A/N: While watching DBZ(kai unfortunately, on toonami) I began wondering, what if Frieza never blew up the Saiyans and instead made an example of them annihilating a portion of their population as a fear tactic, keep them under his thumb... Then I thought, no.

So enjoy this story.

DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN DB/Z/SUPER/GT OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS. What I do own are several Ron Paul books and a Pip-Boy 3000.


Gohan jumped out of bed, freaked out by the sudden surge in power. When he looked around the building he was in was not his house or his room. He walked to a window and saw a red planet and a red sky. He felt larger than normal powers very close by, "Where am I? I've only been on 3 planets and this is certainly not one of them." Gohan said curiously as he walked over to what looked like some sort of clothing storage.

He opened it and saw several pairs of Saiyan armor, like he had while on Namek. "This is making less and less sense as I go through." He said while looking through this room.

Suddenly the door opened and his father and little brother walked in wearing the armor. "Tora, why aren't you dressed yet? Lord Frieza is sending us on a mission." Goku said as Gohan looked at him weirdly.

"Father? My name isn't Tora, it's Gohan." Gohan said as Goku looked at him oddly and laughed boisterously.

"Nonsense. You were named after my father's fallen friend. Now get dressed, we have to clear a planet for Lord Frieza." Goku said as Gohan realized what he just said.

"LORD FRIEZA?! Frieza's been dead for 12 years! You killed him when I was 6!" Gohan freaked as Goku grabbed him by the mouth and held him down.

"BE QUIET!" Goku barked as he looked around, "We're working on a revolt against Frieza! But if you go around screaming stuff like that, like an idiot, the plan will go out the window! If it does, you'll be out that window as well." Goku said as he let Gohan's mouth go and stood up and began walking out of the room.

Surprised by his father's threat to his life, he stood and paused for a second before calling out, "Father!" Gohan stopped Goku, "What is your name?" Gohan asked with a serious look.

Goku looked back with a prideful smirk, "Kakarot, son of Bardock! 2nd Class Warrior of the Saiyan Army." Kakarot said before continuing out the door.

Gohan got dressed, looking at himself with disgust in the mirror. "So this is what my life would've been like on Planet Vegeta, eh? I have to find a way home." he said as he went downstairs to see his mother at the sink, looking overworked and tired. "Mother?" He asked in surprise as he didn't expect his human mother to be on the planet.

"Hello sir, good to see you awake." Chi-chi said obediently, and for the first time in Gohan's life he wasn't scared of his mother going on a frying pan rampage, and he knew that was the worst possibility. He loved his mother that way, not like an obedient slave.

"Mother, I am your son, not your master. Call me by my first name like a mother should." Gohan said kindly as he put his hand on her shoulder causing her to flinch.

"Of course not, sir, that'd be inappropriate. Go sit with Master Kakarot, breakfast will be done in a few minutes." Chi-chi said keeping her eyes forward.

Before obeying, reluctantly he kissed his mother on the cheek and whispered to her, "Everything is wrong and I'm going to make it right. I promise you mother." and walked to the table.

Chi-chi smiled as she touched her cheek, this wasnt the son she was used to, she felt happier knowing that and went back to making breakfast happily.

As Gohan sat down the door to the house slammed open and in through the doorway walked a short man with spiky black hair with a bald man walking beside him. "KAKAROT! Are you and your mutts ready to go yet!?" the man barked as Gohan glared at that title.

"Yes Prince Vegeta, we are ready as soon as possible." Kakarot said as he bowed before the short man with Goten following suit.

Vegeta noticed Gohan hadn't bowed and glared at the boy. "So brat, you aren't bowing this time? Do you not remember what happened last time?" Vegeta asked with a smirk as he held his hand up readying a ki blast.

Gohan sensed it was a weak ki blast that couldn't hurt him if he tried. His eyes reacted in shock as Vegeta pointed it at Chi-chi. Without hesitating he bowed, "I apologize Prince Vegeta, just dont hurt my mother." Gohan said as he thought that maybe this is why Goku seemed so cruel and obedient to the man, he wanted to keep his wife safe. 'My father is in there somewhere. He must be.' Gohan thought as he hung his head low from the shame of bowing to someone who's life he has saved.

"That's better brat." He said with an evil smirk before shooting the blast at his mother's leg. "That's to make sure you remember next time mutt." Vegeta said annoyed before walking out, "Nappa, brief them on the mission." he ordered as he left.

"I'll give you 1 minute to clean up the slave before I come in and drag you all out to go on this mission." Nappa said as he stepped just outside the door.

"TORA! You clean the woman up!" Kakarot said harshly as he stepped out with Nappa.

Goten walked up to Gohan, "Tora? why didn't you bow to Prince Vegeta?" Goten asked as Gohan looked at his little brother sadly.

"I just hesitated, It won't happen again." Gohan said as Goten seemed satisfied, following his father. Gohan rushed to his mother. "Mother, I'm so sorry. I didn't think Vegeta would do that!" Gohan said as he put his hand over her wound.

"This will tingle for a second, but a friend taught me how to do this on Earth after Cell was defeated." Gohan said as his hands glowed gold and Chi-chi's wound healed.

"Sweetie... you've never been on Earth. I don't know what you're talking about, but you dont seem like the delinquent son my husband raised, if you want to survive, I suggest you return to that boy." Chi-chi said as she stood up and hugged her son for the first and what she thought would be the last time.

Gohan was shocked by her words but returned the hug lovingly, like the good son his mother raised and stepped out the door.

"Nappa didn't want to wait, he briefed me, i'll brief you. Also, next time you do something foolish to bring harm to my wife, I won't hesitate to wipe you off the face of the planet." Kakarot said venomously. Gohan nodded in agreement before what seemed to be a scarred clone of his father appeared.

"Kakarot, I'm sure you need to brief your sons, but I need Tora. The Prince cleared him to stay behind." the scarred man said as Kakarot nodded. The scarred man motioned Gohan to follow him.

When in a small cove, nobody nearby the man looked seriously at Gohan. "My name is Bardock, you're grandfather. When your father was a baby, a Kanassan graced me with the ability to see the future. What I saw was Frieza destroying the Saiyans, your father going to Earth, then to Namek to fight and win against Frieza. Somehow, that never happened, now I remember 2 timelines." Bardock said as Gohan looked at him confused.

"Why are you telling me grandfather?" Gohan asked as Bardock looked around again to make sure nobody was around.

"Because, I know who you truly are, Son Gohan." Bardock said as Gohan looked at him in shock.

That was the Prologue. Hopefully you enjoyed it because I havent enjoyed writing a chapter so much since The Refugees and The Colony.

Read & Review. :)