A/N: I promise I'm still alive. I haven't given up on The Longest Hunt, and I am still working on it. When I started Chapter 18, it was toward the tail end of finals and had to give myself a break from the mental fatigue. Add in having the summer to myself for the first time in years, I've forgotten that having whole days to myself saddled me with obligations I forgot existed. Between the chores and errands I run for the folks at home and a summer shift at a community college, I'm adding in bit by bit for that Chapter as well as going over my notes for improvement and plot stuff. I know it's been 3 months since the last update, but I promise I'm working on it still. I still intend to see both stories through.
She was starting to believe this was a bad idea.
It was a decision so spur on the moment that she just found herself on stage in front of everyone without really thinking about it. Even as she focused on Sibyll, who wore a surprised look, she could still feel other eyes on her. It was weird knowing that everyone's attention was focused on her, and her ears reflexively folded against her head. That alone earned a reaction, and there were a few flashes from scrolls within the crowd. Maybe she could still change her mind about this?
But if she did… she would lose this one chance. Chisa knew she could ask him to take her here again when he came back, but it didn't feel the same. Yang had told her earlier tonight that the first time experiencing something fun would always be the most memorable. They could always come back, but it wouldn't be the same. At least, that's how she figured it would be.
"Well then Miss Firelight," the announcer addressed. "Have you already picked out our closing song?"
She nods tentatively.
"Spectacular! Now let's give a—"
"Um," she spoke up, her voice echoing over the speakers. "Is it okay if I sing with someone too? It's a bit scary up here, and I don't want to do it alone…"
"But of course young lady! Would you like a volunteer from the audience to join you? Or did you already have someone in mind?"
At this, the crowd cheered and a few waved their hands as possible candidates for the extended role. Her eyes were still trained on Sibyll within the darkened crowd, watching her in return while the woman beside him tugged at his sleeve. He turned to her, and Chisa noticed that Miss Sylvia was saying something to him, nodding her head back toward the door.
It was a word spoken on impulse, bearing no initial significance until it dawned on the both of them.
Why else would she have chosen her "stage name" as Firelight? It had been so long ago since the first night they spent at the workshop, and she found a comfort in the names of that story. It was a name that registered within his thoughts as he smiled at her, and slowly made his way to the front of the stage while leaving Sylvia behind. He looked up to Chisa, a strange turnaround of having to look up to him all the time. She never really noticed how tall he was without the difference, and she couldn't stifle the smile she wore. Maybe she'd be taller than him when she grew up, and he would have to look up at her again.
"You called milady?"
Maybe he wouldn't be as weird when he got older too, and all the old timey names of "young miss" and "milady" he calls her would come to an end. Sibyll would take her seriously like he did for the Ruby and Jaune's team or others like them. For now though, she would pout and huff all she wants while hiding her small sense of embarrassment. If he was going to call her those names, she wouldn't want it to be in front of people she didn't know. There was even a small chuckle from those who could hear him, and she did her best to cross her and fix him with the best Weiss-like glare she could muster. He smiled, unaffected by her attempts to thwart his unintentional nature of making deepening her embarrassment.
I understand that I am needed?
She looked at him.
He nodded, and made his way around the stage to be outfitted once more. Overhead the announcer welcomed the "Darling Rogue" once more and he added a few touches to Sibyll's reintroduction; suggesting that no fair maiden, young or old, is safe from such a man. Chisa didn't need to see his face to know that he was bothered by stuff like that. She saw how nervous he looked when he went on stage first and how he tried really hard not to look at the crowd. He was bothered by a lot of things lately. Things she thought were normal, but the good kind of bother.
Footsteps walked up from behind her, taking their place at her side. Chisa turned her gaze up to the young hunter who, despite looking just as uncomfortable like before, was happy to have familiar company. She could agree with him on that, and the stage didn't feel as scary by herself anymore.
"Shall we then?"
She smiles and nods her head eagerly.
There was no doubt of a strong curiosity within Blake's mind as Sibyll took his place beside the small girl. She watched how they exchanged looks, sharing a few words but speaking more in a way that only people close to one another know.
It was once an exercise that Port had put everyone under to test the cohesiveness between the teams. They were tasked with conveying messages to one another without saying a word, which was an unusual assignment for the long-winded professor. It wasn't difficult to perform, provided that all the teams used gestures and motions in place of speech, and a few were able to exchange commands clearly. Weiss had been (unusually) adamant in their learning of such a skill, but Blake suspected it had to do more with silencing Yang whenever the blonde teased too much. They succeeded without much difficulty, and even her partner was able to relay short messages albeit with more charades than necessary.
That wasn't the case when the professor then limited their conveyance further, emphasizing only the use of their eyes.
No one was able to pass, and he lectured further by saying it takes a long time for Huntsmen and Huntresses to reach such mastery. For any two people to communicate without words or gestures, they would need a resolute trust between them; not a hint of doubt in the other person. When both are able to put aside any hindrances and surrender control to the other, two people can speak volumes with the briefest of glances.
Blake knew that she had yet to reach that point with Yang and the team despite how much she trust them. It was something she hoped to forge with them for the years to come, yet why couldn't she help but suspect that Chisa already beat them to the punch. Maybe he was working on pure assumption or deduction that she had called him specifically, but there was something more to it. It was more than just assuming she wanted him up there with her. There was a degree of absolute comfort in their silence, and it must have been the amount of time they shared that differed than those within Beacon. To some extent, Blake was envious of such closeness. She never doubted her partner or team, and the trust between them continues to grow even now.
Unlike them though, Chisa and Sibyll appeared to have a more grounded relationship. Maybe it was the circumstances where tragedy left them, and depending so greatly on each other meant it would eventually become natural for them.
She needs him as her guardian, someone to keep her safe but provide a company similar to that of a family. It was apparent that she trusts him deeply, placing resolute faith in him to be what she needed of him. Yet there was only so much he could provide, and Blake didn't doubt that someone like Ozpin could have found her a more suitable family to stay with. In more ways than one, it was a clear and logical solution for her to be with people who could foster her growth properly than in the isolation of the workshop. It wasn't place where a child should be, and it would only be a matter of time before Chisa would become desensitized to the nature of Sibyll's work. The lack of other children would affect her social skills, and Chisa may face a hard time reintegrating back into the larger society.
She only got by so far from what she picked up from the older students, but even then it was beyond her depth. She was still a child.
Likewise, he needs her to keep him "tame" in a sense; to remind him of the conscious morality he discarded so long ago. The memories that continue to come and go reminded her of the things he had done to survive, to prevent the inevitable spread of the scourge. No man, woman, or child was spared after the loss of Gascoigne's children, and Blake knew that Sibyll's merciless nature was necessary to stop as much as he could without confronting the lingering guilt. It was why he tried so hard in his mentoring of the girl, and Blake noticed how meticulous he was in the moments she was present at the workshop. He educated Chisa on broader subjects beyond normal classroom curriculum; culture, history, circumstance, morals, and other difficult subjects that were learned later on. He was realistic, but it did not mean he would never instill a small amount of hope for her to believe in. Sibyll always reminded her that, in spite of that unfairness of the word, there was still something good to be had.
But Blake couldn't help but suspect that Sibyll must have done it more for his sake than Chisa's; as if to reeducate himself on being "human" after so long.
Perhaps that is reason enough itself why they worked so well. They both needed something of the other, and together they functioned and survived. They covered each other's weaknesses, gave the best part of themselves, but did not try to overshadow the other. Even if there were some terse moments of conflict, they would always return to form; one that continued to grow with their continued dependency on each other. Together, they were a unit and without the other… Blake felt uneasy entertaining the thought.
"Are both performers ready?" the announcer asked.
He received a slight nod from Sibyll, and thumbs up from Chisa.
"Splendid! As always folks, the closing act will be left to surprise! To intrigue! Take it away Miss Firelight!"
It begins with a voice crooning over the speakers with the eerie "ahh's", lights dimming around the stage as funky twangs subtly pulsed in the background. A sinister laugh fills the darkening space, a black abyss behind the two where a message in red formed as if to warn them.
Your futures hold a darkness ahead
A place where even brave souls dread.
Now, will you two drink deeply
from the cups of Life and Death?
The music began to play overhead as a steady pattern of drums, bass, and keys ensued. It was rhythmic where the chords of the keys answered the strum of each bass note, and it was enough for those familiar of the song to nod their heads along. He turns to the young girl beside him, finding that she had yet to decide who would lead between them. Chisa's expression frowned a little, unused the lyrics appearing before her so quickly. When she had made no inclination to move, and he supposed the first few lines were his. He steps forward while the lyrics filter before his eyes, recalling somehow the pitch and tone of each note.
I am not happy, I am feeling glad
I have sunshine in a bag
I am useless? But not for long
The future is coming on
He pause slightly, ready to hold back for her when she was ready. Chisa remained quiet, and he sang along with the hook once more while he kept a worried glance on the girl.
I am not happy, I am feeling glad
I have sunshine in a bag
I am useless? But not for long
The future is coming on
Is coming on~, Is coming on~
Is coming on~, Is coming on~
She couldn't move, and that weird feeling in her stomach that suddenly formed grew stronger. It was an ache that rocked her entire body, but she couldn't bear to move or speak even as her lines started to scroll past her. She could hear the worried murmurs from the crowd, and barely make the shapes of Yang and Ruby watching her. Her hands felt sweaty and gross, her legs wobbly, and she suddenly wanted to go home. She was so eager to have one song that she signed up without really thinking about it. Even the song she chose was vaguely familiar, remembering it once when Sun had played it in the library. It was catchy, and she thought the words would be easy to recite. Now she felt this was a bad idea, and everyone's watching her, and she wants to run away—
"Are you alright little one?" Sibyll had moved beside her, kneeling close while keeping a reassuring hand at her back. She could only shut her eyes tight, hoping that none of this was happening; that she was still back at the table and that Sibyll already left. She wanted to sing with him, but something about all of this made her scared.
She peeked at her peripherals where she found his eyes on her.
"There is nothing wrong with being afraid," he assured her.
"I already messed up… they're going to laugh at me," she whispered back.
Sibyll looked to the crowd, finding their concern growing steadily. Another coordinator off to the side signaled him to see if she was okay. He nods, and the coordinator makes small, circular motions with her hand. He looks back to the girl trapped in her stage fright, and nods. The music comes to an abrupt halt, and starts again at the very beginning.
"Let us pretend that no one else is here," he answers to her. "There is only you and me and the music. It will be very easy, like reciting poetry. Here, I will show you."
