/ A/N: I don't really write Hetalia anymore but I thought this thing was nice. I have a crapton more FrUK stuff saved so if this thing goes down okay then I could post more! Thanks for reading! /
Arthur. Even his name rings with sophistication and honour. A name shared with many past noblemen, the only name of which could be deserving of such a gentleman as he.
The greatest of mathematicians could not equate how the moonlight illuminates his cheeks or the faint freckles dusting the bridge of his nose, or how the thin smoke from the cigarette twisted between his elegant fingers only aid the intensity of his emerald green stare.
The mightiest of poets and playwrights could not piece together any number of words enough to describe how his voice sounds when it is calling my name, how his accent harshens the first phonic and hisses out the last, or show the contrast in the way his hungry words splutter out in a beg for more.
No musician who ever lived could produce a symphony with enough raw emotion to describe his own when something triggers him, something stops him in his tracks, slams on the brakes of his inner self, something that opens the floodgates. The blood rushing to his face and the frightened tears trembling from his almond shaped eyes, making a once steady and coping man nothing more than a blip on the radar that is humanity, could soften the faces of even the strongest of warriors.
And somehow, despite the complications surrounding his mere existence, he still lays here, smiling faintly and occasionally laughing as his glistening eyes are directed straight at the television, his head of golden honey-scented hair rested on my lap. He looks up at me after a moment, and smiles again. That beautiful, worldly smile of his that stands, regardless of the past cruelties it has seen that could easily have obliterated its existence. He knows I am thinking too hard, and so sits up properly to face me.
Everything about him confronts me all at once, and for a split second before our lips make contact, it all makes sense.
- Francis