3E Assassin Tsuna

Part of my ? Sawada AUs. Post-series, AnKyou verse! Tsuna shouldn't have listened to his mother when he was sent to Kunugigaoka Middle School for his third year. Now here he is, trying to assassinate a yellow octopus/pervert/artificial life form before the earth goes KA-BOOM! And he thought the mafia was bad. Set in God of Death Arc.

Chapter 1 The Former Mafia Heir

The moment Tsuna woke up that morning, he knew something was very wrong.

Since yesterday, after the rejection of Karasuma of Irina's affections, Tsuna sensed that something bad was going to happen.

Ignoring his hyper intuition in this case was a big no, for he knew first-hand how things ended when he ignores the inherent ability that he was thankful was awake in his system. Reborn had said to him before returning back to Italy, that he would need to trust his intuition more often, now that he was no longer a mafia boss-to-be.

He figured he needed that kind of advice now that he was free to live a normal life, with no more mafia things to deal with, except for the fact that his father was one.

As if.

Just after he finished his second year of middle school, Gokudera had returned to Italy to fix things up with his own famiglia with the accompaniment of his older sister, Bianchi. Fuuta and Lambo left soon after, and I-pin had gone with her master, Fon, to help him cope to his returning growth spurt as they traveled back to China. Yamamoto, had continued his membership in the Baseball Club, and is currently training in order to get scouted by a prestigious high school. Ryohei had gone to Namimori High School alongside Hibari who had taken over the Disciplinary Committee in that school (It still sent shivers in Tsuna's skin when he thinks about the poor high school souls) right after graduating.

It had wrenched his heart a bit as the people he knew that were connected to the mafia suddenly had a scarce presence in his daily life. Even his mother had missed the kids playing around the house that was once again peaceful, and without patriarchal influence.

Add to that, Nana had suddenly recommended him a school far away from Namimori, in the city of Kunugigaoka, where he had heard from a friend, could turn her son's life around. In just a month, he found himself moving into an apartment in the city, now living alone and totally lost at times.

So here he was, into the first half of the second term in Kunugigaoka Middle School, Class 3E, tasked to kill an artificial life form who destroyed the moon before school started before graduation, or risk getting the earth blown to bits and pieces like seventy percent of the moon.

His life is never easy.

It was that afternoon when Tsuna had figured out his intuition's message of foreboding, and it was not pleasant in the least.

"Please tell me if there is any update about Irina-sensei. Well then class, I'm headed to Brazil to watch a football game!" Korosensei bid them and disappeared with a Mach 20 speed.

Tsuna sighed. "Good grief. He could just watch it on the television to save time and stamina."

Isogai laughed at that, "Well, you know Korosensei. He'd rather watch it live."

"Thus, the advantage of a Mach 20 speed makes itself useful." Karma interjected.

"I just wish he doesn't utter the numbers seven and one." Tsuna replied.

Maehara snickered, "They're still not over that?"

"It was one of the greatest defeats of Brazil. Of course they're still not over it." Isogai added.

"Hey, has anyone seen Bitch-sensei anywhere today?" Okajima asked suddenly, noting that Irina was supposed to be in the classroom the moment Korosensei had left the room for Brazil.

Tsuna immediately became alert. "She's not around today again." He informed.

Kayano hummed. "Must be because of what happened the other day again. She was really upset that she got rejected by Karasuma-sensei that way,"

"Well, what do you expect?" Karma said, "He's a government man, and she's a honey trap assassin. They would never mix, technically,"

"That's a bit…harsh." Nagisa mumbled.

"That may be true, Nagisa, but that's quite normal, if you ask me." Tsuna said. "If they really do care for each other's safety, then the only way for the other to be that way is to stay out of each other's lives as much as possible. They are already working together because of us and Korosensei. No one can say what will happen in the future, but to keep their lives, they will have to keep their personal business behind."

