A/N: New story haha. This is set in the past in a medieval setting. Updates will be sporadic because I don't have a structure really and I just write chapters for one of the three stories I'm working on when I want to. But I do try to get out a chapter a day but, heh, don't expect one on Christmas because I'm having quite a bit of family over and I won't really be able to get away by myself haha. But any way, don't let me delay you from reading, so let's get on with the story. (Ps. this is in second person because ThePeawithGoggles latest story inspired me to try it.)

You slowly wandered the dark, muddy side alleys of the small town, you were looking for the unlucky human or plant that would be loosing a bit of their property tonight. You peek out of the dark alley and look around the barely illuminated main street, a drunken noble lurched down the street towards the upper district of the town. You place the black hood back over your head and slowly approach the stumbling man. You help them up and you manage to decipher from the slur of words they said.

"Thank ya...sonny. Now *hic*, can ye get meh *hic* another mug of ale?" You help them towards their home and you place one of your pods in their pocket lightly enough so that they wouldn't notice. Once you realize you're holding their wallet, you pull it out of their pocket and help them through the door of their home. While you hated to pickpocket him, you knew he wouldn't notice his missing wallet and you reminded yourself that the money in the leather wallet would help put bread on a poor persons table and even get yourself a meal. You sit them down on their rickety bed and they almost immediately fell asleep. You smile to yourself as you close the door and start down the street, back towards the alley. Part way down the street, you turn to the noise of a woman's screaming and smashing glass, the house you had just walked out of had a group of four thief's breaking into it. You race down the street and pull out the short sword you always carried to protect yourself. You enter the house that had just been broken into, the drunken man and, what must have been his wife, were being held at knife and sword point while their more valuable items were stolen. You sneak up to the two men who held the house owners at knife point and quickly sliced their legs so they collapsed onto the floor. The man and woman had looks of extreme surprise and relief on their faces as you took on the other two theifs. One of the theifs laughed and said.
"It's only a Peashooter, what are ya gonna do, poke me with your dagger?" The taunts and jeers of the humans added to your determination and courage as you ran at them. The humans smirked and jabbed at you with their knife.
You easily dodged the knife and sliced across them, just beneath their rib cage. The human you just injured dropped their knife and gripped the cut you had just caused. You turn your attention to the other human, who was in the middle of strike you wouldn't be able to dodge in time. You push yourself backwards to limit the damage they would do and the feeling of metal slicing through your face stunned you slightly. After the small amount of shock wore off, you jabbed the human with your dagger in the crotch, the human squealed in pain and cursed as you withdrew the dagger from their nethers. The four theifs stumbled over each other as they tried as to get out of the house as quickly as possible. Once the theifs were out of the house, you pull back your hood and approach the humans, who sat on the bed, looks of gratitude on both of their faces. The woman, who wasn't drunk, grabbed a piece of cloth and covered the deep cut on your green face. She sighed and said.
"Thank you. You saved mine and my husbands lives, if there is anything you need, just ask, you can have it." You reach into the small travelers pack that had been a gift from your late parents, and pulled out the mans wallet.
The lady gasped in shock and you say sadly.
"You owe me nothing. Take this back...I'm sorry I pick pocketed your husband." The woman gasped in shock again and said angrily.
"Why you no good, stealing little whelp. You're lucky you saved our lives otherwise I would be turning you into the town guard right now. Now get out of here. You aren't welcome around here." You sigh and quickly run out of the house, the feeling of dread and failure creep over you. After a half hour slog through the muddy streets and through the fresh rain, you reach the 'Darkwoods Inn', which was just outside the town. The owner, a burly looking Norse man by the name of Eric, looks up from the bar and asks you.
"How'd it go Delnid." You hang your wet cloak on the stand beside the door and say.
"Not well Eric. I got a nobles wallet and I planned on helping the Caryophyllales family tonight. But a group of theifs broke into the house of the noble I had just pick pocketed so I went back and fought off the theifs. I...returned the wallet and they ran me out of their house." Eric grabbed a fresh mug and filled it with some of his best apple cider as he said.
"Well ya did the right thing lad. Now come up here and 'ave a drink. I'm sure it'll cheer ya up." You approach the bar and take a seat beside a large hooded figure. You look at them and beneath their hood, it turns out they're a chomper. You could feel the Chompers non-existent eyes looking you over as they say.
"Ya seem pretty flimsy to be a thief." You quickly drink the apple cider in your mug and reply.
"I do it, for a reason. It's the only reason Eric let's me stay here from time to time." The Norse man named Eric laughed as he said.
"I let ya stay 'cause I like ya boy, ya got guts. Back in me 'omeland, ya would 'ave been pretty popular." The Chomper sniggered and said.
"Is that so? So he has some courage, why does he get to stay free sometimes and I have to pay?" Eric banged the mug he was eternally wiping and said.
"Because, Phobos, he helped me out of a tough situation a few years ago. Now enjoy the drinks or leave." The Chomper named Phobos turned towards you and asked.
"Alright then. What's your name Peashooter?" You look at the abrasive Chomper and say in an agitated voice.
"Delnid." The Chomper sniggers again and says.
"Well, I'll see ya around then...Delnid." With that, the Chomper quickly finished off their drink and left the inn. You shake your head and get up. You grab your cloak and head towards the back of the inn where the rooms were kept. Eric wished you a good night as you slipped into the small, one bed room. You throw your pack and cloak onto the end of the bed before you wrap yourself in the sheet. You feel yourself slowly drift to sleep when the sound of someone knocking on your door alerts you.