Sorry it has been a while! Towards the end of my school year and things got bad. I was out of school for almost a month because my personal problems got so bad. I was on a writers block for nearly two months and I apologize dearly. Things are still rough, but I will make it through. Just arguments with my parents and my friend and well yeah. Oh well life isn't always a ball of butter.
Sam ended up eating more of the chicken Parmesan than me, Kurt, and Mercedes combined. The whole dinner, we talked on and off about school and then baby names for the two couple. and by we, I mean Mercedes and I. "Kurt... you are a hell of a cooker. How come you never cooked me anything last year?" Sam mumbles with a mouth full of pasta from his third plate.
"Because I never cooked for anyone until this year." He answers blandly, rubbing his thumb over my hand under the table. I bit my lip, but avoid looking at Kurt.
"It was really nice of you to cook for us, Kurt." Mercedes said with a smile. Kurt nods and then stands up abruptly, ripping his hand from mine. I look up to him, but he is already leaving the dinning room and going straight to the room. "Did I say something wrong?" Mercedes asks softly, looking at Sam for help.
"No, no. He's just not used to... this." I stand up and wipe my mouth with my napkin. "I should be back shortly. Make yourselves at home." I give them a nervous smile before going in the direction. Kurt is laying on his back once I step into the room. I softly close the door behind me and sit on the edge of the bed. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." He mutters, crossing his arms under his head.
"Something is wrong, you just left dinner."
"Look, they are your friends, not mine. I don't belong out there."
"Sam is your friend though." I whisper, scooting closer to him. He rolls his eyes, but looks down to me.
"Yeah, sure he is. He stopped being my friend when I started fucking with you."
"You don't have to say cuss words all the time."
"Yes I do. Just go out there with your friends. The lovely couple." He mocks and sits up from the bed. He slides on some black vans and a jacket before grabbing his keys.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going to the Frat House." Kurt quickly walks out the door. I wait until I don't hear his shoes stomping on the wood floors to get up and leave the room. Why can't we move forward with this? Why does he have to get angry at everything?
"Where did he go?" Sam asks, washing the dishes in the sink.
"Um... He went to go get more things from his room." My voice wavers a little, but they don't seem to notice.
"I'm just surprised he agreed to have us over."
"Yeah." I cross my arms against my chest and look down at my feet.
"It was nice of you to have us, Blaine." Mercedes smiles and grabs her purse.
"Leaving so soon?" I ask, even though they've been her for almost two hours.
"Well yeah. We have to pack and everything." She says sweetly and I nod. I didn't want them to leave. I wasn't ready for them to go.
"Thank you for coming." I sigh and give them both a smile.
"I'll see you Saturday right? Halloween party?" Sam asks, wiping his hands dry on his shirt.
"Yeah..." I totally forgot about that. "Of course you will!"
"Good. Take care. Tell Kurt we said thank you." I walked them to the door and gave them hugs before I was alone with my thoughts. To get my mind off of Kurt's whereabouts and why he went to the Frat House, I decided to clean up the kitchen. When I reach the kitchen, I find that all the dishes were already clean and all I had to do was put the leftover food up, thanks to Sam.
After putting up the food, I make my way slowly to the living room. Nothing like watching t.v. to get my mind off of things. But that didn't help any. All I could think about was Kurt and why he always acted strange. I know that being in a relationship is new for him, but he doesn't need to leave the apartment when he feels uncomfortable. I could tell that he was uncomfortable the whole night as soon as they showed up. He stopped talking, and didn't even speak when he was spoken to. I wish I could go inside of his mind and just see what he was thinking about. Was he criticizing them? Was he ashamed? He got so quiet, and that is scary. It's scary, because you never know what's going on inside. The front door unlocked, making me look over to see if Kurt was back. I leaned up off the couch and craned my neck, but only Sebastian showed up. He smiled, closing the door. "My shift was covered tonight." He beams, walking over.
