You know what's more surprising than one surprise chapter after years of quiet? Two!
Also, I started re-playing the game. Apparently I give Dunby and Honey far more credit than the game does.
Files from the LEGO City PD
Case File #912 ADDENDUM
Incriminating Evidence (Part 2)
Time: 10:02 AM
Location: King's Court
The sounds of sirens filled the air as LCPD's finest raced downtown. In order to keep traffic to a minimum the detectives and officers had doubled or even tripled up In cars, coordinating across radios as they approached the scene.
"Is there any word from the Fire Department?" Dunby barked into the radio as Officer Spencer swerved around a slow-moving truck.
"They can't get anywhere near the fire until that T-Rex is taken care of!" Jenkins shouted back. Her monster truck of a "police car" was doing an excellent job of clearing traffic for the rest of the force, her revving motor almost louder than her sirens. "They're coating the surrounding buildings to keep the fire from spreading!"
"Is there any word from Detective Baxter?" Detective Lagney asked from the back of Chase's pursuit vehicle.
"Nothing yet, we're having trouble raising him or Bluffbeard." Officer Park replied.
Chase reached into the glove compartment and rummaged for a moment. "Here." He said, tossing something back to Lagney. "Call the guy on this number, name's Blue. He's the fixer in Albatross, and if he's not on that ferry he'll know someone who will be."
"Thanks, but… why did you hand me a croissant?"
"How are we controlling the scene?" Spencer asked.
"Check Y'all's maps on your communicators." Ellie's voice came over the radio. "The building on fire corners where Blackwell tower used to be. If you can Get the T-Rex in there the fire department can come down the opposite street and put out the fire. We're still workin on how to stop the runaway ferry."
"Thanks, Ellie!" Chase called. "Now how do we stop a runaway, fire-breathing T-Rex?"
"How about the grappling hooks?" Officer Park suggested, bouncing around in the monster truck. "If we can get it into the empty lot ten officers should be enough to hold it down."
"We have to get it into the empty lot first!"
"Over there!" Jenkins shouted, yanking on the wheel. Chase heard officer park shout as the Monster truck swerved around a corner to come to a stop a short distance away from the fire.
"Wow, they weren't kiddding about all the chicken feathers." Lagney said, watching the fluff fly as the T-Rex stomped around the remains of the apartment building. "But why…?"
Chase pointed to some of the feathers that had broken off and were floating in the air. "They carry embers over to the other buildings and catch them on fire. The Fire Department was spot-on coating the other buildings with water."
"Alright, Listen up!" Dunby barked. "Chase, Jenkins, you two corral the T-Rex over to the empty lot. Lagney, Park, you two are on crowd control; get everyone away from the empty lot and anything that could catch fire! Studsky, Clutch, Get rid of that chicken and be helpful for once! Spencer, you're with me, we're going to clear that lot before the ferry can crash into it. Get the prison trucks ready if anyone tries to make a run for it."
"Yes sir!"
Cars screeched to a halt as officers and detectives spilled out of vehicles and towards the scene of the crime. Chase and Jenkins raced toward the empty lot. "Any ideas on getting that thing over here?" Jenkins asked.
Chase pulled out a grapple gun. "I've got this, but I'm going to go flying if I try to wrangle with it myself."
"What if we give you several hundred horsepower to back you up?" Jenkins asked, holding up her keys.
"I like the way you think." Chase grinned. Jenkins ran back to her truck and fired up the engine, not bothering to slow down as she sped past Chase. Chase jumped onto the back of the truck and aimed. The grapple stuck true, latching on to the back of the T-Rex's neck. And slid off as it grasped nothing but feathers.
"Did we get it?"
"Didn't even get its attention. Those feathers won't let me get a good grip." Chase called back. "Can you line me up for another shot?"
"Comin' round now." Jenkins spun the wheel, spinning the truck on a dime. This time the grapple latched firmly to the T-Rex's tail, where there weren't enough feathers to coat the space-touched metal.
"Got it!"
"Great! Hang on!"
