Hello! How have you all been? How was your semester? Mine was hectic, but I survived and that's all that matters. My writing has been slow but since the break, I've really picked it up and cranked out this little three-part Christmas story. I hope you all enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Percy Jackson and the Olympians... Obviously since I am in no way, shape, or form Rick Riordan.

~December 21~

"Oh come on, guys," Percy complained. "We've been here all day. Can't we go home yet?"

"No, dude! I still have to find something for Piper!" Jason, his cousin, said.

"And I still have to find something for Juniper," Grover, his best friend, said.

"Ugh. You and your wives." Percy, Jason, and Grover had been at the mall shopping for Christmas. Every year since Percy moved out, Percy's mom and stepdad hosted Christmas at their house as a way to bring their family and friends together. Percy was done shopping for all his friends and family. In fact, he'd been mostly done for the past week but he only had a couple of presents left to get. He'd agreed to going Christmas shopping with Jason and Grover to get the last few gifts on his list; unfortunately, they didn't tell him that they hadn't done any Christmas shopping so there he was, following them around as they searched for the many gifts they needed to buy.

"You're just saying that because you haven't found anyone yet!" Jason laughed.

"And how could I? Every girl I've dated is only interested in how they look and how I look. Whenever I try to hold a real conversation, it somehow turns into, 'I think this looks good on you! Oh! And it matches what I'm wearing!'" Percy said the last part in a mock falsetto voice.

"How are you still single? All those lady feelings boiling up inside you just screams, 'whip me!'" Grover joked.

"Says the guy who's been in a relationship with the same girl since high school?" Percy jabbed. Jason oohed at the burn. "And you're no better! You've been with Piper since freshman year of college!" Grover snickered at the turned tables.

"Whatever man. We only need two more presents. If you're so tired, go to the food court or something and wait for us," Jason said. Percy sighed.

"Yeah. Whatever."

"And, hey, man. Lighten up. It's Christmas." Grover clapped Percy's shoulder and followed Jason, leaving Percy alone. Rolling his eyes, the black-haired man took the two bags that held what he bought, carefully put them over his shoulder, and made his way to the food court. After buying a cheeseburger and soda from one of the kiosks, he started searching for a seat. Balancing his tray and his things, Percy didn't see the purse on the floor in front of him. His foot caught the strap and he fell forward, sending his tray flying. He didn't need to look up to know that some unlucky bystander was wearing his lunch; a frustrated grunt sounded above him.

"Seriously?" a voice, female, asked annoyed. "Watch where you're going, jerk." Percy scrambled up, dusting himself off. He still hadn't looked up, gathering the things he'd bought off the ground, as he began to apologize.

"Hey, listen, I'm so, so, sor–"

"Save it. If this was some kind of way to pick up girls, you need to find a new strategy." Now peeved, Percy stuffed his last item into a bag.

"I was gonna say sorry, but–" Percy stopped cold. In front of him was the most gorgeous girl he'd ever seen, even with the cheese and ketchup all over her. She had storm grey eyes that seemed to swirl like the clouds did before a huge storm and blonde hair that curled like a princess's. She was shorter than him, but not by much, and he wasn't short by any stretch of the imagination. She also had a sprinkle of freckles across her nose. Of course, he didn't get to take in the rest of her beauty as she had a hybrid look of expectant and pissed off on her face.

"But… But what? Huh?" she said, impatiently, crossing her arms over her chest. Percy blinked.

"Uh… nothing. I'm sorry. I tripped over a bag and… yeah. Sorry. I can buy you some new clothes or something, if you want," he offered.

"Really? That's your line? You couldn't think of anything better than that?"

Seriously? Percy thought. As pretty as this girl was, she was rude and annoying as hell. His frustration began to show on his face.

"Look," Percy said. "I'm sorry that my lunch became your new outfit. I was just trying to be nice and offer to buy you new clothes so you didn't have to walk around smelling like cheese. Geez. Not every guy wants to hit on you. You're not that special." He didn't have time for another girl who only cared about looks. He pulled out his wallet, took out two twenties, and handed them to her. "There. That should buy you a new outfit. Merry Christmas." With that, he walked away. Still hungry, he went over to a Wetzel's Pretzels booth and ordered a cup of pretzel bits and cheese sauce.

