Hey guys Mogar here and out with another chapter for you amazing readers out there. Now I am deeply sorry for going incognito on you guys and not update this story in a long time. I was honestly wasn't touching my account because I was losing my touch in writing but I am trying to get back into it by looking at some other stories that can motivate me to continue my story. Anyway here's the chapter enjoy.

Chapter 9: torture and pain

Jaune is in a pretty bad spot at the moment as white fang soldiers pointed their weapons at him while Roman and the lieutenant watch before telling them to attack. Jaune quickly knocked over some stacked gun cases over some of them to create distance but that route quickly went down the pipe as soldiers surrounded him. They had swords, knives, daggers, and even those ancient push daggers.

"So I'm guessing it was a bad time to come and pick up some guns?" Jaune said aloud to them but all they did was growl at him.

"Ok geez I'm just here looking for a man, who caused-" Jaune was interrupted by the lieutenant yelling to kill the human.

"GET HIM!" The lieutenant yelled out but Jaune gave him a stank eye.

"Not yet." Jaune said as he charged at the nearest white fang soldier and tackled the poor faunas into three more soldiers

The white fang soldiers crowded around Jaune so he won't escape. Jaune got up to his feet and prepared himself for battle, the faunas soldiers readied their weapons to attack the blonde knight but when the first white fang soldier attack, Jaune immediately roundhouse kicked him in the face before applying a elbow to his stomach. The white fang were shocked but quickly charged at Jaune from all angles while the blonde detective roared.

"COME ON YOU BASTARDS!" Jaune roars out as his aura glowed bright white before being engulfed in a pile of white fang soldiers.

*20 minutes earlier with yang *

Yang was on bumblebee swerving through traffic as she was in her secondary outfit than her original attire. When she took a right she noticed a familiar glimpse of messy blonde tailing a white van. Yang grins as she revs her bike to catch up with him but was stopped by cars blocking her way, no space in between to squeeze through.

"Oh you got to be kidding me, HURRY UP YOU SLOW DBAGS!" Yang yelled out as she honks her horn.

Once Yang finally got out of that traffic Yang follows the route where Jaune was last seen. She drives passed buildings and warehouses until she saw the white van Jaune was following. Yang parked her bike somewhere hidden before stealthily searches the area for the blonde knight. While Yang was looking Jaune, she heard stuff in the warehouse falling down and other people in it. She finds a window to see what's going on and what she saw instantly made her heart drop. She sees Jaune in the middle of the warehouse surrounded by white fang soldiers as a big giant dude shouted to attack him. But Jaune didn't go down without a fight as he took out a couple of the grunts before getting swarmed by the rest.

"Jaune?!" Yang Half yelled as she didn't want to caught as well before calling for help.

"Ruby, it's yang and we got a problem." Yang said on the scroll as she called her sister.

"What's the problem yang its 3:00 in the morning." Ruby groaned from her sleepiness.

"It's Jaune he's just got captured by the white fang." Yang nearly shouted through the scroll. "Get everyone up and tell miss Goodwitch that we need her help." Yang told her as she looks around to make sure no one is near her.

"What?! Yang how did this happen?" Ruby said confused on what's going on.

"There's no time just get everyone up including miss Goodwitch." Yang told as she hang up the scroll.

"Jaune you are so gonna explain this...ugh." Yang said as she was getting frustrated before growing concern for the blonde knight.

'Please be alright.' She thought in her head as she quietly sneaks in the warehouse.

*with our blonde detective*


Jaune is getting beaten to a pulp as he was hanged by his hands being the punching bag for the white fang soldiers. They try to get him to talk but Jaune wouldn't budge before he earns himself another fist across his bleeding face when the hit made contact with his cheek. Jaune groaned in pain before getting another punch in the gut almost making him vomit.

"Who are you and who sent you?" A soldier told Jaune as the faunus soldier demands answers. Jaune grins before responding.

"Let's just say that a word got out and said that you guys have been shipping atlas weaponry as well as dust around the kingdoms to criminals and thugs." Jaune said to the faunus before he got punched in the face again.

Jaune shook off the hit and spit some blood before looking at the Faunus with his deep sapphire blue eyes and smirked a little bit.

"So you married?" Jaune asked so suddenly making the white fang member have a surprised expression.

"What? Where did that come from human." The soldier said confused on why Jaune asked a question out of the blue While being beaten.

"The ring Mark on your left ring finger. You have a family?" Jaune asked once more as the Faunus was shocked that Jaune could see that little detail on his finger.

"Well...Yeah I do have one but, they live in-wait why do you care human?" The Faunus asked firmly as he stares at the blonde knight.

"Because back in my hometown there were many Faunus and human working together." Jaune told him as another Faunus doubted it.

"Bullshit, the humans only treated us like trash and you know it!" A tiger Faunus yelled out as he punched jaune in the gut making the blonde knight grunting pain.

"I... Wasn't...lying." Jaune said to the tiger Faunus as his eyes flickered white before going back to normal.

"...Get the tools." A giant Faunus came in the room as the Faunus was holding a chainsaw sword thing before looking at the beaten blonde.

"You must be the general for the white fang am I right?" Jaune asked as his cheek was bruised and hair in his eyes.

"You are correct human, now can you explain why you are sneaking in our warehouse?" The giant man asked the blonde knight.