"Lucky you." I answer, trying not to show the disappointment in my voice.
"I know, I'm beat as fuck." He sits on the couch opposite of the one I'm on and kicks his shoes off. "Where is Kurt?"
"At his house." I sigh and lean my head back against the wall.
"Oh no, that doesn't sound too good."
"I don't even know."
"What happened?" He asks, and I can sense the sincerity in his voice.
"I'm not sure..." I look over at him, but his own eyes are closed. "We had dinner, I invited Sam and Mercedes. It was going great, though he didn't say a word. I just thought he was shy or didn't feel like talking. Then, something happened. He just got upset and went into the room. I followed, but he wouldn't tell me, and just left." I let out a groan, causing Sebastian to open his eyes and look at me.
"That's really strange. From what I know about him is that he's angry all the time. I wish I knew him enough to tell you." He shrugs and closes his eyes. "I'm sure it's nothing though. No need to worry. If things become too overwhelming, people tend to leave the situation."
"Okay." I whisper, and I lean back. Maybe I am overreacting. Maybe he did feel overwhelmed. "How- how was school?"
"It wasn't so bad. Gonna miss having you in my class though. What classes did you take anyways?"
"Well I took a basic English class, but I changed my major to Foreign Language. French of course. And to keep me busy, I just took a guitar class."
"Sounds nice man. What does Kurt major in?"
"Culinary." I reply quickly, and give myself a mental high five.
"I'm an Art major so." He shrugs and gives me a look. "I know it's stupid, but I love art. Almost love it more than Hunter." He chuckles.
"How are you two by the way?"
"We are great! He called me today and said he should be home on Saturday instead of Monday." He says, yawning in the process.
"Sweet, that's nice." I yawn before laying out on the couch. Sebastian stays quiet and I assume he is falling asleep. I want to stay up just in case Kurt calls me or needs me. Then I remember he doesn't have a damn phone, so that was out of the question. I want to stay up just in case he comes home though. I know he will be home. He'll come.
When I woke up the next morning, the room was freezing. My eyelids fluttered open, but all I could see was the sun shinning through the curtains of the window. I slowly sit up, removing the blanket from my body. Now I realize why I was so cold. My body was bare. As soon as I look up from my legs, the bathroom door opens in my new room. Steam escapes from the bathroom, almost looking like a scene in a movie. Kurt emerges from the bathroom, his hair wet from the shower and he body glistening in the light from the window. He looks over at me slightly, and stops to move his hair away from his face. He just stares at me, his eyes darting down my body then back to my face. I try to cover myself with my arms out of pure embarrassment, but he looks away and tightens the towel.
He oddly stares out of the window, keeping his back to me. I walk to the dresser and pull on a pair of shorts and quickly crawl back in bed. Kurt finally walks away from the window and towards the dresser. I watch his every movement, wondering what was happening right now. He drops his towel and begins to dress slowly. The way his muscles move across his back mesmerizes me. His pale, milky skin meeting the dark brown, almost black, of his wet hair. His silence is killing me. What is going on? "Where-"
"You know where I was." He answers me, cutting my sentence short. He slips a shirt on over himself and turned to look at me. "I told you last night."
"Why were you gone all night?"
"I got caught up with Puck and shit. But when I came home, you were sleeping on the couch alone." He says and sits on the bed. So Sebastian must have left me alone. "I brought you in here and just took off your clothes so you could be comfortable. Sorry for leaving last night, it was just so strange for me."
"Oh." I saw, and pull the blanket up to cover my chest. I can't tell by his voice if he is angry or not, but his soft eyes tell me otherwise. "I'm sorry if inviting them made you uncomfortable."
"No no, I'm glad you did. I know you were happy when they came."
"I was. I'll miss them a lot." He shifts and then places his hand on my leg.
"Are you sure you don't miss him?" He asks me softly, avoiding my eye contact.
"Eli." He whispers, and my heart falls apart.
"No, I don't miss him. Why would I?"
