Part 2

Alya stood frozen in shock at the sight before her.

There had been another Akuma attack, this one was worse than most through the use of gravity manipulating powers and causing Ladybug and Cat Noir to run themselves ragged trying to stop her.

As always, Alya was there filming the fight with her trusty cell phone in hand, but after a firm lecture from the pair of Parisian heroes (followed by several threats of duct taping her to the wall to keep her out of harms way, and one case of actually doing it), she made sure to stay far enough away from the fight to avoid the danger, but also keep the whole thing in her sights.

Eventually the current villain, a woman obsessed with her weight and calling herself Zero Gravity, got fed up with the two heroes, and unleashed her powers upon them, increasing their gravity and making the roof they were standing on collapse, sending them tumbling into the floor below.

Laughing maniacally, Zero Gravity flew off to get her revenge upon the man who had called her fat, and thus triggered her possession by an Akuma.

Alya rushed to the hole where the heroes had fallen and peered down it, desperate to see if they were okay, and only keeping her camera trained in front of her out of sheer habit.

Below, she saw Ladybug lying pinned under some of the rubble, but otherwise unharmed. Cat Noir was crouched next to her, digging frantically to get her out before the rubble shifted and crushed her. He had already used his Cataclysm to try and stop Zero Gravity earlier in the fight, and was rapidly running out of time on his ring, but he ignored its beeping in favor of helping his Lady.

The heroine winced in pain as she tried to squirm free, only for her eyes to snap open in alarm as a flash of pink light engulfed her.

Alya's jaw dropped at what she saw next.

Cat Noir wasn't much better as he stared down in shock at the pigtailed girl before him. "P-Princess?" he gasped.

Trapped under the rubble and looking like she was about to cry, was none other than Alya's best friend, Marinette, who was currently refusing to look at her partner. Next to her, a small red creature floated over and patted her head comfortingly.

Cat Noir snapped out of his surprise quickly, and began trying to claw through the rubble once again. "Don't worry," he said. "I'll get you out of-"

He was cut off as his ring gave a final beep, and there was a flash of yellow-green light as his own transformation ended, leaving Marinette gaping in shock at the boy under the mask.

"A-Adrien?" she squeaked in surprise.

The boy winced, but still managed to shove the final piece of rubble off the girl and pulled her free, allowing her to climb shakily to her feet.

It was all too much for Alya, and she felt her phone fall slack from her hand.

It fell into the hole, and made a loud clattering sound as it hit the ground, drawing the two unmasked heroes attention.

Seeing the phone, and realizing what that meant, both of their heads snapped up to see Alya standing above them.

Horror dawned on both their faces, and Marinette whimpered, "Alya… please tell me that wasn't live?"

The expressions of fear and betrayal on both her friends was the last straw for Alya, and she turned on her heel and bolted away, ignoring Marinette's frantic calls to come back.

Alya ran faster than she'd ever had before in her life. She had no idea where her feet were taking her, just that it was away from there.

She finally stopped when she skidded into her bedroom, and slammed the door behind her.

She then collapsed against it as her brain finally attempted to start working on processing the information that had just been dumped into it.

Marinette was Ladybug!

How had she not seen it? The two of them had been best friends since kindergarten. She knew Marinette better than anyone. How could she have missed the signs? How had she not noticed?

Her brain was starting to run in circles like caffeinated squirrels, so she tried shifting her focus on the other insane revelation.

Adrien was Cat Noir!

She had been joking when she'd suggested that! She'd never actually thought their classmate was really the flirtatious and showboating hero. How had she missed that either? Did Nino know?

How did this happen?

How did she miss it?

Alya groaned and buried her head into her knees as her mind once again began repeating the same questions over and over again.

The fact of the matter was that she was completely blindsided, and had no idea how to recover from it.

When she pulled her head back up, the first thing she saw was her computer waiting for her on her desk, the Ladyblog webpage already up and ready for whatever new information she would have put on it.

Alya's heart clenched at the sight of it.

Fortunately, the video she'd been recording when… when that happened had not been live. She had no idea what she would have done if it had been.

Thankfully, ever since her interview with April O'Neil, she'd been much more careful of the information she'd put up on her blog. She was now always finding herself scrutinizing it before hand to decide if it was crossing the line or not.

