traffy, cut me some wings!"

"That will have to wait until later, Straw Hat-ya and Tony-ya," Law interjected. He had still been at the door the whole time, only listening to the conversation whenever Doflamingo or his crew were mentioned. "Speaking of Doflamingo, I need to contact that bastard to inform him about returning Caesar."

Monet raised an eyebrow. "Wait, what do you intend to do with Caesar? What have you done to the Young Master?"

Law ignored her questions and instead smirked as he said, "I guess we could return you with Caesar as a bonus...Straw Hat-ya, come with me." He left the sick bay and went down to the main deck lawn.

"Wait a sec, Traffy!" Luffy called out to his ally as he walked out of the door. He stopped outside the entrance of the room and looked back at Monet and Chopper. "You coming, Money?"

Monet found it amusing how Luffy referred to Law as "Traffy," and told herself that she should probably use it against the Warlord for ignoring her. "I thought I was supposed to be confined in this room?"

"It doesn't matter to me," Luffy disregarded. "Nami said that you were our responsibility, so I guess just watching you is fine enough. Come on, guys!" He joined the others outside as he hopped onto the deck.

The green-haired angel looked down at Chopper to confirm with the doctor if she could leave the sick bay.

"It's fine if you want to walk around," Chopper approved. "Your wounds might get worse if you try flying though..."

She nodded in response, and the two of them walked out onto the deck with everyone else, waiting for the call with Doflamingo.

"Luffy," Nami said, stopping herself from punching her captain. "I thought I told you to keep her in that room and watch over her!"

"I am watching her, though! Besides, it's not like she can just fly away!"

Nami looked over to Robin to help her with the Straw Hat captain, but the archaeologist only chuckled in response. The navigator pinched the bridge of her nose in an attempt to calm herself. "What am I going to do with you guys...?"

Usopp stared at Monet fearfully and cautiously. When the snow woman took notice, he raised his arms up in defense and cried, "Nami's right, Luffy! That snow lady could sneak up on us when she's given the chance!" Luffy completely ignored him as the sniper begged, paying more attention to Law.

Monet leered over to Usopp with fierce eyes, scaring him just as she did when they first saw each other. "Then it'd best if you watched your back," she teased.

The sniper screamed like a frightened child and lifted his arms in surrender. "Aaaaagh! Monster!"

"Monster?" Sanji questioned as he twirled his way towards Monet with a plate and cup. "Rather, literally an angel bestowed upon this world from heaven..." He swooned to her as he offered her the cup. "A cup of tea, Madam?"

She nonverbally rejected his offer by shaking her head and turning around, leaving Sanji gloomily shocked. Although, she tried to hide the blush from his compliment behind her wings.

"Dumbass love cook," Zoro said, loud enough for the insulted cook to hear.

Sanji moved away from Monet and bucked heads with the swordsman. "What was that, you shitty lost child bastard?!"

Luffy obnoxiously laughed at Monet. "Hahaha! Monkey's blushing like Chopper!"

"I don't do that!" the reindeer objected. "And her name is Monet, Luffy!" Luffy challenged Chopper's objection by calling him "the best doctor ever," which made the doctor blush and dance with joy.

"Monet-san, you truly are a beautiful young angel," Brook politely complimented, which made her blush again. "Oh, by the way, would you be so kind as to show me your panties?"

The green-haired angel was just about ready to kick the skeleton after asking that, but was beaten to the punch by the orange-haired navigator. However, not only did she knock out Brook, she also bashed Zoro and Sanji's faces together to stop their argument, then slapped Luffy off of the ship for laughing too loud, and forced Zoro to go fish him out, only to smack him again when he returned. Sanji got hit too for laughing at the swordsman's pain.

Monet looked at the four subjugated crew members and smiled, and then at their navigator, surprised about how Nami handled them so easily.

"They surely must be a handful," the angel said in a calming manner. Nami simply sighed and shook her head in a you-have-no-idea kind of way.

