Kise thinks no one understands him. Kuroko is there to tell (kick) Kise off his high horse. He has friends and needs to realize it.

"Siigghhhhhhh—" Kise drew out his sigh obnoxiously and everyone on the team glared at him.

"Ooohhhhh—" Kise collapsed on the pull out stands and threw an arm over his face. Kasamatsu glared at there small forward and bit back a curse when he realized that it was his turn to talk to the moody blond due to the amazingly obvious jabs the other members were making in his direction.

Kasamatsu stomped over to the blond and glared even harder at the continuos moanings coming form the teen.

"What the heck are you whining about over here Kise?"

"Ohhhhhhhh sennpaii!" Kise sat straight up shoving his phone into Kasamatsu's face. "Look!"

Kasamatsu pushed the phone out of his face and wondering why they needed this so called miracle on his team. But he looked at the phone anyways and saw many messages from Kise complete with stupid emotions and exclamation points.

"What am I supposed to be looking at Kise?"

"It's Kurokocchi!" Kise looked down and quickly typed out another message and Kasamatsu was a little bit impressed with how fast he got it typed out. Once the message was sent his finished complaining. "He won't answer any of my texts!"

Kasamatsu pushed the thought in the back of his head that Kise sounded like a desperate girlfriend down.

"Well idiot he probably at school."

"Buttt it's been months! I haven't seen him since the Generation of Miracles split up to go to separate high schools."

Kasamatsu wasn't really paying attention at this point they only had about 30 minutes left of practice before class started after all.

"Well he probably doesn't want to talk to you anymore," Kasamatsu said dismissively. "I don't blame the guy." He said under his breath as he watched Kise start to tear up.

"Whattt meany! How can you lie like that Kasamatsu-senpai!"

Kasamatsu left Kise to cry alone at that point he had to practice since he didn't want that dumb cry baby to be the one to carry the team.

Kise frowned as Kasamatsu left and wiped away his fake tears. Hm. Kuroko doesn't want to talk to him. He didn't know why. They didn't leave on bad terms. That was just Aomine the idiot thought he was better then the rest of them just because he was a little good at basketball. Whatever Kise was way better then him and everything else and it wouldn't take long for him to be better at basketball too.

Kise set his phone down and got up to practice, when Kise saw Kuroko again he was going to destroy his team, Kise was pretty sure that Kuroko went to Seirin, and there baseball team must be bad because he had never heard of them before.

Kuroko would see that he was way better then Aomine and he would forget about that big ganguro idiot. Yeah. Kuroko wouldn't want to ignore him after that.

Ahhhhhhhh I just wrote this in like 15 min. Sorry if it's not that good but I gotta post it before 12am and its 11:48pm right now

Kuroko no Basuke - Tadatoshi Fujimaki