Strikhedonia (n.) The pleasure of being able to say "to hell with it"


May 28th 1990

7:20 pm

New York City

Bella gazed out the window of the taxi that was now idling outside of her childhood home. This was a house that held so many memories for her, but now it felt like the farthest thing from home. She was delighted to see her family again, but she knew everything had changed.

She had new goals, new responsibilities and she felt a thousand times more mature than when she left almost one year before.

"This is it," she sighed, nervously rubbing her palms against her thighs. "This is where I grew up. Where my parents and my younger siblings live."

"Are we going to see your Papa and Mama?" Bella looked down into Eloise's big inquisitive eyes. Eloise had shown her so much about herself and was now one of the most important people in her life. In a sense, they grew together over the past six months.

"Yes we are." Bella couldn't help the dread that filled her. She was sure the changes she went through over the course of the year were drastic ones. She was unsure as to how her family would handle the new Bella Swan. Would they be able to accept that she was now, truly an adult? Or accept that she had a new home and had no intention of staying in New York City or going back to Barnard?

While she dreaded their reaction to the new her, a certain excitement still filled her. She was excited to see her mother again, hug her father and argue with her sisters. They were still her family and she knew their reunion would be a happy, and relief-filled one.

"They are very nice people. They will absolutely love you." Her voice wavered.

A strong, firm hand reached out and gripped hers. "Are you ready?" Edward asked, rubbing circles on the back of her hand. In that moment, she knew it did not matter. It did not matter what they accepted or if they were disappointed. What was done is done and it was time to move forward.

Perhaps this was what growing up feels like.

The stirrings of maturity she now felt that were not present a year before. The decisions she now had to make.

Her newfound home.

Her priorities and responsibilities were completely different.

Everything pointed to her being truly happy and content and whatever happened tonight would not make the slightest difference. She finally had the pleasure of saying "to hell with it". In the past year, she had encounters that were far more frightening than facing the family she left behind. This was simply a new adventure.

One she was ready to embark on.

"As ready as I'll ever be." With that, she let go of his hand, pushed her door open and stepped out into the drizzling rain of the New York night. She heard Edward's door slam as he walked around the cab, Eloise in his arms. He wrapped an arm around her, looking up at the brick building in front them.

Bella looked up at the man that now meant the world to her. Their relationship had an unconventional beginning, but she wouldn't have it any other way. "Let's go meet your in-laws."

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