
White- Jeff
Red- Leroy
Blue- Thomas
Yellow- Eunice
Pink- Zoe


White Thunder Bird
Red Thunder Ape
Blue Thunder Bull
Yellow Thunder Horse
Pink Thunder Cat


White Thunder Blaster
Red Thunder Lance
Blue Thunder Ax
Yellow Thunder Whip
Pink Thunder Daggers

Primary Weapons:
Thunder sabers
Fury strikers


Prince Raiken- The crowned Prince of Aeola and next in line for the throne. His uncle Volcron wants to destroy him in order to stop him from taking the throne


King Volcron: assumed the throne a while after his brother's sudden disappearance. He wants to destroy his nephew in order to stop him from getting the throne.

Midknight: Volcron's right hand man he was once King Nova's top Knight but now he follows Volcron

Shadow: Volcron's literal Shadow which he manipulated to take a humanoid form. He is a creature of little words but a very powerful monster.

Villain's Aid

Queen Dia- Raiken's mother who helps Volcron in order to gain info on her missing husband Nova and also to protect her son.