Chase attached the grapple gun to the bed of the monster tuck and grabbed the nearest crash bar. Jenkins floored the gas and the Monster truck roared to life, slowly pulling the T-Rex away from the ruins of the building. It turned slowly, realizing that its stomping grounds were pulling away from it. It looked at the Monster truck pulling it across the street and roared.
"Almost there!" Jenkins shouted, almost leaning out of her seat as the Monster truck fought the T-Rex. Slowly, it slid across the road and into the empty Blackwell lot.
Officers sprang up from behind flipped cars and bits of rubble and fired, Grapple gun after grapple gun. Spencer tossed Chase a fresh gun and dove for cover behind the Monster truck's tires. Chase pulled the grapple gun out of the air and watched the field, waiting for just the right moment…
There. In the blink of an eye where the T-Rex's claws rose up enough to provide a stepping stone, Chase was gone from the bed of the truck, across the claws then above the head, firing as he came down. Using the momentum from his leap and the subsequent fall, Chase swung himself around the jaws of the animatronic monstrosity, clamping them shut and preventing it from breathing fire.
"Bring it down!"
Officers on all sides heaved and hauled, pulling with all their might to bring the monster to its knees. The T-Rex tried to roar, only to be muted by the grapple chain around its mouth. It collapsed to the ground, pinned.
"Alright, nice job!" Studsky shouted, popping up from behind the safety of his car. "We got it!"
"'We'?" I don't recall you doing anything to help, Studsky!" Jenkins shouted from the cab of her truck.
"We were moral support! An aviary cheerleading squad!" Clutch added, also popping up from behind the car, holding the chicken.
No one was quite sure what happened next, even with extensive review of the video footage from the bank across the street. One moment the T-Rex was pinned to the ground by ten officers and a monster truck, the next it was back on its feet and roaring, sending officers flying left and right. Grapples slid across feathers as one by one the PD lost control. It growled, eyes on nothing around it but the chicken in Clutch's hands.
The T-Rex Lunged, breaking free of its restraints. Studsky squealed in fear and dove into the driver's seat. "Gun it! Now now now nownownow!" Cluctch screamed. Tires squealed as the car spun out, then launched forward as it raced away from the mechanical monster. Naturally, the T-Rex gave chase.
"Now what do we do?" Jenkins asked, grabbing the radio. "Ellie! The T-Rex got away, it's chasing Studsky's gaudy car back through Bright Lights!"
"We need to get after it." Chase pulled himself to his feet, slightly shaky. He'd been thrown into a car by the escape. "We don't need that thing burning down LEGO City!"
"I'm tracking Studsky's car now." Ellie said over the radio as Chase climbed into the passenger seat. "It looks like he's staying on the main roads, but He doesn't seem to be going in any particular direction."
"Of course not, he's just trying to stay in front of that thing."
"Jenkins, pull over a sec." Chase asked, leaning out the window. "Lopez-Delgado!"
The Fire department's top firefighter turned around, almost taking the hose with him. "Heya, Chase! Long time no see, man!"
"Wish I could stay and chat. What would make a animatronic dinosaur able to breathe fire?"
Delgado aimed the fire hose at a persistent flame. "I dunno man, I stop fires, not start them. Maybe someone added a propane tank and a starter? Does that sound right, Corey?"
The Firefighter supporting him on the hose nodded, almost too enthusiastically. "Yeah, the fire spread looks like a traditional flamethrower. It's got some crazy accelerant in it though. I hope there's some left over I can test!"
"Thanks, Delgado! Jenkins, let's get after that thing!"
"I take it the fire breathing is new?" Jenkins asked.
"I got scraped, not singed the last time I tangled with that thing."
Spencer watched the monster truck speed around a corner. "Well, there goes the Calvary. How are we doing on raising the ferry?"
Dunby smacked a radio against the hood of his car. "Nothing. Not even the emergency backup we hid just for cases like this!"
"Ted does know where it is, right?"
Dunby paused, thinking. "He'll be able to figure it out." He said, continuing to smack the radio.
"Ted to shore, anyone there?"
"About time, Baxter!" Spencer said, pulling the radio away from the chief. "What's going on in there?"
"Chaos, that's what. How did a bunch of middle-school kids manage to get past base security onto the ferry?"
"Question for later, Ted. Any idea what they want?"
