Author: Nightwing0126 1. Prologue ( Opening Crawl) 2. The Truth 3. Where's Rey? 4. You Lost Me 5. Dagobah Trial 6. A New Order Must Rise 7. Attack on D'Qar 8. Rescuing Zey 9. Recruiting Lando 10. Traitor? Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Drama - Reviews: 36 - Published: 12-20-15 - Updated: 08-04-19 id:11680007
Chapter IX
Resistance Base: Crait
As the trio exited the Falcon they were greeted by General Organa, "Hello Princess!" Lando greeted loudly.
"I haven't been a princess in over 3 decades." Leia replied with a smile, "How are you old friend?" She asked pleasantly shaking Lando's hand.
"Well considering I just learned of Han's death… I could be better." He said the last part with a casual shrug after kissing Leia's hand. Suddenly Rey ignited her Lightsaber spun around and slashed a First Order Scout Droid.
"Damn." Finn mumbled a look of concern on his face.
A Few Minutes Later: Inside The Mountain
"What do you mean they know we're here?" Admiral Akbar asked shocked.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" Finn exclaimed annoyed and astonished slamming his fists on the base of the holo-projector, "Rey just sliced a First Order Scout Droid INTO TWO!"
"I think we need to consider the possibility of 2 things." Lando started Number 1: We need to shut the cave door and number 2: we can't rule out the possibility that there's a traitor in our misted." With that second accusation from Lando all eyes went to Finn.
"Why are you looking at me?" Finn asked insulted.
Rey looked at him, "Is it you?" She asked her hazel eyes staring into his soul.
Finn looked at her shocked, "Of course not!" He shouted.
"Calm yourself, I believe you." Rey reassured Finn .
"We can't rule that out." Snap Wexley stated.
Rey slammed her hands on the table, "WOULD HE HAVE HELPED YOU DESTROY STARKILLER BASE IF HE WAS A SPY!?" Rey shouted her eyes turning Dark Side, Finn put a hand on her shoulder calming her.
"He could've done that to gain our trust." Snap answered.
"I understand." Finn replied sadly, "But allow me to tell you a story, the day I betrayed The First Order was the same day I got my first taste of battle, it was nothing like the training one of my friends was the first to fall when we attacked Lor San Tekka's village something about that broke The First Order's conditioning after that of my own free will helped Poe Dameron escape and I helped get BB-8 get to D'Qar and deliver the plans. If you want to incarcerate me, I won't resist at al-" he stopped, "AAAAAAAAAAAAArrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!" He let out a cry of pain.
Rey looked around until her eyes landed on her father robotic hand outstretched, "Father." She snapped before he lowered his hand.
"He isn't lying."Luke stated.
"Did you fore probe me?" Finn asked holding his head, Luke nodded, "Well that explains the migraine."
"Finn that's not funny." Rey whispered.
"I'm not joking I actually have a migraine." Finn retorted. Rey rolled her eyes and placed her hand on his forehead and used the force to heal his migraine, "Thanks"" Finn smiled and Rey returned it.
Lando leaned over to Luke, "Is there something going on between Finn and Rey?" He asked.
"They have feelings for each other." Luke answered.
"So they aren't dating?" Lando replied confused.
"Not that I've been informed of." Luke clarified.
"Well maybe we should-" Lando was cutoff.
"No. We need them to focus on defeating the First Order." Luke snapped.
Lando smiled, "They'd make a cute couple."
Rey looked at those 2 talking as the debate with Captain Wexley she was getting bored so she got an idea, "I suggest we shut the cave door and inspect EVERYONE'S quarters to see if there's any evidence of them being a traitor." Rey blurted.
"I concur." Lando interjected.
"We may find nothing, but we can't deny the possibility." Luke stated a wise tone to his voice.
"We'll prep the base, "We'll try to find the-" Snap started but was interrupted.
"No. You will or you won't there is no such thing as try." Luke snapped.
"You got that from Master Yoda." Rey called to her father and Luke replied with a casual shrug.
"Then its decided" Leia announced, "shut the door no one in or out!" Leia ordered.
First Order Star Destroyer: The Supremacy
"Are you sure Ren?" General Hux asked.
"Our new ally has reported they are sealing the cave and our Scout Droid we sent to Crait failed to return." Kylo retorted blankly behind his helmet.
"And?'" Hux asked unimpressed.
Kylo turned and got in his face, "Something or someone had to destroy it."
"It could've been a Wampa" Hux retorted.
"Impossible." Kylo snapped back, "Crait is a Mineral Planet not a snow planet. Wampas are found on Hoth and other snow planets."
"We shall set out at once." Hux said stiffening.
Takodana: Maz Kanata's Castle
Maz walked up to an adult Togrutan female holding an adult beverage, "The Resistance could use your help AT." Maz said placing the drink on her table.
AT took a sip of her liquid, "If they wanted it I would've been contacted." She stated calmly.
"They were attacked by The First Order all the heroes of the Resistance heroes survived" Maz struggled to climb up the chair to sit across from AT, "including the future of the Jedi Order."
AT looked up, "Come again?" She asked.
"Luke has started a New Jedi Order his pupil is his own daughter." Maz explained.
AT was about to reply when a very rowdy group of people entered and approached the pair, "Beat it you're in our spot." An alien said in it's native tongue.
A human put his blaster to AT's head, " You heard the boss move." He threatened.
AT put a hand on one of the metal cylinders at her hip and got up, "Sorry to cut and run Maz but I need to go." She turned on the lightsaber and with the white blade cutoff the man's hand then bolted for the door she paused. AT walked up to Maz, "I almost forgot what I came here for, her lightsaber."
"Oh of course AT." Maz replied before starting to walk a direction and motioned for AT to follow her, she was lead down a flight of stairs into the room where Rey found Anakin's lightsaber Maz grabbed a wooden box and handed it to her, "Go andjoin the fight, help bring balance to the force." Maz said biding AT farewell. With the box now in her possession she headed to Crait. While in hyperspace AT opened the box and pulled out a lightsaber she left the cockpit and sat on her knees and concentrated vague images flashed in her head of a woman with an amethyst blade, in one of the visions she had her lightsaber ignited holding it in her right hand and a toddler behind her After that she opened her eyes, "Who was that youngling?" AT asked as the ship exited lightspeed right behind a First Order fleet.
AT decided to send out a transmission, "This is Ahsoka Tano codename Fulcrum contacting the Resistance on the Planet Crait, I'm here to join the fight."
Authors Note: I hope y'all are ready for Ahsoka Tano. The reason I'm adding her is I heard a rumor of a character called AT being in ROS and immediately people assumed Ashoka "Snips" Tano was confirmed for Episode IX but in truth the reason I'a fan of the character. Until next time my fellow Star Warriors may the force be with you.