Disclaimer: I do not Own Harry Potter or Avatar. they belong to their creators, and JKR is too awesome to be me.

New Beginnings

My heart felt like it was going to burst as I watched the casket of my sister in all but blood be lowered ever so slowly to the earth, to forever sleep for the rest of eternity, I watched, and wished that I could follow, and sleep for eternity, along with the others, to be put to rest, but as I stand here in the rain, over the fresh grave of Hermione and the old grave of her husband, and my brother, officially when Arthur and Molly adopted me, my heart felt empty, because I could never have that peace, I could never join them, I will never be happy. I will always be eternal, never aging, forever living, suffering.


So I decided to sleep.

As I watched my last remaining loved one get buried, a casket hiding her wrinkles, and the laugh lines, her gray hair, a bush of messy curls even in her elderly day. I plotted, and planned.

I sadly got to my knees, her children, now adults, surround me, along with the children of all our friends, not a single one living anymore. Only their children and their children's children to pass on their memories. A single teardrop fell. frozen by the air, now icy as my magic reacted to my frozen emotions.

The funeral went by, her children cried, they mourned, but they rejoiced, for she is not suffering anymore, her frail body is now at rest, and her soul is with the others. mother magic has taken hold of her for eternity. To sleep in her arms.

At the end. We held our wands in hand, held toward the dirt. Tips glowing a deathly black, as the spells added to the dirt that would surround her casket, slowly floated over her to bury her into the dark abyss of eternal sleep.

Her new beginning, the next great adventure.

the one I would never get to see.

I would always be alone.

So I prepared, and I succeeded.

only for a century

I was forced to wake up.