Sometimes, the other students of 3E wonders if Tsuna was only masking his intelligence to the people around him. But they were reminded again and again of the constant clumsiness of the brunette and his below average test scores at the beginning (he actually got in the top ten on the last exams). After all, an intelligent person is different from a wise person, and Tsuna embodied that saying.

"So basically, there's no more hope for them?" Maehara asked.

Tsuna smirked surprisingly, "I never said that." He hinted. He had seen how the honey trap assassin had looked towards the government soldier for months now, and it had never ceased to amuse him when he noticed that Karasuma as well, has been stealing glances towards Irina for the longest time when she wasn't looking. He guessed his intuition and his skill as an observer was the reason why he was the only one who sensed this kind of atmosphere towards their two human teachers. He doesn't know about Korosensei, but if he really knows his stuff in romance (not porn), then he would notice it as well.

At least, that's what he thinks.

"We just have to refrain from interrupting the flow of things. They'll know what to do soon enough." Tsuna assured them. If Irina was really a student of Lovro, then she would get over it soon enough, but then, you could never tell with women...

He had met Lovro once before when Reborn had taken him to Mafia Land for the second time a few weeks after the Future issue, and he had met the Russian assassin relaxing and in a Hawaiian shirt, no less, but his face was scary as hell. He almost wanted to bolt upon seeing him at Kunugigaoka. It was a good thing that the assassin knew when to keep his mouth shut and acted like he didn't know him. After all, he was the notorious teenager who refused the title of the most powerful mafia family in the world.

Tsuna didn't anticipate Irina to be one of the students of the Russian assassin, but Lovro didn't expect that Reborn would be training a fourteen year-old during that time as well.

He was sure to say that not even Lovro could hold a candle against his former tutor. Maybe not even the God of Death, who proclaims himself as the World's Greatest Hitman.

There were times that he missed his sadistic Spartan tutor, but he had all buried it in his past, never wanting it to resurface ever again. Too bad he had to get caught up in his world again because of an artificial life form known as Korosensei.

"But for now, we have to scold her for neglecting her duties as a teacher." Tsuna said again. "Kataoka-san, can you reach Jelavich-sensei through her phone?" out of all the students, only Tsuna had the tongue to pronounce Irina's surname, which made the woman warm up to Tsuna more than one of the adorable faced students in the room (thank god for Reborn's lessons—even if they almost killed him).

"The girls and I have been trying since this morning, but she's not picking up," Kataoka replied. "Looks like she's more depressed than we anticipated…"

"She wouldn't leave just because of this, right?" Chiba asked.

It was then when Tsuna's intuition started tingling. Someone was near, and that person was dangerous. He immediately stared at the door. "Who's there?!"

At his outburst, the rest of his classmate looked at him as if they were anticipating someone to just swoop in and attack them. They have learned to trust Tsuna's instincts more than once, starting from their school trip in Kyoto when he had the feeling that something wrong had happened to a certain group of theirs while sightseeing. He had been accurate about the incident possibility part, and he was even able to sense where the sniper is without batting an eyelash. Not to mention that he was able to control a situation between Terasaka and a kid from Class D in an argument once before, his charisma seeping out of him, even stronger than Isogai and Asano. Tsuna may be average when it comes to battle, and below average on grades when he started, but when you push him to do better, you get a good leader with good insight and judgment.

But no one seems to know about his past, just that he was a transfer student at the school, and after an incident regarding his clumsiness in the Principal's office, had sent him to Class 3E at the beginning of the school year.

So all of them stood, alert of the person coming towards their classroom.

Instead of a deadly aura, all they felt was an aura they felt at ease about. "Ah, don't mind me. I'm just a florist,"

But Tsuna was unaffected. He was a hard-trained mafia heir once upon a time, and such a cover aura was nothing new to him. After all, his cover aura was weak in his eyes. "Who are you? No one ordered any flowers to be delivered here." Tsuna said coldly, making the room a few degrees colder than it usually is. "Why don't you just tell us what you need to and leave?"