"Because I'm not him. I'm not your first kiss and I'm not your first love. You are my first love, Blaine. I know I fucked shit up a lot. I know, and you still chose me. But I can't be him. I just can't"
"I'm glad you can't be him, because he's not what I want. I obviously want you. I know you messed up, but... please I'm trying to look past it."
"Okay." He says and stands up. He pushes his hair from his face and walks towards the door. "I need to get some work done. I'll just be in the living room though."
"Oh." I say and he walks out of the room. As the door opens, I see a glimpse of papers scattered on the coffee table. Kurt shuts the door behind him. I sigh loudly and sink into the bed. I didn't think Kurt would be upset over Eli. Was my dad getting to him? Shit... I need to call my mom. I grab my phone off the floor and dial her number. When she answers, she gives me a speech about how I should start calling more, but stops talking once I tell her about the apartment.
"You moved out of the dorms?" She whispers and I can tell that my dad was somewhere close.
"And changed my major." I say, twisting the sheet of the bed in my fingers. I hear my mom suck in a sharp breath of air.
"Blaine. I thought we decided to wait after the holidays?"
"I never said that."
"I know, but I just... I just assumed. Your father-"
"I know. I know, but I'll be the one to tell him, okay? You don't need to."
"How's the apartment?"
"Great. I've only been here a day, but it's nice. My friend and his boyfriend invited me to stay because Sam is leaving."
"Sam is leaving?" She asks, her tone full of concern, and then I realize, I haven't told my mom anything.
"Sam is starting a family and is leaving in a couple of days. So Sebastian and Hunter said I could stay, but then Kurt decided he would stay too."
"Kurt?" I could almost see the look on her face. Hurt. Pain. Confusion.
"I forgave him, mom."
"I know, but I didn't think you would consider still being with him, let alone live with him."
"It's complicated." I sigh and lean against the headrest. My whole life is complicated.
"Just... be careful. Please."
"I will mom."
"How is that, anyway? I mean I heard you two at the house so I was-"
"Mom!" I yell into the phone out of embarrassment. The fact that she heard us doing... it... made me feel so uncomfortable. And it's even worse than catching your parents in the act. I shudder at the thought, and she laughs lightly.
"Well, I was on my way up to come talk to you two after you left dinner. Let me tell you, I turned away so quick." She laughed again, and the red slowly left from my face as I begin to laugh too.
"Okay, okay. But we are doing okay. I forgave him, and he apologized. I know he didn't really mean to hurt me." I say, though I'm sure I'm telling it more to myself than to my mom.
"Of course, dear." There was shuffling on the other end and a loud buzzer. "I have to go now, work is calling! We will talk more tonight, okay?" She says before hanging up the phone. I let out a sigh and toss my phone on the carpet floor. There was a small knock on my door before it opened.
"Cl-Jeff is here." Kurt says before stepping in holding a stack of papers in his arms. He hurries and sets them on our bed before leaving to go get the other stack. My eyes try to look at his work, but he comes back in and sets a backpack over them. "Did you know he was coming?"
"No, I didn't."
"I'll tell him to leave then." He starts, but I stand out of bed.
"No, it must be important." I walk to the closet and pull over a hoodie before leaving the room, keeping the door open a little. When I walk to the front of the apartment, Sebastian is standing there, talking to Jeff. "Hey, stranger." I tease and he pulls me in for a side hug.
"Stranger is right! Haven't heard from you since 2004." He smiles and then crosses his arms. "Sweet place you got here. Was thinking of moving into an apartment after the holidays, but nothing this big."
"Go big or go home!" Sebastian says and earns a laugh from Jeff.
"Is that why you can't keep a girlfriend?" Jeff says and nudges him.
"Well I'm gay, so." Sebastian says with a smile and Jeff immediately turns red. "You couldn't tell?"