"Well I wouldn't say sneaking is the right word for me." Jaune said sheepishly as he flips his hair out of his eyes to see the man in front of him.

The white fang members came back with the 'tools' that the giant faunus asked for as the tools were a range from pliers, razors, knives, and other miscellaneous items. Jaune swear a bit trying not to feel intimidated, he had to keep a calm mind in order to get out of here. But the question is, how is he gonna do that?

*Back with yang*

About half an hour has passed and Yang got a text from Ruby saying that they are here and brought miss Goodwitch to rescue Jaune. Yang was relieved that her team and Goodwitch got here, she quickly replied saying that she needs a distraction for her to get Jaune and get out of the warehouse.

"Alright yang you can do this, you got this girl." Yang told herself as she sneaks around the warehouse and find where Jaune is being kept captive.

After a few minutes of roaming through the warehouse Yang sees white fang soldier carrying boxes and crates into bullheads before seeing a giant mech near a wall. She quickly took pictures and send them to her team before going back on finding Jaune.

"Damn, it's like a freaking maze in here. If I was a Jaune, where would they put me?" Yang questioned as she looked around before seeing two white fang soldiers guarding a metal door.

"Well I guess that answered my question." Yang said to herself before thinking on how she is going to get in there with out alarming the other guards.

"Hey, have you heard of the new X-Ray and Vav comic?" One of the guards said to his fellow brother.

"Yea I heard that they area also including an exclusive golden Mogar figure." The guard said to his partner as they talked about the comic, before Yang rushes at them and quickly slams their heads together to knock them out.

"Sorry boys but I gotta save a damsel in distress." Yang joked before kicking the metal door in. Before she even step foot in the room she was met with a punch to the gut by the giant Faunus.

*10 minutes earlier*

The giant Faunus was slowly cutting across Jaune's chest putting enough for him to scream in pain. This process continued before switching to a different tool, the general was now holding a wrench before slamming it into Jaune's rib cage hearing a audible crack making Jaune let out painful scream before coughing blood. The general then hits him across the face and slams the wrench on his kneecaps, this continued before the general stopped looked at the only exit for Jaune to escape.

"Anything wrong sir?" One of the white fang soldiers asked the general.

"Shh be quiet, listen." The general said as the room went into silence.

'Now my chance.' Jaune said to himself as he slowly lifts himself up to the ceiling even though his body was screaming in pain before hearing the door being kicked down.

Jaune looked at the door with the corner of his eye he saw someone familiar that made him go wide eyed. It was Yang.

*Back to present time *

Yang got the air knocked out of her before getting kicked in the stomach, sending her into stacked crates of weapons and other tools. The general was walking towards her before taking his coat off, but as he was taking it off he felt someone grab his coat from behind and tighten it so that his arms were restrained. Yang got up and shook off any debris in her hair before looking at the giant faunus struggling to get his coat off. Yang was confused until she saw Jaune's head pop out behind the general with some blood on his face.

"HIT THE FUCKING BASTARD!" Jaune yelled out to Yang as she did a running jump and punched the giant faunus in the face.

The general was stunned a bit before kicking her away and then get out of his coat to backhand Jaune. Yang quickly send a message to her team that she needs backup before shooting her shotgun gauntlets at the general but the giant faunas blocks it with his ridiculously large axe. The general tried a overhead strike at yang but she dodged out of the way and rolled on the floor. The giant did a overhead strike again to hit yang on the floor, but moved to the left and wrapped her right leg around his weapon then kicked his dominant arm off the weapon before Jaune jumped on the general's back and wraps his own coat around his face. The faunas was struggling to get Jaune off him as he spun around to get him off but gets punched in the stomach by the blonde brawler herself before landing another punch to his face.

"Can you try something else besides hitting the shit out of him Yang!" Jaune shouted to her as he was spinning around on the faunas general's back.

"Oh, you have anything better than this Mr detective? Because i'm all ears!" Yang yelled back as she went for a punch to the general's face but her fist was caught and was grabbed by her neck then gets thrown her into a wall.

"YANG!" Jaune yelled out before getting sandwiched between a concrete pillar and the heavy general.

*With the rest of team rwby and miss goodwitch*

Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and miss Goodwitch created a plan to make a diversion so yang can get Jaune out of the warehouse. Miss goodwitch being the adult that she was, called the police and send them the location to the warehouse.

"Ok guys we bought yang some time so she can grab Jaune and get out of there, so now what should we do?" Ruby said out loud make wiess groan in annoyance.

"You can't be serious? You are our leader you make the diversion." Weiss told Ruby nagging about her leadership.

"Girls please, now is not the time to Argue. Once this is over, all of you and including Mr. Arc are gonna explain to me what is going on." Miss goodwitch told the remaining members of team RWBY before looking around for any hostiles in the area.

'I don't get payed enough for this bullcrap.' Miss goodwitch thought as she and the rest of team rwby go in the warehouse.

Author's note: Hey guys Mogar here, sorry for the long hiatus I honestly have no excuse on why I didn't finish/publish this up sooner. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much I did writing it even though I left it up on the shelves collecting dust so yea I guess I was too lazy to write I guess but at least it's out for you guys to read. That's all for now and as always STAY COOL, STAY AWESOME, MOGAR OUT!