"Oh, I know exactly what they want; fame and recognition. It's the Bugsy gang. They're trying to play tough, but their body language is giving everything away. Including the fact that they're complete amateurs at hostage situations."
"Then how did they get control of the ferry?" Spencer asked. "You'd think even a bunch of soft-boiled criminals like that lot wouldn't be scared of a bunch of kids."
"Would you believe every single one of them has a dairy allergy?"
"where are you now, Ted?" Dunby barked.
"Sitting on the roof. I can't stay too long or they'll notice I'm gone. Not even the kids are that stupid. Any plans on stopping this thing?"
"We're working on it. We were kinda hoping you would have an idea."
"I got nothing yet. These criminals barely trust each other, let alone me. I don't have a lot of leverage."
Lagney came up to the car and whispered something briefly into Spencer's ear. "Ted, listen up, there's a guy named Cagey Nic on the boat. Apparently he owes one of our contacts a favor and should help you out if you bring it up. Our contact says he's an expert boatsman and has a mean look that could curdle milk."
"I think I know the guy. Thanks for the tip."
"Just do every thing you can to stop that ferry before you reach King's Court!" Dunby barked. He picked up another radio. "Jenkins! What's the status on the T-Rex?"
"Still chasin' it, Chief!" Jenkins shouted into her radio. "Studsky and Clutch aren't making it easy to catch!"
"I don't suppose it plans on running out of gas soon?"
"I'm not even sure what it runs on, chief." Chase added, climbing into the passenger seat from the bed of the truck. "When I… 'borrowed' it it didn't really have a gas meter. I had to throw it into four different jet fuel tanks with a mech in order to take it down."
"You could have mentioned that earlier!"
"It was in the case file!"
The Monster truck bounced over a curb, nearly sending Chase flying. "Look, it may not be able to stop but someone has to be driving it. If we can knock them out this thing will stop!"
"Then Get them, Chase!"
"Yes, Chief!" Chase tried to keep the frustration out of his voice. "Jenkins, do you see anyone on the back of that Rex?"
"It's hard to tell with all the feathers." Jenkins said, yanking the truck around a slow-moving moped. "But if I remember my biology class right, T-Rexes didn't have humps."
"That would do it. How close can you get me?"
"Very, if Studsky would cooperate for once!" Jenkins rammed the accelerator and the truck shot forward. "You'll have one chance to jump, so don't miss!"
"I don't plan on it!" Chase climbed out the window and onto the roof of the truck. They'd managed to speed through half of LEGO City, and were squarely in the center of uptown. "Jenkins! See if you can raise Studsky and tell him to aim for the museum!"
The truck swerved around a corner, sending Chase sliding. "All I got was screaming, but I think he got the point!" Jenkins shouted back. "They're headed for the museum!"
Chase pulled out his grapple gun and checked the charge. If this failed he was going to be a smear on the bottom of one of the truck's tires. The truck swerved around another corner, putting them in a beeline for the museum. "Tell Studsky to-HIT THE BRAKES!"
The red car at the front of the odd parade screeched to a stop, the T-Rex behind it crashing to a halt behind it. Jenkins' truck roared up from behind, pinning It between the two vehicles. Chase leapt into the air as the vehicles crashed together, landing squarely on the T-Rex's back. He rummaged through the feathers for a moment before pulling on a harness that hadn't been there when he had taken the tyrannosaurus for a ride. "Let's see who's behind our little rampage."
The man that emerged from the feathers had a crazed look in his eyes, and it wasn't the good kind. "It's that chicken! It's out to get me!" He yelled, struggling to break free from Chase's grip. "It followed me to the butchery and then out to Farmer Hayes' field and then HERE! I need to get it before it gets me!"
Chase looked down at the chicken in question, which was cooing innocently in Clutch's hands. "It's a monster, I tell you!" The man screamed.
Chase looked back at Jenkins as she leaned out the driver's side. "Jenkins, any idea who this guy is?"
"Looks like Casey Delago." Jenkins called back. "Seems like our apartment owner was an arsonist after all."
"Great, more paperwork." Chase groaned. "Call Spencer and tell him we caught the guy. And send the padded truck."
