Chapter 1
AU: Hi this is my first fanfiction so I really hope you like it. Its how I would write the time jump if I was a pll writer. Hope you like it and please review.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything.
If she hadn't have asked Caleb for space them she wouldn't be in this mess now.
If she hadn't have asked for space then Caleb wouldn't have needed to make up with her. And she wouldn't be sat on her toilet staring down at a positive pregnancy test.
"Hanna? Are you okay honey?" Ashley called from outside the door.
Ashley had been first to pick up on Hanna's symptoms. Her sickness, always being hungry and being late.
She drove to the drug store and insisted Hanna take the tests.
She knew her and Caleb were active and although she trusted her daughter she wouldn't put it past them to get too carried away and forget to use protection every now and again. Which is exactly what had happened.
Hanna slowly opened the door and collapsed into her mothers arms,tears falling from her cheeks. She didn't need to explain.
"Oh,Hanna." She soothed rubbing her daughters back. She couldn't say she was disappointed in Hanna. She could never be disappointed in her after every thing she'd been through she couldn't blame her for being careless.
"What am going to do?" Hanna sobbed. She was scared having only just graduated high school, she was supposed to be moving to New York with Caleb at the end of summer to start at NYU and Caleb was starting his new job. They were still teenagers. They couldn't have a baby.
"I don't know honey, but first you need to tell Caleb." Ashley said pulling away to look into her eyes.
Hanna shook her head. "I can't, w-what if he doesn't want it?" She sobbed.
"Hanna look at me," she said making Hanna look up again. "That boy is head over heals in love with you. He would be making the biggest mistake of his life leaving you and the baby and given his childhood, I don't think Caleb would leave his child without a father."
"That's the point, he never had a dad when he was younger, he has no one to follow." She said her cries dying down.
"You a least have to tell him." Ashley replied leading Hanna down stairs.
Caleb would be coming around any minute any way celebrate Hanna's graduation as they had been banned from the school celebrations. Ted was coming too.
"Hey, Ash, the door was open I let myself in." Ted said approaching his fiancé and kissing her cheek.
"Hi Hanna, are you okay?" He asked as Hanna turned her head to the side wiping her tears away. She knew Ted would never judge her in but being a church minister, Hanna had broken one of the rules.
"Yeah, I'm fine." She said weakly.
Ashley placed a hand on Hanna's shoulder as they walked over to the living room to wait for Caleb to arrive.
Hanna sat their nervously chewing on her nails thinking about the tiny baby inside her. Ted exchanged glances with Ashley silently asking if every thing was okay, but she just shook her head letting him know she would explain later.
After a few minutes the door bell rang. Hanna looked at her mother who gave her an encouraging smile.
She walked over to the door and opened it.
"Hey Han. What's up?" Caleb asked as he stepping in the door noticing her red, tear stained cheeks.
"Um, I, I need to tell you something." She whispered as her eyes filled with tears again. Caleb could sense how serious she was from the way she looked up at him. He stepped closer to her and placed his warm hand in her wet cheek.
"Caleb l... lm pregnant." She said looking down afraid of his reaction.
The room fell silent. Caleb looked shell-shocked as he processed what had come out of her mouth.
"Is, is it mine?" He finally said filling the silence as he moved his hand away from her.
Hanna looked up at him hurt that this was all he was able to say. She nodded slowly. Of course it was his, he was the only person she'd ever slept with.
"Oh." He sighed rubbing his face with the palms of his hand. He moved his hand to his fore head and ran it through his hair processing that fact that he would be a father at eighteen.
"I, I need some air." He said opening the door and walking outside.
Hanna burst into tears again and slowly sat down on the bottom step burying her head in her knees. Ashley quickly got up and walked over to Hanna from the sofa where her and Ted had been listening. She sat down next to Hanna and pulled her into her arms.
Ashley didn't know what to say. She hadn't expected Caleb to run up to Hanna and spin her around in his arms but she didn't expect him to walk out.
Caleb made his way down the drive and opened his car door as the cool air hit him. "Shit!" He mumbled . He had just walked out on the only girl he had ever loved. She had just told him she was carrying his child and he walked was scared but she must be shitting herself in there knowing that she would have to give birth to a baby in a few months and was probably thinking she would have to go through it alone now. He slammed the car door shut and headed back inside.
Hanna herd Caleb slam his car door shut and sobbed even louder.
"He's really left me, hasn't he." She cried.
Ashley just pulled her in tighter for a hug unable to say anything that would comfort Hanna. She pressed a kiss into her hair as there was another knock at the door.
"Caleb." She said sternly, trying to hide how happy she was to see him come back.
Hanna stood up when she herd his name. "Hanna," Caleb said gently pushing pass Ashley to get to Hanna.
"I'm so sorry." He stopped right in front of her as their eyes locked. He could tell how hurt she was by him leaving and adding that on top of the fact that she had just found out she's pregnant she was a mess. He reached for her hands but she pulled away.
