Chapter 3: I'm here if you need me
No one's POV
Arizona is finally done for the day, so she grabs her stuff, so she can go home. Arizona and Callie are supposed to be having a talk about their baby. Arizona can't believe she let Lauren encourage her to go to a college party. Her parents are going to kill her.
Arizona walks out to the hallway; she stops when she sees Callie talking to Mark. Arizona can't help but to smile when she sees the Latina, don't get Arizona wrong, yes, she's fresh out of high school and pregnant, but Callie took care of her that night. All the blonde wants to know if Callie really is up to taking care of her and the baby.
Callie looks up at her, and smiles. Mark nods and heads out of the doors, Callie walk up to her baby mama.
"Hey, I was about to come and find you, but Mark stopped me." Callie said.
Arizona nods. "We have to talk, Callie, we can't pretend that nothing ever happened between us. We're having a baby together." Arizona said.
"I know, believe me. I'm sorry, about the things that I did, I took advantage of you." Callie told the blonde.
"Callie...we were both drunk that night. Look, let's go down to the café and talk. I'll feel much better with us talking there." Arizona grabs Callie's hand and they head across the street.
Callie opens the door for Arizona, the blonde smiles at her for being a gentlewoman. Callie points to an empty window seat. They walk over to the table and take a seat.
"So, is there anything that you need?" Callie asked the mother of child nervously.
Arizona chuckles at Callie's cuteness. "Don't be nervous around me, Callie. You have nothing to worry about. Just as long as you answer when I call you, we're okay. There'll be times I'll need you." Arizona said with a smirk.
Callie clears her throat. "Oh, yeah. Just as long as you're okay with it. I…uh know sex is useful during a woman's pregnancy." Callie said blushing deep red.
"Callie, it's not like we're new to sex. I mean it's going to happen, and besides I don't think you would be happy knowing somebody is else is pleasuring me." Arizona said.
"You damn right. Look, I'm not the cheating type, Arizona. I stick with one girl, don't get me wrong, I was careless about what I did to you, but it's both our faults. I'm always going to be here." Callie reaches over to touch her hand.
"That's all I want, Callie. I don't need my significant other bailing out on me. I don't want to do this by myself." Arizona admits. The blonde is beyond scared at this point.
"Hey, I'm here if you need me." Callie told her with a smile.
Arizona nods. "I don't want to go home. Can I crash at yours tonight?" The blonde asked.
"Sure. I don't mind, I stay with Lexie for now. We have a spare room." Callie said with a smile.
"Okay, is it okay if we start heading over to your place?" The blonde asked.
"Sure. Come on. Lexie would be thrilled to meet you." Callie helped Arizona up, and they walk to their cars. Arizona followed Callie over to her and Lexie's place.
At Callie's and Lexie's
Callie opens the door and sees Lexie sitting on the couch eating some baked spaghetti.
"Hey, Lex." Callie greets shutting the door after Arizona entered.
Lexie turns to greet her, but her eyes widen when she sees Arizona.
"Hello." Arizona waves at the brunette. "Good to see you again."
Lexie pauses the TV. "Hey, I just fixed this. You guys hungry?" Lexie asked standing up.
"I could eat something. Where's your restroom?" Arizona asked hanging up her purse.
"Oh, down the hall on the right." Callie said putting her bag up.
"Thanks." Arizona heads to the bathroom.
Lexie looks at her best friend with a raised brow. "Callie? What's going on?" Lexie asked.
"Don't be mad. She doesn't want to go home, because something happened." Callie said nervously.
Lexie knows the Latina like a book. "Callie? I'm your best friend. You can't hide anything from me. You know I'm going to find out anyway. So, what's going on?"
"Well…." Callie starts off.
"I'm pregnant." Arizona said from the hallway.
Lexie turns to look at the blonde then back at Callie. "You didn't." Lexie said in shock.
"Lexie, I…."
"Stop." Lexie holds her hand up for Callie to stop talking. "How old are you, love? I know you're younger than 20." Lexie said.
"I'm 18, I turn 19 in 4 months." Arizona said in a small whisper.
"18? Fucking 18, Callie?! Have you lost your damn mind?" Lexie asked punching Callie in the shoulder.
"OW! I was drunk. I'm sorry, Lex. I fucked up, but I do have a child on the way, and I need my best friend." Callie said rubbing her shoulder.
Lexie sighs. "Callie, I'm all down for helping you. Shit, okay so did you guys tell your parents yet?" Lexie places her hands on her hips.
"No, we didn't. We think that we should tomorrow." Arizona said sitting at the kitchen table.
Lexie nods. "Okay, I think you guys should wait. Look, I know you guys want to be honest, but still I don't need your parents trying to arrest Callie."
"They won't. This is on me too. Besides, I'm 18. I'm basically an adult. I don't want my parents running my life anymore. This was my decision to make, not theirs." Arizona said.
"Well, it's good to have to here, Arizona." Lexie said giving the young girl a hug before going back over to her dinner.
"Thanks. I'm going to go settle in." Arizona said walking to the back.
"Let me show you." Callie follows her. Callie opens the guest room and shows Arizona.
"I know it's not much, but it's something for you and the baby." Callie said.
"It's fine. Thank you." Arizona goes to sit on the bed and relaxes.
Callie smiles. "How does the mattress feel?" She asked.
"Amazing. It is tempur-pedic?" The blonde asked feeling the softness from the mattress.
"Yeah, Mark and I know a guy who sells Mattress. We kind of sold him some weed for 3 of them." Callie said clearing her throat.
Arizona shrugs. "I would've done the same thing. These mattresses are expensive."
Callie goes to sit down beside her baby mama. "I won't leave you or the baby. My parents didn't want me to become an orthopedic. They said it was a waist of time, but that's why I went to college. I want to help people." Callie said softly.
"I love babies. I know we're going to be good parents, Callie. I've helped my cousin raise her child, and now I'm having one. I just got out of a horrible relationship, and I don't want to be a rebound to you." Arizona takes her shoes off.
"You're not. I want to try too. I'm not perfect with relationships, but I'm all about family. You and the baby are my family now, I take care of mines." Callie replies.
Arizona. "You're sweet. Thank you. Well, let's go try some of Lexie's cooking. I hope it's not horrible." Arizona giggles.
"I'm an amazing cook, thank you!" Lexie yells from the living room. "You guys are such saps." Lexie laughs.
"I am starving." Callie stands up holding her hand out for Arizona to take.
"We both are." Arizona pats her flat stomach and walks into the kitchen with Callie.
Arizona thinks. She could get use to this.
End of this chapter. Aww sweet Calzona moments. You guys are going to love Lexie it this story. Callie and Mark will talk next chapter. Arizona's parents will show up at her job. Lexie gets a love interest, that causes suspicion with Callie and Mark. Till next time.