The smile of the florist turned sinister, but his aura of security was still there. Tsuna could tell that the rest were a bit paralyzed and in shock upon seeing a person who means bad news but can still send out a feeling of being secure in his vicinity. After all, the first one Tsuna had met with that kind of atmosphere was Byakuran while his fangs were hidden.

"Hm…very sharp of you, kid. You're not affected by my aura?" the florist questioned.

"Not used to someone seeing through your façade so early in the game, are we?" Tsuna mocked with a raised brow. Two years of being with Reborn and half a year since coming to the school had allowed Tsuna to show his fangs in the most intimidating way, and he was actually glad for it. "What do you need that warranted you to trespass into school grounds?" he demanded sharply.

The florist smirked, "Oya, keep up that attitude and you'll never see your precious teacher in one piece."

All turned serious and glared at the florist. "What did you do to Bitch-sensei?" Kurahashi demanded.

"Nothing yet." The florist said. "But if you do as I say, you may be able to save her in time." He stated.

Isogai grit his teeth, "What do you want?"

"What all of the assassins in the world want, young man. And that is the ten billion yen reward for whoever kills your abominable teacher."

"Korosensei is not abominable!" Kanzaki objected. "Who are you anyways?"

The florist's smile seemed to widen as he went to the desk and placed down the bouquet of flowers he was holding as he went inside the room. "Excellent question." He said as he faced all of them. Tsuna did not like that sadistic smile one bit. "I am known as the God of Death."

Tsuna's glare sharpened. "So you finally showed yourself…" he said, looking at the wannabe 'World's Greatest Hitman' up and down. He doesn't seem to be on the same level as Reborn and the rest of the Arcobaleno. Honestly speaking, he looked just like a small fry assassin-wise, but he can't deny that his skills as an assassin is far superior than anyone else in the room—maybe except for him, if he uses his abilities.

Tsuna observed that everyone froze in the room upon hearing his name. That was expected, as they had heard a lot of notorious things about him from Lovro during their training before they went to the resort island in Okinawa. Of course, it was not one of the most memorable days for Tsuna. Not only did their biggest assassination plan failed to kill Korosensei, but he was also one of the people who succumbed to a food poisoning virus which they thought was a type of poison that could kill them in hours. He could swear that his dying will had ignited again—had it not been for the news that it was just a simple bacteria gone wild.

"Allow me to teach you something for today." He started. As he said it, a mail came in front of Ritsu. He took one of the flowers from the bouquet. "Through their beauty, flowers can drown out a person's cautiousness. It opens up a person's heart." He looked at the IA, "But the original purpose for which the flower evolved beautifully and fragrantly…"

Immediately, Tsuna realized it. He looked at the mail Ritsu has, "Ritsu-san, open the mail!" Tsuna said in panic.

Ritsu immediately did as she was told and was also surprised at what she had gotten. Flashing it on her screen, they all saw the bruised and beaten form of Irina, tied up and placed in an open box of steel in a fetal position. She didn't look conscious at all.

"Is to lure insects." The God of Death continued, though he looked disapprovingly at Tsuna, which the brunette felt.

"Bitch-sensei!" they shouted upon seeing their female teacher.

Karma frowned and stared at the older assassin. "What do you plan on doing to her?"

"Oh, nothing…for now. If you follow my instructions, then you may be able to save her." he started drawing Irina on the board. But what was disturbing was when he started drawing lines over her drawing. "Ignore my demands, and I will send her body to you bit by bit."

Tsuna grit his teeth in anger and annoyance. This was bad. They were facing a high caliber assassin who has their teacher as a hostage. He stared at the spot where the God of Death disappeared from using his flowers after almost being ganged up by Terasaka and his friends. Apart from the flower petals, he left a piece of paper where the map of his desired location is.

"How did he get information on us in the first place…?" Tsuna wondered.

It was then when Maehara remembered something. He glanced at the bouquet that they had gotten from that person three days ago. Observing the flowers, he noticed something metallic within the bouquet. Taking it out, he laid it out for his classmates to see. It was a bug.