He stands and moves to the forefront of the stage, drawing all their attention to him. There were still murmurs as he sang the hook once more, but he would cover for Chisa until she found the courage to step forward as well. The lyrics were beginning to pass before his eyes, and a brief overview had him questioning what sort of form they were. There didn't appear to be any familiar form or structure to them, and the only pattern he found were in the rhymes schemes and pacing if he were to sing them aloud. Aside from that, he had no knowledge of how to perform this song properly, let alone familiar enough with its intonation.
"Very easy," he thought to himself grimly.
"You have to know what the natural course is with and without a blade," another voice reminded him. "If you cannot adapt in this line of work, then perhaps you are better off as prey."
Leave it to Eileen to suddenly appear in his remembrance, but her solemn warning did carry weight. All he needed to do was apply it in a different sense. He spares a quick look to Sylvia who watched him with interest, and he could already anticipate "trouble" waiting ahead for him. With a heavy sigh, he called for his Messengers to follow his lead. It would be embarrassing, and it would be unbecoming of him. But it would be worth it though, knowing the sort of "act" he would have to display to everyone for Chisa's sake.
He spun himself quickly as a shroud of grey smoke enveloped him, obscuring everything until he threw his arms out wide to disperse it. The modern clothes that once adorned him were gone, and in its place were deeps colors of black and red. His coat and cape had silvery designs along the cuffs and trims, metallic buttons and clasps tying it all together, and an odd amount of frills. A chain hung across his chest to hold the cape in place, and brown leather pants and boots finished off the look. The young hunter looked stiff, garish, and completely absurd which the crowd couldn't help but agree; a fair amount of guffawing and laughter was at his expense.
In another era, Sibyll would have been considered regal and respectable. It didn't deter him from pressing forth with his plan as he "sang".
They claim that I am a "ruthless killer."
Oh! Such voices cry out into the darkness of the night,
"A monster!" I come prowling from your favored thriller.
But allow me to recount the many pedigrees of your slight
Or perhaps inform you that such creatures have names;
Bearing the weight of all your collective fears
With our deeds are paid in full by these marks of shame
And besmirched by a gravely haunted mind, my dear!
Have you forgotten? Or have you forsaken
Our souls? Barring your doors to drown out our pleas?
Then you must surely be quite brazen
To do well in keeping your own minds at ease.
But I am willing to hear your tales of woes
For I am the faceless blade, a shapeless Shadow
In truth, Ruby and everyone else wasn't sure what exactly they were watching on stage. The music was definitely modern, and it was something of a cross between rock and hip hop with subtle elements of what they thought would be rap. They almost expected him to recite the lyrics that would be shown to him like once before and maybe Chisa would join in after him. It wasn't difficult to see that the young girl was struck in a stage of stage fright.
Ruby and Yang had wanted to call out to her, encourage her, but she had already shut her eyes. They didn't know if shouting out their support would help or scare her further until Sibyll intervened. Even with her previous experience as a performer, Weiss noticed how he placed himself at the very front of the stage. It was a position that blocked Chisa's direct line of sight to the audience, and the heiress nodded in agreement with his decision. She couldn't be afraid of an audience she couldn't see. Blake watched carefully, switching between Chisa and Sibyll while she rested her hand over the small purse she was "gifted" for her date. Inside it was the Old Hunter's Bone and two quicksilver bullets in case anything should happen. If the stage proved too much for the young girl up there, Blake would flash in and take her away while Sibyll kept attention to himself.
Whatever his methods were, Sibyll appeared to be in control of it.
But this?
Sibyll's sudden change of clothes caught their attention off guard, and the only word that came to mind was simply "medieval". Anything they could recall about Remnant's historic past, or the stereotypes of knights and castles, was right there being pantomimed on stage. His movements were erratic and embellished, arms moving about in a dramatic fashion to emphasize specific words. There was laughter; some boisterous and unrestrained while a few were nervous and unsure.
"What is he doing?" Yang whispered to the group. "If he keeps this up, he's going to humiliate them both!"
"That's not it," Blake confirmed as she recalled the "lyrics" performed. "He's not doing just any performance."
"Then what is he doing?"
"A sonnet."
Blake looked to her team, and to the rest of Team SSSN.
"He's performing poetry."
"Is that part of the song?" Ruby questioned doubtingly, look back to the stage.
His hands would to race up to his cheeks in fear, shutting his eyes in a fainting-like manner.
He would hunch his back, glaring and sneering at the crowd as a snarl formed within his recitation; stalking up and down the stage.
He would count off his fingers, or open his coat theatrically as if to bare the wounds he claims; clutching at his hair as he threw his head back.
And all the while, the machines set to work in providing a sort of back drop to his performances. They were still images of some relevance, like tapestries of a bygone era where lords and ladies would watch on in amusement or interest. They were forming into a scene only museums or textbooks conveyed, yet Sibyll seemed to fit in well among them.
"I don't think so," Sun answered. "I know about the G'Rillaz enough to say those aren't the real lines."
"Why a sonnet among other things? I mean, couldn't he just," Scarlet shrugged as he pointed to his eyes, "sing the lines? He can't have forgotten something that's literally in front of him, can he?"
"He's doing it intentionally." Blake studied and assessed every motion from the young hunter. The man was never one for flair or dramatics if his pragmatism allowed it. Each jerky and awkward movement, every absurd expression, was meant to keep eyes on him.
"If everyone's focused on him, they won't see how terrified Chisa is behind him," Weiss confirmed as well. "And what better way to do that than to play the fool…"
The young girl watched in confusion as he dropped to his knees, slamming his fists against the stage floor, and looked up to the audience pleadingly. Before any reply could be made, his expression turned dark as he slowly climbed to his feet. Smoke gathered around him once more as he stepped back, eyes searching about the open space. In a swift motion, he sunk into the floor as the smoke snaked its way around Chisa. Her blue hair began to alight, flickering with an ember like glow as the smoke seemed to attach itself to her shadow; expanding against the backdrop behind her into a large imposing shape.
"…or everyone's apparent enemy."
The scenic tapestries took on more Gothic tones where the stone architecture seemed to warp and bend into grotesque shape. Wrought irons bars bend twist into spires, as if Valen's history was slowly being warped at his touch.
It is within the nightmares where I instill my reign
It is a realm wherein my presence continues to haunt
The many, innumerous souls I have claimed
Apparitions filtered out from the alleyways, their listless wanderings guided by their agonized search in something. Some of their forms would shimmer, turning from a pale white color into crimson silhouettes
And oh, how their phantasmal wails cry out in bloody want
"Oh, by the gods! Let this terror-filled night end!"
Shadowy forms of creatures begin to prowl the streets as well, doggedly chasing or attacking the apparitions with reckless abandon; tearing them to shred as they devoured them.
Even as the beasts continue to stalk up and down their streets
They hunt down the meek, flesh from their bones are horridly rend
Their carnivorous appetite and desire hardly made discreet
The shadowy form of Sibyll struck out, a whip-like construct from his hand lashed out and decimated the surrounding creatures. There were snarls, but no retaliation as the wolf shaped creatures backed away from him.
But there is still much work to be done
Long after the night comes to another close
And thus it stands to be a another battle won
Rooftops and buildings began to fall away from him, giving way to an open night sky. Maybe it was because they were in the city that many of the audience gasped at the starry night scene; so many dotted lights of vast colors shone across a deep blue sky. Yet the brightest among them was no star, but a full moon of great size hanging low in its orbit. Its pale light whittled away the shadows and smoke that collected against Sibyll's form as took a seat behind Chisa.
And I the hunter It hath chose
So should you fear those nights full of dread
Remember it is I who is the keeper of the dead
The music carries on with the hook, the phrase of "It is coming on~" echoing and repeating overhead as some of the audience cheered and clapped. Chisa turned around to face him, one leg crossed over the other with his hands clasped together. He still wore the weird costume, but he nodded for her to go on after him.
You can do it
She wasn't sure that she could even when the music looped back to the beginning, with the original artist singing the hook in her place. She wasn't like Sibyll who could be brave enough to do something like that. But he said she could it... He believed in her and, turning back to face the crowd, she could also see that everyone believing in her too. Ruby, Yang, Sun, and Scarlet cheered as loud as they could, while everyone else watched approvingly. Even Weiss clapped along with them, nodding as well in show of support.
It was still scary, but everyone believed she was able to pull it off. She felt a small chill in her hands where the White Bow Messenger appeared very briefly, small cold pats against her skin, before sinking into nothing. Even these kinds of friends were here for her in their own sort of way. She stepped forward on stage as the lyrics began through the apparatus before her. It was easier to read them now when she didn't focus so much on the audience anymore. She could feel her moment to step in coming soon.
"It will be very easy, like reciting poetry."
Easy just like her poetry homework, and how to make the words rhyme in each line. She shook her head, brushing off any leftover fear, and took a deep breath.
"I'm really little," she began.
Just a tiny girl standing small
In a place of a city where the buildings are tall
Up in the sky; where I can't reach.
Even as I try when I jump from my feet.
Her hand reached above her, waving and grasping at the air above her to no success. Even as she hopped along with the beat, there was no apparent change to her effort to gain any particular headway.
But a sadness creeps here, yet no one complains
It's like a foggy morning after a night of rain
And I'm scared, of the monsters out there
Or when they come to the window when nobody's there.
The shadows behind her grew larger and larger, eclipsing both Sibyll and her on stage and taking on the form of various Grimms. Red eyes bent down, peering at the audience while various maws snapped hungrily in eagerness.
But I'll stay every night and day, 'cause
My home is in the forest while they're kept away
by a Shadow and a promise that I'll be okay.
And I hope all the Heroes can send them away.
A familiar whip cut away at the beast as Sibyll stood up, silvery glints dispersing the enlarged mass while others joined him. They were definite shapes of humans and the faunus, using their shadow shaped weapons to push back the beast as they stood alongside the young hunter.
I know that I can sleep tight, because I know for sure
That they do their best to make the world right.
And just like how my Shadow keeps me safe at night,
The glow of her hair grew brighter, and what was once a sparkling ember grew into a blazing fire; sky blue locks floating about her shoulders as she squared off shoulders and stared directly into dark crowd.
I'll make sure to watch the shop, 'cause I'm the Firelight.
Everyone around the teams roared in cheers as Chisa delivers the end of her line. There where whistles and whooping, applause and shouts for the young girl on stage with her sudden turnaround. Her meek demeanor vanished as her head nodded along with the beat as Sibyll watched on in a similar fashion.
