A/N: Oh my god, my first crossover! Whoever knows me from MKB or M&C, my other DP fics, you already know my style, but don't expect anything too heavy yet. I do have a good plan for conflict, though. I don't really like made up villains that feel sudden and poorly thought out, and you know my eye for detail.

For who's new, welcome! I hope the story is to your liking. Like I said, I have an eye for details, and the timeline is somewhat AU here, with a few key events changed.

First, for Danny Phantom, Jazz is only a year older than Danny, not two, and also no PP. That's it. For Jake Long, it's after the last episode, exactly as it happened. Rose moved back to America, however, not to NYC. For Randy Cunningham, it's exactly as it happened in canon, if not right after it.


In this story, Danny's a junior, and I want to paint him as the most experienced one, with the heaviest burden, and also the most stiff and kind. He doesn't cheat and he genuinely cares about everyone. Considering all the shit he's been through, I think it's fair to say he would be the oldest, mentally and physically.

Jake, well, after the end of season 2, he was finishing middle school, so he's a freshman now, but he's the one with the biggest responsibility, despite being the youngest, and he has a wise master, so he picked up on some wisdom there. He's learned a lot during those two seasons, but he's not quite there yet.

And then there's Randy. He's the least experienced and burdened. Being a hero to him is a breeze and he adapted quickly. He's like the reckless little apprentice who relies on luck, and despite the Nomicon's best attempts, Randy still refuses to listen and look at things differently, instead of going for the obvious, with the me-me-me mentality, not to mentions his thirst for attention, and that's what I'm going to pick on during this story. You can even say Randy's the main character here. :)

Disclaimer will only be displayed in the first chapter, as per tradition, which requires me to say that I do not own any of these series. These series being Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja, Danny Phantom, and Jake Long: American Dragon.

Forgive grammar mistakes and all. It seems it happens no matter how many times I reread the chapter.

Rated T for safety. Anyway, here's the story. Enjoy.

Secret Trinity

Chapter 01

The Joys of Camping

Danny sighed in exasperation, glaring at the back of the seat in front of him as the bus gave another bump that made the occupants and their bags jump at least half an inch. He had his arms crossed to show how much he didn't want to be here.

"Oh, relax, man. It's not that bad." His best friend, Tucker, said from the seat beside him, then handed him a can of soda.

Danny took it wordlessly, popped it open and took a big gulp. Only then he spoke. "Of course it is! Both Valerie and me are here! Even Jazz, too! So Amity Park only has my parents to protect it. How's that okay?"

Tucker looked upwards, tilting his head in contemplation. "When you put it like that..."

"It's a disaster." Danny still couldn't believe his parents simply signed him up to this without asking a thing.

"Sure, maybe. But these days, nothing really huge happens, no Vlad, or Ghost King, suddenly popping up to destroy the city and all. I think your parents can handle it."

Danny blinked and slowly turned to look at him with a disturbed look. "I feel like you just jinxed it..." He whispered.

Then, his other best friend, Sam, stood up from her seat behind them, leaning on Danny's own seat. "You're still obsessing over this? Danny..." She sighed tiredly. "You deserve a vacation, more than anyone. You shouldn't worry too much."

Danny shook his head and leaned against the window, seeing the scenery pass by as they approached their destination. "Still..."

"Besides, this is a good opportunity to get in touch with nature! It's a great summer camp!"

"Eh," Danny's shoulders sagged in dismay. "Last year's summer camp wasn't all that great, remember? Walker, kidnapping kids left and right?"

"And," Tucker continued. "the pamphlet was very, ah, what's the word?"


Sam shook her head with a grin. "You guys don't know! This camp has been around for more than three generations other than our own, it has money and fame, and there's no way it'll be like 'Camp Skull and Crossbones'." She wiggled her head with mock-tone. "It's a miracle our school even got invited for this!"

Danny and Tucker stared at her, unimpressed, then at each other. "Did you bring our portable arcade?"

Tucker pulled numerous games out of his bag with a deadpan. "Yup."

A red-head wearing glasses popped in from the seat beside Sam's with a naturally squeaky voice. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Just sit down, Mikey." Sam pushed him back down without sparing him a look.

Danny ignored that and only sighed. "I just can't wait to get stuck with Dash and Kwan again..."

Tucker only shrugged. "At least the guy with certain abilities can get us out, if necessary."

Then, the bus finally slowed down, lurching heavily when it left the road and rolled into the dirt, as Mr. Lancer came up and cleared his throat, raising a megaphone to his face. "Alright, students, listen up!" Everyone in the bus clamped their ears with their hands.