Anger rose in Maehara as he used the mop he was holding to smash the bug into pieces, which no one really protested much. The more ruined the bug is, the better. After all, he could still be using it to gain more information about their conversations even after he revealed himself. "He used this to spy on our situation and aimed at Bitch-sensei to act alone…"

Isogai frowned. "He knew that Korosensei was going to Brazil, and that Karasuma-sensei left for work…so he fearlessly barged in here alone…" he concluded.

"But you know…I didn't think of him as a bad enough guy to be called the 'God of Death'. Do you think he could end up being a nice guy?" Kurahashi wondered, thinking about the warm feeling the guy had emanated, which contained no hint of malice or killing intent.

Karma placed his hands on his pockets and shrugged. "Isn't it amazing because he made you feel that way?" he asked. "Before him, everybody probably thinks that way, until the moment just before he kills you, that is." He then turned to Tsuna, "But then, I'm pretty amazed you saw right through him, Tsuna,"

"A sense that I am thankful I was born with," Tsuna said. "Had I been born without my heightened intuition, I would be falling for that warm atmosphere as well…" Tsuna said. "That guy is someone we can't underestimate…" he warned them.

Kimura picked up the map where a note was written behind it. "By 6 PM tonight, please have all the class members come up to this location. Your teachers and parents are a given, but the moment you notify outsiders, your Bitch-sensei's life will be gone…" he read.

Chiba frowned. "So it's the same as Takaoka and Shiro. His goal is probably to use us as hostages to lure Korosensei out."

"Student baits again, I see," Tsuna mumbled. "Just one of the most unprofessional things to do," he then turned to Isogai and Kataoka, "So, what is our strategy, Isogai, Kataoka-san?" he asked.

Isogai and Kataoka had the same mindset as all of Class 3-E. "We do a rescue mission."

Karasuma thought deeply as he recalled his conversation with Lovro a while ago, warning him that the God of Death was now setting his eyes on the octopus-like creature target. The Russian man had been in critical condition, but he still managed to survive to warn him of the incoming danger. But what puzzled him was that he had mentioned a certain student of his and a hitman that could help them with the God of Death.

"Make sure to alert that Sawada boy of the presence of the God of Death." Lovro said.

Karasuma raised his brow. "Sawada Tsunayoshi?" it was true that Sawada Tsunayoshi possessed a heightened intuition, which had saved his hide multiple times during their PE class, but why was Lovro asking for him specifically? "What could Sawada do that would deter the God of Death?"

The Russian assassin groaned a bit from the pain in his injury before he continued, "Sawada Tsunayoshi is more skilled than you might think. He could be the only student of yours that could sense him immediately. Many would fall to the fake aura of the God of Death, but if I know his bloodline clearly, he could see through that." He stated. "Besides that, he has been trained well by his former tutor."

"He has mentioned that he got lessons from a home tutor before…but why are you telling me this?" Karasuma wondered.

"The Sawada boy had told me to keep my silence unless it was necessary. This is one of the dire situations that allows me to say it. Sawada Tsunayoshi was once a student of the Sun Arcobaleno."

The man's eyes widened a fraction. "What? The mafia hitman? Isn't he…?"

"Yes. He goes by the name Reborn." Lovro stated.

Karasuma had heard of the Sun Arcobaleno hitman, more widely known as Reborn, a freelance mafia hitman who is the former tutor of the Cavallone Decimo of the Cavallone Family in Italy. A very dangerous man to cross, most especially if his students and comrades are harmed, though some of the people says that he was a bit sadistic. Karasuma didn't really bother to verify the facts, considering that it would make him dive deeper in the mafia world. The government was already bad enough as it is. "But why would Sawada become a student of Reborn?" he wondered.

"You still don't know?" Lovro asked. "Reborn has had only two students he took under his wing. The Cavallone Decimo, and the former Vongola Decimo heir."

