Chapter 3: Benevolent Awakening

Three days have passed since Bubbles handed down her ability of second sight to Buttercup. She had finally recuperated enough to fight. However, once she offered to remove the power she had given her sister, something unexpected happened.

"Bubbles…I need this power now," she told the blue puff.

"Are you sure you don't want me to take it away,' Bubbles asked Buttercup.

"I'm positive."

"Okay, but I can take it away if you change your mind."

Buttercup nodded. Something had drastically changed within her. No longer were her thoughts solely focused on fighting. She had begun to take her role as a guardian much more seriously. With the mental changes also came the came the physical and personal. Her eyes were no longer green, but a teal color, and unlike her sisters, she began to wear darker clothing. Her tastes in media were changing as well. She no longer listened to regular rock music or watched action-oriented television. The only thing she really did was listen to heavier music while she trained. It kept her motivated to continue until her body wouldn't allow it anymore.

As far as Buttercup's training went, she was growing quite powerful. She had decided to increase her exercise repetitions to the hundred thousands. A hundred a day wasn't going to cut it now. She had asked the professor the day before to make a training space where she could increase the gravity. The regular gravitational pull of Earth wasn't enough for her to gain the power she felt she needed. It would take hardship; scrapes, scratches, and tears.

Buttercup's sisters had become increasingly concerned about her behavior. Blossom was completely oblivious as to what could cause such a dramatic shift in her personality, but Bubbles knew what it more than likely was, and she was terrified that the power she had given Buttercup had destroyed her psyche.

Buttercup dismissed their worries as soon as they were brought to her attention. She assured them that everything was going to be alright, although, she honestly didn't know that for sure. She was trying to be the pillar of courage her sisters believed her to be. She didn't want to let them down.

One day later, something changed in Buttercup's second sight. She didn't just see the grim images of blood and gore anymore. She saw power; the potential to change the fates of those she knew.

…She never could've known the horror that was to come her way…

Six weeks later…

Buttercup awoke early. She was exhausted after training at 500 times gravity for the past few days. It hadn't taken the professor long to build the gravity machine, so she'd had plenty of time to train under higher gravity conditions. She went downstairs to see if her sisters or the professor were there.

"Bubbles? Blossom," she called out, "Professor?"

There was no response. She went to the professor's lab. They weren't there either.

"Where is everyone?"

Buttercup went outside, and just as she did so, there was a blinding flash. Buttercup quickly shielded her eyes. Once she was able to open them again, to her dismay, she found the entire city was gone. The buildings, the people, nothing was left of Townsville. Everything around her had been completely eradicated; even her home.

"Wha...What the heck just happened?"

Not a single sign of life was present; not even a cricket's chirp. Frightened and confused, Buttercup took to the skies. All she saw was the cement ground. After about half an hour, she heard a voice calling out to her. It was a very familiar voice with a high pitch.

"What do you think, Buttercup? Quite spectacular, wouldn't you say?"



Him appeared before Buttercup, who had landed on the ground once more.

"What's going on here? Everything's gone!"

"Yes! A little performance by yours truly! I quite enjoyed laying waste to this pathetic place."

"You mean…YOU did this!?"

Him simply nodded.


"Because it was fun," Him stated.

"You did this for kicks!?"

"Yes. I was tired of toying with you girls. It was fun while it lasted, but now, you know what I'm really capable of."

"Where are Blossom, Bubbles, and the professor,' Buttercup said, becoming enraged by the horrific carnage she was forced to bear witness to.

"They're in my home now. Not to brag, but I think it's quite a lovely place if I do say so myself."

"What are you doing to them!?"

"Whatever I please," Him said as a devilish grin spread across his face.

"You better give them back!"

"And what are you going to do if I don't?"

Buttercup's gaze changed to one of intense focus and extreme anger.

"Try me," she responded.

"Ooh! Ready for a fight are we? How exciting."

Buttercup flew as fast as she could and clocked him in the face. Him grabbed her by the throat and slammed her into the ground.

"I see you've grown stronger, Buttercup! I must say, I am impressed. However you're still no match for me, even if your sisters were here right now."

Buttercup broke free of Him's grip. Her face was already scratched and bloodied. Just how strong was he? Buttercup charged at him again, but this time, she slid beneath him and tripped him.

"That's magnificent," he said with glee as he teleported upright in a puff of smoke, "I've never seen those kind of tactics from you before. I'm interested to see what else you have up your sleeve."

Buttercup smiled.

"You just wait. There's plenty more where that came from," she told him.

Buttercup charged at Him a third time, striking him directly in the stomach. She then returned the favor and slammed his head into the cement.

"Had enough yet, jerk?"

Him began to laugh as he got up from the ground. There wasn't a single mark on him. It was as though he was invincible.

"You're quite the fighter aren't you? I actually felt that one a little bit."

Buttercup was scared out of her wits. She was putting everything into her attacks, but they had no effect on Him. The clawed villain then struck her in the abdomen, sending her flying across the area that had once been the prestigious Townsville. She crashed against a tree that was located in the park. He had knocked her backed farther than she anticipated. The pain in her spine was immense, but she pulled herself together and flew back to the battlefield.

"I'll give you this," she said as she smiled, "those claws of yours pack a more powerful punch than we thought. I guess you weren't kidding when you said you were toying with us."

"Being the epitome of evil has its perks you know."

"If I weren't fighting you, I'd probably be eating you at red lobster."

This cracked Him up. He was laughing uncontrollably.

"He dropped his guard. Great."

Buttercup flew at him full speed. She kicked him directly in the stomach. It was just strong enough to bring him to his knees.

"You…Vile powerpuff!..."

"You let your guard down. You should know better when you're in the middle of a fight."

Him stood back up. The two of them flew at each other. The fate of Earth was now hanging in the balance. This was it; the final battle to determine the fate of mankind.