Weiss stopped mid-clap in disbelief. It was certainly different from Sibyll's part, and there certainly wasn't any reference of hostility, intentional or otherwise. The sudden mention of the "nightmare" and his influence over it set a sour taste in her mouth, and it was shared with Ruby and Yang as well. Ruby winced slightly, and Weiss privately cursed Sibyll's lack of tact in his effort to help Chisa. Her partner still suffered a few restless nights, and their recent knowledge of this "Hunter's Nightmare" only served to remind them of his warning about himself and Blake. Looking to Yang, she noted that the brawler had her jaws set in a tight clinch, possibly finding a huge offense to how lightly Sibyll treated "his work". If she were to guess, it was like mocking the many victims or enemies Huntsmen and Huntresses felt responsible for, treating them like glorified tallies. Even Blake looked slightly disturbed, but Weiss wasn't sure if her teammate was aware of what Sibyll had told the rest of them… or if it was another residual memory.
The only other concern was the girl on stage who was entirely different. There was a loss of words as she looked to Blake, knowing her teammate spent more time with the two, and asked without having to say a word. The raven haired girl was just as surprised as the rest of them, not even knowing how Chisa could articulate as much as she could despite her struggles with certain words.
"Are we still watching the same two people?" Sun looked to her in hopes that she (again) had the answers.
"I'm not even sure anymore."
"But she just became cooler!" This time it was Ruby who added her own thoughts as she jumped from her seat. Leave it to her partner to push past her own feelings for someone else's. Sage was holding two scrolls to record the performance, and nodded to the young reaper and her sister beside him when Neptune looked his way. Apparently, he was tasked with recording while the duo kept up their support.
"You know," Sun began, "as much as you guys don't like him, I can't help but be amazed. Just look at them up there."
Sibyll continued to "fight" alongside the shadows of Huntsmen and Huntresses, pushing back against the Grimm dark tide. Some fell to the beasts, but they were quickly replaced by others to hold the line and continue ward off the creatures encroaching on Chisa within the "city of Vale".
It's coming on~, it's coming on~
This was still a different part of Sibyll they were unfamiliar with, and that alone left many of them at a safe distance from him. All except for Chisa who still seemed unaware of the sort of person he was or would be. She trusted him completely and he her, but it would only be some time before she eventually grew up. Blake trusted Adam completely once, believed in their cause and the need to make hard decisions for their fellow brother and sisters.
Or maybe she was projecting too much on the matter…
Chisa still had a family in Sibyll, in team RWBY, and she would never have to face the world alone.
The young girl felt like her heart was beating faster than she could run, each breathe felt light, and her mind was all fuzzy. Yet there was this weird fire that started from her stomach and began to spread out as she thought up and sang her own words like Sibyll did. She felt something when she watched Sibyl go before her, doing the things he did even when some of the people laughed at him. He never stopped for a moment, and whatever made him do that was what she thought she was feeling inside herself. It was the source that helped her nod her head to the beat, to focus on hearing Ruby and Yang cheering for her, and to remind herself that she wasn't alone on stage. He was close enough that she could bump into him if she stepped to far back, but having him there was comforting.
"It's been that way for a while." It was a thought came to her as she prepared for the next part of their song.
Dark, ominous clouds formed over head as flashes of lightning and thunder rang through the theater; bolts piercing both Grimm and Hunters in the turmoil of their "fight". Chisa could almost feel the fight coming close behind her, but she stood her ground as she pointed back to the "battle" behind her.
He tells me your stories; your struggles, your glories.
He says that a few have a way to act boldly.
"Bravery. You have it or you don't," so he told me.
Chisa shook her head as she pointed to the crowd, specifically to Team RWBY and SSSN.
But I see it, with everyone I meet
every time we eat, every smile I see.
It's there in their eyes, it's the want to win their fight,
Even if they wanna to cry, they'll still be on our side
The Hunters behind them grew larger in number and size; all manners of blade and firearms slashed, hacked, pierced, fired, and burned away the darkness. Even when the Grimm started to burst from the soil and remains of their kind, the hunters continued to make their stand while the colors began to form; vibrant red, white, gold, purple, green, pink, bronze, yellow, and a myriad of others against the deep dark colors of the beasts.
I'll believe in their fight, 'cause they go beyond the wall
to fight monsters that's outside.
I'll stand on their side; because they're really strong
And make the monsters run and hide
All the way to morning's light
The blade of the scythe struck out, cutting the entirety of the Grimm mass in two and the creature fell. Among the fading smoke, there stood the silhouette of a man against the full moon. His tattered cloak floated gently in the breeze while he shouldered a large, rudimentary scythe; a large crude blade with edges threateningly ragged edges. It was a blade that Sibyll and Blake were familiar with, find both comfort and resounding sadness in the darkened silhouette.
The man looked briefly over his shoulder until he disappeared within a shattering moon as dawn crested over the horizon.
But it's not simple.
And I'm gonna do the best I can at home with Sibyll
Chisa stepped back from the stage until she felt the presence of the young hunter at his back. No longer shrouded in a black smoke, he was back to being dressed in his "normal" date outfit as he crossed his arms standing protectively behind her.
To be a good girl and help in this struggle in my own way.
I'll make sure to study my all books and do my best always
The scene of Vale slowly faded, turning back into the theater's stage.
For the heroes who always have to travel and roam,
Feeling her strength and the thrum of energy begin to leave her body, she folds her hands together and bows to the audience.
I want to say "thank you" and I hope you come home.
The entire room filled with cheers and applause once more, some patrons standing to capture the rest of her closing performance. Chisa almost felt the urge to cup her hands over her ears to block out the sound. She felt the floor begin to slip beneath her but her body swept up by comforting arms. Sibyll hoisted her onto his shoulder, keeping a secure hand at her back as he looked up to her.
Easy, no?
She rolled her eyes at him, but smiled and laughed; wrapping on arm around his head in a half-hug. Looking back to the crowd from her highest point, she took in the full sight of everyone cheering her name. She wasn't used to being the source of attention, let alone "good" attention. Before that night in Addersfield, Chisa remained relatively quiet in and out of class. She never liked being called upon by a teacher, or how some of her friends would put her at the center of their games. But the amount of adoration she was receiving now was something else, like she did a good thing. Sibyll dipped his head slightly in a bow, and she followed the action as she was let down.
"The cups of Life and Death, huh?" Blake thought, watching them take in the applause. The vibrancy of Life and the hope it breeds with each generation, and the necessity for Death to bring about the close of every chapter. Of course it would be fitting for the two.
"So, how long do you think until he realizes the rest of us are here?" Neptune asked as Sibyll and Chisa were being led off stage.
"The rest of—"
Sibyll spent a portion of his evening with her and Weiss on their date, but that means he must of left Chisa with the rest of the team. Blake was surprised to find the three of them suddenly here, but Ruby and Yang explained their circumstances to their "friend date" with Chisa and the other half of Team SSSN. If the young girl was here, then by association…
"Oh, I guess I spoke too soon?"
Neptune pointed back to the stage, and everyone turned to find Sibyll stopped mid-stride. Chisa was tugging on his hand, her words inaudible to them but the concern was there. He looked to the little one, and back to the audience that was slowly starting to filter out. The dim atmosphere of the place began to grow brighter to allow for patrons a safer exit, but it was slow reveal for the young hunter as the two teams came to view. Ruby and Yang had their scrolls returned to them as Sylvia approached them with the rest of their things.
"I'd be interested in a copy of that if you're willing to share."
The color could not have drained quicker from his face.
Chisa took the last photo of the night alongside Ruby and Yang as yet another of the patrons asked for a memento from "Vale's Firelight". It had been that for a good twenty minutes as she and the older girls answered whatever questions were thrown their way; schools they were attending, favored music genres, ages and sizes (Chisa wondered why Yang glared at one guy until he ran off), and other things about themselves. Even a few off shift Huntsmen and Huntresses came up to give her praise, remarking how they haven't felt that good in a while. They left her and the teams with heartfelt thanks. She answered all of them as best as she could, but she often made Ruby or Yang answer for her when the attention was starting to be a bit too much. Then there were the photos, and something about showing their friends over the internet.
All while this happened, she would look far off to the side where Miss Sylvia was talking to Sibyll. His face was still buried in his hands, and it was starting to worry Chisa. He never seemed like the type be bothered by anything too much, at least not until he saw both Yang and Ruby in the crowd. When he did, she noticed how he just went quiet and stayed like that since.
"He's been like that for twenty minutes now," Scarlet mumbled to Sage as they watched on as well. "Maybe he's hoping we'll just sorta disappear?"
The small woman whispered something to the young hunter, and whatever was said prompted him to walk away. His efforts to escape were halted as she pulled him back to their spot. He would bury his hands, and the process would repeat.
"I think he's the one who wants to disappear Scar. And with how happy his date looked, and how tense Yang appears to be," they turned to watch the brawler pose for another photo, "he's not going to hear the last of it for a while."
The last of the patrons were met with quick farewells, their finals words of praise filling the night air before wandering off to where they would. The teens regrouped, giving Chisa their own sentiments of praise while the little one demurred and accepted them from behind Ruby.
"You have to tell us how you did that," Sun asked as he knelt down to her. "I mean, not many kids your age really rap that well."
"Wrap what?" Chisa looked up to him confused.
"You know, rapping?"
"Like the paper?"
"What Sun means is, how did you know to sing like that? It's not an easy thing to perform," Blake explained.
"Oh! Um… Sibyll said it was like poetry homework and that it would be easy. So I did just that; I made rhymes."
"That's it?" Ruby was surprised to hear that it was much simpler than she thought. Chisa nodded, but it was Weiss who followed up with everyone's inquiry.
"And where did he learn to do that from earlier?"
After a momentary thought, the little one shrugged.
"I dunno. I didn't think he could do something like that too!"
"I guess we're not the only ones who were surprised. Good to know." Weiss ran her hand though Chisa's hair, and the young girl nuzzled and leaned into the touch. The heiress leaned in closer to Yang, hoping the distraction was enough to cover her words.
"It may be another clue about this world he came from. Not many still practice theatrical performances today, and it helps provide a sort of time frame."
Blake nodded in agreement as well.
"Aside from the bits of memory I still have, everything we know now about him sets the world about the time of our introduction to shifting weapons. Everything that is rudimentary to us must have been new to them."
"It might be something you can ask him later," the heiress advised as their group began to form together. There was more than just his world she wanted to ask him about, but she would have to wait.