"N-no!" Jeff stutters, and looks at me for help, but I just bite my lip to hold back my laugh. "Well, not like it makes a difference." He says and fiddles at the loose string on his shirt. "Um... anyways, I just came to see you." He says, nodding to me. "You disappeared on Nick and I."
"Been busy." I say, keeping it short and simplifying it.
"I got it. But honestly, if you ever want to hang out, just give us a call, bud. It was nice meeting you, Sebastian." Jeff blushes and quickly walks away.
"What an odd one." Sebastian smiles, closing the door and walking into the kitchen. I follow behind him and start pouring myself a glass of juice.
"Yeah, tell me about it."
"So, sorry for leaving you out on the couch last night. Didn't want to start an episode."
"That would have been bad." I mumble, drinking all of my juice before deciding to eat cereal. Sebastian watches me the whole time, pulling his lip between his teeth. I turn my back to him, retrieving the milk.
"You know," he starts once I turn back to him. "You can't let him suffocate you all the time."
"What do you mean?"
"He's always with you. He won't let you talk to anyone; he won't let you talk to me." He laughs a little and rubs the back of his neck. "What is he so afraid of?"
"He's not suffocating me..." I say before pouring a bowl of cereal. "He's just never been in a relationship before."
"I can prove he is. Go ask him if you and I can go to the movies." He smiles and I hesitate.
"That's not a good-"
"Come on, we are just being hypothetical. Try to fight back." He nods and I leave the kitchen and walk to our room. I push open the door and Kurt lifts his head from his work, his glasses falling to the tip of his nose. He sits up quickly and removes the glasses setting them to his side. I blush slightly, from embarrassment and the fact that he looked amazing in glasses. He'd look amazing in anything.
"Um... I was- Seb- I was wondering if..." I can't do this. I know exactly what will happen. He'll say no, I'll fight back, we'll get in a stupid argument.
"Spit it out." He says, neatly stacking his papers. I let out a sigh and close my eyes.
"Can I go to the movies with Sebastian?" I squeeze my eyes shut, waiting for an answer.
"Why not?" I ask, shooting my eyes open. Sebastian was right, he wouldn't let me go.
"I said you could go." He says and shrugs, replacing his glasses back on his face.
"Oh..." I look away from him and towards my feet. I didn't expect him to say yes.
"What are you going to watch?"
"Um... We haven't decided yet." I say and run a hand through my hair. He nods and gets back to work and I take that as my time to go, shutting the door behind me. Once I get back to the kitchen, Sebastian is washing a few dishes. "He said yes."
"Really?" He asks out of surprise. I nod and let out a sigh. "Well did you want to or?"
"Well..." I look back to my room, pulling my lip between my teeth. Kurt seemed a little to easy to answer that question. "Maybe we could have a rain check." I suggest before dismissing myself and going back to my room. Just as I'm about to open the door, I hear Kurt laugh lightly.
"Well, maybe we could meet up or something. But not today..." He laughs again and then it's silent. I know it's wrong to be eavesdropping, but I can't help it. "No, I'm just busy here with things... I'm not avoiding you, I'll just have to check with things... Am I seeing someone?" He asks, and I hold my breath, waiting for him to answer. He hums and then clicks his tongue. "You'll just have to find out when I get there. Anyways, I should go." He stays silent. I lightly tap on the door before opening the door. Kurt gives me a small smile before writing something down in the binder on top of his lap. "Take care." He says and ends his call with whoever. He tosses his phone on the bed and continues to write. I close the door behind me and slip off my hoodie to hang it back up in the closet.
"Who was that?"
"Oh, one of my old friends from high school. Got in touch with my dad apparently and got my number." He says and I let my shoulders relax. I make my way to the window and sit in the small couch area there is and look outside. The street was empty, but the small park across the street was bustling with kids. Arms wrap around my shoulders before I feel Kurt's lips on my neck. He peppers kisses down to my collar before moving back up. The tension in my body subsides. "I'm so sorry about last night." He whispers, sending chills down my spine.
"It's alright." I say and one of his hands moves down to my waist.