"Then that would mean…" Karasuma trailed off. He had heard things about the fact that the Vongola Decimo to-be had rejected his claim to the title, leaving the Ninth heirless at present.

"Yes. One of your students is a former mafia heir, and he would not be pleased to know that the God of Death claims himself as the World's Greatest Hitman."

Karasuma still couldn't believe what he had heard from him. Sawada Tsunayoshi started out as a below average student, just like everyone else in Class 3-E. He only transferred that year, sent by his mother because of a recommendation. In general, the kid was a total klutz, sometimes even tripping over nothing when he is in a hurry, and tends to run away at a mere sight of a dog, even if it was just a Chihuahua. But still, the kid was a kind individual, never thinking of anything bad about his classmates, rather, he was a bit hesitant in socializing with them at the beginning. Through Karasuma's observations and the octopus' data, he quickly warmed up to the students, even to Terasaka. He was also a child magnet, with kids warming up to Tsuna after a minute upon meeting him.

Which was why it was hard to believe that Sawada Tsunayoshi, of all people, once basked in the world of the mafia.

He will have to evaluate his findings, but for now, he must return to school to inform the students that the God of Death was now targeting their homeroom teacher, but for now, he has hitmen to oversee the assassination of the yellow octopus.

Little did he know, his students were already way ahead of him.

"Karasuma-san, the last one is here," his assistant informed him.

"Alright. Let him in." he instructed.

As soon as he said that, a man in a suit and fedora stepped in, his black eyes surveying the palace as he stood face to face with Karasuma. "A bit strange for the government people to be looking for free hitmen these days,"

Karasuma ignored his comment and held out a hand, "You must be the Renato Sinclair that Lovro had once mentioned in passing,"

The man's eyes glinted in amusement, "Oh, I see you know Lovro. How's his student, Irina, nowadays?"

"Indisposed as of the moment, I'm afraid," Karasuma said, not really intending to say that Irina hadn't showed herself for days after the debacle a few days ago.

"I see…"

Karasuma was about to say some more, when his phone buzzed. He frowned. Only one person would dare to interrupt him like this. Fishing out his phone, he turned his back on the hitman before answering. "What do you want now?"

"Karasuma-sensei! The students aren't answering their phones! I got back at the school to see what was up, and they're gone, and the room is filled with flowers and a broken bug." Korosensei informed him worriedly.

"What?" Karasuma hissed. "Do you know who did this?"

"No idea. But we have to find them."

"I see. I'll be there as soon as I can," Karasuma said as he hung up and turned back at Renato, "You will have to excuse me, an emergency came up. I'm sorry if I wasted your time."

"I'll still be here for a couple of days. Are your students up to some trouble?" he wondered.

"More like they are in trouble," he muttered, "Again, I'm sorry, but I have to attend to this immediately," he said and excused himself.

Renato stared at the door where the government man had exited, all the while, ordering his assistant to ready his car to drive back to school. He smirked as he looked at the door. "What kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into again, Dame-Tsuna?"


Haha! A new ?Sawada universe! I understand I call it as that, but my unofficial name for these verses are 'The Many Verses of Tsuna' or something like that. I'll replace the summaries of Mangaka Sawada and Shinto Priest Sawada later, as I do plan on just replacing Sawada with Tsuna instead.

I'm planning on making this at least under three chapters, concerning the fact that my plot bunny is constantly adding things I really wanted to add on this, but I resigned in just doing the God of Death Arc.

So anywho, this is my special Christmas gift to all of you guys! This is not the only fic I updated, and there is more! If you want to find out, check into my profile and see what I did!

Christmas is coming in a matter of days, so I guess this comes as a teaser for you guys this Christmas concerning my new brainchildren for next year! Haha! This came out on top after deliberating whether I should do a Totsuki Elite Tsuna, but a major rewriting of half of it is still in the works.

Tell me what you think about this though. I'm open for any suggestions!

See you soon~!