"I guess it's time to head back to Beacon," Ruby assessed when she checked her scroll. "We don't want to miss the last airship back and be after curfew. Sibyll!"
The young reaper called out to him, and he was momentarily pulled out of his suffering and pity.
"We're leaving soon! Are you two coming with us?"
"That might be best," Sibyll agreed as he reluctantly approached them. "The evening grows late and—"
"We actually have one more stop before we do." Sylvia nodded her head in the opposite direction.
"It is not something too outrageous I hope," Sibyll implored.
"Just someplace quiet so we can continue our talk from earlier. That won't be a problem, would it?"
He checked his scroll. Ten o'clock was usually the hour spent reviewing his notes, or in this case preparing his tools for his soon-to-be departure. He guessed that another hour and a quarter after that would place him back at the workshop with enough time for rest. There was still the matter of meeting with Ozpin and discussing with Team RWBY about Chisa's arrangements. While he trusted the girl to look after herself, he knew that the other four girls would be wholly against it. He would need the extra day to prepare for everything after he had left, and the time to rest in between. Sylvia was looking at him expectantly, and waited for his eventual agreement that he felt no part in. But she had been generous on their "date", and she had certainly done her best to show him a good time as amends for Emerald's slip up.
"I suppose it is fine." She smiled at him as she took her spot within the warmth of his coat; an arm wrapped around his waist, earning a few dubious (or impressed) looks from the group.
"Before you go, we just wanted to say thanks." Sun stepped forward with Blake as he reached out with a fist. Sibyll picked up on a slight reluctance, but acquiescence to maintain civility. "You saved us from a bad scene, and it means a lot."
"There is no need for it, but that is most kind of you. The feeling is mutual."
"Yeah man, totally."
They stood there for a moment, Sun's fist still hanging in the space between them until Blake spoke up.
"And this is the part where you bump your fist against his."
"Oh, of course."
Sibyll lightly tapped a fist against Sun's and the faunus grinned, nodding in agreement. He placed his hands in his pockets, realizing that familiar fabric of his jeans was missing. Looking over himself, he remembered the borrowed attired.
"I'll be sure to return your suit by tomorrow. It wouldn't be cool to keep someone else's clothes, even if you sorta have mine."
"Worry not; you may expect them in your quarters upon your return."
He was about the question how, but Sun decided against it.
"It just feels weird you know?"
"Sun, I assure you it is fine. You are free to keep them if you wish."
Sun blinked, unsure if he heard him right. He looked back to the rest of the group to find them equally surprised with Ruby seemingly affected the most.
"But Coco and I went through so many of suits and shirts for you!"
"And didn't you buy it?" the faunus pressed further.
"I do not mean to discredit your efforts young miss," Sibyll assured, "but I cannot think of a time where I will wear such a thing. Even my current attire will find very little use outside of my routine. I find comfort in what is familiar to me, and besides…"
He stepped up to Sun as his hands straightened the shirt collar, dusted off the shoulders, and adjusted the lapels of his coat.
"Every young man deserves to look good for those he holds dear."
In spite of the snickering and teasing glances his way, Sun felt oddly nostalgic as Sibyll made minor adjustments. From what he's learned, Sibyll was simply a strange person with a natural tendency for causing trouble unintentionally. His sensibility seemed so behind the times that he would have to check the expiration date inside Vale's oldest library archives. The man was admittedly weird, and most cases reasonably suspicious ever since Blake's change…
He had been docile enough, but Sun experienced firsthand the sort of person Sibyll was: dangerous and willing to compromise others if he needed to. He still couldn't forgive him for Blake, and the sort of "training" she had to undergo between classes. Whatever this "contract" was, it was keeping Blake alive for now but at a cost and "leash" that tied her to Sibyll. He wanted to hate him, and it could be so easy to do so.
In spite of all that, he couldn't help but remember his dad back home; a rugged man with an even wilder penchant for mischief that outclassed Sun.
"Ya can't act like a kid fer'ver," his father once told him when he was leaving for his first year at Haven. "Things'll be differen' there and yer gonna have to act like a respectable pers'n, even if it means doin' things ya don' like. That also means dressin' up proper ev'ry now and then. And who knows? Ya might even find a girl worth cleaning up for."
That bothersome old man even went as far as sweeping Sun's messy hair to the side, even when his own hair was just as mildly tame. Sun had groaned out of annoyance then, but now he didn't find the sentiment so bad. As Sibyll finished up his ministrations, he was stuck between wanting brush him off like he did his father… and to thank him. He mentally shrugged off the dilemma to think on it later, but it had been a while since he called back home to see how everyone was doing.
"Met yer mother that way, didn' I?"
"White appears to fit you well. What say you Blake?"
The faunus looked over to her as she was taken aback with the sudden call and attention. Sibyll stepped back to give them the space they needed, folding his arms while Sylvia sidled up next to him. Amber eyes looked at him, a brief overall glance, and then quickly looked away.
"He's fine."
Of course she wouldn't cave in under pressure like that. He never expected her to, but he couldn't help but chuckle when she refused to meet his eyes after that. Is this what she felt when she brought up his "reading material"? He could get used to seeing her like that.
"I believe the assessment must bear great significance coming from her, no?"
While Blake spun on him with an accusatory expression, Sibyll raising hands in the air for surrender, Sun let loose a hearty laugh. Even when everyone watched them with slight trepidation, it was something spot on. He knew that Blake's team would have agreed with Sibyll as the raven haired girl still maintained her cool reservations. Even the slightest of compliments would be a huge deal among their circle of friends. But would anyone of them call her out on it? Would any of them be so brave as to confront her detached and roundabout way of getting to know people?
"Oh, if you only knew."
Now it was his turn to brave the now distressed girl alone as she slugged him across his shoulder. Whatever nervousness or unease that hung around him seemed to fade, and he felt that familiar confidence as he pulled her after him by the hand.
"We'll be heading back first then. Don't miss the last airship back to Beacon."
"I will keep that in mind. Good evening everyone."
Sibyll nods after their departure, Chisa bidding them goodbye along with everyone else's. The young girl waves back briefly before picking up on another conversation with Ruby, who looked crestfallen. Sibyll could only assume she was disappointed her efforts were "in vain", but it was the younger girl's turn to console her. The rest of them picked up on a conversation he couldn't quite hear, but he could safely assume Sun and Blake were their subjects of debate; the faunus cheerfully responding while the girl rebuffed any questions or statements sent her way.
She had taken a moment to glare back at Sibyll as they moved further away, a ferocity kindled by his "throwing her under the cart." She could put up with her partner's teasing, and with Sibyll's small chiding on a good day, but she felt absolutely livid. He shared things that were not his to share, and even went as far as to challenge her and taunt like he did. She narrowed her eyes at him, fueled by the anger he sparked within her.
We're going to talk later you ass
I know
She flinched suddenly as he turned back to face them, eyes following after the diminutive woman pulling him along. Even as he grew smaller and smaller, she was sure that maybe… Blake shook her head in dismissal and kept up with her group.
"So," Yang began, pulling out her scroll. "You want your hair to 'burn' like mine too?"
Chisa turned to the brawler addressing her, and her expression switched from confusion to simply mortified. There she was on video with her blue hair aflame like Yang's whenever she activated her semblance, singing the song to the cheers of others. There was no doubt of the similarities between the two, leaving everyone to wonder how or why that came about. In truth, Chisa always pictured Yang as what "a Firelight" would be. Like Sibyll, she was strong and bright like fires were capable of, but they could be warm and protective at the same time. It also helped that her golden hair looked like fire at the same time.
All she could do now is find a way to become invisible and hide from the world forever. With no clear or possible means to do so, and no special Semblance of her own, Chisa opted to hide herself inside Ruby's cloak and did her best to push the older girl along and away from the group.
"You're going to run out of breath under there," Blake called from outside the blanket. "Come on out now. I promise none of us are making fun of you."
She eyed the large lump currently hiding underneath Weiss's covers. No matter how much everyone tried to convince her, the young girl continued to hide inside of Ruby's cloak the entire trip back to Beacon. They could hear sniffling and whimpering all the while, and even Ruby had tried to talk to her, but to no avail. Even when they reached their dorm, Chisa immediately rushed out toward the bunk beds and buried herself and her "exposed" shame as best she could. Blake sighed, knowing that they still had to prepare her for bed. Looking over to Yang, the brawler seemed more pleased with herself than usual; her grin haughtier than Weiss' as she dressed for bed. She gloated without having to say anything, occasionally nudging the heiress as if to say "I'm her favorite, I'm her favorite". Weiss shrugged it off as best she could, but had to continue to fend off Yang's gloating.
Blake rolled her eyes over her partner's smugness, but it at least Sun was tolerable in that sense. The boy escorted her (as did the rest of his team with their "dates") back to their room, and while Chisa had run off inside, he bid her good night. It wasn't anything over the top as they settled into an embrace while Sage and Scarlet watched on bemused. They almost half expected Blake to kiss him reluctant (if demurely) like Weiss had for Neptune, but they were clearly set straight by their own "partners": Yang had given Scarlet a heart slug across the shoulder, while Ruby hugged Sage as best as her small frame could allow. It was enough to shut the boys up while Sun said his goodbyes for the night, asking quietly enough for her to hear if "he just was 'fine', or if he was fine~". He was joking of course, but it didn't stop Blake from following her partner's example in hitting on the shoulder in protest. Even as they were walking away, she could still see that cheeky little grin when he looked back to her.
"Give him an inch and suddenly he takes a mile," she mused as she spoke to the girl once more. "Please come out?"
No movement.
After switching into her sleepwear, Ruby moved to Weiss' bedside and knelt down. She nodded for Blake to go ahead and change, relieving her of her duties while the young reaper began to gingerly stroke the balled up mass.
"You don't have to feel bad about it," Ruby reminded Chisa. "I'm pretty sure Yang's happy to have another fan of her 'oh so glorious' hair."
"I'm not the only one?" Chisa asked through the sheets.
"Pft! Of course not!" She waved away the idea, and glanced toward her sister. There she was, still rubbing it in her partner's face as she brushed her golden hair. Yang continued to beam with unrestrained pride, going as far as to stroke her hair proudly in front of Weiss. Ruby's partner still didn't seem fazed by it, yet Ruby couldn't help suspect a hint of jealousy. Icy blue eyes looked their way and then quickly elsewhere with a hand subtly stroking her locks.
"Yang had tons of them back at Signal, and I'm pretty sure she has even more of them now. But what I'm trying to say that it's fine, and there's nothing wrong with liking what you like."