The line…


Alya dove for her computer, and pulled up the private chat section of the blog, and sent a frantic message to her idol.

After the interview, April had reached out to her through the blog, and had been happy to give reporting tips, and share interesting stories, as well as ask weird questions (like if she knew how to get a French pizza shipped back to New York and still be fresh upon arrival), and never had Alya been more grateful for it before this moment.

'I need to talk to you ASAP!' she typed rapidly. Just as she hit send, she remembered the time difference, and prayed April was awake. It was only a little past noon in Paris, meaning it was around six in the morning in New York.

She nearly had a heart attack as her computer pinged that she had a new message, and practically wept for joy when she saw it was a reply from April.

'Are you in trouble?' said the prompt reply.

Alya shook her head, before she remembered that April couldn't see that, and typed, 'No, I'm alright. It's just, do you remember that conversation we had about vultures?'

She bit her lip as she waited for the reply.

It was almost immediate. 'You found the line, didn't you?' It wasn't really a question, April clearly already knew the answer.

Alya let out a choked laugh, before replying, 'Yes! I won't tell anyone, but this is just so- so… So what do I do?'

The time that passed between Alya hitting send, and waiting for April's reply seemed to take an eternity.

But finally it appeared on screen. 'Hide it,' it said. 'Lock the secret tight, and throw away the key. Try to keep others from making the same discovery you have.'

Alya gaped at the message. She made it sound so simple. It couldn't really be that easy, could it?

Suddenly another message appeared. 'But more than anything, keep supporting them,' it said, not needing to explain who 'them' was. 'You are now a confidant to this secret, and that puts you in a unique position to help them in ways that no one else ever could before. And trust me when I say they will always be grateful for the help you give.'

Alya felt a small smile break across her face as she read the logic of that message. 'How do you know so much about this?' she couldn't help but ask.

She could almost see April's smirk as she read the reply. 'Like I said before, personal experience. Paris isn't the only city that has masked heroes, you know.'

Alya couldn't help but let out a small laugh at that, only to stop as she saw another message appear on her screen.

'Speaking of which, let me know if they are ever in need of some help. I'm sure we can find some way to get there quickly.'

Alya grinned widely at that, and quickly typed an assurance that she would, before going back to the main page of the Ladyblog. After a minute of deliberation, she felt a smirk grow on her face, and she got to work.

The only time she paused was to let out a cheer when her phone suddenly reappeared next to her in a flash of red, and she got a video link from the news saying that Ladybug and Cat Noir managed to defeat Zero Gravity using a fun house mirror and crazy string.

The next morning, Alya tried to act natural as walked into school.

Only for the act to be shattered when Adrien walked quickly up to her, and said, "Can I talk to you?" before grabbing her wrist and towing her along before she could even reply.

Alya found herself dragged into a supply closet, and Adrien shut the door quickly behind them. Once her eyes adjusted to the dim light, Alya was able to see that Marinette was already there, looking no worse for the wear from the events of the day before, and tugging on one of her pigtails nervously.

"Alya," Marinette said slowly. "Why did the Ladyblog say that you've found evidence that Cat Noir isn't a natural blond, and that Ladybug is taking Olympic level gymnastics classes? You-you know none of that is true."

Alya felt a devious smirk cross her face. "I don't know what you mean, Marinette. Yesterday I found hard evidence that told me just that," she said in mock innocence. "And with such proof out in the open, everyone's going to be looking for boys with dark roots, and girls who spend a lot of time at the gym."

Understanding dawned on both Adrien and Marinette's faces, and Alya sent them a wink. "I'm not a vulture," she said firmly. "I know where to draw the line of what people should know, and what they can be kept in the dark about."

As she turned to leave the closet, she shot Adrien a wicked smirk. "And you, Kitty, better be good to my girl, or I'll 'find' evidence to suggest that Cat Noir might secretly be female."

Adrien sputtered in horror at the idea, and Marinette couldn't contain her giggles at the look on his face.

Alya left the two in the closet, and hurried onwards to class.

Maybe this being a confidant thing wouldn't be so bad.

A/N Please Read and Review. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night. Hope you enjoyed this. I had fun writing it. Plus, Ladybug needed more crossover fanfics, aside from this one there are like 4 currently. If inspiration strikes me, I may write more, or maybe a sequel where the heroes actually meet, but that's it for now.

Disclaimer: I own nothing