Chapter 1

So the children of the Isle of the Lost going to Auradon worked out. Which ultimately meant a few more should be added in, bit by bit. Solid plan. I mean, if the daughter of Maleficent, the woman recognized to be the most evil of them all's daughter could be good, could we all?

Forget it. No way. Not happening. Maleficent's little girl Mal did it. Big deal. Good for her. Anyone who knows about the dark side knows that Maleficent is overrated and overdone. All because of Sleeping Beauty and cursing a child is so wrong. I mean, she couldn't even find the child and kill her when she had the chance. No had to be dramatic and merely curse her. Then try to retract it and fail. Villain fail of the century. Not to mention, Mal, Jay, Carlos, and Evie, none of them have an evil bone in their body. They have committed no evil to earn them a title of villain in any world.

But whoop dido. I'm chosen to leave along with two other kids. Simply because they see a kid on the Isle seemingly parentless, and say "seems safe enough." Without ever learning who I belong to. Smart move dude. Anyway, so thanks to Mal, I'm now on the doorstep of Auradon Prep with these other kids. We aren't friends but we aren't enemies. There's no animosity, so maybe friends? Who cares.

The newly crowned King Ben-who is just too flaming young for this, I mean he's still in high school guys. Come on- came down the steps with his new girlfriend, Mal. "Welcome to Auradon." He announced grandly. "It's a pleasure to have you all join us." He continued going to shake all of our hands. Minus mine. Mine stayed crossed on my chest. He gave me a nervous smile in return. One I didn't return.

My attention went to Mal. "Mal, haven't seen you for quite some time." Mal blinked clearly trying to remember me.

"Who are you three exactly?" Mal asked. I scoffed looking up at the beast's statue. Yeah, good test villains there Ben. Mal was a great choice.

"Jade." The boy I didn't know said. "Ursula's son." He shrugged. There was a mess of curly black tendrils on his head reminding me of a squid. How fitting. His eyes were a faint lavender that seemed to sparkle in a mischievous light.

"Anakin." The other boy, who I knew, said. He was the closest thing I had to a friend. He even knew my dad and I didn't hate him in any way "Guess my parents." He dared.

King Ben shrugged still smiling. Gah it was like the sun, bright, annoying and impossible to look at for too long. "Uncultured swine." I muttered. Come on, the answer was obvious. Still, neither Mal nor Ben seemed to get it. I sighed before answering myself. "Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala turned Skywalker in a secret marriage due to stupid rules designed to be broken. Thank you."

"Thank you." Anakin said hitting my shoulder.

"So who might you be?" Ben asked me.


"And your parents?"

"None of your business. Besides, I'm a stray." I shrugged honestly wishing I cared. Oh the lies I tell. Ben looked at me for a minute longer before he gestured for us to follow. We walked inside the doors, glancing around at the perfectly put together school. Inside was two kids, the smaller of the two awkwardly pulling at the collar of his uniform.

"New princes." Anakin said with a smirk.

"Clearly." I answered putting my hands into my leather jacket pockets.

"Clearly you're from the Isle of the Lost." The boy shot back.

I feigned hurt. "No," he gave me a lopsided smile tilting his head to the side slightly. He had unruly dark brown, maybe black hair that wouldn't lay down and doe-like soft brown eyes. Definitely a marshmallow. "Who are the new princes?" I asked tilting my head to the side looking at both of them.

"Kylo, meet Hiro and Tadashi Hamada." I looked at Tadashi, he had short cropped dark brown hair and the safe soft eyes.

"Anakin, dude. Tadashi and your dad are twins." I pointed at Tadashi's right arm which was undeniably robotic. Anakin gave a laugh and the brother princes shared a look. Neither of them seemed to get it. Even Jade was laughing. Still everyone gave us a weird look. Ben and Mal stared at me. "Wait, again! None of you get it? Oh my word, you uncultured swine. Gah, do you know anything?"

"Nothing about villains." Mal said.

"First off, Vader backslash Anakin was no villain. Alright? Do not kill his good name with your dirt child. Everything Anakin did was either manipulation or out of love. He wanted to protect his wife and children to come. Then there was Count Dooku and Palpatine, and life falls apart."

"Well I'm glad you're here to tell us these things." Hiro said rolling his eyes a little.

"Han Solo." Anakin and I instantly responded.

"What?" Tadashi asked. "How am I like Anakin's father?" I looked at him. There was genuine curiosity in his eyes. No sarcasm or disgust. Weird.

"My dad lost his arm after getting struck by Count Dooku's Force lightning." Anakin supplied. "It was turned robotic, like yours. Of course everyone one here is boring so there's probably no purple lightning involved in your loss of limbs."

"Unless Dooku's back." Jade said.

"No way, if Dooku was back this place would be fun. But it's about as much fun as a plastic bag."

"True." Anakin answered as I shook my head.

Ben blinked a few times before asking the two princes, "Would you show them around the school and make sure they know their schedules."

"Sure." Tadashi said before looking over the three of us. "Well your first class just started a minute ago."

"Remedial goodness." Hiro said leading the way into the castle. "Such fun."

"Yeah, fun."