Why the hell am I so awkward? he asked himself as he again tried to balance his food and the things he bought. I can't be the only person struggling with this. He looked around and saw people who'd ordered the same thing he did easily balance the cup, sauce, and their purchases, and groaned in frustration. I hate shopping. Finally able to get his life together, Percy walked through the mall, occasionally popping a pretzel bite in his mouth.

As he passed the Hot Topic, he had to do a double take when he recognized a head of spiky black hair. "Thalia?" he called out. She turned around in confusion, but that immediately cleared and a look of joy took over her features as she recognized him.

"Kelp Head!" she exclaimed. They hugged each other. "Whaddup, cuz?"

"Nothing much. Doing some last-minute Christmas shopping with Jason and Grover."


"Yeah. You?"


"So… I guess you're going over to mom's for Christmas?" Percy asked.

"Of course! Aunt Sally's Christmas dinner is the best. I hate that I missed last year."

"Yeah. We missed you. But, we understand that you had a deadline to meet."

"Well, I will be there this year."

"Good to know. I'll let mom know." Percy smiled.

"You said Jason was here? Where is my little brother?" Thalia asked, looking around.

"He and Grover ditched me to buy gifts for their ladies. What about you? You here alone?"

"No," Thalia said, looking around again. "I'm here with a friend from college. She said she was going to grab a quick bite to eat and then meet me here, but I haven't seen her."

"Yeah?" Suddenly Percy's phone chimed. He checked it. "Hey, I'll see you on Christmas Eve at my mom's, alright? Grover just texted me. They're finally ready to go."

"Alright. Tell those two idiots I said 'Hi.'"

"I will. Bye Thals."

"Bye Perce."

Percy was walking away when he turned around and called out. "Hey! If your friend isn't doing anything for Christmas, bring her over. You know my mom. The more the merrier." He smiled.

Thalia nodded. "I'll let her know!"

With a final wave, Percy turned back around and set off to find his cousin and best friend.


Ugh! Annabeth groaned as she continued to scrub at the mustard stain on her favorite grey cardigan. She'd been in the bathroom for the past ten minutes trying to clean herself up from her run in with the jerk in the food court. Sure, she wasn't the nicest to him either, but she had her reasons.

She'd just broken up with her boyfriend of four years and recently moved to New York as everything in San Francisco reminded her of him and she wanted a new start. And, it seemed like everywhere she went, someone was ogling her or hitting on her. It was getting really tiring. She'd probably had more plays done on her than there existed in Barney Stinson's Playbook. It was annoying that all the guys in New York saw in her were her boobs, ass, and California tan. Then she ran into that guy. So maybe he wasn't hitting on her. And when he looked up, he looked at her face. But still, he spilled his food on her, and then thought he could pay her off like the arrogant bastard he was. He pulled out forty dollars and handed it to her without a second thought. Guys who tended to throw money around most likely thought they were better than everyone around them and she couldn't stand those kinds of guys. Annabeth scoffed and threw the wet paper towel now covered in most of the mustard stain in the trash.

She took as step back and assessed her appearance. All of the food chunks were out and the stains were mostly gone. Whatever. It's fine. I'm late meeting up with Thalia anyway, she thought. Grabbing her bags, Annabeth exited the restroom and headed over to the Hot Topic. As the blonde neared the store, she immediately recognized her best friend. "Thalia!" The spiky-haired girl turned around with a smile on her face.

"Annabeth! Hey!" They hugged. "What took you so long?"

"Some idiot spilled his food on me in the food court." She gestured to her outfit.

"That's sucks balls, dude."

"Tell me about it. To make it worse, he gave me forty dollars as though it would make up for it."

"Ooh… One of those guys?"

"I know, right? Honestly, I would've preferred it if he hit on me."

"Well, here's the bright side. You've got forty dollars! We've gotta spend it on something!" Leaving no room for refusal, Thalia dragged a now laughing Annabeth to the nearest clothing store. As they were in line to pay for the new outfit Annabeth was buying, Thalia spoke up. "Oh. By the way, what are you doing for Christmas?"

"Um… Nothing, really. Why?"

"My Aunt is hosting a Christmas party on Christmas Eve. You should totally come."

"What? No. That's a family affair."

"I insist! And besides, before you showed up to Hot Topic, I ran into my cousin. He told me to invite you."

"But he doesn't even know me. It'd be weird."

"No it won't. My Aunt opens her house for family and friends on Christmas."

"Only if I'm not imposing."

"You won't be. I promise." Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"Fine. I'll come."

And there you have it! Part one! I hope you enjoyed that! Stay tuned for parts two and three to come!

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