Chapter 4

Jade took a swimming course. Big shocker. No literally, he got a hold of three electric eels and tried to race with them in the pool. I would have helped only…I hate water. I like fire, it's so much more fun. Needless to say he got in trouble and had to stay after school. Such a punishment considering we had nowhere to go.

Anakin took a fencing class and showed off his light saber. They tried to take it from him but no one was able to get close enough. Thank you Force. Me? What did I do? Nothing, I left the campus. Wandered around the woods. I didn't do sports unless I felt like it. And I didn't so that's how I find myself in the Fairy Godmother's office with Jade and Anakin awaiting punishment. Real scary.

"Screw that," I said as soon as Fairy Godmother left due to some emergency. "Let's go guys." I said going to the window and opening it. With a laugh I jumped out followed by Jade then Anakin. Brushing myself off, I smiled at the gaping window high above us. "Now, we're off to find vodka."

"Or not," Jade said running a hand through his hair while the other one pointed out Hiro and Tadashi staring at us. Shrugging, I left the shrubbery we had landed in walking past them with an exaggerated bow.

"Where are you guys going?"

"We're off to see the wizard, the horrible wizard of Oz." I sang before saluting and going to walk away. A hand grabbed my upper arm and I bristled sparks appearing at the touch. Not figurative sparks when soul mates or whatever touch. No, real sparks that caught fire as they touched the ground.

The person who had grabbed me, Hiro, jumped back with a shout of surprise as I turned to look at him with a gleam in my eye. "Watch it boy," I told him before Anakin shook his head as Tadashi watched me wearily. I was use to it, the staring eyes, the judgment. So I brushed it off.

"How did you do that?" Hiro asked his eyes wide with excitement.

I cupped my hand and held it towards him before it burst into flames. "Fire heart. My heart is that of a dragon's comprised of fire and blood." I shrugged putting my hand in my jean pocket.

"That's amazing." Tadashi said his eyes softer.

"Not really, it's genetics."

"Still," Hiro said. "The fact that that is genetically possible is amazing."

"If you say so." I said before gesturing to Anakin and Jade. "Let's see if we can find a way to the Isle." I suggested. "That or," I looked up. "The Death Star."

"Oh I have a plan to get to the Death Star." Anakin said. "Come on Jade, hope you don't mind the endless vacuum of space. Kylo, try not to push anyone out the airlock chamber."

"I'm making no promises!" I announced proudly with a salute.

"Good enough for me."

"Hey Kylo." Hiro called out. I rolled my eyes stopping and looking back at him. "Robotics is at four if you're interested." He said before waving awkwardly. I gave him a blank stare before following Anakin and Jade.

"These things crashed a while ago," Anakin explained pulling off a tarp reveling four X-wings. "My dad told me about them along with a crazy story." Anakin's smile was blindingly bright whenever he spoke of his father. "When you mentioned the Death Star I remembered the story about the emergency landing."

"They screwed up and came to the next galaxy over." Jade summerized as I climbed on them checking them out.

"Yeah, it's how I got here." Anakin explained his eyes devoid of sadness. They practically glowed in joy. "Do you think you can get them flying again?" Anakin asked me as I poked my head into one of the cockpits.

"Am I a human blowtorch?" I shot back looking at him again. "Definitely but not alone, I'll need supplies." I thought back to Hiro. Robotics, that implies things to help build. Maybe I could stop by…