Sam grimaced. "Remind me again why Lancer's using a megaphone inside the bus...?"

"Because no one would listen otherwise, Ms. Manson." He answered, pointing the loudspeaker directly at her and making her sit back down for some cover. "Well, we're here, kids, and this is a prestigious summer camp for multiple schools," He slowed down over each word, as if talking to young children with mental deficiency. "so be on your best behavior. We don't wish to shame the Casper High's good name with you all acting like uncivilized brats!"

"...Gee, thanks..." Danny whispered, Tucker nodding.

"Of course he doesn't want us to misbehave, he's the new principal. Anything we do is on him..." They heard Sam say from the seat behind.

"That said, if you don't behave, you'll be handed over to Ms. Testlaff." Lancer then motioned to the back, where their oversized P.E teacher was grinning ominously and cracking her knuckles. No one dared to look at her for more than a second.

Then the bus finally came to a total stop. "So, if you would follow me-" Everyone got up and picked their bags, then hurriedly moved to walk out. "Wait! In orderly fashion-!" No one listened, and soon, everyone was out, stretching their legs and thanking the heavens for the fresh air.

"Lancer is out of his mind if he thinks everyone would stay a minute longer in that old dingy bus." Sam complained while massaging her neck. "Specially after a 7-hour trip to get here..."

"At least we stopped at a truck-stop joint half-way here." Danny stretched his back with a groan. The seats weren't the most comfortable. Mostly because Casper High couldn't afford a better bus. Most of the money goes to fixing propriety damages done by ghosts attacks... The bus itself seemed to be falling apart after the long trip it obviously wasn't ready for.

The truck-stop wasn't all nice either. Some old bearded weirdo kept looking at Sam the entire time, much to their discomfort.

Danny looked back at everyone else. The students were at an 'informal' parking lot made of grass and no pavement, probably somewhere in the back of the camp. Danny even spotted Jazz, who waved excitedly at him. Danny sighed and turned around, pretending not to know her. He also saw Valerie, tapping on her ghost detector, probably to make sure there were none nearby.

There were some old cement stairs up the hill that lead to the actual camp, which they couldn't see yet. Sam was already walking up the steps. "Sam?" Danny followed, while Tucker checked for internet signal on his PDA.

"Oh my god..." He heard Sam whisper with glee and he also finally caught sight of the place.

"Huh. What do you know. The pamphlet wasn't lying."

Sam nearly squealed, which made Danny raise an eyebrow at her. She never made this kind of noise. But it was a nice place, after all, so she was understandably excited. There were long mountains in the distance, behind luscious green forests, and down the hill they could see a grand and clear blue lake, the east side covered by lots of trees, and the west side full of houses – not tiny cabins, falling apart – and other few bigger structures, one being the mess hall at the center, most likely.

Is that a skate park...? And are those supposed to be their cabins?

"I wonder if they have TVs in those." Danny said, mildly impressed. Certainly an improvement from the last summer camp. The number of people he could see walking from all directions towards the mess hall didn't alleviate his overall bad feeling about his stay there, though. He had no idea it was this... crowded.

He's never seen so many teenagers in one spot, honestly...

"Guys! There's internet access! There's-!" Tucker stopped too at the sight. "Huh. The pamphlet really wasn't lying."

"I know, right?"

Sam was still staring lovingly at the nature in front of her, but once she heard people coming up the stairs, she frowned as her smile disappeared. "Of course, there's that..." She walked down the steps ahead of everybody, shaking her head.

They heard Testlaff's booming voice from the back. "– I read there are no snakes loose in the camp, what can we teach these weaklings with this priciness – ?"

"I thought they weren't allowed to leave snakes around?" Came Dash's comment, sounding more like a question than an affirmation. He had Paulina beside him who was applying a new layer of make-up and Star just behind her, fiddling inside her orange purse.

"That's the beauty of it! But don't worry. I'll get you kids into shape! With or without snakes!" She slapped Paulina in the back, which made her roll her pink lipstick up her cheek, and she stood there frozen for a few seconds before she screamed in anguish, making Star gasp and search inside her bag with renewed desperation.

Danny grimaced and followed Sam, with Tucker coming quickly after them. "I wonder if we'll have any of those places for ourselves."

"I doubt it. We'll probably have to share with other groups." Considering there are other schools around, the chances of getting stuck with Dash and Kwan specifically were somewhat slim, actually. That was only mildly relieving, because knowing his own luck, he knew they would be stuck with a bully from another school instead.