Luckily, Monet didn't kick Brook or accept Sanji's cup of tea. She didn't want to grow too attached to the Straw Hats before she left them. She just had to get out of there before Doflamingo learns of it. But to be honest, she was already doing a horrible job at trying to remain as their enemy.

"Alright everyone, I'm about to place the call," Law declared. With that, all of the Straw Hats gathered around him and the Transponder Snail that he prepared for the call. Monet decided to stay outside of their circle, leaving her and Caesar away from everyone else.

"Monet, you bitch!" Caesar cursed and snarled. "You're betraying Joker, aren't you!" She gave an angry glare to the scientist and then turned away, making him riled up. But then Sanji taught him his lesson by kicking him in the face.

"How dare you refer to a lady like that!" the cook scolded. "Remember who is stilled chained up, you bastard!"

Law hawk-eyed the scientist. "I suggest you shut up Caesar, or I'll make you regret it." The gas man promptly shut his mouth.


"He picked up!" Franky and Chopper announced.

"Doflamingo?!" Luffy called the instant the Warlord was on the line. The rubber man ignored Usopp's failed attempts at getting him to be quiet, since Doflamingo could possibly hear him. He grabbed Law's arm to speak into the phone, much to Law's annoyance. "Hello? This is Monkey D. Luffy, the man that'll become the King of the Pirates!"

Usopp whacked his captain in the head. "I told you to shut up!"

"Hey Mingo," Luffy continued, giving his new enemy his very own nickname. "Are you the boss of that stupid, old Caesar?! He put Brownbeard and the children through hell! We will give you back Caesar as we promised, but if you do that again, I will beat the hell out of you!"

Him? Defeat the Young Master? Monet wondered to herself. That'll be the day. She was already surprised that the Straw Hat was speaking to Doflamingo in such a way, let alone think that he could beat the Warlord.

But then, she tensed up when she heard him speak.

"Straw Hat Luffy," Doflamingo spoke for the first time. He seemed unfazed by Luffy's threat to beat him up. "You went away for two years after your brother died." Doflamingo smiled mischievously through the Transponder Snail. "Where were you and what were you doing?"

He had touched on a very sensitive subject—Ace's death—and it didn't make Luffy any happier. "I shouldn't have to tell anyone about that!"

The Warlord laughed at his answer before saying, "I wanted to see you."

This caught everyone's attention, especially Luffy's. "What?"

"I have something that you'd want very badly right now."

"Something...that I would want...very badly?"

Doflamingo's smirk grew even wider as everyone pondered on what the Warlord had in store just for Luffy.

Monet could only wonder what the Young Master had that the Straw Hat would want. She knew of no connections between the two men, and therefore couldn't figure out how he could possess something so important. Well, she couldn't care less, anyway. She was just hoping that he didn't have anything in store for her.

But, Luffy being Luffy, could only think of one thing. "Hey, wait a sec..." He broke into a drooling grin. " delicious is that meat is you're talking about?!"

"Straw Hat-ya," Law warned in frustration. "Don't get drawn into 'his pace!'"

But Luffy had already been sent to Meat Wonderland, where there was apparently one, to two, to hundreds of chunks of meat. Law left it to Usopp to help bring him back to his senses by slapping him repeatedly.

"Joker, cut the crap," Law demanded. "We'll hand Caesar over to you as we promised."

"Well, that's for your own good," Doflamingo reminded. "If you try to run away with him, you know what will happen to you guys. Fufufufu... Now, can I hear my precious business partner's voice?"

Law reluctantly turned the speaker towards Caesar, who crawled over to speak. "Joker! I'm sorry! You resigned from the Warlords for me!" The scientist tried to grab the speaker to say more, but Law pulled it away.

"Did you hear him?" Law asked.

"Yeah, he sounded fine."

Monet was shocked by the news, and barely managed to not make an outburst. Since when did the Young Master resign?! Was this Law's doing?! Is this why he captured Caesar and is now bartering with him?!

Well if that's the case, then what does Law plan to do with me?