"I don't know what happened. I just needed some air, to get my head around it. I'm so so sorry Hanna, please forgive me." He poured his heart out placing his hand on her cheek wiping away her tears.
Hanna could tell he was really sorry by the way he looked at her, the way his eyes turned a darker shade of brown and the way he looked straight into hers not afraid to show her his emotions.
She nodded and let Caleb engulf her in a hug. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he held her close to his body. When she pulled away Caleb peeled his eyes away from hers and looked down at her flat belly. He slowly placed his hand on it, looking back at her unsure of how she would react. Hanna placed her hand on top of his and, for the first time since finding out she was pregnant, she smiled. Caleb smiled back and pulled her chin up with his hand to place a soft kiss on her lips. "I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too." She smiled resting her head on his shoulder.
Ashley was making her way back to Ted but there was another knock on the door. She opened the door to Tom and Isabel.
"Hello Ashley."
"Hello. What are you doing here?" She asked politely.
"We thought we'd pay a visit and congratulate Hanna on her graduation." Tom replied.
Ashley reluctantly let them inside.
"Hello Hanna, Caleb." Tom said making Hanna turn around to face him. She was surprised to him here and didn't want to tell him about her pregnancy especially straight after telling Caleb.
"What are you doing here ?" She asked icily.
"Hanna." Ashley warned not wanting an argument.
Tom looked down at Caleb's hand that was still testing on Hanna's belly and then looked back up at her tear stained cheeks. "Hanna, what's going on ?"
Hanna exchanged worried glances with her mother.
"I'm… pregnant." She said quietly knowing that she wouldn't be able to put it off for much longer and telling her dad now would mean she wouldn't have to see him again for a while.
"What!" He replied. "And your okay with this." He asked pointing at Ashley.
"No, of course not. But raising your voice at her isn't going to help." She replied calmly.
"Can I speak to Hanna. Alone." He said looking directly at Caleb.
He was about to argue back when Ashley placed a hand on his arm silencing him. She knew how protective of Hanna he was, especially now she was carrying his child, but now wasn't the time for Caleb to speak up.
"Come into the kitchen." She said leading Tom, Isabel and Hanna into the kitchen.
Caleb just stood there for a minute debating whether to join them but decided against it because Ashley's reaction to the news hadn't been so bad and he didn't want to ruin it. He made his way to the living room where Ted was sat quietly listening.
Caleb sighed and sat down on the sofa held his head in his hands bouncing his knee nervously.
"Is it Caleb's?" Tom asked and Hanna nodded in response.
"What are you going to do with it?" He questioned.
Hanna was hurt by this comment. "What do you mean?"
"Are you going to get an abortion?"
"No. What do you think I am. I'm not going get rid of my child just because it wasn't planned." She shouted back.
"It's more than unplanned Hanna. Your eighteen for god sake, And pregnant with some high school boyfriends baby." He shouted back.
"Caleb is not just some high school boyfriend. I love him." She said causing Tom to scoff.
"He has been there through everything. I was kidnapped for three weeks and you didn't even call. Caleb was out there looking for me everyday until he found me. I was stalked and tortured for two years and he was there for me. He knows all my secrets and I know all of his."
She said running into the living room to Caleb.
He stood up when he heard her coming. She had tears in her eyes and a furious look on her face. He gripped onto her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Tom followed her and approached Caleb.
"You did this." He said pointing his index finger right in Caleb's face.
Caleb wasn't sure how to respond. He wanted to put Tom right and tell him he shouldn't shout at his daughter like he was but knew that would make the situation worse.
"It takes two you know. He didn't do anything I didn't want." Hanna spoke up not letting her dad talk to Caleb like that. "Although you like to sleep with a few different women."
This tipped Tom over the edge. He lunged forward and punched Caleb in the face.
"TOM! What are you doing." Ashley shouted as she put herself in between Tom and Caleb. Ted stood up behind Tom ready to hold him back if he took another swing.
Hanna could see Caleb's chest and shoulders rising as he breathed, a clear sign his temper was rising.
She ran her hand down his forearm to try and calm him down. As much as she wanted him to return the favour she knew it would make everything worse.
"I think you should go." Ashley told her ex husband.
"Ow." Caleb moaned as Hanna pressed an ice pack on his swollen cheek.
They were laying on her bed as her mom and Ted talked down stairs.
"Stay still." She warned laying her head on his chest, still holding the ice pack to his face. "I'm sorry my dad punched you."
"It's okay, as long as he doesn't touch you." He replied rubbing his hand over her belly.
She pressed a kiss into his chest as they lay in silence.
"What are we going to do?" She sighed looking up at him.
"About the baby." She said as her eyes filled with tears again.
Caleb noticed and wrapped his arms around her tighter. "It'll be fine. I promise." He said kissing her temple
AU: Hope you like it please review xxxxx