"You're not just saying that... right?"
"I promise I'm not."
The covered mass wriggled a bit, moving toward the uppermost edge of the blanket where Chisa's head then peeked out; her ears flickering nervously as she looked to Ruby. There was still uncertainty in the young girl's eyes, and Ruby thought of a solution to dispel them.
"Think of it this way: do you know anyone else who can disassemble and reassemble a .50 caliber rifle in under three minutes blindfolded?"
Chisa looked confused for a moment, wondering why she was being asked such a question, until she shook her head.
"Well you're looking right at her," Ruby beamed a little too proudly. "And do you know anyone who has a three year collection of Guns and Bullets Monthly AND the Milsurp Review? Whose dad may or may not be annoyed with how many boxes currently taking attic space as we speak?"
Chisa pointed at Ruby.
"Exactly! See? Everyone's got something they really like or are passionate about. I like reading about guns, weapon modifications, and interviews from the pioneers within the gun smithing industry," she described all to intimately. "And you like the way Yang's hair glows all fiery when she's using her semblance. It's all the same in the end."
"Blake and Weiss are the same too?" At this, the two mentioned girls paused in their nightly rituals as Ruby answered them.
"Yup! Blake's got her secret stash of very detailed romance novels—"
"Ruby!" the raven haired girl shouted in surprise.
"I've seen where you hid them Blake!" Ruby turned and pointed accusingly at her. "Especially the ones with the centerfolds inside!"
Even when she described those books specifically, the young reaper couldn't contain the still growing blush on her face. She had been curious as to what sort of books they were ever since Blake's "trial" in the library, and may have read one of her Ninjas of Love. Admittedly, it was a really great read if she was able to get through all the... "hot stuff". She remembered the impressive "katana" and questioned how any person could even walk with something like that. She chided Blake later on, but decided to keep it as "punishment" for breaking Beacon's "illicit reading material" rule that nobody really enforces. Not because she wanted to read what happened in the next chapter.
"And Weiss always sings in the shower when she thinks nobody is listening."
"Ruby Rose!" The heiress tried to maintain her composure no matter how her face betrayed her.
"It's true!" her partner defended. "Even people online think you're a really good impersonator of yourself, even if you are you. Does that make sense?"
"I'm online!?"
"You didn't know?" Ruby was surprised. "Didn't you make your own account and everything?"
"How could I if I'm the one who doesn't know about it?!"
"I don't know! I just thought it was like a secret hobby of yours that I now realized made un-secret!"
"Show me!"
Weiss shook with bare contained fury as her partner pulled out her scroll and show her the alleged video hosting site where she put up "her videos" for the whole of Remnant to see. They watched as the video was pointed exactly at their own bathroom door, and filtering through it was Weiss' own voice. Several videos had her voice singing popular hits, classics, and Weiss looked to her team. She was sure that no one was up at the hours she even woke up! It was part of her routine to be the first one awake in order to have hot water before Yang used it all! Sure, she would hum and sing a few songs she knew, switching it up every now and then, but she was confident none of her teammates were awake. She knew Ruby would sleep early to sleep in more, and Yang could hardly be bothered when she was down for the count. Even Blake who was the team's lightest sleeper remained that way when Weiss finished, so who!?
So, you're packin and your stackin; 'specially in the back
Sista, you wanna get some help for guns like that
Colored me surprised, when you're all rootin-tootin
You're killer on the trigger whenever you're sharpshootin
You're a dead shot - bang!
They couldn't feel a thang
Now I wanna know if its part of your plan?
Wait up, straight up, gaze up, can it be?
Like they say,"the last they never see"
Well I like it real sharp, got 'im in the head from a mile
Killin' em dead with a smile
Smoke from a gun, in a midwestern sun
Come and let me reload that mag for ya hun
A .308? .45? .50 cal mark?
Honey, you ain't ever gonna lose, you make me wanna
{Shoot, shoot ba doop}
{Don't you know I wanna shoot, baby}
That was still her voice in that video.
Ruby and Chisa simply beamed at Weiss in praise, and Blake found herself impressed that the heiress had that side of herself. Weiss cringed at her own voice, but she could hear a certain blonde snickering to herself in the background. Weiss slowly turned to Yang who had already lost her air of pride the moment Ruby unknowingly exposed her.
"You know what? I think I left something really~ important with Scarlet. I'm gonna go ahead and just... get that... important thing and not... be here..."
The brawler dashed for the door and sprinted down the hall as the Weiss gave chase. Her voice could still be heard the further down she chased the blonde down the hallway, and away to whatever part of Beacon was willing to hide or protect Yang.
Returning to the matter at hand, she found that Chisa still seemed somewhat affected by her admiration of her sister's hair. It was one thing to like something enough where you might be embarrassed, but there was something more to it than that. Ruby knew Chisa, or at least knew her well enough that the young girl wasn't bothered much by most things. Like the man who watched over her, Chisa seemed to take a lot of things in stride, doing her best to placate and improve than wallow or dwell in the negatives.
So it was no wonder that Ruby found this new behavior odd, and reasonably out of place. It reminded her of the time Blake started closing the out in her push to investigate the White Fang. There was a point where those worries and concerns would grow beyond someone's individual control, and Ruby didn't have to be as smart as her partner to know that it would be worse for Chisa. If left unattended, the young girl might begin to doubt herself and close herself off as Blake once did.
"What else is on your mind?" she asked. "And before you say it isn't anything, I can tell from your face that it is."
Chisa was surprised that Ruby was really good at reading her mind (forgetting how easily her expressions betrayed them). And it had been a recent thought that she couldn't quite place, like trying to remember something important. She wasn't sure until she thought back to why she was drawn to Yang's glowing hair. It was something special to her and her alone. Everyone she knew had something that could be helpful in some way. Everyone except for her, yet she knew it was more than that. It had to be the night when everyone came over to support Blake in Sibyll's test. She wanted to talk to Blake and Weiss and Yang and everyone else about it because they knew more about it than anyone else. It still didn't detract from the fear of actually asking them as she drew up her knees around her, but looking hopefully up to the older girl.
"Can you unlock my aura so I can have a semblance too?"
The young reaper chuckled nervously, unsure of how to answer such a request. Ruby wouldn't have minded being the one to open up Chisa's potential, and the thought of it was tempting. It would be something that would have brought them closer and, more or less, established them as sisters if anything.
But to unlock someone else's aura can be just as dangerous as maintaining it.
Matters of the soul, aura, and semblances were very delicate and required professional or practiced people to handle it. That's how it's always been as far as she knew, and it was Qrow who had unlocked her aura when she and Yang began to attend Signal Academy. With someone who knew how to manipulate aura well, it was the safest process to undergo provided there were proper measures in place. If someone unqualified or inexperienced were to try it, they would not only hurt the other person but themselves as well. Unlocking someone's aura is the act of completely surrendering and exposing one's soul to reach out to another, and the aural rejection could hurt Ruby if things went wrong.
The alternative to accessing one's aura was to suffer a traumatic event; to break and reshape one's entire state to a point where the soul manifests protective countermeasures. There have been accounts of civilians tapping into their own soul, but at a cost where they suffered severe drawbacks. Some struggled with the imbalance between aura and body, fluctuating dangerously between highs and lows, and the person in question would undergo procedures to be stabilized. Those who have stabilized then have to struggle with disciplining and controlling their own aura output from over exertion or draining. Add in the elements of discovering dangerous semblances would be the cherry to an otherwise explosive cocktail.
If that were to happen to Chisa...
"What brought this on?" Blake asked. "Not that you asking that of Ruby is a bad thing, but it is a serious matter."
At this, she became sheepish yet hopeful before the two girls.
"I want to help Sibyll," she answered. "I meant it when I said I would help in my own way. So if my aura is unlocked like you all, then I can use my own semblance to do something good!"
"True," Blake conceded, "but it's not as simple as you think."
Immediately, the young girl's face turns crestfallen where she believed the conversation began to turn.
"She's right," Ruby confirmed. "There are things that need to be prepared before we can actively do it. And even if we did, we wouldn't know what your Semblance is even if it does appear."
"You… don't get it right away?"
"Everyone believes that it does, but Semblances occur randomly really. Some are lucky to have it early on, and others take years to develop or be discovered. Even Jaune doesn't know what his is yet, and Pyrrha unlocked his aura earlier this year."
"But let's say that we do unlock your aura for you," Blade adds. "It's hard to maintain and requires a lot of training to draw out on your own. If you don't have the discipline to control it, then you're putting a lot of people at risk if your Semblance affects those around you. You could even hurt yourself, and I don't believe Sibyll would want that."
"Then I'll practice hard," Chisa pleads adamantly. "I'll ask Sibyll to let me be your 'pupa', so I can help him if you don't want to anymore."
"It's pupil, but why would you think 'we don't want to help him'?" It was a strange point for the young girl to bring up as a reason, leaving Blake to investigate why. She didn't believe Chisa would use Sibyll as a way to lie per se, and Blake assessed that her words were earnest if out of nowhere. Chisa looked between Blake and Ruby as if she were confused, before focusing directly on the young reaper.
"Isn't that why you came over last time?" She asked her with uncertainty. "After Blake left and I was supposed to sleep, everyone was arguing right?"
The raven haired girl turned to Ruby for an explanation. She knew that her team discussed a few terms with Sibyll, but she had yet to hear the full details of what transpired. Sibyll had been civil enough on fill Blake in on the gist of what they discussed without any pointed remarks about her team. What would happen, what their work entailed, and the vague consequence of breaking her contract, things Blake already knew. So why did it look like Ruby was holding back on something else?
"I woke up because I wanted to ask for a glass of water. That's when I heard a lot of yelling, so I just stayed in my room."
"We were just talking," she tried to explain.
"But everyone sounded like they were angry..."
"Which shouldn't have happened." Ruby looks between the two girl with the hope of conveying the truth in her words. "Sibyll treated us as guests and was willing to answer as many questions as he could. When he did, Weiss, Yang, and Raven weren't happy with the results."
"And I don't want anyone to fight anymore," Chisa agreed. "So if I'm able to help him in my own way, we don't have to make Weiss or Yang angry or hurt his feelings anymore."
