Run. Run faster! Don't look behind. Don't trip, don't fall, don't stop and do not get caught! His legs and chest burned with exertion, but listening to the hard learned rules in his head, he ignored the ache. The rules he'd made didn't always work but they always helped. His feet pounded the tarmac and fear gripped his throat tighter as the heavy footfalls following behind him grew in volume. They were gaining on him! Escape!

His eyes searched for a place to hide, coming upon a corner to where he knew the bins were kept. They wouldn't go searching for him in there, so long as they didn't see where he went. He'd hidden there a couple of times before but never had he been so desperate. He could picture it clearly in his desperation. The white walls were slightly greying from time and place. The black plastic and silver metal bins still damp from rain or dew or other stuff he didn't want to think about. He could see the mostly clear space behind the bins where he would sit, with the perfect angle to look out for pursuers and not be seen. He could picture it perfectly in his mind's eye, if he could just get to it unseen and unscathed.

"Come back here, Freak!" a bellow sounded behind him.

The voice distracted him and the image in his mind's eye blurred, becoming indistinct as he rounded the corner with a crack.

And, just like that, Harry Potter disappeared.

I just realised how ridiculously short this is when I went to edit the document. However, it doesn't really fit with the rest of the story so it has been made into a self contained prologue.

I will update tomorrow.