Casey himself was starting to babble incoherently at the word 'arsonist'. "The cheapest contractors I could hire couldn't bring them down. Not even that Honey guy! I had to do something to get money. NO one cares about those old buildings anyway."
"I think the people that lived there do." Chase muttered, clapping handcuffs on the guy. "This is going to be a mess."
"You ain't kidddin." Clutch said, pointing to the front of the car. "And not the kind that is nice to my laundry machine."
"Oh of all the…"
Studsky had managed to stop the car at an intersection directly in front of the museum, but it wasn't a sweet, little old lady with poor vision that he had stopped for. No, the only thing 'sweet' about the miniature blockade that had popped up were the cream pie tommy guns.
"Not you lot." Chase groaned. "Wasn't hijacking a prison ferry enough?"
"What'chu talkin about? We dids no such thing!" One of the kids shouted. "Though, now dat you mention it…"
"It was probably those lousy down-town slugs that think they's better than us." The tallest of the kids said. The way he carried himself definitely said 'leader', and certainly looked to be the brains of the bunch. "Tell 'Roni that his bunch of lazy bums are no match for the REAL Bugsy gang!"
"Great. A Turf war." Jenkins muttered. "Chase, I can have them all in the back of a truck in five minutes. What do you say?"
It was a tempting thought; her nickname wasn't 'Gangcrusher' for nothing. A scream from the steps of the museum interrupted his train of thought before he could reply.
"Oh my! Is that what I think it is?" The museum curator has managed to jump half the steps in the blink of an eye, landing squarely in front of the T-Rex.
"Um… Yes?" Chase replied uncertainly. "Sorry about all the chicken feathers. Those weren't there when-"
"This is wonderful!" The curator seemed to sparkle with delight. "Dr. [name] just released an article hypothesizing that many of the ancient dinosaurs had feathers, including the T-Rex! I have had swarms of educators and overbearing mothers asking when I would have a model to show the school kids. This couldn't have come at a better time."
The tallest of the Bugsy gang walked up to the T-Rex and picked up one of the feathers that had fallen off. "Hey! This is those feathers we… er, 'borrowed' from the party supply store from downtown. Mickey over there didn't like the idea of using real feathers, and I didn't feels like pluckin' a hundred chicks." He explained sheepishly. "Didn't think they'd be used for this, tho."
"You, young man, are quite a resourceful academic!" The Curator said, shaking his hand excitedly. "You'll get a special thanks and recognition at the unveiling tomorrow!"
The young man looked shocked. "I… uh…"
"Tell you what." Chase said, tossing Delago over to Jenkins. "Take his offer, and get your little blockade of the road. Technically, making a mess in the street isn't a crime. Hijacking a prison ferry is, so your rivals will be spending time in a jail cell tonight. Unless you'd like to join them…?"
The kid looked between Chase and the curator. "I guess a buncha dinosaurs ain't so bad." He said with a shrug. "C'mon guys, let's get this cleaned up before the rest of da fuzz show up!"
"Not bad." Jenkins said with a shrug.
"The kid's not stupid. And it keeps them off the streets for a little while. Who knows? Maybe helping around the museum will keep them off for good."
"You're too optimistic." Jenkins laughed, reaching for the radio. "Spencer, we've got the culprit. Send the padded truck. How's the ferry mess?"
"Not good." Spencer replied, watching the ferry as it approached King's Court. "We got a hold of Ted, but we haven't heard back from him."
"If he calls back, tell him to ask their hijackers about the uptown gang. Apparently they're two separate groups with a chip on their shoulder against the other."
"10-4. What about the T-Rex?"
"It's taken care of itself. I won't be surprised if Dunby's invited to the unveiling tomorrow." Jenkins said with a laugh. "We'll come back once Delgado gets booked."
"It was Delgado?" Spencer asked in surprise. "Copy, over and out." He set down the radio. "Dang, now I owe Park ten studs. T-Rex is stopped, Chief!"
"About time!" Dunby barked. "Now help me figure out how we're going to stop that ferry!"
"Dis is the Bugsy gang!" A voice on the radio said. It was far younger than any of them had been expecting. "Youse cops clear outta there and go find a donut to chase. You can't stop us!"
