Don't own Star Wars! It is Christmas here, but sometime I like to write chapters in the night.

"Anakin wake up! I can't lose you!"Said Padme. Padme started to cry and a tear fell on Anakin's chest. The necklace started to glow again."What s going on?"Padme yelled.

"What is with the flashes of light?! It is about is blind me!"Said Padme. Padme heard moaning from her poor Nutcracker, but something off, his skins wasn't wood anymore.

"Padme? What happened? Where did that Sith scum go?"Said Anakin.

"Anakin! Your okay!"Said Padme.

Everyone was turned back into moving people again."Padme the necklace is glowing."Said Anakin.

The necklace transformed Padme into a beautiful ballerina."No way! Was I the princess the entire time?"Padme asked.

"Padme you broken all of the spells! You gave Harmonia peace again!"Said Anakin. The Jedis appeared and looked around."You even freed the Jedis from their stone prisons."Said Anakin.

Padme smiled and look at Anakin."Anakin, will you be crowned king?"Said Padme.

"Well it is up to the people."Said Anakin. Everyone started to cheer on Anakin and began a celebration.

"Padme, will you do me the honer to dance with me?"Said Anakin. Padme smiled."I'd love to my prince."Said Padme.

Padme and Anakin started to dance the ballet.

"Padme, I love you too. Will you be my queen?"Said Anakin.

"When the Sith king made me smaller my heart doesn't know where I could be. And now I know where I belong."Said Padme.

Padme and Anakin were about to kiss and Palo ran towards them, and grabbed the necklace.

"Got it! If I can't have the girl, then NO ONE WILL!"Said Palo. Palo breaks the necklaces pink jewel and a bright flash of light appeared. it surrounded Padme and Palo, Palo disappeared into the light.

"No!"Palo yelled.

Padme started to fade away,"Anakin!"Said Padme.

Anakin tried to grab her hand but he coulndn't."Padme! Please don't go!"Said Anakin.\

"I love you!"Said Padme. Padme faded away.

"Padme..."Said Anakin.

Nabberie Residence

The clock stroke, and Padme woke up. She checked her surroundings but her Nutcracker was no where to be found.

"Anakin? Where are you!?"Said Padme.

"Padme! You can't believe it! There was a bunch of mice in the room last night and-Anakin!"Padme yelled, she ran out the door and went to her room to check where he is."He's gone!"Said Padme.

Padme ran downstairs, grabbed her coat, and ran out the door."Padme? Where are you going?"Said Sola.

Padme still ran to town to try to find Obi-Wan, until she found a room that says, reserved for Kenobi.

Padme knocked on the door,"Uncle Obi-Wan, please open the door! I need to talk to you!"Said Padme.

Obi-Wan opened the door."Padme come in!"Said Obi-Wan.

"Oh Obi-Wan, the Nutcracker you gave me is gone!"Said Padme.

"Now Padme don't panic."Said Obi-Wan

"Pleas tell me! Is Harmonia real? Is the Nutcracker actually a jedi?"Said Padme.

"Padme heard footsteps on from one of the bedrooms, it was Anakin."Padme, I'd like to introduce you to my former padawan, Anakin Skywalker."Said Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan walked out of the room.

"It is a pleasure, Milady."Said Anakin. Padme smiled."It is nice to meet you Nutcracker."Said Padme.

"It is you! I thought I would never see you again!"Said Anakin. Anakin pulled out the necklace that Obi-Wan gave to her."I believe this belongs to you."Said Anakin.

Padme puts the necklace around her neck, it was good as new, the pink jewel didn't have a crack on it."May we have a walk around town Milady?"Anakin asked.

"Of course, my prince."Said Padme. They both grabbed their jackets and walked out the door.

"I knew she would be the one."Said Obi-Wan.

And thats all! Wow 11:40 PM at night! Even on Christmas day!

Luckily I got it done on time!

Have a nice day, Merry Christmas and a happy new year!