Beta Reader: BlackLight181

A/N: Hello everybody here is a new story. The poll I had on my page will decide a clone Jaune. This chapter however will be a tragedy. Without further ado lets begin this new story, "The Fallen Arc."

Chapter 1: A Death In Light

Jaune Arc was sad, angry and confused. Honestly he was feeling a myraid of emotions but mostly sadness and anger. There was an announcement that Winter Schnee "Weiss's sister" was attacked. There was a video of the person who attacked and it was him doing the deed. General Ironwood had placed a bounty on him to catch him Dead or Alive. When he heard about this he ran as fast as he could, but as he ran he felt the presence of 7 people following him and he knew who they were.

Jaune made his way into a big clearing in the Emerald Forest, and he came to stop still feeling their presence.

"I can feel you guys so come on out." Jaune yelled out. As he said that Teams RWBY and NPR came out of the shadows

"Can we talk about this." Jaune asked his "former" comrades.

"You bastard you hurt my sister!" Weiss called out as she drew her rapier and aimed it at Jaune.

"It wasn't me! How could you think it was me?!" Jaune replied.

"Jaune we want to believe you but no one knew where you were, and there were eye witness accounts that it was you, and there is the video of the attack." Pyrrha replied as she drew Milo and Akouo.

Jaune couldn't believe what he was hearing his own partner and his closest friends didn't believe him.

"If you don't believe me fine. But don't think I will give up without a fight!" Jaune said as he drew Crocea Mors.

Everyone was stunned at first, they couldn't believe that the most kind and sweet person they came to know was in front of them resisting them, Weiss made the first move. She summoned a gylph beneath her feet and shot herself forward to Jaune. Jaune blocked the strike with his shield and swung his sword in a small but quick arc. Weiss came back as Pyrrha went in for the next strike as she bashed Jaune's left arm causing him to drop his shield. Jaune's aura covered him in white as he gripped his sword with both hands, and stepped forward delivering powerful and large swings. The strikes hit Pyrrha's shield as she was pushed backed by the force.

Ruby went for the next move. She swung crescent rose in a low sweep hoping to trip Jaune, but he jumped and channeled aura in his sword. In quick and powerful move Jaune cut Crescent Rose at the blade and gun barrel destroying the weapon. Ruby was to in shock to notice Jaune get close to her and pushed her back (A strong push back cause he's nice like that). Yang, now enraged, went to Jaune throwing a flurry of punches to the blond swordsman. Jaune dodged almost all the punches taking 3 hits. As he did this Jaune hit Yang in her arms and legs with the handle of his blade causing her to fall down.

"What did you do?!" Yang yelled out as she tried to move.

"I hit your pressure points you won't be moving for a bit." Jaune replied with ragid breathe.

As he said that Jaune felt his froze, and later heard gunshots as he felt pain in his left arm and right leg. The shots came from Blake and Ren to restrict his movements. However with the pain Jaune kept moving his arm blocking both Blake's and Ren's strikes. With no other option Nora shot 2 grenades around Jaune to blind him. It work as Blake's ribbon wrapped around Jaune's right arm causing him to drop his weapon. With the battle going as long as it did they were convinced that it was Jaune that attacked Winter. They knew Ironwood made a fake call about the dead or alive thing, it is what he told the public. Ironwood wanted him dead. They had hoped Jaune would come quietly so he could explain himself, but as the fought him they started to believed it was true.

They now know what they must do, they have to kill their friend. A few more gunshots were fired as they took down Jaune's armor off him. Weiss aimed her rapier again and lunged forward and struck his heart. Jaune coughed up blood as he saw his life flash before his eyes. All the things he felt from his childhood, his family abandoning him, meeting his friends and now the memory he had kept closed to his heart, the promise he made to a friend who died a long time ago. With his last act of free will Jaune died standing up to show he didn't die as a coward.

Everyone was sadden they had lost their friend and comrade. Though justice was dealt to him it was a bittersweet and hollow victory. They left his body there in honor of their fallen friend, but took a picture to confirm his death. They also took crocea mors with them as well to show proof of his death. As they left the scene they failed to notice 4 people standing in the shadows watching everything unfold.

"Well that worked out better than we thought." said a deep voice as the 4 people left the shadows.

"Yes it did, now Mercury carry his body we are going to need it for the next stage of the plan." Cinder told the boy.

"Yes ma'am." Mercury replied as he hoisted jaune's body over his shoulder. With that they left the scene as if the body was never there.

~Location: Beacon~

Teams RWBY and NPR returned to Beacon from the gruesome mission that made them take a life. They were praised by Ironwood for killing a dangerous fugitive but they didn't hear a single word he said. However there was some good in this Winter was going to survive but she will be asleep for at least a month.

"What we did...was it right?" Ruby asked the group as they returned to Team RWBY's room.

"I'm not sure, all of this left a really bad taste in my mouth." Ren replied.

They sat in silence mourning Jaune's death, and not sure on what to believe anymore.

~Location: Unknown White Fang hideout~

"How long until the clone will be ready?" Cinder asked the doctor.

"Well with the body you brought back and the accelerated cloning process we obtained, we should be ready in at least a month. I hope that is alright." The doctor replied.

"Yes that will be fine." Cinder told the doctor as she step forward to the large tube. "All according to plan." Cinder said as she placed her hand on the tube and gave a wicked smirk.

To be continued...

A/N: Wow so this was a thing. Ok I know some of you are going to hate me for this but this was in my head nagging at me for a while so I hope you can forgive me.

Jaune is dead.

His team is in mouring.

What exactly is Cinder's plan for his body?

All of this will be answered next time on the Fallen Arc.

P.S: The poll will be up until Wednesday so cast your votes on my page. As of the polls right now the clone will have dragon blood, and yes his semblance will still be mimic.

So see you all again.