She moved from the bed to stand before them, head tilted up at them with determination before bowing as low as she could. She her hands at her side, and saw her own hair hang around her as she held her rigid form. This had to be the way for her to give back to Sibyll, or at least be useful to him at home like she promised. Ruby found herself torn between wanting to help the girl and her own sense of responsibility. There were simply too many implications to agreeing with Chisa, but there were also benefits she couldn't overlook. With aura, Chisa could be safe and protected. They could take turns overlooking her aura training so there wouldn't be any drawbacks, and whatever her Semblance was they could deal with. But Chisa was still too young and Ruby wasn't confident the girl's body could handle extreme stresses.
"Please, let me be like you," she pleads.
They both freeze as Blake's decision cleared away their thoughts. Chisa stands up to find her with arms crossed and unimpressed, as if she asked for something she shouldn't have. By the way her amber eyes hardened on her (and the involuntary flinching away from them), she realized that she had.
"No buts,"she stated firmly. "Even if you were to ask Sibyll or anyone else here, I don't think you're going to get what you're looking for."
And that was it. Chisa knew when to push for what she wanted, and this was not one of those times. Her shoulders slumped in defeat, as Blake moved to kneel at her side.
"Do you remember what I said back at the library? About working things out in spite of our differences?"
She nods.
"We're still doing our best, and I'll be sure to talk with the team about it myself." Blake looks to Ruby. "The whole team."
It was a first that Ruby had seen Blake that angry before that wasn't over a trivial matter. There were times long before Sibyll or Chisa's arrival that Blake had looked annoyed or bothered, but never as angry as the night she and Weiss had it out over the White Fang. There was hurt and disappointment behind that anger then, but now there was only the recoil of how their team handled things recently. Shivers went down her back as the older girl leveled her glare before turning back to the Chisa.
"We need each other's help and we're not going to split up over something petty like an argument. You shouldn't need to worry about looking after him on your own because that isn't what cooperating is about. We don't just get what we want from the other and be done with it. We stick it out as best as we can, and try to civil while doing so."
"But they—"
"Will talk to me about it, and I'll be sure to hear them both out later. As for you..."
Chisa's ears folded against her head.
"You're already helping out as you are right now. There's no need to change things just yet, alright?"
"How? All the stuff I do only helps me and not him. You said it yourself Blake, and it's not supposed to see it this way."
"But that's how you see it. Think back to tonight when all those people came up to you. You were nervous right? What about them? Did they look nervous?"
"What did they look like?"
"And you did that without any aura and semblance of your own. That is what you do."
Chisa's brow furrowed in confusion. How does singing help people? She was glad that they gave her praise, and that she didn't mess up as bad as she initially started, but she was sure that people like Ruby and her team, or Sibyll, helped out more.
"I don't get it though..."
She heard Blake sigh as the older girl scooped her into her arms, walking towards the large window.
"Do you see that statue over there? In the courtyard?"
Chisa focused her eyes to see between the trees and lamp posts. There the monument stood with its Huntsman and Huntress standing victorious over a helpless Beowolf as it had since her arrival.
"When any student arrives here at Beacon, that is the first thing they see. Not the campus or the view from the cliffs, but that statue right there. And you are exactly what that statue is; a reminder."
Blake walks over back to her bed, setting Chisa down so they could sit facing each other.
"Those are the Huntsmen and Huntresses who die to give us the world we have today. They sacrificed themselves to make sure people both inside and outside the walls are safe. It's why many of us still want to go into this line of work, even if people sometimes forget that. Except for you."
Slender fingers interlinked with Chisa's.
"You even said it yourself. You still believe in what we do, and did one thing even greater than that."
"What did I do?"
"You thanked us."
She looked at Blake incredulously, unsure how something as small as a thank you would be considered as something so great. People said thanks all the time right? Her papa had taught her so, and Sibyll eve said it to those who didn't even treat him nicely in the city. It was hard to believe that two words could have that much power when everyone else could do anything with their special semblances.
"I know that look. Trust me, I once thought the same thing."
If Chisa ever had her aura unlocked, she would wish really hard for a semblance that put like a force field around her thoughts or on her face so no one can read it so easily.
"All those people left in better spirits because you reminded them that their work meant something. Your thanks validated everything they're sacrificing for, and in a way you kept their fire going in this long fight. What you did for them is what you're doing for Sibyll everyday, and before you start, I know it may not seem as much. But looking after you as you grow is enough thanks for him than anything else. You remind him of better things, and to be better than what he once was. So no more talk about aura and semblances for now."
Blake runs a hand through her hair before nodding over to the en suite bathroom.
"Go grab your things and we'll get ready for bed. I'll be with you in a minute."
Hopping off the bed, she moves to gather her sleeping clothes from her bag. With everything in hand, she reaches the door before turning back to Ruby with an apologetic look.
"I'm sorry for bothering you about stuff like this."
"You shouldn't be. You were curious and we can't fault you for having good intentions."
The young girl nods, more to herself than anything as she steps inside the bathroom to leave Blake and Ruby alone.
"I'm not mad. You know that right?" Blake asked her leader. "You've been defending him as best as you could, even when we had no reason but to suspect him."
"It doesn't make it easier to keep everyone happy..." Ruby admits mournfully. "It's just like with Weiss when we started out our first weeks as partners, except we weren't out to kill each other. At least, not literally."
"You're doing the best that you can. If anything, Weiss was nice enough to include him on our double date when he helped out Sun, and I can trust her to keep her composure."
"But it's Yang right?"
"I'll talk to her as both her partner and friend. Just check up on Weiss and see if she's actually willing to cooperate than pretending to. I need everyone with me on this, and not at each other's throats if things start to go wrong during the festival."
"Hopefully it won't come to that."
"I know, but with Sibyll leaving to meet with Adam," Blake remained unsure about his plan, "we have to be on the lookout. I want to believe that he'll be able to talk things over, but the with how the White Fang is now..."
"I'll be sure to keep Jaune and the rest on the know," Ruby promised. "I wouldn't want them to be worried when we're supposed to be focused on the tournament, but I don't want them in danger too."
With their plan set, she gathered own things necessary for sleep when she turned back to their room's door.
"Do you think they'll be back in time before it gets too late?"
Blake looked to the door as well, realizing that some time passed since Yang's hasty retreat.
"Considering how furious Weiss is this time, I don't think we should expect their return anytime soon. Yang really pushed her this time, and Weiss isn't one to let up if she's been crossed."
Ruby sighs in agreement and begins to make her way toward the bathroom.
"I just want to say I'm sorry about Yang." Ruby stops Blake as she's about to intervene. "You know how she gets when she firmly believes something, and does stuff without really thinking. Still, she means well even if it causes more trouble than solve it. If she's giving you trouble when you're talking to her, just remind her that we're both still here."
She enters the bathroom, her cheery voice talking to Chisa about something Blake couldn't focus on. The parting message stayed with raven haired girl as she moved back to the window, looking over to the statue near the academy's entrance. She knew talking to her partner would be difficult, but necessary if they needed to smooth things over clearly this time. With Chisa being perceptive and affected as she is, they could only justify so much of their actions and reservations before they found themselves no better than Cardin on a bad day. Who were they to try and take the moral high ground if it meant placing themselves at risk. Hunting down Grimm was one thing, but even Blake knew that their weapons would clash with someone else's eventually. Her time with the White Fang saw to that, and that was a truth she couldn't overlook or discard. Sibyll had warned them of such, and each passing day lead only to the anticipations of when the pin finally drops.
Until then, she could only hope that everyone was willing to work together. If they didn't, then Blake wouldn't want to know just how bad the causalities would be as a result of their lacking in foresight.
"Get in line, GET IN LINE! If I see any of you trying to cut in front of another person, you will be kindly escorted to the nurse's office with BROKEN LEGS!"
While it was a foggy morning, and all foggy mornings were her least types of mornings, Nora Valkyrie found herself energized to take on another day and a whole crowd of eager students.
She stood defensively in front of Chisa with Magnhild at the ready, eyes scanning her peers carefully as they waited patiently for their turn to meet the Firelight. Beside her stood Neptune and Sun, her vanguards wearing patrolman sunglasses to ensure that things don't get out of hand. She hammer maiden was instantly jealous that she wasn't able to karaoke with them, but she couldn't stay that way with how sad the young girl was beginning to look. Instead, she took pride in being one of the few who knew the "famous over night" star that started spreading throughout Beacon over their Scrolls. She was glad Ruby and Yang sent her their copy of that night, but someone else in the audience uploaded Chisa's performance and now breakfast was bustling over wanting to meet the "Beacon of Beacon" herself. The young girl even surpassed the slowly rising "PSEUDOWiseCream" in video hosting sites as popularity spread in the further kingdoms.
Chisa for her part was terrified with the amount of exposure she was receiving, but Pyrrha had given her a pep talk of her own using her experience with fame as a champion to steel the girl. She even promised to be at her side when students (native or visiting) wanted to meet with her. If at any point the little one wanted to call quits, Nora and her helpers would clear the way and make the message known, detention or otherwise be damned.
"Don't you think this is still a bad idea?" Jaune voiced his concern.
"That would depend if someone is willing to cross Nora," Ren countered as he sipped away his morning tea.
They scanned the crowd together, impressed with how many came to see Chisa that morning. There were a fair portion of their peers in the queue hoping to get a photo, but the same could be said for the others as well. Most weren't in uniforms either, and instead were dressed in what they assumed were there combat attires. All manners of armor and weapons adorned each person who went up, knelt by the young girl, shared their own word of praise or support as they had their photos taken on their scrolls. There was even a divide between those who wished to impress Chisa, going as far as to pose heroically with the girl, and those who doted on her with barely disguised glee.
"But what I'm concerned with is how those two are doing."
Ren and Jaune looked over to Weiss and Yang, sitting in a surly and roughed state with Blake between. The heiress was nursing a small shard of ice dust over her right eye, doing her best to look dignified in spite of her bruise. The brawler looked even worse for wear between them with the barely visible lines that covered her forearms and legs. She didn't believe Weiss would bring out Myrtenaster, but aiming for her hair? A hand reach for the frayed ends that the rapier was swift to cut, prompting her to retaliate in kind. Their return to the dorm had taken some time to hash out terms about boundaries and privacy, but it certainly caused more worry that night when they returned. Blake made sure there would be no further action between the two.
"They're fine," Ruby tried to reassure. "Just had to work out some training routines before bed! You know them; Weiss just has to get it perfect and Yang can't sleep without working that energy off."
"But I thought they didn't open the training arenas after curfew?" Jaune voiced. "Didn't Goodwitch say something about over exertion and—"
"Private training! Just like you and Pyrrha do."
"Hmm, I guess that makes sense. Doubles rounds are coming up soon."