"...Do you think they're co-ed?"

"I don't think so."

"Eh, disappointing."

With that, they continued down the path, with at least 30% of the Casper High student body, and with Mr. Lancer trying to get them to behave at the sound of Ms. Testlaff's disappointment over the camp's fanciness and lack of wilderness hazards.

Jake knew that arriving first and sitting near the front would pay off. Sure, he was too close to the teachers, and yeah, Rotwood was one of them, but, that wouldn't ruin his mood. As soon as the bus stopped at one of the few parking lots past the front entrance, Jake was the first up and out.

He took a long breath and smiled widely. "Yo, this will be great!"

Trixie raised an eyebrow as she walked out after him, trying to stay out of the others' path as they flowed out of the bus like a stampede, seeing Jake prancing out and about. "I know you're excited to see Rose again, Jakey, but you're starting to creep me out!"

Then Spud was beside her with an enormous bag that no amount of people could fit in the bag compartment of the bus. "Leave him be, Trixie. Can't you smell the love in the air?"

Trixie sniffed and then clamped her hand on her nose. "I can smell something alright. What you bring in that bag, anyway?! It reeks!"

"Oh, this?" Spud adjusted the straps over his shoulders and grinned lazily. "I learned an important lesson last time."

That time he decided to not bring anything and only use the Lost & Found section for clothing? She remembered that stunt very clearly. "To bring your own clothes?"

"What? Nah. This is what I'm leaving for future generations, so that they'll have a wide section of Lost & Found to choose from." He finished with a proud grin.

"You leaving all of that at the camp?"


They continued their one-sided arguing, but Jake however, wasn't listening to any of that. This summer camp was a multi-school camp, and despite the fact that Rose and her family moved back to America not too long ago, she was still living on the other side of the country, in Seattle.

Jake still couldn't visit her whenever he wanted.

They still kept in touch, though. She was free to send E-mails now, and there were also the dream bracelets, so they talked often. But nothing was better than actually being with her. So when this camp came up, and he found out Rose's school was participating, he didn't waste the chance. He didn't even have to do anything to convince his parents. They came to this camp when they were younger, and at that very day, his father went and told him he should go too. He would gladly do so.

Just two months of him and Rose. He sighed dreamily.

Someone suddenly poked him on the head. "Chill out, boy." Trixie said with a knowing look.

Jake only laughed. Trixie might say he giggled, but he would forever deny it. "Don't you get it? I haven't seen Rose since that deal with the Dark Dragon, and now, it'll be just the two of us." Because dream encounters didn't really count, even if they were great... "And best yet, no magical emergencies to deal with." Because Rose didn't need any of that now that she was free of the Huntsclan. So he spun around and continued moving ahead, eager to get in there and find his girlfriend, tilting his head from side to side and humming in content.

"Boy..." Trixie half sighed and half growled amiably, then turned to Spud. He wasn't there beside her, but she spotted him on a land of grass stretching around the paved parking lot, his huge bag aside as he tried making 'snow-angels' on the grass.

"Nature's beautiful, isn't she?" She heard him mutter just as dreamily, and she face-palmed with a tired sigh. She decided to ignore the two of them and went looking for a certain Kyle, who happened to be... almost her boyfriend.

Meanwhile, Jake continued humming in his good mood, when someone stepped into his path. "Mr. Long." He stopped and took a step back.

"Rotwood." He greeted with a smile, because not even this guy could get him out of this wonderful mood.

"It's Principal Rotwood!" He bellowed before straightening himself. "I'm glad you're having a good day, Mr. Long."

"Oh, I am. I'm so having a great day."

"Hmm, you don't seem worried. I heard this camp is on top of magical grounds." He sounded incredibly smug. But Jake was having none of it.

"Try all you want, I've got nothing for you. If you wanted a chance to get anything on camera, you would have better luck on NYC, not that you have any, anyway."

Rotwood growled and frowned, about to say something when a tan hand was placed on Jake's shoulder. "Is something wrong here?" His home ec. Teacher, Sun Park said with her soothing voice. Great timing, Jake thought as he grinned smugly at Rotwood.

"Ah, n-nay, it's nothing, Mr. Long and I were just... talking." Rotwood tried explaining without looking suspicious, but Jake only took this as an opportunity to slip out.

"Yeah, juuust talking, see ya!" He said quickly and moon-walked away, still on a brilliant mood. He ignored Rotwood's irritated grunt and continued on, waving back at Sun when she waved at him.

