"Amelia…are you okay?" Owen's features softened seeing the state she had worked herself into. In all the years they'd worked together he'd never seen her get so emotional over a case, especially one they had hardly worked on. The reaction wasn't like her.
Amelia nodded, trying to wipe away the stray tears on her cheek without it being too obvious. Her hormones were all over the place and trying to hide them was making them come out more somehow. She knew today had been long and all she longed for was for her shift to end so she could go back to the apartment and have a long hot bath.
As she begun to walk away seeing the whole room full of staff staring at her Owen followed behind.
Owen knew he shouldn't push her for answers but he couldn't hide his concern anymore. "Amelia, please say something" his tone echoing his desperation for answers. They had walked into an empty on call room, Amelia had chosen to sit down on the bed whilst Owen stood leaning over her, resting his arm against the top bunk.
Amelia looked up for a split second and then down again. She couldn't and wouldn't yet. Things weren't set up or certain and until she knew it was there was no way she'd tell him. She knew his desire for children and she wouldn't give it to him and take it away if it wasn't undeniably certain that everything was okay with their child. She didn't have the best track record.
"Amelia I'm not expecting anything you wouldn't normally tell me here, just shout, or scream or something" he begged her.
Amelia paused. "It was just a bad day…" she told him simply. It wasn't exactly a lie today had been bad for her.
Owen nodded, it was something at least. "Well would you at least let me drive you hom-back to your apartment?" He offered, hoping she'd accept so he could speak to her for a little longer.
Amelia sighed and agreed. She was tired and didn't quite feel like she was emotional enough to drive herself back, also the sickness was worse when she drove so at least she wouldn't have to worry about that tonight. "Okay".
Owen smiled; he went off and grabbed his things telling her to meet him at his car when she was ready. He waited a little while for her to show but she finally did. He wondered if she even remembered what his car looked like, it hadn't been that long but long enough for him.
"You okay?" He watched as she placed the seatbelt across her body and pushed her body back into the chair.
"Yes" she quietly replied. She could feel another surge of tears ready to fall just by the sweet concern of his voice. She wouldn't deny she missed him because she did, it took everything inside her to not throw her arms around him back in the on call room and have him comfort her like he used too but she knew things were different now. She had to be strong by herself, and not rely on others. All they did was let her down and for once she wouldn't be the vulnerable Shepherd.
Owen asked her for the address and began to type it into the gps system in the truck. He followed the route trying to ignore the silence between them. Amelia was exhausted and that's probably why more than normal she was so quiet.
Within twenty minutes they reached her apartment. He helped out of the truck and even saw a slight smile on her face at his common gesture. He walked behind her as she led the way through and up a few flights of stairs to the apartment that she was renting off Maggie. She switched the light on and revealed the cramp space to Owen. It took all he possessed not to make a sound of anything other than happiness. He wanted better for her. He loved her.
Owen looked around and saw the space that was barely big enough for a small child yet alone an adult. The rooms were purely sectioned off by pieces of furniture so it at least looked like a home. She had given it an Amelia spark to the place though by adding some soft cushions on the old torn couch and even decorating around the metal frame of the bed with fairy lights to brighten the room up. Despite these changes it didn't make it seem any better.
"I know it's small, but it's something." Amelia said as positively as she could. She could see Owen's disappointment. She'd been looking around for other places when she wasn't working but nothing she liked had come about yet. She knew she wanted something the baby could grow up in, like the childhood home she had grown up in. Her baby deserved the best and until she found it she'd wait here. The baby hadn't arrived yet so it wasn't like it wasn't getting the best start yet.
"It was nice of Maggie to let you rent this" Owen said. Amelia nodded and begun to make two cups of tea. It was the least she could do and she knew Owen would never reject a cup of tea.
"Two sugars?" She said like it was ordinary as she handed it over.
Owen nodded happily; at least she still remembered how he took his tea.
They sat down on the couch, only a slight distance now between them. "It's not that bad Owen" Amelia finally said. The look in his eyes since the second he walked into the place still hadn't left.
"I'm... You deserve better!" he simply confessed. "I don't like the idea of you being alone, out here, maybe you should talk to Meredith again?"
Amelia scoffed loudly, almost choking on her tea. "Talk with Meredith? You do remember what happened right? I'm not talking to her til she's stopped punishing me for Derek" Amelia felt her blood pressure rising and instantly tried to calm herself down. Even mentioning Derek again made her feel instantly sad. Her brother deserved better than what happened to him and she always wondered how different things would be her, for them if he was still here to offer his perfect timing advice.
"I would offer you come stay with me but I know what the answer would be"
"I'm fine on my own Owen" was all Amelia said. Her words stung and she knew it.
"I best be going then, I'll leave you too it. Do you need a ride in tomorrow to get your car?" Owen offered. The apartment was on his way anyway.
Amelia debated saying yes and agreed. "If you could that would be great"
"That's sorted, see you tomorrow morning then" Owen smiled and walked to the door and waved before leaving. Amelia sunk back down into the couch and sighed deeply. Would this ever get easier?