"I thought it was because Yang was posting those videos of Weiss' singing online?" Ren asked. Jaune and Ruby looked at him in surprise as the quiet man took another sip. "Nora said that was the case. Is that not what this is about?"
"Well, I mean maybe? What's past is past though!"
"Wait, that's ACTUALLY Weiss?!"
Ruby and Ren buried their heads in their hands as their fellow knight floundered over the "discovery". It couldn't have been obvious enough with how many times Jaune and his teammates stopped by the dorm. She knew that Jaune could be oblivious, but hoo boy it can't be this bad. Did he really not recognize the decorations around the door?
"Jaune... Help me help you help me help you..." she heard Ren murmur under his breath.
"I would ask if everyone is fairing well, but I am more curious as to the crowd gathering so early in the morning."
Everyone turns to find Sibyll approaching them dressed in his usual "professor" attire. Ruby was about to greet him upon approach when she, and everyone else, noticed that his gait seemed subdued and he looked visibly drained and flushed. Even as he did his best to greet them a good morning, he looked as if he hadn't slept well with the shadows that formed under his eyes. His hair looked even wilder than its usually well kept state, bedraggled even as he swept a few locks from his face. The clothes he wore seemed to fit tighter on him with every perceivable button done, and his attire was seemingly flawless in its presentation. It almost rivaled Weiss' obstinacy of making sure her uniform looked presentable at every other hour. Like the heiress, Sibyll looked stiff as he came to a stop to regard them individually, pausing over the WY of Team RWBY.
"Chisa's gotten popular overnight," Blake explains. "Someone posted her performance online and she's been a hit with Huntsmen and Huntresses, aspiring and old."
"Is that... alright? For so many to see her, I mean."
"It's fine," she reassured. "There wasn't a particular name drop, and seeing as she's been outside the walls, no one really knows her aside from the video. With the exception of these people."
She gestures to the still growing line of people who wait for their turn to meet with the girl.
"She's been around the campus enough times to establish a bit of reputation. With you at her side, they've been keeping a safe, but respectable distance since then. Nora is just making sure to remind them."
"About that..." He looked between the teenagers once more. "There has been no... word or spread of my involvement that night, has there?"
His smile after those words were nervous and crooked, yet hopeful with the chance no one was willing to produce evidence of his performance. Blake and Ruby smiled back apologetically as Ren and Jaune gave them equally sympathetic nods.
"How bad is it?"
"Well, you've certainly left a divided reception," Jaune answered. "People are wondering what made you do a complete one-eighty with your first song, if it was staged, or if you were trying to make some sort of statement."
"Did it appear so?"
"Well, those of the 'classical theater' community are using it as a way bring back the medium," Ren pointed out. "Congratulations on supporting the fine arts?"
"I suppose that is something to be proud of." He looks back to Weiss and Yang, and carefully extends his concern. "I take it your evening was eventful Miss Schnee and Miss Xiao Long?"
"It was fine. Thank you for asking," the heiress answered curtly for her and Yang, but not with contempt. It was more so that she refused to relive the altercation than necessary, lest she find another reason to give the blonde another trim. Yang answered with a shrug as she inspected her own injuries, hearing the young hunter sigh (in relief or resignation).
"What about you Sibyll? You don't really look so good," Ruby noted with concern. "Did anything happen?"
"I promise I am fine. The best I can provide you with is that I did not rest as well as I hoped. Nothing more that would need worrying."
"Are you sure?" Jaune followed up. "I mean, you're kinda like Weiss in that you hardly look like anything's wrong most of the time. Now, you look more than just under the weather."
"I do know a few herbal remedies if you're feeling unwell," Ren suggested.
"I don't think algae is going to help this time buddy."
"Are you saying that genuinely? Or in doubt of the actual effects?"
"Everyone, please." The young hunter raises his hands to quell the growing concern. "I assure you all that additional rest is all I need."
"But if that's all you need, something must have happened," Blake quickly deduced. He felt her eyes scan his form once more, and he could already feel the others think the same way. "Does this have anything to do with your date?"
The attention of the table turns directly towards him, eyes mixed between concern, curiosity, and suspicion. Yet what could he say? It wasn't something he could openly talk about, yet he was confident they wouldn't leave the subject closed. Of course something had happened, but it was a completely private matter to which he wouldn't wish to explain or expose. It was hard for him enough come morning with their still awkward exchanges, but he couldn't take back what was already done. He really hoped that this was a subject he could brush over, but they sought answers he wasn't willing to give. The best he could do was leave them with half truths and hope it was enough to satiate their concerns and suspicions.
"Sibyll! You're back!"
Chisa ran toward him with the sounds of defeat and minor protests behind her, to which Nora was quick to quell and disperse.
"All of you back to breakfast now! If she's up for another round of meet and greet, we'll be sure to let you know!"
She rushed into him, staggering his body as she hugged his legs tightly.
"Good morning little one."
Her eyes gazed up at him, ready to retell everything that followed their split last night when she took in his full fatigued form. The smile on her lips gave way to concerns as she pointed up at him.
"What's wrong?"
"Like I have told everyone here, nothing is wrong. I am fine."
"You don't look okay," she quickly countered. "And I won't believe it until you tell me."
She moved over to the table, climbing onto the bench to stand as tall as she could, and motioned for him to come.
"I want to make sure you're telling me the truth, and I can't see your eyes from down there."
"This is ridiculous little one. I promise you nothing is wrong."
"Then you shouldn't be scared to look me in the eyes when you say. Now, come on~!"
He was about to refuse such an arbitrary means of confirmation, but everyone looked expectantly at him. Chisa unknowingly drew him into a corner with no valid means of escape without drawing further suspicion. Sibyll would have to be quick, compliant, and careful to ensure Chisa was satisfied with her assessment. It still didn't stop him from sighing to himself as stepped forward, and the young girl cupped his face. She turned his head side to side, studying every betraying sign of his evening. Peach colored eyes then met with his, an unusual sternness behind them as she stared deeply.
"Do you promise you're okay?"
"I promise."
She maintained her stare, holding his face in place.
"Hmmm... Okay then. I believe you."
"Thank you little one." He turns back to the group. "As you can see, everything is fine. I just need some more rest."
Sibyll stretches out his limbs and joints, rolling his head side to side to relieve some pressure. Chisa believed him and was glad there was nothing wrong him, deciding to look him over once more just to double check. He looked normal except for his face, and how uncomfortable he looked in his clothes. He never really dressed as proper as he did, choosing to leave a few buttons undone like the collar around his neck. She squinted, unsure of what she saw, but she was confident something was there...
"What's that?"
"Wait, do not—"
His hands were too late as she reached out to pull on his collar. It didn't register to everyone at first, even when the young hunter quickly pulled his collar up to cover the coloring bruise at his skin. Chisa looked at him again to find that he was nervous now, afraid even. She had never seen him like that before, and it didn't make sense. He wasn't really scared of anything, but of the thing on his neck? He kept a hand securely covered over it, but it left the man with one hand free as the little one began to unbutton the rest of his collar. She ignored his protests as she was able to undo three more buttons that showed the rest of his neck and the top of his chest. Red lines and purplish marks were scattered across what they could see before his other hand pulled his shirt closed.
Yet she didn't hear him reprimanding her while thoughts ran in search of an explanation. She tried to recall any sign that could explain the marks across his body, the looks tiredness, his fear of them being discovered. She knew that he went out late, but how late? When did he get home? What could have happened that would leave him with those injuries? Chisa then tried to recall her studies with Sibyll, or the books that she read that could provide an answer. She thought about the ways someone could get sick, if he had been attacked that night, or what sort of person or thing could do that. It can't be this White Fang she overhears other people talking about, and she was positive there weren't any Grimm that could hide in the city.
But among all these thoughts, one remained firm: Why didn't this Sylvia person help him? Did she not care about him enough or did she leave him behind? It made Chisa feel mad, really mad, at the woman whom Sibyll was with. She didn't look out for him, or worse... She did this to him.
"Chisa?" Ruby asked when the girl had gone quiet.
She gave Sibyll these hurtful looking marks.
"Hey, kiddo..." Jaune carefully stepped forward.
She was the reason why Sibyll looked like he was unwell.
"Come on, say something." Nora was beginning to look worried.
And if she knew anything about what this all could mean...
"Little one?"
...Sibyll wouldn't make it. She had seen it in some of the books, and it never went well for those people... Not unless she had something to say about it.
"Did she do this to you?" She pointed accusingly at the marks on his neck. Sibyll fumbled for a plausible excuse or an explanation that wouldn't give the wrong impression, but the young girl was set in her belief (correct as they are).
"Well, she did but that is not—"
Chisa quickly hopped off the bench seat, taking his hands into hers as she looked up determined and defiantly at him.
"I'm gonna get some help before you change. Maybe if I can find Mister Oobly or Mister Ports, we still have a chance!"
"Change? Into what?" The little one wasn't making any reasonable sense to the young hunter as she began to take off for the door.
"I'm going to help this time! I won't let her turn you into a vampire!" she shouted back to him. Even in her sprint to find the nearest professor, she remembered to be polite and excuse herself as she weaved between the students she passed. If she remembered correctly, the teachers lounge was somewhere... Recalling where she had seen it once before, she sped off as fast as her feet could carry.
Left behind in the wake of her declaration, Sibyll could only watch as she disappeared from the dining area to seek the "help" she believed he required. It was touching in a way that she was confident in her endeavor, were it not for the aftermath he would have to face. He noticed that a few students had looked his way, whispering to one another, and he slowly turned to face the rest of the teams he was familiar with. Nora was doing her best to hold back her laughter with both hands, Ren and Nora looking doubtful in what they believed may be true, and Jaune was both awe-/dumbstruck over the assumed knowledge. Sun and Neptune had given them confident wink, a subtle sign of their support. Blake's expression was one of incredulity, looking at him as if he were participating in an elaborate ploy. Weiss and Yang were sorely unimpressed with the heiress cocking one eyebrow in judgement while the brawler simply glowered. Ruby, for all her faults and redeeming qualities, seemed to shake in her spot as her face turned redder and redder with each passing moment.
Out of everyone's scrutiny, he greatly wished that she were not apart of it. If anything, she seemed to be the most affected by it all as if she know more than he did about the matter.
"Ruby," he spoke calmly. "Would you be so kind as to go after the little one? I would greatly appreciate avoiding another misunderstanding with your professors."
"Y-yeah! Sure! Gonna go ahead right now! Y-yup!" The young reaper quickly disappeared in a flurry of rose petals.