There was soon a wooden arc with the sign that said: Weyden Camp, and as he walked past it, the sounds of voices got louder and louder until he reached the conglomeration of all sorts of people in front of the mess hall, which he could barely see from this distance. His smile disappeared. "Wow... that's... a lot of people." How is he going to find Rose in the middle of this mess? "I better try calling." He pulled out his phone and dialed as he walked towards the mass of people, looking from side to side for a blond head, which he would spot from time to time, only to realize he's got the wrong person.

This could take a while...

Despite the fact that the two of them were the last to leave the bus, one could argue that Randy and Howard were the most excited out of the whole bunch.

Norrisiville wasn't some dingy little town, and Norrisiville High has been a guest of this camp for many years now. So they knew what awaited them, and their school had three buses, banked by McFist Industries. Going was just a part of the school's tradition. Like Stanked Students, or the Ninja. All tradition.

It was a very comfortable two-hour trip, by the way.

Randy was in a good mood. He guessed that he must be the first Ninja to ever step foot in this camp, as he would've been obligated to stay in Norrisiville if the Sorcerer were still trapped down there. But he wasn't, which makes Randy a free ninja. His book of ancient ninja wisdom, the Nomicon, didn't seem to agree with the free part – something about always having a responsibility to uphold or whatever – but Randy wouldn't miss this opportunity, right?

Once out, Randy smiled slyly. "I smell victory in our future." He muttered.

His ginger best friend, Howard, was just behind him. "I smell tacos." He said, eyes narrowing as he searched for the source of food. "And victory, too. Or maybe it's just the grass."

The two walked behind the group, where they could hear Stevens' trombone playing an intimidating funeral march, as if trying to scare their enemies with Norrisiville High's arrival, while Howard's sister, Heidi was in the front of the whole parade with her phone, updating the Me-Cast excitedly. Randy and Howard were easily ignored as usual. It's something Randy intended to remedy soon, very soon. "This is gonna be so bruce! I can't wait for the challenges!"

"As long as your Nomi-buzz-kill stays out of our business, we'll crush these losers, Cunningham."

Randy waved a hand in dismissal. "Chill, I got it. We'll have our faces on that trophy rack until Norrisiville wins again, which will beee..." He let Howard finish.


"Most likely. We win this, and we'll be set until High School's over. Honor call and everything!"

"Hmm, I can hear the cheers. Slap it!" And they did their customary overly-complicated but cool hand-shake, which was only over after three or four seconds. "Although, I heard we'll have New Yorkers to fight against. They're a nasty bunch, according to the last campers..." Howard frowned, drumming all of his fingers together, as if plotting an evil plan.

"The camp only happens every four years, so maybe they're not anymore." Randy's eyes narrowed at the challenge. "But still, we have the Ninja on our side."

"Yes, we do. Cheers to our certain victory, as long as you stay out of it." Howard took the time to point at Randy's bag and hiss his words, certain that the book was listening. "I don't even know why you brought it..."

Randy wasn't paying attention to that, though. He preferred to long into his own daydreams. "The first freshmen to ever win the Weyden Competition... We'll be making history indeed...!"

"...We're still freshmen, right...?"

"Sophomore year hasn't started yet, sooo yeah, I think so."

"Alright! First freshmen ever to stand on that altar!"

The Weyden Camp had a competition going on, where you competed in teams. It didn't matter if you had someone from a different school on your team, as long as you were there. Randy and Howard could pick anyone and they still would get a photo to prove their victory, along with medals and a money prize that seemed to increase every time. Granted, whoever the other cabinmate was, would get that too for their own school, but what mattered was that they would be famous as the Norrisiville Champions.

"I still smell those tacos!" With an exaggeratedly long breath intake, Howard walked ahead and pointed forward. Randy followed with the same stride. "If they ask for money, you're paying, Cunningham!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. To the tacos!"

This was their time to shine.

A/N: I guess you could say I'm a semi-pro at writing Danny's POV, but I'm not really used to writing Jake and Randy. I'll try my best, though.

I have most of what I'm supposed to write planned out, and I'll try to keep the chapters somewhat short (This chapter was like a third of my original plans for the first chapter) so then I should be able to update fairly regularly, if I have a nice response to this. I mean, I honestly don't like writing when people don't seem to be reading.

By the way, Weyden Camp is a reference to Walden Camp from The Parent Trap, one of my favorite movies, which inspired me to write this fic after I rewatched it. I miss Lindsey Lohan. Now she's dead to me. :(

I've got great plans for this story. Anyway, this is all for the first chapter, I hope I caught your interest.

So Review, Fave and/or Follow, and I'll see you next time. o/