"We should put some work in on the window." He says, licking the shell of my ear. His hand slips under my shorts and he begins to palm me. I open my mouth to let out a whimper, but his other hand clamps over it. "Shh, Weasel is still here. I don't want him to get jealous." He snickers and moves his hand faster. I whine in his hand, squeezing my eyes shut. "God, I want to take you right now." He says, sucking on my neck. "Maybe we can save that for tonight."
"Fuck." I mumble, shifting into a more comfortable position. He runs his thumb over the slit of my cock and my body stiffens. He does it multiple times, as if to tease me, but I feel myself getting closer. "Kurt-" He pulls away from me and I whine loudly at the loss.
"Shh." He says and pushes my back against the window. He yanks my shorts down to the floor before gripping me back in his hand. He pumps me slowly, making my eyes roll to the back of my head. "God, you look so fucking hot." He says, licking the underside.
"Shit!" I moan, spilling all over his hand. Kurt pumps me slowly with a pout.
"I didn't even get to blow you." He whines and then stands with a smile. "You were eager to come."
"I needed it." I breathe, trying to catch my breath.
"What happened to the movies?" He says and grabs his towel from earlier, wiping me clean and himself.
"Oh, well...I didn't really want to go."
"You weren't going to go at all were you?" He asks, tossing the towel in the bin and sitting back on the bed.
"Sebastian thought you were suffocating me and-"
"Do you think I am?" He asks, looking away from me and out of the window.
"No-no! You aren't, I love having you around. Trust me."
"Then why did you listen to him?"
"Because he said that you wouldn't let me hang out with him."
"We already live with him, what more does he want?" His voice raises slightly and he looks back at me. "Why is he so obsessed with you?"
"He's not obsessed." I laugh, pulling my shorts back up.
"He is obsessed. Ever since you met him, he's all around you. Or tries. He's fucking lucky I'm letting you stay here."
"He's lucky you're letting me stay?" I scoff. "I want to stay; you aren't letting me stay. "
"You know if I said no, you wouldn't be here right?" He says in a serious tone and I almost laugh.
"I would still be here. You don't have any control over me, remember?" Why does he always have to start an argument over stupid things? Can't he just be happy for once?
"Oh god." He says and stands up, pulling at his hair. "Oh god, you're fucking him!"
"What are you talking about?" I ask, watching as his face turns red and his eyes surge with anger.
"You are fucking him, aren't you?" He yells, his voice breaking slightly.
"You can't be serious right now! You-" I cut myself off with a laugh. This situation is so stupid! What is his problem. "I'm not doing anything with him except try to be his friend. But you won't even let me do that!" He flinches and drops his hands.
"If I find out you-"
"Do you really think I would do that? I have no interest in anyone except you! Why can't you understand that?"
"He's just trying to piss me the fuck off with his stupid Weasel face." He mumbles and sits back on the bed. My breathing quickens and I didn't even realize my fists were balled.
"I'm going to take a shower. Hopefully you'll stop acting ridiculous once I get out." I go to the dresser and grab myself underwear and some black sweatpants before going into the bathroom.
You're fucking him? Really. Fucking really? God I am an asshole. "I'm going to take a shower. Hopefully you'll stop acting ridiculous once I get out." He says, and I watch him grab some clothes before going in the bathroom. I lay back fully on the bed, staring at nothing in particular. I listen as the shower starts and I sink into the bed. There is a knock on my door and it opens without me saying it was fine.
"What do you want? I could've been in here fucking Blaine and you just barge in." I say harshly, loving how it sounds coming out of my mouth. Sebastian just gives me a small smile.
"I'm sorry, I should've waited for an answer. I just heard you two yelling and-"
"We don't need your help. We have everything under control."
"I see." He says and opens the door wider. I shoot him a look and he stops, staying in the door way. "Could I ask you something?"