Spencer and Dunby looked at each other, then at the radio. "Really? Wow, I'd be scared if it was the Uptown Bugsy gang. But it's just you lot. Isn't it past your bed time?" Spencer asked.
"Dose uptown scraps don't know a good fight if it punched 'dem in the da face!" The squeaky voice on the radio said. "Dey don't got the guts to fight their way into the big-leagues! Ain't no one on the street going to pick a fight with us after we do this!"
"And just what is it your doing?" Spencer asked.
"Releasin' the baddest, worstest criminals in LEGO City back on 'da streets! Dey's all gonna owe us after dis!"
There was a faint voice on the other end of the line. "What? Whaddya mean you like it at Albatross? Puff-balls? What?"
"You might have had a point, if you had hijacked a ferry actually holding dangerous criminals." Spencer could vaguely hear Ted. "But these guys got arrested for trying to spray-paint graffiti of mustaches on statues of the mayor. Hardly a real threat to LEGO city."
The squeak rose a few pitches. "But…"
"There are only two people you should be scared of right now. That guy, who could bend all your little cream pie guns into umbrellas with one pull."
"Who's da other one?"
"I'll… just let you finish up, Ted." Spencer said. "Try not to rough em' up too much, yea?"
"Don't worry, they'll live. This time."
"Wasn't that a bit harsh for a bunch of kids?" Dunby asked.
"Ah, Ted's about as much a softy as those vandals are. He'll just scare them a little to keep them from pulling a stunt like this again." Spencer set down the radio. "Bet you five studs the only reason they took over was 'cause Bluffbeard fell asleep at the wheel again."
"It wouldn't surprise me." Dunby picked up a radio. "EVERYONE. Reconvene at the Blackwell lot. ONE MINUTE."
It took a good five minutes for the LCPD to rendevous at the lot; Spencer had raided Wheatley's while they waited, and there was a spread of doughnuts on the hood of Chase's car. The chief's communicator was propped up against the windshield, allowing Ellie to pitch in on the post-crime meeting.
"Right, Let's make this quick. I still have afternoon meetings to get to!" Dunby barked as Chase grabbed a fresh doughnut from the box. "McCain!"
"The T-Rex has been returned to the museum, Chief." Chase replied through a mouthful of pastry. "The Uptown Bugsy gang has dispersed, with any luck for good."
"He's optimistic." Jenkins cut in. "Casey Delgado has been arrested for arson, reckless driving and vandalism, even if the museum head insists the T-Rex is better now than it was before. He's booked into a private, padded truck and is on his way to the hospital for a mental eval."
"Any relation to Lopez-Delgado?"
"Second cousins, apparently." Lagney replied. "Casey's a bit of a black sheep in the family. Probably even more so, now. He'll be getting an earful from Lopez-Delgado if he ever gets out of a psych ward."
"And the ferry?"
"Ted's got the kids wrangled." Spencer replied. "I wish you'd taken that bet with me; Bluffbeard fell asleep at the helm. The crooks are helping keep the kids under control in exchange for a reduced sentence. Not that fifteen minutes off a five-month sentence is going to mean much. Bluffbeard's driving back to the PD dock to drop off the kids for processing before taking the Crooks to Albatross."
"Well, he's going to want help getting them into cells." Dunby grumbled, getting into the passenger seat of a car. "Studsky, Clutch! I told you to stop messing around with that chicken and be helpful! Get back to the PD and help Ted! As for the rest of you…"
Studsky and Clutch were gone, more than willing to get out of the firing line even if it meant dealing with middle-schoolers. The rest of the detectives were stood in the lot, waiting.
"You closed four case files in the space of an hour. Keep it up and you might make competent detectives someday." Dunby reached over and grabbed a doughnut. "Now get this mess cleaned up! You've still got paperwork to process to close these cases!"
"Yes, chief…"
"Did we do good?" Spencer asked, confused as an officer drove Dunby back to the PD.
"Coming from him? That was the highest of praise." Jenkins laughed. "Come on, let's get this scene processed."
"Jenkins!" Chase shouted.
"Did anyone pull that flamethrower out of the T-Rex before we gave it back to the museum?"