"Alright Joker," Law continued. "Eight hours from now, at the beach on the southeast side of Green Bit, the solitary island north of Dressrosa. We will leave Caesar there at three in the afternoon. Go ahead and pick him up, and this will all be finished."

"That's too bad," Doflamingo replied sarcastically. "I sure wish I could have a drink with you..."

Monet was glad. The Young Master had come to believe that she died along with Vergo back at Punk Hazard, and has already moved on to other things, and she won't have to face any punishment. Now, if she could just use the Straw Hats to get to Dressrosa, she could find Sugar and—

"One more thing, though. So, why are you on that ship...Monet?"

Even though it hadn't been given back to her yet, her heart skipped a beat.

Everyone looked at her as Doflamingo kept speaking.

"You weren't on Punk Hazard when I went there. If you'd been beaten, there would be no way for you to fly out of there, since you told me you'd gotten wings now. At first, I thought you were dead. But then, see, there were these two little birdies that told me they saw you being carried onto the Straw Hats ship."

Monet tried not to say anything. She was hoping that if she kept quiet, he would deduce that she really wasn't with them and that Baby 5 and Buffalo had given him misunderstood information. But it was just too obvious, and his voice demanded for her to answer him.

"Come here, Monet, and say 'hi.'"

She slowly, but surely did as she was told. There was no way out of this. Doflamingo would undoubtedly remain quiet and would not disconnect his Transponder Snail until he was sure that she was or was not on the ship.

She picked up the speaker and stuttered, "I-I am here, Young Master..."

"So, is it safe to assume that you're unchained, Monet? You did just walk over to the phone from a good enough distance." His smile returned.

"Aye sir..." She was panting as heavily as she did when she first spoke to him back in the laboratory.

"So that should mean that you must be on good terms with the Straw Hats. Meaning've betrayed the Donquixote Family, didn't you, Monet?" She didn't answer, and he kept talking. "I won't let you off so easily by kicking you out of the crew, but what do you think your punishment should be?"

The snow angel couldn't think of an answer, and probably wouldn't have said it even if she did. She already knew that Doflamingo would not consider killing her—he was far more creative than that. But what he decided on truly horrified her.

"Maybe she might be my ace-in-the-hole for my plans, but what if Sugar were to participate in our little game? Wouldn't that be something?" He began to laugh villainously.

Monet could not take it. "Wait, Young Master! If you could just reconsider—"

But Doflamingo did not consider, as he cut her off by saying, "Hey Law, if you're still there, make sure you bring Monet along with Caesar. We've got some serious work to do!"

"Please," the snow woman begged and shouted into the speaker. "Don't do anything to Sugar!"

The Warlord paid her no heed, and drowned out her plea with his maniacal laughter. She dropped the speaker and held her head in her hands, not believing what was happening.


Luffy had been staring angrily at the Transponder Snail the entire time, and his rage had just hit its peak when he noticed that Monet was visibly shaken by Doflamingo's threats.

"Traffy," Luffy abruptly yelled. "Hang that damn thing up already!"

Law sweat dropped at the rubber man's sudden outburst, but complied with his ally, as he was astonished to see Monet so shaken, who usually was one who always remained composed.

But she was most certainly not composed.

Everyone gathered around her, where some were surprised, felt neutral, or were genuinely worried about her well-being.

"Monet, are you alright?" Chopper asked, his fear of her seemingly had disappeared after what he just witnessed.

No answer.

"Hey Money," Luffy tried to help. "Are you okay?"

She just kept mouthing Sugar's name.

Everything was crumbling down. The man who had saved her from hell, whom she swore her loyalty to, had just denounced her loyalty. What was she to do now? Without the Young Master, the only person she could return to would be Sugar, but she was already in his grasp. What am I supposed to do now? Await for our eventual meeting?


At this point, for once, she had no idea where to go.

And there we have it. This is sure did take a while. Soon enough, I'll finish up Chapter 3 and get it out. Thanks for reading, guys.