"Why are you such a jerk to Blaine? You are so lucky to have him. He's just the sweetest and the nicest boy, and you chose to be a dick. If you keep treating him like shit, he isn't going to stay much longer."
"I do not treat him like shit." I spit, standing up and glaring at him.
"You do, and you know it."
"Listen, I know you are trying to be all friends with him and then you two gang up on me; but it's not working. We are fine. He has me, we are fine."
"You don't own him."
"Never said I fucking did."
"Let him make his own decisions. Let him decide who he can and can't be friends with instead of his dick of a boyfriend keeping him to himself."
"He has plenty of friends." I laugh, crossing my arms. "You're just not one of them."
"Why? Just tell me why."
"You think you are so big and bad, and then you think you can kiss him in front of me and get away with it? I know boys like you. Pretend you are so in love with someone else just to get a different person. I know you don't really care for Hunter; hell that story was probably fake as fuck you told Blaine. You just want to be with him. But guess what? He's with me, and he is going to stay with me whether you like it or not. Now go make yourself useful somewhere the fuck else and get out of our damn room." By the time I finish, I realize that I am breathing hard and that I've moved closer to Sebastian, my body only a few feet away from his. His eyes go wide, but he quickly looks away from me and then back towards the living room.
"None of that is true. You just can't accept the fact that he might actually love someone more than yo-" I couldn't let him finish. I couldn't let him tell me what I fear to be true. Sebastian quickly falls to the floor, but I catch him by his shirt before punching him again and again in his face. The high I'm getting makes the pain in my fist subside and it makes me even more hype. By the time Blaine pulls me off of Sebastian, is when I realize what I just did. I could honestly give two fucks, but Blaine on the other hand...
"Why can't you just act civilized for once?" He shouts pushing me away from Sebastian. Blaine bends down next to him and tries his best to look at the damage I did. Blood on my knuckles and on the hard wood floor pool around.
"Just go for a while, okay?" Blaine pleads. My eyes go wide and I reach down to touch Blaine, but he flinches. I pull my hand back and nod hard. I'm such a fuck up, and now he is even more scared of me than before. Great. As I grab my keys and step over Sebastian, Blaine is talking to him softly and placing his hand on his shoulder. The small gesture makes my skin boil, but I've already caused too much damage. I needed to leave.
"Maybe we shouldn't be staying here..." I mumble, moving Sebastian's hand from over his face. He isn't crying, though I can tell he really wants to. This time I'm sure his nose is broken; it was barely healed from the last incident. Sebastian's lip is busted and his left eye was bruised. He tries to smile at me, but quickly winces from the pain.
"No no..." He whispers, and I help sit him up. He shrugs me off and stands up. "I'm fine, really. He's nothing compared to Dick Face." He wipes the blood off his mouth and helps me stand up.
"Who?" I walk over to my closet to put on a shirt.
"My step-dad Richard." He sighs and sits on the edge of the bed. I walk into the bathroom and quickly wet a rag before coming back out.
"He beats you?"
"Not anymore, I haven't seen him since my junior year in high school. He disappeared one day, without anything for my mom." He shrugs and crosses his arms. "Kurt is more bark than bite." Though the wounds say otherwise, I just nod to make him feel better.
"You might need to go to the hospital." I whisper, pressing the cloth lightly around his nose. He winces and nods.
"Yeah." He says and pushes my my hand away. "What's his problem?"
"Kurt? Oh... I'm not sure. Apparently he's always angry."
"Does he hurt you?"
"No! No never."
"You flinched when he tried to touch you." He says and takes the rag from my hand and places it on his nose.
"I... He doesn't hurt me. Physically at least." I assure him, but Sebastian shakes his head.
"Are you even happy with him? I've never seen you two happy together. At first I thought it was just sexual between you two. Now I just see... Nothing. He's just rude and angry all the time."
"I am happy. He makes me happy." I say, though if I think about it, have we ever done anything where we just have a good time together? No matter what we do, we always end up arguing. I bite my lip and look away from Sebastian. We did have that a date at the skating, and we've been to dinners together. "Yeah."