"And I promise it is not what you believe," he explained to the group.
"I'm not entirely sure if I want to know the details..." Weiss maintained her expression, frowning slightly in anticipation for what she may hear.
"Well, we do—!" Sun quickly keeled over, grabbing his stomach, as Neptune whistled innocently to cover them both.
"Hey, whatever you do in your off time doesn't concern us," Yang stated.
"I am trying to tell you all that nothing serious happened. These marks—"
"Look pretty serious," she countered. "Unless you mean to say you wussed out half way, which is oddly sadder in a way."
Sibyll was about to retort when someone else called his name.
He looks over his shoulder to see Sylvia walking towards them with two glasses of orange juice in hand. To those who had met her the previous night, they privately noted how she still wore last night's attire with a few distinct changes. The diminutive woman wore her usual combat boots in place of her heels, and her rather than her long sleeved crop top, she wore a button up shirt. One of his shirts by how large and loose it appeared to fit her.
"There you are," she called as she came up to him. "I got us something fresher to drink~! And I would have found you sooner, but my legs are still sore from this morning you brute."
She handed him one glass while drinking from her own.
"Try to be more considerate next time than running me ragged. We didn't need to rush you know."
Sibyll looks at the glass of juice in his grasp, fresh and cool against his palm.
He looks to Sylvia, beaming at him and to the rest of the teens.
He looks to the group, sighing as they simply regarded (or recoiled from) him with an apparent surprise he no longer wished to decipher.
"May I remind you that we had to walk back to the academy through Grimm inhabited territory?"
It was well worth a try, even if everyone hardly looked convinced.
"Wait, wait," Weiss halted everyone's thoughts. "You walked back to Beacon from Vale? Didn't either of you make it back before curfew to do... whatever it is you've done?"
"Nope! Missed the last ship by hours, but we did have plenty of drinks."
"Sylvia..." he murmured quietly.
"And with the festival underway, we were pretty much stuck without a place to sleep."
"Then where did you sleep?"
"Sylvia." he pleaded once more.
"Well, long story short: we spent it at his place."
And that was the final nail he could actually feel being hammered away, securing whatever wild notions or ideas the group was beginning to have. Sibyll could already see the boys slowly edge away while the rest of them turned to full face him.
"Gods damn it Sylvia," his thoughts echoed privately.
A/N: Don't bring out the champagne just yet you SibyllxNeo shippers. Aside from all the implications, I assure you that there's more toward their story than what you (or the teams) assumed happened.
Will there be a Pt. 3?
Nah. This is pretty much the finale for the Date episode, and I wanted to focus more on Chisa if anything else.
And~ I may have written details that don't fit the rating for the series. I'm sure you know what that means...
Keep an eye out for the abridged, one-off "pairing fic" (but not really): "Affinity in Misery".
{Before anyone asks, this was originally part of this chapter before I removed it completely so it could stand alone. If I included, this chapter would be well over the 20k word count mark sans the Author's Note. I didn't write that separately from the chapter).
In all seriousness, a lot of stuff happened this chapter and there are plenty of references for you to enjoy. This two-parter took a hell of a time to write when it came to trying to find the proper song to fit the scene. I did literal research and study of the internet and Youtube to find something that would be able to express the relationship between Chisa and Sibyl thus far. And like with most of my research, I found myself constantly switching back and forth, pulling hairs, and needing plenty of time for breathers.
Then I pulled out my old Gorillaz CD and it just sort've clicked.
I'm not particularly good or familiar with writing under rap structure, but poetry is similar in that way right? And I just added in the parts as best as I could feel it fitting. Same could be said for Weiss' "Salt n Pepa" reference. I hope it sits well with you all, and that you enjoyed the Date in its entirety. Thanks for sticking around as long as you did!
Final notes: This will be the last chapter for the Side Stories for now until the next few chapters for TLH are updated. I'm to making sure they they follow the main story as far as arcs are concerned. Until then, here are a few ideas that weren't able to make the final cut (as far as karaoke was concerned).
Song #1: "Sono Chi no Kioku ~end of THE WORLD~"
{Wherein Chisa chooses to sing the OP for one of her favorite mangas, Jo-Jonah's Extravagant Quest}
Considering that this is a duet with seven characters, I tried playing with the idea of Chisa calling for additional help to overcome her stage fright. The cast would be as follows:
Chisa - Jojo
Sibyll - Dio (cross dressed as Dia)
Blake - Joseph Joestar
Weiss - Polnareff
Ruby - Kakyoin
Yang - Avdol
Zwei - Iggy
I thought about having a moment where it would be "Team CRWBY vs Sibyll" to emphasize the underlying struggles between the two groups. To show that, I would have each of the girls go up against Sibyll like the Jojo and the crew would go up against Dio. Likewise, they would systematically lose, leaving Chisa to face him alone in the divide between the groups. Each of the girl's participation would help build up her confidence in spite of their losses, and Chisa would be able to take on the duet with Sibyll on her own. It would be impressive considering how fluidly and natural the exchanges are between them, building up to the point where Chisa summons her stands and then "Za Warudo". The song slowly comes to an end with them exchange blows of Ora's and Muda's to the cheers of the fans.
"New World SymPONPONPON" by Triple-Q
{Wherein Sibyll takes the forefront of "bringing attention to himself" in a different way entirely}
Sensing Chisa's stage fright, Sibyll instead chooses a different song at the last minute to one he's heard from time to time. It's the only other modern song he's partly familiar with because it's one that Chisa plays often as at the workshop, but doesn't know the rest of the song. He changes into his usual Hunter's (B) attire as the song begins, except that everything about him (and the stage) takes on lighter colors and tones.
The dull and dark grays become lighter with certain accents of yellow to brighten his whole look. If you've seen the video for yourself, then just picture Sibyll performing in front of something like that: all these images of cheerful and happy backdrops, dancing in the same way he had seen Chisa dance (when she too learned the dance). It is admittedly unsettling for everyone to watch as he performs this, earning a few bouts of laughter at his expense. Strangely enough, his Messengers come to his aid as the song is about to switch from Sayonara Ponytail to Giga-P. Sibyll does a twirl, and his whole body changes before the audience.
For the Renai Circulation part, it's a performance done by Sibyll at Chisa's age (8 or 9). His outfit still looks dated, but this is a Sibyll that is significantly younger and happier. Accompanying him is an image of Chisa at his age (23 or 24), completing the role reversal. As Sibyll dances and sings, he's showing the real Chisa (and everyone else) a side he is aware off (mind you, he's focusing completely on the song and performing how he thinks it should be done). He displays scenes of a happy domestic life, imitating events that he and Chisa shared: gardening, baking, reading, stargazing, cooking, etc. The third and final change happens when he reaches to the real Chisa, and she takes his hand.
For the ClariS song, both he and Chisa are at the same age (18) and dressed in Haven and Beacon uniforms respectively. Sibyll's hair is longer, tied back into a loose ponytail while his bangs cover his eyes. Chisa's hair is much shorter, almost a pixie cut, and they appear to be in their rebellious phase. Their exchange here would be more of a close knit sibling rivalry: often trying to one up one each other, getting on each other's nerves, before standing back to back with their hands holding the other to show they need the other.
Cumulatively, his performance is to show her that he needs her as much as she needs him. That no matter what ages they could have been, they are seemingly inseparable and dependent on the others. It helps remind Chisa that they're relationship is a two way street, and that he can count on her like she counts on him. It builds up her confidence to fulfill the next part of the song; a part that Sibyll has no idea existing until the night.
Chisa changes back into her younger form, dressed in a Bancho version of Beacon's uniform while the song switches over the rock and metal half. Sibyll is just as surprised and stunned as the everyone else when Chis sings along to the lyrics of that portion. When it starts to build up to the Rob Zombie part of "Dragula", all 3 forms of Sibyll appear behind her protectively, all in similarly "delinquent themes: Yakuza Sibyll, Yankee Sibyll, and Ruffian Sibyll. And like in the video of Dragula, all four of them climb into a top down hearse in front of a backdrop as Chisa drives through a forest, and the Sibylls take turns killing Grimm.
{I know, my head was in a weird place for that one.}
I decided not to use it because how does one explain the Messenger's now suddenly great involvement without backtracking or ruining the flow of TLH. I view the Messengers as a finite hammer space that provides what you put in it (essentially, your character's inventory outside the Hunter's Dream), leaving their overall role as a support than overtly extravagant.
Song #3: "Ghost" by Mystery Skulls
{Wherein "the Woman" makes a sudden appearance}
This was the song that almost got in. It was the one that I worked on the most before omitting under the fear that it wouldn't fit in as well as I'd like. Like with the Messenger dilemma, I wasn't sure how to go about explaining her sudden appearance to Team RWBY and everyone else without using some arbitrary reasoning.
Overall, what the scene breaks down to is that Chisa takes up the role of a Hunter when Sibyll is mysteriously pulled away from the stage and into brief representations of Sibyll's memories. She runs through the forest that would become the Forbidden Woods as her "semblance" of conjuring colored fires follow behind her. Each fire is someone she knows from Beacon: teams RWBY, JNPR, SSSN, and CFVY, circling around her protectively as she tries to find Sibyll. When she happens upon Byrgenwerth scene, she confronts Sibyll and his "other self". The other half would be a reference to Salem's description with the pale skin and hair, red eyes, etc. I wanted to emphasize that Sibyll, if anything else, is more at odds with himself than anyone else. He doesn't want to give in to that other half that enjoyed the Hunts, or place Chisa in a position of risk (her temporary role as a Hunter searching for him). When all seems dire, Chisa feels something form in her hand and charges forward with an actual Flamesprayer. The fires dispel the creature into smoke, but grows in size. Before the other half can attack, Sibyll grabs her and together they jump into the lake, descending past it into the realm of Rom.
They are separated in the fall, and Chisa watch as Sibyll is almost consumed by the other half until a bright light from the moon pushes the thing away. It's the Woman with the Obscured Face Blake continues to see in his memories, and the woman Sibyll met in the abyss. With a snap of her fingers, ghosts of previous hunters (red and blue) converge on Sibyll's inner half, hacking away at it until it wills itself back toward the moon. Before the woman disappears, she suddenly appears before Chisa and the young girl actually sees beyond the obscurity. Whether or not what Sibyll or everyone else saw was real is left to be debated, and there would be a small scene with a Doll disturbed suddenly in her sleep.
It was my favorite to flesh out, but I was unconfident of whether it would make sense in regards to the elements of the oddities.