"Alright..." He says and stands up. "I'm going to the hospital. I would ask you if you wanted to go, but you might want to go find him before he turns into a mass murderer." He chuckles and a small whimper gets let out. I stand and wipe my hands on my pants.
"I'm sure he's fine, I want to make sure you are." I say and he smiles.
"No, I don't want to make him any more vexed." He waves me off and leaves the room. I sigh loudly and run a hand through my hair. There is blood on the floor, almost reaching the white carpet, and I quickly go to clean it up. It seems like I'm always cleaning up Kurt's messes. I guess this is what I get. After I clean up the blood, I stand and then realize that I can't call Kurt because he doesn't have his phone. I leave the room and, with no where to go since I didn't drive here, leave the apartment. When I open the door, Kurt is sitting across the hall, his head in his arms.
"Hey." I say and close the door behind me. He lifts his head up and looks at me blankly. "Sebastian is-"
"Don't fucking say his name. Please." He begs and stands up. "I'm sick of hearing his name, seeing his face, being in the same fucking town as him." He moves closer to me and grips my waist tightly. "It's just us." He says and kisses my forehead. My knees nearly give out, but I lean against the door. "No one else but us. I know he's trying to get close to you, but I won't have it. I just won't. I don't care that since we are living with him if you associate with him, but please... just don't fall for his tricks." He begs and it makes my heart fall to my toes. He looks distraught, hurt. I know that I will have to agree to him no matter what. I know it. I nod and he kisses my forehead again. "I love you." He says and kisses my left cheek before placing his lips over mine. He kisses me softly and slowly, massaging my hips with his thumbs.
It's almost six at night when Sebastian comes back home with a new wrap on his nose. He has an eye patch over his eye. Kurt snorts next to me on the couch, but I elbow him to stop. "Is it broken?" I ask, and pause the movie that's on the t.v.
"Sadly." He mumbles and gives Kurt a glare before looking back at me. "Goodnight." He tosses his keys on the table and walks over to his room on the other side of the apartment.
"He's a fucking loser." Kurt says loudly before we hear his door shut.
"Don't talk about him like that." I scorn and press play on the movie.
"I can't wait to see his face when I tell him we fucked in the kitchen." He snickers and I gasp and cover his mouth with my hand.
"You will not tell him that!" I whisper, looking from him to the kitchen. We couldn't even make it back to our room before we couldn't last. Kurt licked my hand, making me pull away and wipe it on his shirt.
"I will tell him if he gets on my nerves."
"No you won't. That is embarrassing." I roll my eyes and stand up from the couch.
"Oh where are you going?"
"I'm going to see if he wants me to make him some soup."
"No you aren't; didn't you hear him? He said goodnight."
"I just want to make sure." I watch as Kurt stands up and walks towards Sebastian's room. I follow behind him and watch as he knocks on the door. He opens it without a response making me roll my eyes.
"Blaine wants to know if you need him to slave over the stove to make you some damned soup for being a bitch." Kurt says with a set stone face. I gasp and pull him away from the door.
"Apologize to him!"
"Why; that's exactly what you said." He says and grins. I look from him to Sebastian who is looking at the both of us with a ludicrous expression.
"Do you want any soup?" I ask nicely.
"Oh no, I'm just going to be now. Goodnight." He says again and shuts off the lamp by his bed. I close the door behind us and walk away from Kurt quickly. He races after me and grabs my arm.
"I told you he was going to sleep."
"Why did you say it like that?" I whine, though I would hate to admit that it was funny.
"Because it was funny." Kurt laughed. A real laugh. I smiled and pulled him into me,bringing him down to kiss him on his nose.
"It was kind of funny I have to say."
"It was really funny, babe." He says, and my stomach flutters.
"I almost forgot how much you love it when I call you babe." He smiles and presses his lips against mine. This time, I don't think we'll make it out of this damned hallway.